Destiny - [D2] Xûr Megathread [2018-02-23]

[D2] Xûr Megathread [2018-02-23]

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:02 AM PST

Agent of the Nine, Xûr


Xûr comes and goes freely, his strange curios too valuable to risk.


Tower behind Dead Orbit

Exotic Gear:

Name Type Cost
Crimson Hand Cannon 29 LS
Graviton Forfeit Hunter Helmet 23 LS
Helm of Saint-14 Titan Helmet 23 LS
Vesper of Radius Warlock Chest Armor 23 LS


Name Type Cost
Three of Coins Consumable 31 LS

What's a Xûr?

Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector in each of the four Worlds, depending on planetary alignments and Bungie's whim. Xur sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them.

TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

When does Xûr visit?

Xûr visits every Friday at 17:00 UTC and departs at reset. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

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[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-02-25]

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 09:05 AM PST

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
EDZ Lost Sectors: The Sludge - Loot a Lost Sector in the Sludge. EDZ Scavenger - Gather 10 Dusklight Shards. Scourge of the Fallen - Defeat 75 Fallen enemies.
Titan Lost Sectors: Siren's Watch - Loot a Lost Sector in Siren's Watch. Event Horizon - Successfully complete a public event. Scourge of the Fallen - Defeat 75 Fallen enemies.
Nessus Lost Sectors: The Tangle - Loot a Lost Sector in the Tangle. Treasure Hunter - Loot 3 Vex or Fallen supply caches. Scourge of the Vex - Defeat 75 Vex enemies.
IO Lost Sectors: The Rupture - Loot a Lost Sector in the Rupture. Event Horizon - Successfully complete a public event. Scourge of the Vex - Defeat 75 Vex enemies.


Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Trick Shooting - Rapidly defeat 2 enemies with precision attacks, 10 times. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Heroic Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Trigger Discipline - Defeat 2 enemies without reloading, 10 times. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Quickplay Child of the Sun - Defeat 15 opponents with Solar final blows. Shutdown Artist - Defeat an opponent while their Super is active. Look Them in the Eye - Defeat 10 opponents at close range.
Osiris Quickplay The Hunger - Defeat 15 opponents with Void final blows. The Professional - Complete a match with a personal efficiency rating greater than 1.0. The Big Guns - Defeat 5 opponents with Power weapon final blows.
Competitive Pack Hunting - Defeat 20 opponents with two or more participating players. On A Roll - Win back-to-back rounds 3 times. Hold My Light - As a team, rapidly defeat 4 opponents.
Osiris Competitive Rocket Beats Everything - As a team, defeat 20 opponents using Power weapons. On A Roll - Win back-to-back rounds 3 times. Hold My Light - As a team, rapidly defeat 4 opponents.
Mayhem Child of the Sun - Defeat 15 opponents with Solar final blows. Payback - Defeat 5 opponents who recently defeated you or a teammate. Deadeye - Defeat 10 opponents with Precision final blows.
Trials of Osiris Tribute - As a fireteam, defeat 150 opponents. Fulfillment - Win 20 rounds. Judgment - Win 5 matches.

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Please remove the hidden juggler modifier.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 05:39 AM PST


This is too harshly tuned to not having ammo drop for the gun you're using. It feels very restrictive and annoying. I should not have to switch to a different gun to gain ammo for that gun, especially when I now have 2 primaries...

It should belong in the Heroic Strike Playlist as a modifier and not be integrated into general activities (I'm fine with it not existing at all). Funnily enough, it is not an official modifier in D2.

