Diablo - Season 13 Tier List + 10 best builds (solo GR pushing)

Season 13 Tier List + 10 best builds (solo GR pushing)

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 11:07 AM PST

Hey folks,

Here's this season's tier list.

If you'd like to watch the video for analysis on the changes, here it is.

TL:DW - Condemn turned out to be stronger than expected, deserving of its own tier, but it's not ridiculously overpowered like Trag lance in Season 11. Most builds dropped in tier simply because Condemn muscled its way into its own tier; builds that dropped less performed slightly above our conservative season 12 expectations - this was anticipated. Overall game balance looks slightly worse than it was going into Season 12, but still in a good spot.

submitted by /u/Rhykker
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TurboHud has been thwarted and the author says there is only a slight chance it will ever work again

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 05:43 PM PST


I suppose this will affect bots also.

submitted by /u/zuldar
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D3 Streamers unite for #LevelWithACause charity event during Season 13 start, February 23rd till 25th

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 01:21 PM PST

#LevelWithACause is a reoccurring community charity event held across several Diablo 3 Twitch streams that unite on the first weekend of a season to raise money for various charities! Last season the community funded Take This, an organization specializing in educating the gaming community about mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. From November 9th till 11th, the Diablo community managed to raise an incredible amount of $6,340 for Take This! During the Season 11 start of Diablo 3 #LevelWithACause raised over $7,500 for the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. For this weekend's start the event will fundraise Save The Children.

The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries.

We are very happy to announce that this season's community event will be sponsored by Blizzard. Throughout the event a total of five Diablo III: Battle Chests and a total of five Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer DLCs will be raffled - a huge thank you to @Diablo!

The event will take place from February 23rd to 25th over several Diablo 3 streams. Look for #LevelWithACause in the Twitch stream titles.

EU Region

Streamer Gamemode Dates Start Info
bigdaddyden76 SC 02/23-02/25 4:00 PM CET BigDaddyDen76 is a senior member of the Diablo 3 community. Not only is he an older gentleman in comparison to his fellow community members but also will he celebrate his 5th anniversary as a Diablo 3 content creator this march! Join Tony for his Season 13 start playing - who would've guessed Witch Doctor - and maybe you are one of the lucky people to win a Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer DLC!
sVr SC (Solo Self Found) 02/23-02/25 4:00 PM CET sVr is a well known theorycrafter within the Diablo 3 community, with several contributions throughout multiple seasons. His stream is fairly new (07/2017) with his main focus being educational in terms of game knowledge & mechanics. For the LWAC Charity Event he invites to his stream participating in Season 13's 'Solo-Self-Found-Community'-League. Tag along with Mat to have a chance of winning a Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer DLC!
TiiaAurora SC 02/23-02/25 4:00 PM CET TiiaAurora is a german variety streamer who always comes back to Diablo 3 during the seasons. Fun gameplay and entertaining the stream are more important to her than running highest greater rifts or breaking records. Casual fun gameplay and bringing together people is what she focusses on.
VivianVandalized SC 02/23-02/25 4:00 PM CET VivianVandalized is an Australian impulse gamer and variety streamer that's all about having fun while promoting community, positivity and mental health awareness. She's always happy to provide self care tips to fellow gamers and streamers, and is thrilled to be helping raise funds for Take This with #LevelWithACause. Stop by at Vivian's channel and you might leave with a(nother) Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer DLC!

