Diablo - How do I know to equip a 2 hander over 2 1 handers?

How do I know to equip a 2 hander over 2 1 handers?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:49 AM PST

Fairly new to Diablo here, I was wondering if there's a set way to know if a 2 handed weapon does more dps than two one handers (as barbarian)? When it compares the stats, it seems to only compare your first weapons. Or am I wrong and it compares both?

submitted by /u/GamerLove1
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21 seconds rift - monk at his best

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:54 AM PST

Nothing for Diablo in WoW pre-order???

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:45 PM PST

the digital deluxe pre-order for World of Warcrafts newest expansion Battle for azeroth actually has nothing to give to diablo 3 players. Whats going on? diablo 4 confirmed? diablo 3 officially dead by this? Anyone else know why? I'm actually so confused as to why there isn't anything for pre-ordering the digital deluxe version for diablo 3. When legion dropped we got a helm xmog and wings. when WoD dropped we got that Warsong banner on our back. I'm a little mad we didn't get something. Like for god sakes give us a pet or something. The only reason i ever buy the digital deluxe is for the mount in wow and w/e we get in diablo.

(edit) gyazo for reference https://gyazo.com/a260dabcba7d33dd8a5417da35479689

submitted by /u/onedaydude
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You died? I'm here! - EU HC Season Powerleveling

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 10:57 AM PST

Hello, I have some time and decided to help with leveling.
If you are late to the season and want to grab seasonal rewards, or just want to play but don't want to level, or you just died ;) I can powerlevel you.
I'll be in game till midnight (i guess), and can do some powerleveling tomorrow too.
Feel free to join! My battletag: Wraith#1624

submitted by /u/Wraithulek
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Can't log in - Blizzard twitter

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:41 AM PST


Anyone else been having terrible latency ? I play on the EU server and things have recently been pretty bad. I hope whatever they are doing on the PTR is going to help alleviate some server congestion.

submitted by /u/GordonsTheRobot
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