Elder Scrolls Online - [Daily] Set discussion: Coward's Gear

[Daily] Set discussion: Coward's Gear

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 01:00 AM PST

Coward's Gear

Obtainable as: Jewels, Weapons, Medium Armor

Type: PvP

Location: Battlegrounds


Set Bonuses

Items Bonus
2 Adds 1206 Maximum Health
3 Adds 129 Stamina Recovery
4 Adds 129 Stamina Recovery
5 While Sprinting you gain Major Expedition and Major Protection, increasing your Movement Speed and reducing your damage taken by 30%.


Be sure to think about strengths, weaknesses, counters, and synergies in your discussions. Please vote based on contribution, not opinion.


Information about this set was provided by ElderScrollsBote. I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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Guild Fair Friday - Advertise your guild, Find a guild!

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 01:00 AM PST

Hey folks,

Welcome to our new recurring post to help you find a guild on the subreddit!

If you have a guild, you're allowed to post ONCE. If you're looking for a guild, you can also post. Your post should have -

1) Server (NA or EU), Faction (if applicable), and Type of Guild (Social, PvE, PvP, Hardcore Endgame, Trade, Mixed)

For recruiters, also include

2) Current member numbers

3) Guild recruiting message

4) How to apply

As always, be polite and respectful, and good luck finding a guild!  

I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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meme i made about my poor financial decisions

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 03:22 AM PST

Darien Gautier (Player Character)

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:41 AM PST

It’s cool dude, just sit wherever

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:59 PM PST

[Guide] Comprehensive Guide to PvP in Main Cyrodiil

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:09 AM PST


Hello All :) This is something both my guild and I have been working on for quite some time. It's been a bit of a labor of love to help our fellow guild members prepare for PvP. It can be intimidating to get started in PvP and we want to grow and educate the community.

This may have some mistakes or errors that need to be corrected and feedback is welcome. Any additions people think would be helpful will be appreciated as well. It is quite lengthy, but it's hard to distill PvP down to a few sound bites.

Please enjoy and it's always a pleasure to be part of this community. Thanks.

submitted by /u/jlaw54
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[Media][Guide] A new version of my little Undaunted Pledges guide (updated according to the feedback I received on the first post).

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:50 AM PST

When there is a new crown store costume

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:23 AM PST

It’s so sad being a dps guy

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:23 PM PST

[Discussion] What Do You Feel Most Guilty About in ESO?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:32 PM PST

Surprisingly enough, I feel worst about my Nix-Ox. I got it for free during the Morrowind promotion, and loved how the thing looked. But after finding out exactly how they are tamed "The Dunmer basically capture young Ox, crack open the shell, and operate and remove bits of the nerve center. Sounds like a lobotomy, and results in an absolute husk of a living thing. There is a book in Vivec Library with gruesome detail." I feel so, so sorry for it. I'm trying to convince myself my mount wasn't treated that way, maybe it was an old one that got tamed the old-fashioned way?

Dammit, Zenimax, you write good lore, but you've ruined my free mount. I can't wait for Update 17 to get my first "normal" horse. Surely that will be guilt-free?...

I guess I also feel kinda guilty over stealing everything that's not nailed down, but all the sweet gold and occasional motif silence my conscience.

submitted by /u/supeerlazy
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Epic moments

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:22 PM PST

What is everyone's most epic moment when playing eso

Mine is when I took my friend into cyrodiil for the first time and we were holding nickel outpost from about 15 enemies and then I see in zone chat Zerg heading for nickel, and I was like pppft probably just another 10 enemies

Well I thought that until my level 12 friend starts screaming and saying there is an army at the front door But they hadn't attacked the castle yet so it didn't appear under attack so we were able to grab a few soldiers and tell them to teleport to nickel

Anyway, we all charged out of the door like in lord of the rings and we destroyed them, about 200 bodies on the floor and we only lost 3

submitted by /u/XJackatakX
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Can someone explain a guild policy on no costumes in trials?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:39 PM PST

First, why is it believed that a costume can cause lag?

How exactly could a costume cause lag?

I can see how a personality/pet would be somewhat more to process.

From where I'm sitting, it would seem that a costume would be no more of a burden than your normal appearance - and even less if the game doesn't have to render your individial armor pieces.

Spitballing here, is it that the armor appearance is rendered along with the costume and then overridden?

If this is actually an issue, will this continue with Outfits?

submitted by /u/Jotunnal
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Underutilized Skills- Fighters Guild

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:42 PM PST

So I've been Pouring over skill-trees as of late for Theory Crafting and I would really like Zos to take a pass over some of the Guild skill trees to supply some interesting game-play options.