Please don't cap our ammo.

submitted by /u/Ptonomey
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Balance does not mean keeping people at the same low level of power, it means equal opportunity and ability to gain incredible power. Catering to the weak, although graceful, diminishes their dream of ever reaching higher.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:53 PM PST

Remember when Prometheus Lens shipped with a damage bug that basically deleted players in less than a second? What did Bungie do? Sell it through Xur that same week. Everyone, EVERYONE, used it in Crucible and we all had a blast. Some had more fun than others, but it was still enough for people to flock to a single weapon simply because it was overwhelmingly powerful. So what would happen if another gun was suddenly given godly abilities? Everyone would flock to that gun. When this trend continues, you then start to have a pool of weapons of mass destruction that people can use and now have variety and choice. While having choices, the feeling of being powerful is still in tact. You allow everyone to attain incredible power, then everyone is the same, but yet all feel powerful. THAT is the balance you want. If you keep holding people back from being too powerful, we all reach the same state of mediocrity. Having that desire to reach the level of someone who deletes you in a second gives reason to train, to grind, to play, to win, to rise to power. That journey does not even begin if there is nothing to search for.

submitted by /u/Kahiyao
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Legendary armor has no purpose in this game besides being cosmetic.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 09:15 AM PST

Just finished getting every armor piece for all 3 characters for faction rally...and I'm not sure why. I guess the collector side of me just did it to do it, but the armor itself does not make me more more powerful or provide and different stats or abilities.

I know people wanted armor sets for the crimson event instead of just cosmetic stuff, but I'm coming to realize that 90% of this game is cosmetic. Perks and mods mean nothing, Getting max level barely makes you more powerful.

There's no point in giving us more things to chase if weapons are just reskins and armor is just to change how you look.

Where's the depth? Where's the ability customization? I don't just want to look different from other guardians I want to be able to play differently, to customize my ability and load out instead of having 6 different load outs with no meaningful perks. Exotic rework is not going to be enough to change this.

submitted by /u/SirHobo16
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Pvp down to 180,000 over both games and all platforms.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:49 PM PST

The numbers just keep dropping sharply.

Trials is down at 30,000 players so far this weekend.

submitted by /u/stirly80
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Patrols Need Some Simple Love

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 06:51 AM PST

Right now, they are tedious.

Simple, Obvious Fixes:

  1. Make patrols fast to pick up.

  2. Remove zone requirements. You really mean the dregs in a lost sector don't drop the same macguffin as the ones in the open world?

  3. Make it as if Tab/Select is always held down. It can be difficult to remember which specific enemy we need to kill. Moreover, maybe make the requirements less specific. It's annoying to find that last shank.

  4. Allow us to fast travel, change zones, and complete adventures while holding patrols. Adventures should feel like fun stuff to do while in the open world-- instead, everything feels locked off and separate.

More Complicated, Better fixes:

  1. Tie patrols to faction rally. Completing a patrol or killing a yellow planetary enemy should grant a faction token.

  2. Patrols should have "follow up" gameplay. After you do a patrol it just feels like, oh, okay. Instead, patrols should randomly build to a crescendo. "Great job, you killed all those dregs-- oh no. A Captain is coming for you. Get ready!"

  3. Link Patrols and Events. For example, if the Patrol Lander event is going to begin in four minutes, have cabal begin to spawn around the zone even if they aren't normally there, and the pick-up item quests become cabal themed.

  4. There should be Star patrols that send you into Lost Sectors. These would then be upgraded, more difficult versions of the Lost Sectors.

All in all, these changes would improve the open world of Destiny 2 significantly.

Faction Rally PVP:

  1. Some people want solo queue. Faction Rally may as well have a Crucible playlist.

  2. Faction Rally PvP: Solo Queue only-- grouped with members of your faction. Winning grants bonus marks over regular PvP. Each win counts equal to a package rank up.

  3. Use this time to bring back Mayhem, Doubles, 6v6-- whatever fun mode hasn't been used in a while.

Bonus fixes:

  1. Sparrows on Mercury and add more Public Events to Spawn on Mercury. Both Cabal events are obvious candidates, as well as the Vex event. The Vex event should feature past and future Vex.

  2. Waypoint by Infinite Forest. Yes, its lazy, but do you want us to play those adventures or not?

  3. Additional Waypoints added. I never see the zones that don't have Waypoints. Ever. There ought to be one waypoint per loadable Zone. Sure, I wish there was a reason to ride my Sparrow from Zone to Zone (as I describe here: ... but there isn't. So just add more waypoints.

