Destiny - [D2] Trials of the Nine Megathread [2018-02-23]

[D2] Trials of the Nine Megathread [2018-02-23]

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:00 AM PST

This thread is for all general discussion, questions, thoughts, musings, wonderings, etc. for the Trials of the Nine.

When does Trials of the Nine end?

  • Trials of the Nine ends at normal Weekly Reset at 9am UTC on Tuesdays.

Trials of the Nine Map

Emperor's Respite

Game Mode


7 Win Options

Beep booo awaiting results

Flawless Options

  • Legs
  • Class Item
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[D2] Xûr Megathread [2018-02-23]

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:02 AM PST

Agent of the Nine, Xûr


Xûr comes and goes freely, his strange curios too valuable to risk.


Tower behind Dead Orbit

Exotic Gear:

Name Type Cost
Crimson Hand Cannon 29 LS
Graviton Forfeit Hunter Helmet 23 LS
Helm of Saint-14 Titan Helmet 23 LS
Vesper of Radius Warlock Chest Armor 23 LS


Name Type Cost
Three of Coins Consumable 31 LS

What's a Xûr?

Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector in each of the four Worlds, depending on planetary alignments and Bungie's whim. Xur sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them.

TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

When does Xûr visit?

Xûr visits every Friday at 17:00 UTC and departs at reset. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

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I just don't think you can have a successful looter if you aren't willing to let some people be more powerful than others

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:09 AM PST

In Destiny 2, the main goal seems to be balance. And by "balance", I mean, make everything feel the same. This is most likely to even out PVP, so some subclasses or weapons don't feel "OP".

However, in the pursuit of "sameness" you make any loot dropped basically stale. It ends up being purely cosmetic, which, while interesting and fun in a very short term, doesn't drive people to come back. It doesn't drive progression.

I think, in the end, for Destiny to be a successful looter/shooter style game, they are going to have to abandon the idea that everything and everyone should be at the same power level...that everyone should be equal.

Give people the chance to be more powerful than other people (and AI in PVE), and they will spend hours doing so. It's the only way to keep the game from going stale in the end. No emblem or aura or shader or interesting looking helmet or gun will do that.

submitted by /u/AutoEuphoria
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shaders shouldn't take up inventory space.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:53 AM PST

have em' automagically go to a collection style UI accessible from anywhere. I'm sick and tired of having my vault be full of these damn things, and I've collected so many of them that the sheer thought of dismantling them one by one makes me exit the game.

either that or replace the current shader consumables with a UI that consumes bright dust / glimmer / relevant faction tokens / planet / raid tokens for the various shaders available in order to equip it on whatever.

unlock different tiers of shader based on whether or not you've completed a certain activity.

submitted by /u/TehSavior
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Bungie, please don't nerf Explosive Payload in the upcoming sandbox update. Instead bring some more perks up to its level.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 09:46 PM PST

Better Devils and Nameless Midnight are on a short list of guns that feel good to use in this game. Bring Dragonfly up to D1 Firefly. Make Rampage last longer. There's decent bare statistical guns in the game with lousy perks that could instantly become fun to use.

submitted by /u/turns31
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Give FWC better looking armor.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:23 AM PST

Im a FWC fanatic and i dont plan on siding with a different faction but damn the FWC armor is disgusting. No wonder they havent won yet.

submitted by /u/AsFrostAsDuck
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Hollow Earth is a laser beam 720 RPM Auto Rifle available from Dead Orbit.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:45 AM PST

Zen Moment + Ricochet Rounds + Arrowhead Brake.

Opt for range or recoil control, stability is not an issue with this gun once Zen Moment procs. Ricochet Rounds is also really good at sticking to your targets with the range boost.

submitted by /u/discourge
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Destiny Legal News 5.9

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:14 AM PST

Lawyer guardian here,

I'm going to be honest, I haven't played a great deal of Destiny lately. This, however, doesn't negate my journalistic responsibilities and obligations, nor does it excuse the complete failure to address these planetary vendor outposts. How long are we going to let Sloane get away with standing on the edge of a blown out building side to collect tokens? How have they not put up a temporary tarp to wall off the structure? These are the real mysteries of Destiny.