NA Region

Streamer Gamemode Dates Start Info
AdamADisco SC 02/23-02/25 8:00 PM EST Adam's a Bear who sings terribly to good tunes while helping those who need it in Diablo 3. Chill stream, no bad questions.
Bluddshed SC 02/23-02/25 3:30 PM PST Bluddshed is a full time Twitch streamer and content creator on Youtube. He puts a strong emphasis on community and positivity. Join Bluddshed to win one of the five Diablo III: Battle Chests!
Cratic1321 SC 02/23-02/25 7:00 PM CST Cratic: Youtuber. D3 forumer. Wizard main. Cratic enjoys testing and creating builds, pushing solo builds on PTR, and testing mechanics. Fairly new to streaming, he will be leveling at a relaxed pace both with clanmates and solo. Will be pushing casually during season, and possibly playing a Crusader alt.
Daddywarrbux SC 02/23-02/25 8:00 PM EST Daddywarrbux is a variety streamer and youtuber with a big emphasis on community. He is always willing to help and answer questions and has powerleveled over 3000 nephalem during charity events. Meet Daddywarrbux and take a chance at winning a Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer DLC!
Dropaduski SC 02/23-02/25 12:00 PM MST Dropaduski is a Diablo 3 player that is also a full time twitch streamer. He has been creating Diablo 3 content on both Twitch and Youtube for over a year. Loves to listen to metal, slay paragons, and focus on building a community that is a safe place for all gamers. Please join Dropaduski, Friday, February 23rd for a night that is destined to be epic. Viking helmets encouraged but not required! #LevelWithDuski and maybe you'll be the one looting a Diablo III: Battle Chest!
Leviathan111 SC (Solo Self Found) 02/23-02/25 8:00 PM EST Leviathan is a long-standing member of the Diablo 3 community, creating various content including podcasts, videos, articles, build guides, and streams over the years. He has been dominating Diablo since D2 days and continues to enjoy D3 while looking for new ways to play. Recently, he founded the Solo Self-Found League in an attempt to give 100% solo players a place to call home and compete with one another. Accompany Levi on his first steps in a 'Solo-Self-Found-Community'-League; follow closely so you don't miss out on a chance to win a Diablo III: Battle Chest!
omgitsgarry24 SC 02/23-02/25 8:00 PM EST omgitsgarry is a youtube and twitch streamer. She will be streaming Level With A Cause on both services. She enjoys playing diablo with her viewers and she sees them as her diablo team. She will be doing level with a cause with her viewers on a frist comed first serve basis.
Prolix19 SC 02/23-02/25 7:00 PM CST Prolix can always be found at the intersection of gaming and charity. He has volunteered for numerous Games Done Quick events, and participated in Extra Life fundraising marathons for the past five years. Prolix plays D3 casually each season, so he has eagerly joined Level With A Cause for the first time!
Rhykker SC 02/23-02/25 7:00 PM CST "Hey Fowx, this — is — Rhykker." All said. Diablo III: Battle Chest raffle; full Diablo IV specu-nouncement inclusive.
Watafk SC 02/23-02/25 8:00 PM EST Watafk, who's is primarily a Diable 3 streamer, has been streaming for under a year. Alongside doing various charity streams, and giveaways, Watafk is heavily involved in the smoke break community. Engaging his viewers, and making sure they're having a good time is his biggest focus.
Wolfcryer SC (Solo Self Found) 02/23-02/25 8:00 PM EST Wolfcryer is a Diablo 3 YouTuber and Twitch streamer, as well as, the organizer of LWAC. Mainly Wolfcryer focuses on fun non-meta group play as well as solo LB pushing. Stick with Wolf to have a chance of winning a Diablo III: Battle Chest!

A full list of participants can be found here. Enjoy your Season 13 start.

"Unfortunately, 'leveling' doesn't come easy to everyone."

—D3 Community

submitted by /u/sVr90
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Wallpaper: Season 13: For the Balance II (ft many artists)

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 01:25 AM PST

Season 13: For the Balance II
deviantART - Direct Link
Featuring art by: TamplierPainter, daemonstar, Wei Wang, TheBoyofCheese, Deligaris, Lionsketch, and John Mueller
Just in time for the 13 season and a companion/sequel to last seasons piece:
Season 12: For the Balance by Holyknight3000

Also reversed the sexes here as well so everything is covered with these two walls.
I plan to make a ultrawide/dualscreen wallpaper of both season 12 and 13 later this week so ill post it up later
Thanks all gl in season 13 and enjoy!

submitted by /u/Holyknight3000
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:: COMPLETE Diablo 3 Season 13 Start of Season Leveling Guide :: Gambling Priorities Included :: Optimal Strategies

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:09 PM PST

Season 13 Barbarian Starter Guide

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 02:57 PM PST

S13 - Monk zDPS/WoL Cheat sheet Printer Friendly based on Deadset guides

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:05 PM PST

Hello everyone,

I made a printer friendly version of the important parts of the Deadset guides on zDPS and WoL builds that I plan to run this season.