  4. Hope some love is coming for adventures across all planets.

submitted by /u/Nosism
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[Tower Thought] I know it's been terraformed, but I bet Io still smells like eggfarts.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 10:19 AM PST

Probably why Asher is in a perpetually shitty mood...

submitted by /u/Zotfripper
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The Leviathan Raid Speedrun in 18:14

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 08:17 AM PST

Video Link:

This new time cuts off about a full minute from the previous time of 19:11. So what's new/different from the 19:11 run?

1) The rotation makes a difference. The 19:11 was with a Pools - Dogs - Gauntlet rotation. This week is the reverse of that, which is faster.

2) Gaining entrance to the first checkpoint. This requires all four Titans to cannon launch into a loading zone near the Gauntlet entrance. Once they enter the area, the remaining two Warlocks join for the rest of the run. The Warlocks cannot consistently make that skip.

3) Raid perks. The new raid perks on the armor help tremendously throughout the entire run. The helmet allows for an instant grenade after a super use. The gloves give a 20% damage bonus on melee kill, which is huge. The class item provides a 25% damage bonus for a specified element ability type, which is also huge. These are the three main perks that speed up every section of the raid... by a lot.

Everything else is pretty much the same as the 19:11 for now. I will copy and paste the full breakdown from that older run, in case some aren't fully versed in those strategies.

Hope you enjoy!


Fireteam: FleshCrunch Sweatcicle Modern Indica Gladd Eon

Copy of strats from previous 19:11 video:

Pools - Pools is basically a hammer Titan spam now. The lamps get destroyed by hammers very quickly, rather than using Merciless. We used Masterworks weapons to spawn orbs to guarantee supers.

Dogs - Dogs is now gathering a x12 stack (1 flower) rather than a x24 stack (2 flowers). This speeds up the encounter, however, it is the number one cause of wipes due to cluster RNG and dogs behaving.

Gauntlet - Gauntlet now has each runner using Blink. Also, the final round (where everyone runs) is very different. Two players turn around and grab the orbs from what WOULD be "gates" 3 and 4. Another player runs forward and grabs the orbs from gates 1 and 2. This satisfies all gates being collected, and therefore spawns the finish line. The other remaining players wait at the finish line and sprint through it and slam the final three orbs in the center. This roughly cuts the running time in half.

Calus - Calus utilizes the skull spawn ratio mechanic. This means that depending on the ratio of people in the realm compared to the people in the throne room, more or less skulls will spawn in the realm. Most previous speedruns utilized a 2:4 throne/realm ratio. We ran an even 3:3 to start. However, once the skulls were about to start spawning, every player killed themselves except for one player in the realm (me) and one player in the throne room (Indica). This allowed for an even 1:1 ratio of skulls. While I soloed skulls, Indica soloed the Calus stun. Then a revive train started inside the throne room, and all five throne players jumped on a plate to start DPS ASAP, without even waiting for me to return from space. By the time I even teleport back into the throne room, Calus is already taking mad damage.

submitted by /u/GladHeAteHer182
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Yesterday I completed my first Prestige Raid and all my character got was a yellowish shader and some illuminated armor pieces. This does not make my character any better than others who havent.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 11:53 AM PST

I have completed normal raid many times and can complete it with my Fireteam in about an hour. Prestige took 5 hours to complete and none of us were excited about the rewards. I don't think this is just us.

Edit: By powerful I mean much better perks for armor any where in destiny world and not just in raid. Not in terms of Light level.

submitted by /u/iamgroot91
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Man... I miss trick sparrows.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 04:30 AM PST

Make Tripmines Great Again!

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 10:40 AM PST

Bungie, please restore full stickiness to tripmine grenades for Gunslingers! I need my unicorning fix!