Destiny Legal News 5.9

submitted by /u/ACbullman23
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Darkside Royalty Lore outlines huge inconsistencies between the lore of D1 and the comics.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 09:44 PM PST

TL;DW: crucible before battle of the twilight gap, fwc vl being in the consensus and Bungie forgot about the concordat. Also he got blocked from Christine Thompson after asking her about the inconsistencies.

submitted by /u/Shirondragon
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A growing loot pool, no direct weapon purchases, and a 30 package cap make each passing Faction Rally worse of a grind.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:30 AM PST

I'm close to reaching the rank limit on each faction this time around, and I still don't have all the new weapons. Weapons and armor drop rates are 50/50, and the fact that old weapons aren't taken out means the chance of getting an individual weapon gets worse every time. This would not be so bad if they were direct-buy like in iron banner. Or if the limit cap was removed. But the combination of all these factors means you're more likely to not get a weapon than to get it.

Bungie I love the rallies, but please address this.

submitted by /u/JonnyDros
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The variety of one of my favourite classes of weapons:

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:05 AM PST (gifv good, Kyle?)

As I don't have all of these I made the gif black and white to help better illustrate what they would be like if colour wasn't a factor, for example if you were using the same shader on all of them.

I'm really hoping LFRs get some love. Right now there's basically only one perk to set each apart. "This is an LFR with Outlaw." "This is the exact same LFR with Snapshot." "This is also the exact same LFR but with Moving Target."

They're all Precision Frame. They all have Projection Fuse and Particle Repeater (bar Crooked Fang which switches Particle Repeater for Ionised Battery while Man o' War switches PR with Accelerated Coils)

This leads all of the Linear Fusions to feel veeeery samey :( Which sucks, because I love them. Especially since they're a brand new addition to the Destiny universe.

(Also, Brakion's arm as an LFR pleeeease, mwah, thank)

On the plus side, Dead Ender sounds orgasmic.

submitted by /u/Voidjumper_ZA
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I'd be ok with faction armor being reskins if at least the ornaments would look like a unique set of armor.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:45 AM PST

Bungie, bring back armor perks.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:51 AM PST

Currenty, there is no reason to grind for armor in the game. It is purely just cosmetic, ALL of it. And now with the masterworks system, its worse; there is no reason to grind for different sets of armor if you can change the base perk of the armor. You only need 1 set of armor and you're done with the armor grind. Brink back armor perks to make them unique. Armor specific perks like the ones on the raid armor would work for different sets of armor.

submitted by /u/Unknown_Raze
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Vendors can sell static rolled weapons but weapon drops from activities should always been randomly rolled

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 12:39 PM PST

Best of both worlds? Or you could introduce a crafting system to add legendary and exotic perks to your guns that you have to grind for. This way you can have a good gun like nameless midnight sold by zavala, but if you want to make it even more powerful you can add and swap out perks as you wish.

I for one would love to grind for perks and craft guns on my own, or at least be able to feel the excitement of getting a powerful gun, one that's different from the rest!

submitted by /u/Ninja-Pups
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Let me choose Armor or Weapons again

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:39 AM PST

I still haven't gotten all the weapons I want from FWC from past faction rallies because I keep getting armor I already have. Let me choose weapon or armor again like we could in D1, this would help people trying to get weapons who have had the full armor set since the first rally.

submitted by /u/littlegreenakadende
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Hey Bungie, what if you just made ONE weapon that was RNG Rolls, for now, to see if people are really interested in having RNG rolls return at all in D2?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:56 AM PST

It could just be a generic looking weapon, that is earnable through grinding, that can be pretty much any roll in that weapon type.

Use the DATA you get from people using it, obtaining it, upgrading it, etc and tell us if the DATA really does match what people have been saying on here.

Maybe it proves that your Static-Rolls System is wanted more with real data that you have all the access to.

But if that DATA says otherwise and actually proves that people would grind for just ONE RNG Roll Weapon, tell us that.

A suggestion from /u/Mblim771_Kyle could be to also build the weapon like a D1 weapon.