So starting off with Fighters Guild:

Silver Bolts- I really like the Theme and Idea of this skill, but it doesn't do much. I would say increase the damage or as long as the slow persists it would also bleed.

-Sliver Leash should be turned into a Pull rather than a gap closer, this would allow a pull for non Dk or Warden Tanks.

Circle of protection- Really awesome skill but too expensive, I would lower the Cost to 5500 and make the Buffs not connected to a the current Minor Buffs, so it would give 8% Damage Reduction & 10% Stam Recovery, this way it could stack on top of those buffs.

-Ring of Preservation- I'd change the morph to Restore Stam/Mag while in the ring creating a Stamina based resource management tool

So those are some of my thought to rework some skills in the Fighters Guild, what would you change in this tree?

submitted by /u/Mr_Stach
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PUGs and fulfilling your role in group content - veteran's point of view.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:24 AM PST

Every few days I see a post here in eso reddit about a PUG dungeon run where someone couldn't do their role properly, someone was an asshole and someone got kicked. While very often the problem indeed is that somebody is an arse, the other side of the argument - new/low level player is dead weight - is often forgotten, thus the reason for this post.

First of all, I don't think the combat in eso is hard, it should be self explanatory that melee weapons, weapon damage is meant for stamina based weapon skills, and spell damage and magicka is for magic, spells. Healing spells are meant to heal and taunts are for tank to takes damage on himself. Thus next logical step is that these 3 "types" are meant for 3 different roles in groups, roles that again are self explanatory - healers heals etc. So by choosing one of them when going to dungeon you must understand that now you are obliged to fulfill that role. A few days ago I saw a post about run where tank couldn't taunt. While in that particular situation the other players were not definitely not nice, point is that tank went in there with role that he cannot perform, so you cannot only blame person who expects a role to be fulfilled. For example imagine you get into a taxi, yet the driver doesn't know how to drive. Would start teaching him there ? Most likely not, you would get angry/annoyed/laugh, get out, slam the door and call another taxi. Another example: I'm currently leading a progression raiding guild. Every person in the 12 people group has to do their task or is simply kicked from the group, because he is slowing down the remaining 11. Just like 3 in dungeon has to waste their time dragging the one who is doing as much as potato sack.

Now I can see incoming "you can't force everyone to use meta and be top dps" and "play the way you want" arguments, and those are true. Yet I do not meant that if you go to normal dungeon, you need 40k dps, obviously not. For the content I'm talking about - normal and basic veteran dungeons, very basic sets and skills+weapons chosen by the magicka/stamina preference will suffice. But when a person comes to a dungeon wielding single dagger and only presses light attack (achieving astonish 2k dps) maybe after all he should not have come here. If you don't know what healing staff is, maybe you should not have come as healer. If you don't know what taunt is, maybe you should not have come as tank. And getting help is definitely not hard. Tons of websites, game tutorials, other people. IF you want to learn you will, if you don't you have no right to cry because everything you need is there. There's no in between. From here comes another problem, mashing together group content and quests. In the overland zones the combat is not there to provide you real challenge, it's there to make use of core game mechanic and slow you down, extend your play time (e.g. "collect 10 medallions" stages in quests ). It is not made to require you to think about your play style or work on builds. Yet as I talked above, group content does at least a little. It is a fault of community and game tropes I think, we usually just mash these two together as PVE, and thus new player does not realize that by joining dungeon run he's moving to different aspect of the game.

And now the last point is something I myself experienced during last dungeon running event. Many low levels, don't want or care to actually get better. I do not mind giving advice like use that skill, use that weapon, stand there etc. But very rarely person pays any attention. Which turns off people like me who would help and be nice. Why should I when it simply will not be appreciated. Then when I'm running with 2 friends and we get cp100 in group, its much easier to kick him than try complete run with him. During the event I mentioned, was soloing normal dungeon with 3 bags of meat going behind, doing nothing. They were using me, my experience, my time to get dragged for free stuff. And I think nobody wants that. Now I rather don't do pledges than go with PUGs because I do not wish to waste my time, earning stuff for people who do not deserve it because they did not put any time or thought in.

(TL;DR) So to conclude, I do not want to excuse people who are straight up assholes. But if a player goes to group content he has to be able to carry his own weight, or face the reality that he's useless and should not be in that content.

Thats the opinion of player since day 1. What do you guys think ?

submitted by /u/Stroggnonimus
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Issue With Nocturnal Dress

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:02 PM PST

Hello folks! So I bought the new Nocturnal dress and I know a lot of people aren't happy with the price, appearance, etc. So far though, I have enjoyed it. However I just noticed a problem. There's a hole in the armpit whilst wearing it. If I aim my camera up from the ground, I can see my head through it.