(yes, I know people have mentioned this probably billions of times; I just needed to get it off my chest)

submitted by /u/Shinzakura
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Please let me infuse a 160 sparrow to turn a 150 sparrow into a 160.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:44 PM PST

I would love to be able to take a 160 sparrow and then infuse it into a 150 sparrow to make it a 160. I cant say how many 150s I have deleted but wished i would have had the 160 version of it.

submitted by /u/Felixtec
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Do away with playlists and let us pick what PvP mode we want to play

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 11:09 AM PST

So I log on to do my daily faction milestone. I notice it is crucible so jump into the quickplay list. 5 fucking matches of supremacy! The game mode is garbage. I don't want to play it once little lone 5 times back to back. For the love of Shaxx please remove this playlist bullshit and let us pick the game made we want to play. I still can't believe you brought this shit mode to D2 and left rift behind.

submitted by /u/Nightbeat26
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Just logging on for a minute in D1 vs D2

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 03:58 AM PST

TLDR: Dropped a god roll rocket launcher in D1 while grinding spirit bloom and now I want to play again today. This never happens in D2.

So I had mentally bookmarked that the pdx roll this week at the gunsmith was a good one (perfect balance, counterbalance, shortbore with good sights -- not THE roll but as close as you'll likely see). So I was bored last night around bed and have basically given up on D2 having logged in to get the trials engram, not found a purpose (literally) and turned it off, and thought I'll just log in and grab it and maybe check some other vendor rolls.

Of course, on acquiring the gun I have to level it up (sigh, right). I had some motes of light but no spirit bloom! So off to Venus I go. While I am there, there's another guy doing a simillar thing to me and we help each other out. I grab a few things and get 1 or 2 blooms, and find a chest and get a few more but it feels like it's going to be a chore. Suddenly: public event. A walker drops. Well this is something to do at least so I clear that with the guy to gold standard and get a legendary special engram, some legendary marks, and 20 bloom! Amazing. I had totally forgotten that the PE awards a load of resources. What a cool mechanism.

I now have enough to unlock most of my pdx, which I do and take it into a heroic strike to test, which actually feels challenging but fun. And of course the boss mechanic is good, the modifiers don't involve timing mechanisms, and there's the chance of exclusive loot at the end.

With that all done, before logging off I head to the tower and decrypt the few engrams I have amassed over my short play. The legendary turns out to be a max blast radius Choleric Dragon with tripod and cluster bombs plus single point sling. Woah. Of course, I now need to level this bad boy up to use it, but am already excited about doing so today and out of nowhere am back longing for some D1 when D2 has totally lost all incentive for me to play.

I just wanted to highlight the difference of how if you just quickly log into D2 to do something you'll do it and that will be that, whereas in D1 each thing you do nicely leads into the need/compulsion to do something else, and all of that is nestled around the random rolls and requirement that you level up your gear when you get it rather than it just being ready to go.

Really don't know why D2 because so neutered...

submitted by /u/coupl4nd
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SIVA PC v2.0

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 03:10 AM PST

Albumn Link
Gifv of Siva Server temp monitoring Thanks Kyle!

YouTube video be easy on me. I play games and build badass computers. I'm not a video editor and I did this on my phone.

Venom PC presents Venom <PERFECTED>

Had a ton of fun building it. The Siva server changes from white to red based on CPU temp. I loaded it up with prime95 in the video to get the temp up. I will upload the videos of it running to YouTube for you guys later.

Specs: I7 8700k @5ghz GTX 1080ti 32gb ram 3200mhz 1tb 960evo 4tb 7200rpm hdd 700w evga PSU Primochill D5 Pump 2 240mm ek radiators 6 Corsair LL 120mm fans Phanteks full nickel GPU waterblock Limited edition swiftech CPU block Through case drain valve and fill port for easy maintenance Custom led lighting and wiring by me 3d printed carbon fiber backplate, Siva server and brakets custom designed one off from me

submitted by /u/dl33t3d
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So no ones gonna talk about Vesper if Radius making your rift a Tractor Cannon?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:55 AM PST

Here's what I'm talking about

It makes your rift a fcking tractor cannon, why wouldn't you use it. Also when you use your rift, switch to stag, get shot up and boom rift back.

submitted by /u/Bakengangsta
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A Guide to Sword Surfing: What it is, How to do it, and Why it's Awesome in D2! (Xpost:/r/CruciblePlaybook)

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 10:32 AM PST

A few days ago I was asked about the warlock exclusive sword: Eternity's edge. Crownsplitter increases a titans armour and Quickfang increases a hunters movement speed, so why doesn't a warlock's sword have anything special about it? I knew the answer immediately: they all do. Every sword has a special feature if a warlock is using it.