So you get the 3 scopes, 2 main perks, and 3 changeable perks.

This could also test if people prefer the one main perk option weapons or would want that variety again.

Just a thought that Bungie could use this to test if people would actually want to grind for RNG rolls again. I have no idea what weapon type it would be though so put suggestions of what you would want if it was a real thing.

submitted by /u/NFSgaming
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[VISUAL MOCK-UPS AND WRITE-UP] How RNG weapons CAN be added into the game while still keeping our static weapons

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:07 AM PST


(More examples and explanations below)

SIDE NOTE: I made these a few months back, which is why there is no "masterwork" shown (and power levels are pre-CoO)

EDIT: I didn't think I would have to put this, but based on the reply I got from a user within a half-minute of posting this, I felt the need to add it. I am not saying I am a programmer and this would be easy to do. I am well aware Photoshopping is much simpler than designing a game. That being said, I hope some people enjoy this contribution and see it as more than just "bullshit imagesTM"

Hey there, Guardians. I am sure one of these days I will run out of steam on making these But I kind of enjoy it, and you guys seem to as well.

PREVIOUS D2 CREATIONS: Bungie Satire Video | Vendor Rework | Grimoire 2.0 | Heroic Sectors

This time around I thought I would tackle an idea that has been a topic of controversy since before the game even launched, random weapon rolls.

Bungie went in a completely new direction by making all of the weapons in the game contain a static set of perks. This divided the community, with many missing the chance at getting a god roll version of a weapon. I feel that this change has both pros and cons. I understand why Bungie wanted to streamline weapons, and help a player understand exactly what a given weapon is like. If I get an Uriel's Gift, I know exactly what I am getting and which parts of the game it will be strong in. They obviously had their other reasons, namely leveling the PVP playing field a bit more.

I am honestly not opposed to the static weapons remaining in the game like this. However, having random/dynamic weapon drops was a huge, enjoyable part of the first Destiny for many players. My big question: is there any reason why we are not able to have BOTH?

I truly think it is possible to add an RNG weapon system into Destiny 2 without having to get rid of the current static weapons and its system. In fact, I feel there are quite a few ways this can be done while also adding some refreshing, unique elements into the game. So I have mocked up some visuals on how this could look and will try to describe these ideas to the best of my ability.

Some quick notes first:

I am not really gonna specify any activities any of these weapons should drop from. However, it'd be interesting if there were an activity that were more likely to drop them (lost sectors for example).

I have also changed up the weapon examine UI, though not too drastically, to allow it to relay more information (Bungie plz show us the aim assist stat). An element of this information is the type of perk within each column, which will bring me to a second, more important note...

Part of this RNG weapon concept involves making the perk tree a bit more dynamic. As many probably have realized, legendary weapons generally have a perk tree along these lines:

  • 1 intrinsic perk, 2-3 Sight/Barrel perks, 2-3 Magazine/Battery perks, 1 trait perk.

I feel part of making an RNG weapon system feel more unique and dynamic would be to break this mold a little bit, and allowing more possibilities. So in the following concepts, I went with this idea:

  • The same perk-type columns remain, with the addition of a second "trait" column. Intrinsic perk remains the same as well.

  • 7 random perks total will roll anywhere within the four columns, with no more than 3 to a column, but always guaranteed at least 1 in each.

  • You may still only select 1 perk per column at a time, as before.

This means you can have something along these lines:

  • 1 sight/barrel perk, 3 magazine perks, 2 trait perks, 1 trait perk (second trait column)

  • 2 sight/barrel perks, 1 magazine perk, 2 trait perks, 2 trait perks (second trait column)

  • 1 sight/barrel perk, 1 magazine perk, 3 trait perks, 2 trait perks (second trait column)

and so on...

Lets get into the juicy stuff now.

IDEA/EXAMPLE #1 - The classic, already-built style (IMAGE)

This mockup shows the most simple and basic form of an RNG weapon added into the game. It has the 7 perks already shown and unlocked as soon as soon as it is obtained. I feel it is important to also make it clear that the weapon obtained is in fact an RNG style weapon. I'd propose having some type of consistent word in these weapon types such as "modular," "RNG," "adaptable," etc to get this idea across. Also the weapon flavor text can easily relay this as well.