(For those teetering on buying the dress: It doesn't take dyes that great unless you use the super bright, rare ones. The neckline is gold-trimmed and cannot be dyed.)

submitted by /u/RainbowMc
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To the man with a shovel,

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:55 AM PST

This one was being pestered by a overly sensitive woman who would not leave well enough alone and decided to assault me while in town. She didn't think it was too funny that Gex had moved some of her items from her pocket this this ones bag. Gex had no choice but to end her life for making such a production about the matter. While standing over her body a nice man rode near and got down off his horse, pulled out a shovel and said "let me help you my friend". This one was thankful to be done with this embarrassing situation so quickly.

I really love the ESO community :-) I've played about 2 months and didn't even know there was a shovel emote and since I've found instruments and all kinds of things!

submitted by /u/GeckoBite
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If you fellas don't mind me asking about Morrowind

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:44 PM PST

About how many hours does it add to gameplay? I have an opportunity to download it and I would like to know if it is worth it, asking by a guy who plays with a buddy

submitted by /u/AwesomeAggron1
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Returning player from years ago. Now on ps4. A little direction on builds pls?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 12:31 AM PST

Hey guys. Read a bit here. But was hoping for some concentrated advice I could quickly reference....

Started messing around with the game today. About 10 hrs. Day off.... made a nord tank 2h with bow templar thing. And a dunmer fire dragon dual wielding thing. Both lvl 5... feeling em out and stuff. Not too attached at this point.

So in you guys opinion what's a good main these days? I enjoy all roles so what is the community seeing as lacking in end game dungeons and pvp? How can I support an eventual guild I join?

Race and class and pointers would be cool. Whatever is in your head. Thanks in advance.

Have fun kill bad guys.

submitted by /u/thishorizon
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Good place to farm armor/weps for deconstruction?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 12:01 AM PST

I'm trying to get my crafting to level 50 and I wanna know if there are any good mobs and locations that I can farm for mats and crafting inspiration. Non DLC areas, please. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Grymsta
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4 Wardens Later: I Freaking Love the Warden Class!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:27 AM PST

So I'm not sure if it's just me, but I'm really enjoying my time with my Wardens, I have a Healer, a Tank, a Stamden DPS, and a Magden DPS.

Now I know that my Magden falls behind with DPS compared to other classes, but the Utility, the Heals, the CC, it's all great to me.

My latest venture was my Stamden and I really underestimated the usefulness of the Stamina Morphs and overall speed of the class.

If you've been on the fence on creating a Warden, give it a shot, you might like it.

So what is your Favorite Class/Build?

submitted by /u/Mr_Stach
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Infinite loading screen - PC/NA

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:14 PM PST

I only recently started playing ESO (2 characters, 11 and 14) and this is the first bug I've encountered. Please excuse my lack of knowledge of Tamriel geography.

I was in Auridon trying to use the wayshrine near the bank in the first big city to do the Long Lost Lore quest for the Mages Guild and got an infinite loading screen.

Is there a fix for this? Or just restart? Would have posted on the official infinite loading thread but I don't know how to get an invite to the official forums.

submitted by /u/6_60_6
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Could anyone show me what an Ebonshadow Jerkin looks like on a female character dyed completely Transliminal Violet?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:38 PM PST

Bit of a weird request but I don't currently have the means to do this myself and I'm curious. Thanks :)

submitted by /u/cloudrestingonpretty
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PC-NA Nothing Is Selling, Why?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 02:11 AM PST

I can put columbine up for 2¢ and it will not sell. My guilds still have their regular guild traders. I've played this game for a year so I am not an incompetent seller. What happen?

submitted by /u/Jemcrystal
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So I have a un used magwarden

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 02:04 AM PST

I might have fun with this as a dps I just don't play it but I'm th inning of just making a decent damage tank with torugs pact and maybe a health set? 2 ice staves make a magika ice build but instead of trying to make it a decent dps just tanking and being a cc king with all the chill? Any ideas for it. Torugs with crushing plus maybe using another damage set like 3 will power and ice heart or something? I haven't decided but I want something different the games been getting dull at times I got my strong builds and I wanna spruce it up

submitted by /u/cadeross
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Asking for another 87GB install after downloading 66GB on Steam?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:15 PM PST

I just downloaded ESO from Steam at 66GB. I don't have the Morrowind Expansion or anything, but since I have downloaded and launched the game, it is now saying I need 87GB of free space. I am using a bootcamp partition, and don't have enough room to install another 87GB on top of an already 66GB.

Anyone know if this is a mess up, or if the total will be 150GB?!

submitted by /u/adelefy
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M'aiq wonders why Nocturnal is brighter than the sun?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 12:57 AM PST

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