I'm Anklet and this is my sword surfing guide

Neat-O header image


Sword surfing, also known as sword skating or warlock sword skating is a unique method of movement that makes use of sword power weapons. It looks like this:

Surfing Examplewebm gif

Sword surfing works by preserving the absolute momentum of a sword swing by following through with a warlock glide. It works similar to titan skating where your best speeds will be reached when spending only as much time in the air as needed. Sword surfing, however, can give you much more airborne control if you so want it.

Woah Woah Woah, are you really comparing this to titan skating?

Yes. It may not be a 1 to 1 match with the raw speed of old-school titan skating, but in Destiny 2's current environment, there is nothing faster. Sword surfing will make you the fastest thing in the entire crucible. Really.

Speed Test

The links above show a speed comparison pitting a 10 mobility hunter using Way of the Wind and an active Quickfang against a 0 mobility warlock that knows how to ride the steel wave. The sword surfing warlock wins, going 24% faster.


As mentioned before, sword surfing applies the momentum of a sword swing to a friction-less warlock glide, so there are only really two parts: Jumping and Swinging. Here's an Overall tutorial:


Step by Step:

  • you must be airborne to exert the momentum burst (the thing that makes you move fast). The simplest way to achieve this is just to tap your jump button.

  • The first part of the momentum burst is a sword swing, you must have power ammo for this to work. While still in the air, perform a light sword attack (usually the same button as melee), not a heavy one.

  • Immediately activate your double jump glide by pressing your jump button a second time.

  • As soon as you hit the ground, jump and repeat

Detailed example 1webm gif

Okay so maybe there's more to it than just jumping and swinging, it matters when and in what order. Aside from that it doesn't matter which sword you use or what warlock glide you use (blink won't work for obvious reasons). Note that as long as your glide registers after your swing, you will get the full momentum burst even if they both happen in the same frame. However: the swing must come before the glide.

Detailed example 2webm gif

You can burst at any point in the air as long as you have some glide left and some room before you hit the ground. You can double jump as much as you want before swinging and gliding for the full burst but you cannot have two momentum bursts before you hit the ground. This means whatever direction you burst towards, you are fully committed to until you hit the ground. This leads us nicely into the things we should avoid.

Over Committing

Learn From My Mistakeswebm gif

As soon as you swing and glide to form the momentum burst, you are committed to that direction so choose wisely. This is more of a meta-skill centered around map knowledge and strategy, things that should stay as sharp as your sword.


Don't fight uphill battleswebm gif

Sword surfing only propels you in one direction: Forward. If you are trying to burst up an incline you will only send yourself into the ground faster and all momentum will be lost. It's usually better to just run up steep slopes. As a general rule of thumb, sword surfing only works if the terrain beneath you is one of these:

  • flat

  • sloping away from you

There are some workarounds for this. Since you can burst anytime you're airborne as long as you have glide left, you can double jump to gain height before bursting to overcome mild incline changes.


So close yet so farwebm gif

This is an aspect more general to swords rather than surfing so don't tell me warlock mains aren't generous with their knowledge. Short-stopping is when you keep hitting your attack button but the digital man in front of you wont die. Swords are binary: they either hit and kill, or they miss. The dilemma is that attacking and missing stops you dead in your tracks. The solution to short-stopping is to always swing your sword in the air if you can help it. This applies to any class. Swinging in the air conserves some of the momentum of your strike as you fall: it increases your range and if you miss you haven't lost distance.