As you can see, I had this one roll with a somewhat classic/simple perk tree layout: 3 sights, 2 barrels, 1 trait, and 1 trait (second column).

The strongpoint of this idea is being able to instantly know whether or not you want the RNG weapon that rolled. I can see something like this dropping from a strike or lost sector chest. I feel many may prefer this due to it being less of a grind. This somewhat contrasts my following ideas.

IDEA/EXAMPLE #2 - Powering up your RNG weapon (IMAGE)

This mockup is a bit more in-depth. The first thing you will notice is that much of the skilltree has question marks. I also made the columns a bit different than a standard roll this time. The idea is that any of those question mark nodes can be a random perk (as long as the perk is within that column category).

Unlocking those perk nodes? Well, this idea is somewhat based on the concept of how we leveled up weapons in Destiny 1. Except this time around you may choose any order to unlock these nodes. Simply earn upgrade points by getting kills and using the weapon. Perhaps there can be other ways to level it up faster (gunsmith challenges or something, who knows?) Maybe for those who do not want to grind, there can be some type of "mote of light" system for earning the upgrade points. Overall, I feel this can be pretty fun if implemented properly and not made to be a strenuous grind.

Another note: I am not against the idea of having the perks already shown prior to unlocking them either. This way Guardians will know whether or not they want to keep or dismantle their RNG weapon right away.

IDEA/EXAMPLE #3 - Forging your weapon with materials (IMAGE)

I decided to throw in this mockup when realizing how many excess gunsmith materials I usually have. I am sure there are many other players in the endgame in this position, without having any desire to level up Banshee (for conventional reasons, meaning his drops). I feel there can be many ways to go about this, but I came up with one that is not too complex:

You may exchange 10 gunsmith materials with Banshee for rare "special" gunsmith materials. Each of these special gunsmith materials can be used to unlock a node on an RNG weapon. As I said, I feel there are many ways the gunsmith can be incorporated into this by means of upgrading a weapon with items.

Same idea would apply with being able to unlock the nodes in any order. And again, I feel this can also work if the perks are revealed prior to unlocking.

Nametag? Second mod slot? What are those? (IMAGE)

So if you made it this far I am sure you have seen the additional mod slot and the nametag slot within my slightly modified weapon UI. This was just a bit of fun I had, since I find the "MODS" section of a weapon to be somewhat underwhelming. If the only purpose of an energy/power weapon's mod slot is to change its element type, then there should be a 2nd mod slot that can apply something much more unique. Otherwise, why not just call it an "element" slot?

The nametag is also just a fun idea. I feel if someone obtains an RNG weapon they really enjoy, use a lot, and have fully leveled up, they could be able to change the name. Perhaps there is some challenge to unlock this slot as well. This definitely beats sticking with whatever naming convention would be used for RNG weapon drops.

Well, I think that covers everything. Remember, this is not a proposal to replace our static weapons with RNG weapons, but rather adding them into the game as their own entity. As always, a huge thank you to anyone who stuck through and checked everything out. All feedback and thoughts are welcome.

submitted by /u/Tiredness
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Destiny 2 | Xur in 10 Seconds

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:28 AM PST

Maybe you can't read or maybe you just like my dulcet tones
Whatever your reason, here is another week of Xur in 10 Seconds

submitted by /u/okxcy
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Bungie, please clarify: Will 6v6 be IB only or also generally available?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:10 AM PST

In recent development roadmap posts 6v6 is only mentioned in regards to the Iron Banner event. Bungie, do you plan on only making it available for IB and/or other limited time events, or will there be a 6v6 playlist generally available?

I apologize if this question has been answered already.

submitted by /u/GuardiansWhoSayNi
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I don't want Rumble to rotate. I want it 100% of the time.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 01:23 PM PST

Is there anyone here that agrees?

We should have Rumble available 100% of the time. You want to solo Q? Go in to Rumble. You want to practice your aim? Go in to Rumble. I'm tired of qing against 4 stacks, and I'm tired of constantly needing to 4 stack myself. Maybe things change when the sandbox updates come. Either way, Rumble was the single greatest pvp play list D1 had.