Here is the PDF: https://github.com/Amoner/d3guide/blob/master/MonkCheatSheet.pdf

(let me know if this breaks or if there is a better way to share a pdf)

PNG format: https://i.imgur.com/G0nJQcI.png <- Dont use this to print, only to preview, small text gets too pixelated

Once again, all credit goes to Deadset who puts all of the time into making the detailed guides that are available on: https://www.icy-veins.com/d3/monk-builds

If this is something that could be useful to other classes, let me know and maybe tomorrow I can find sometime before servers are up for S13. Good luck to everyone!

"May the odds be ever in your favour." - Kadala

submitted by /u/Amoner
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Diablo 2: Trade torch single player?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 07:48 PM PST

Hey guys:

I have a pala and a sorc. Did 11 ubesr run get all druids barb amazon and assasin this is fustrating me.

Is posible to trade in single player? and someone wana trade?


submitted by /u/lopecinidiablo
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Is there a “fun to play “ tier list?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:57 PM PST

I know there's a ton of solo/group push tier list info out there but I'd like to see a fun tier list.

submitted by /u/Eltron316
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Witch doctor fetish army build?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:09 AM PST

Ive been searching around and been unable to find any decent fetish army build. Is it completely out of the question? Or am I just blind?

submitted by /u/Micera
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My first season

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 05:34 PM PST

Been playing D3 for a few years now. Season 13 will be the first time I partake in seasonal fun. I'm planning on starting with a wizard. Any season specific tips you all might have?

submitted by /u/IINighteyesII
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[NA/SC] LFM Season 13 - Semi-serious

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:01 PM PST

My group is looking for 1-2 more players for opening weekend. We plan on starting promptly when the season begins. While we would prefer to be able to run 1 barb / 3 necros and jump into rat speed runs as quickly as possible, we are open to other classes should this comp prove too difficult to form.

Battletag: cannonpalms#1677

submitted by /u/IsleOfOne
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Recommendation on 2s Comp?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 03:28 PM PST

Looking for thoughts on best 2s Comp. I know much didn't change from S12, and it's looking like ZDPS Monk+Wiz was 'the thing' at the end, but curious on some other really great comps?

I'm thinking I'll start monk, and friend will likely start barb but still curious on 'alt/GRift pusher'.

submitted by /u/DNorthrup
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exped Necro lfg EU/SC

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 02:44 PM PST

Hey guys :) did all the seasons lately. But my irl friends are currently busy with Monster Hunter and other shit. So gonna do it myself this time. So im looking for some People to start level at Season release, and go ham as long as possible. Get t13 rift-able asap. Know all meta stuff for future plans :D just hit me up on here or bnet. Acidwalker#2903

submitted by /u/acidwalker93
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Some questions about Barbarian, Crusader, Necro for Season 13.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 01:31 PM PST

Hey, I'm still trying to decide between Barb, Crusader or Necro and it'd be very nice if someone could answer some questions I have.

Necromancer: Got the Necro Pack but from looking at it all the playstyles don't really seem to be my type of deal, so I fear I'll lose interest rather quickly and have wasted my starter Set. I think I'd rather wait for a Season where Necro gets its best starting set which Inarius isn't if I'm not wrong. What is in your opinion the most fun Necro Build and do you think I should roll one this Season ?

Crusader: Played a Thornsader a couple seasons ago, it was fun but I don't want to stick with it again so I'd most likely gear towards the stronger Condemn Build. So my question is: I know crusader is kinda slow until you get good uptime on your Steed Charge, how long will it roughly take to get to a point where I can speedfarm for other sets and how long do you think it will take until I can switch from Thorns to Condemn ?. I fear that it takes a long time until I have my Thorns Build ready to efficiently farm higher torments and thus get bored quickly. Don't want to spend one month farming for the other set.

Barbarian: And for Barb, It's probably been like 7 seasons since I played one, never played Leapquacke but it seems fun and strong + I like Whirwind and Charge so I can just switch it up if I want to. My only fear with Barb is that the start seems to be rather slow and Leapquacke isn't a good speedfarm set without Ingeom. Question: Is Leapquake a good set for the season start or would my #1 goal be to get another set and if so am I better off rolling a Crusader and gear a Barb once I can speedfarm efficiently ?