I. Love. Swords. I think they're the most efficient power weapon in the game and can contend with the meta. I'm pretty biased on this so I'll leave the general discussion on swords in the next section so this one can stay focused on the advantages of surfing.

Sword surfing overcomes the greatest defining weakness of the sword: range. You need to get really close to get a sword kill. Sword surfing lets you close the negative space between you and your target. Sword surfing is the ultimate gap closer.

Closing the gapwebm gif

Swords are already very strong defensive tools. You can watch around corners and pounce when someone gets too close, but sword surfing also allows strong aggressive play. You still need to be careful about directly charging into a team. Strategy is still required, but balancing these defensive and offensive techniques can be incredibly lethal.

1v4webm gif

On top of the insane speed achievable, sword surfing allows incredible control and directionality. Depending on your controller or mouse sensitivity, you can turn on a dime to dash full speed at 45, 90, and even 180 degree angles. Don't forget that you can do all this at 0 mobility too.

Turning on a Dimewebm gif

You may notice that all of these gifs feature voidwalker. Now I may be a voidwalker main, but I'm not biased when I say that combining devour with swords makes for brutal multi-kills. This isn't the only synergy this strategy has with warlocks: Top tree Dawnblades (Attunement of sky) have an aerial dodge which allows for unparalleled air superiority. Plus, Dawnblade's have a sword as their super so that's like, duel wielding I guess?

Voidwalker takes the Win webm gif


Now you may still cling to your Sins of the past or to your Legend of Acrius. This is totally fine. Sword surfing doesn't outshine these power weapons. It does, however, allow swords held by warlocks to go toe-to-toe with them in terms of raw efficiency. Swords grant the most ammo out of any power weapon (tarantula linear fusion caps in at 8), resulting in the highest amount of potential kills. The sword I use grants 9 power ammo on pickup. If surfing doesn't seem like it has potential because of the ammo cost; let me run some numbers.

4 players per team, 9 ammo for sword

9-4=5 ammo left over if the enemy team is killed

=5 ammo to go on a surfin safari with

In a game-mode like countdown, you're not going to need more than 4 kills in a round. By surfing effectively, every 1st swing can close a gap and every second swing can get a kill. No matter what, sword surfing is a fantastic tool to have in your toolbox: you can pull it out only when you need it. Swords strike a beautiful balance between in your face aggro, and defensive corner crouching. You can choose based on the situation how to make use of your sword. If nothing else, swords have utility in their third person camera and blocking (hot tip: you can defuse while blocking).

If any of this seems like a good idea to learn I urge you to masterwork a sword. In a game of control it's possible to generate upwards of 6 orbs a game. My masterwork sword has more kills on it than all my other masterwork weapons combined.

Sword surfing isn't new, I didn't invent it. It has existed for as long as swords have, all the way back to the taken king (D1). I made this guide now with the "go fast" update on the horizon. As far as is known, there's nothing coming in the update specifically about sword surfing but there are changes listed to all warlock glides. These glides are crucial to surfing. If sword surfing remains untouched, the update will make heavy ammo more plentiful so you'll get to do this even more often. Practice now so when there's ammo raining from above you'll be lapping people on rainbow road while everyone else is struggling on moo-moo meadows.


I like swords.

Surfing is cool.

You should do it.

Love, Anklet

Find me on twitter here

TL;DR: click these links:

How fast?

How do?webm gif

what do?webm gif

What not do?webm gif


submitted by /u/Ankletunderscore
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Why aren't we allowed to mark a waypoint on the map? And why's there no North bearing on the radar HUD?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 11:36 AM PST

Looking for lost sectors for this faction rally just makes me realize how bad navigating in this game is. Travel to a waypoint, spend a few seconds holding down tab to open the map and see which way I'm facing, head in the direction I think is right. Spend several more seconds holding tab. Nope, over here. Wait, am I facing the right direction? Let me hold down tab again.