Please, please, please, make this a permanent non-rotating list. I would be in there daily. The majority of the hard core pvp'ers I know would be in there daily too.

submitted by /u/ee4lif3
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[D1] Xur Megathread [2018-02-23]

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 01:01 AM PST

Agent of the Nine, Xûr


Xûr comes and goes freely, his strange curios too valuable to risk driving him from the Tower.


Beep boop! We're searching!

Exotic Gear:

Name Type Stats Cost
Legacy Engram Primary Weapon Engram 31 SC
Dunemarchers Titan Leg Armor 49 Int // 56 Dis 13 SC
ATS/8 Tarantella Hunter Chest Armor 99 Dis 13 SC
Purifier Robes Warlock Chest Armor 109 Int 13 SC
Monte Carlo Auto Rifle 23 SC


Name Type Quantity Cost
Heavy Ammo Synthesis Consumable 3 1 SC
Heavy Ammo Synthesis Consumable 10 3 SC
Three of Coins Consumable 5 7 SC
Glass Needles Material 1 3 SC
"Emerald Coil" Vehicle Upgrade 1 23 SC
Plasma Drive Vehicle Upgrade 1 23 SC

Material Exchange:

Name Cost
Mote of Light Strange Coin x2
Exotic Shard Strange Coin x7

What's a Xûr?

Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a merchant within the Tower and Reef. Xûr sells exotic weapons, armor, and consumables in exchange for Strange Coins. He can be found around the Tower or Reef in different locations every weekend.

TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

When does Xûr visit?

Xûr visits every Friday at 9:00AM UTC and departs on Sunday at 9:00 AM UTC. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

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What are the precise mechanics for the Baths DPS phase?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:42 AM PST

I know how to do Baths. I've done it many times. I've never been 100% clear on the precise DPS phase mechanics, however, and I'm hoping that someone can add some more precision to my knowledge.

E.g., I've noticed that you can't DPS the lanterns right away. There's a delay until they become not "invulernable". I learned this the hard way once when I wasted my hammers on them. Now I'll shoot at the lanterns until I see that they are taking damage before letting go with the hammers.

Question 1: Is there a fixed time delay after the gong sounds before the lanterns will take damage? Or does something else trigger their vulnerability?

A common strategy is to have most of the Guardians standing on the center plate DPSing the lanterns, while one or two Guardians stand off to the side and take care of adds. When the Guardians' psionic protection in the center wear off, they can move to the sides and take over the role of controlling adds, and the add-control Guardians can move onto the center plate and continue to DPS the lanterns.

Question 2: Is there a time limit for killing the lanterns? Or is the DPS phase over just when everyone has used up their psionic protection? I assume that there must be a time limit, or someone standing off to the side could prevent the DPS phase from ever ending.

Question 3: Do any of the details change between Normal Mode and Prestige Mode?

submitted by /u/nessus42
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Team-Damage Protocol - The Dawnblade that lets you 1 phase Callus.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:01 AM PST

So, recently, I've been getting into the Meta on what subclasses and builds are good and for what. I will point out before I begin that since Destiny 2 is primarily a PvE game, with elements built primarily for Raids, Strikes and Co-op experiences I will be basically ignoring the PvP aspect for this discussion. I'll also be focusing a fair bit on the RAID mechanics of Dawnblade, rather than anything else, as in my opinion, even the worst "build" [or lack thereof] can complete any Nightfall or Heroic Strike with ease.

Let's open with My setup. Warlock - Dawnblade. I take the Top tree, because of the abilities it offers.

  1. Heat Rises: This allows you to jump about and use your Auto rifle to get Energy for your Grenades, and maybe a rift... but we don't need that, to be honest. Just save your rift for the moment you need it.

  2. Winged Sun: Badass. nobody else can do this. Plus it ties in well to Heat Rises. This allows you to stay in flight whilst shooting and gaining energy. If you learn to Icarus dash you can just WRACK up energy.