Any answers would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Fabfibonacci
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Barb looking for groupe in Season 13

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 11:47 AM PST


I´m looking for a groupe to do the beginning stuff(and maybe some more) in the following season 13. Some informations: Btag: Crytex#2389 Char: Barb Region: EU Plattform: PC Softcore

Feel free to add or ask me, if ther´s something you wanna know.

submitted by /u/Sprungfeder
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does anyone use gem of ease during normal rifts?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 11:31 AM PST

it doesnt seem like a lot of xp, but 2x gem of ease at lvl 100 is 11k per kill, with torment 13 bonus 902k, assuming 500 enemies killed in a rift (big assumption as i have no clue what the real number is) thats around 450m per 3 minutes or 9b per hour.

again not a lot, but if you are one shoting everything without emeralds in your weapons it may add up over many hours. and thats the kind of thing we all min max towards. im not at the point where i can one shot everything without 2 emeralds so i cant test.

submitted by /u/kobenator
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2 man with no ZDPS or support build?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:24 PM PST

Im playing 2 man tomorrow but neither of us want to play a boring support builds.

What are some good partnerships that dont use zdps? What kind of level would a double dps 2 man group be able to reach?

submitted by /u/lolurhatisbad
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Starting hero

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 02:33 PM PST

Hi folks :)

A friend and me want to start s13 pretty quick. Regarding effectiveness with which class should we start?

We thought about starting WoL Monk to have a quick farming build (even for later). But I have read about people starting with Necromancer as well for quick rat runs. We also wanted to go for rat runs pretty early but we thought building the monk first might be more effective than starting with the necro.

What are your thoughts? Any advice is appreciated

submitted by /u/TheDoctor9512
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Weekly Thursday Help Desk, Ask your newbie questions here - 02/22/18

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:00 AM PST

Welcome to week 249 of Thursday Help Desk.

This is a weekly thread for any quick/newbie/unsure questions you may have. No matter how dumb you may think the question is, now is your chance to have them answered! If you need help with your gear and build, post to the weekly Gear thread instead!

Check the Commonly Asked Questions page first before posting!

If you're not here to ask or answer questions, then this place is not for you. The mods will be resilient in removing posts and possibly even bans. Meta feedback about the weekly post is fine. Helpful people will be strongly considered for an ID scroll after a review of posting history.

Sort by new to answer the latest questions. Older questions most likely already have answers.

If you have any feedback for this specific weekly thread, just post it here or message the mods.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Block chance Rolls

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:39 AM PST

Hi ! I want to play crusader in season 13 with Holy Shotgun build and blessed shield build as i play hardcore and like to try out non conventionnal builds. And i understand that i need max block chance at least for one (2 ?) Of this builds. But i don't know where i can get block chance Rolls, is that similar To thorns and roll on 2ndry on specific slots or does it work differently ?

Also on a side note, how good is blessed shield in t13 runs and in terms of tankyness overall ? I know holy shotgun is pretty tanky

submitted by /u/Sardoron
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My FPS shouldn't be dipping according to MSI Afterburner

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:08 AM PST

I'm pretty sure it's the CPU (because it's old), but let's go through it with me please.

GPU: RX 480 - playing on 1080p with everything disabled or on low (except textures).

RAM: 2x2GB 1600MHz

CPU: Phenom II OC'd to 3.6 Ghz.

Plus pretty much fresh W7 install without antivirus (to alleviate some work off the CPU).

I have also set the sound on lowest channel count and then disabled it altogether....:D

I've made a video (https://youtu.be/qtAwmt8VAow), where you can see, that my GPU is far from taxed (obviously), RAM still has room (one Gig) and CPU sitting at or below 50% (with spikes little above 65%) utilization is far from fully taxed aswell.

I know, that the CPU is old and new one (a Ryzen for example - or whatever) would fix the problem.

But looking at the "data" provided, do you have any idea what I could tweak? Going over my hardware it's obvious, that the problem must be with the CPU, but MSI afterburner just doesn't show, that those fps dips should be occuring.

I am very much open to any idea.

Thank you very much

submitted by /u/Catsandradiobats
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