It's just so annoying and there's no reason for it. Putting aside how strange and just plain bad it is that you have to hold down keys to open a UI you'll be using every few minutes, map features like this have been in games decades ago. If you wanted me to struggle to find lost sectors, maybe don't mark them on the map and make the map/navigation interface user-friendly.

submitted by /u/TheRybka
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As a solo-player, I really enjoy Heroic Adventures on Mercury

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 09:16 AM PST

Please Bungie do the same with the others planets, let us re-play all the content.

All campaign missions and adventures with modifiers to make them more difficult and challenging.

edit: typo

submitted by /u/syntaaaaax
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An Insurmountable Skullfort... Why?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 04:42 AM PST

Why in the blue hell does it only have 2 stat points where as all other legendary and exotic helmets have 3?

Pic / Clip comparing

Is this just yet another visual bug or does it genuinely only have 2 stat points?

Edit: gifv courtesy of /u/Mblim771_Kyle

submitted by /u/HAYABUSA_DCLXVI
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Wanted to share these portraits of Cayde 6 I made. Hope you guys enjoy. (updated)

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 12:36 PM PST

My biggest fear: we won't find out about some core story mysteries...

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:27 PM PST


We are almost halfway through the "10 year plan" for Destiny as a franchise (I know this is tentative/not guaranteed/etcetera, guys)

What the hell is The Traveller? What the hell is The Darkness? Who are The Nine? Will we meet them? Are we going to have to wait another DLC for answers, or a new launch title???

Please guys, the story was my main intrigue to buying Destiny 1 in the first place...I beg you, start giving us answers. Start giving us more story. Don't tell me the countless hours of lore we read and daydreaming of Destiny's story will all be wasted, I honestly don't think I could handle knowing how much time I spent on something that ends up being meaningless...

I played the Halo series, I read the books and watched the movies, I KNOW you guys have a great story to tell us.

Please please pleeeeeaaaasssseeeee, start telling it sooner than later.

Edit 1: Front page, wish I could be happier about it... :( hopefully we can get some reassurance from the studio on this thread, general consensus is it's not looking pretty for the story's future...tragic, man.

submitted by /u/XxTubesteak83xX
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Clan Meetup

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:02 PM PST

Kingdom of Sofas

3.5 years ago the Kingdom of Sofas was formed. From totally different walks of life, and completely different stages, we all set out to play D1. Through the io, we found each other. We started out having "stumbling Saturday's" which were us raiding and drinking heavily from about the time we woke up until we passed out on Saturdays. What came next was something none of us anticipated. During that time, we got to know each other so closely that we started meeting each other. One at a time we would visit one another, and finally we all met up this weekend, minus our brother laaaaah. These are the best humans I know. They got me through the most difficult stages of my life, including medical problems I never could have imagined, and honestly didn't want to make it through if it wasn't for them. This game brought us together, and it's one of the best things that happened to all of us. Thank all of you for making it possible, this subreddit made all of that possible.

submitted by /u/bdne222
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Emblems that track KD or KDA should also track and visibly display the number of matches quit since these stats are so closely intertwined.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 08:46 AM PST

All of these stat tracking emblems are like a badge of honour, but when it comes to KD/KDA stats guardians will sometimes do some pretty scummy things to inflate their stats.

I'm not sure if this is true, but I've heard if you leave a game before it's over then your stats don't count; so if you're having a shitty game or playing a tough team you can leave just to preserve your stats.

I think this might encourage people to stay in games more often as well

EDIT: There are circumstances that warrant quitting a match

  • Your house is on fire
  • There's a family/friend emergency
  • Your dog shits on your foot
  • The entire team left and you're stuck in a 1 v 4 with D2 nerf guns
submitted by /u/G-star-84
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Häkke Pulses used to be 4-Round Burst. Why do you think they were changed to 3-Round Burst? Too hard to balance or too hard to understand? (I know the last one sounds dumb but then again... look at where we are with D2)

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 12:00 PM PST

What're your opinions on why Bungie got rid of the one unique thing about Häkke Pulse Rifles for Destiny 2?

submitted by /u/NFSgaming
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