  3. Garbage strike: Nobody wants this crap. Make it grant grenade energy. Warlock have the worst solar grenades anyway. YUCK.

  4. Icarus Dash. Cool! You can dodge Callus explosive shell at the last second. Honestly, it's just better than phoenix dive...

Another notable feature is that the build has the benefit of not requiring the Raid Helmet and it's unique raid mod. Your super already does that on the top tree. This means you can have another grenade energy mod instead, and a fashionable helmet. For Equipment, I usually run Nameless Midnight, Coldheart and Sins of the Past. I run a 0 / 4 / 10 Split across my armor, with maxed out Recovery so I can survive in the Throne room team. FWC Helm + Boots, Philomath Arms & Bond. And finally;

  • Exotic Armor: Starfire protocol: The Namesake of my build. This god-tier exotic does two things. Firstly, it Doubles your Fusion Grenade, allowing two grenades stored at one time. Secondly, getting a kill with one of these fusion grenades fully regenerates your rift.

So, in the Raid, there is a particular segment that my Clan consider the "challenge" to see how well we play as a team. That segment is the Callus room, namely the Damage phase of that fight. We've been working on this for a while now, and this week we managed to finish the Entire raid in about an hour and a half. That is, with some bathroom breaks and such. But I digress. After a few attempts, and tests, this is now; How I Play the build in the Callus Damage Phase.

  1. We Drop a Damage Rift on the 1st Plate. +30% team Damage output... Sounds good.
  2. Melee a Dog for +20% personal Damage as well, Nice.

  3. Pop a fusion grenade on a Woofer. Regenerate your Rift.

  4. Drop that rift on the next plate. Another +30% damage for the team.

  5. Use your second grenade on another dog.

  6. Punch another Dog.

  7. Rift, Super plate... use your super to damage Callus. Activating your super gives you back a grenade and your Rift.

  8. Last Plate, your super gave you your rift back. So, once again, that's +30% damage for your entire team, through all 4 plates, without fail, from a SINGLE Warlock.

NOTE: If you stay in the throne room during the symbol phase, you can heal rift through the blinding charge up attack, switch BACK to damage rift, fusion grenade a dog, and do the same rotation, because of your super, you simply have to grenade stick a dog between the third and fourth plates.

What other build could replace you that would deal an equivalent of +30% damage across your entire team, and take up 1 player slot? Nothing, in my opinion... Mathematically, the 30% on 3 celestial nighthawk Hunters would be 90% additional, but to replace this build with another CN Hunter would require that 10% of their super deal the equivalent of roughly 30% additional damage across then ENTIRE Fight, and a Full dawnblade super, which isn't possible. Trying to kill Callus without this build would undoubtedly be HARDER than not doing so.

submitted by /u/Thillidan
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I don't get why Bungie is putting auras on emblems, all it does is force me to use an emblem I might not want to use if I want to show off I did something. This takes away some customization.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 03:36 PM PST

Im probably never going to use auras now because showing off my perfect D1 grimoire with my Lore Scholar emblem is more important to me. This actually sucks! There really was no reason to spend precious development time fixing stuff thats not broken, and all this does is make you look less badass imo. Bad change.

submitted by /u/peterdozal
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For the love of all soloing players, please allow NF matchmaking along with the new changes.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:40 AM PST


edit: it still amazes me how people can be against matchmaking for such an activity. Do you fear being matchmade with people not as good as you ? Did you ever try guided game as a mean to matchmaking ? I finished 99% at top of scoring of my team when being the "guided" player, it doesn't guarantee anything quality wise... but THAT is ok and not matchmaking ? Come on. I am quite sure all the people against it are people who don't need it.

submitted by /u/Meta_Bukowski
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So I’ve only managed to get one of the new Faction weapons after 39 total rank-ups across the board. What happened to Direct Purchasing?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 12:31 PM PST

Around and around we go Bungie. Still can't let me buy the reskins after how many rallies now? How hard is it to put the new weapons up for sale attached to challenges similar to the ornament milestones?

Get 150 kills with Autos to unlock the new Hollow Earth.

Get 50 headshots with Linear Fusions to unlock Dead Ender.

Or maybe just slap em up for sale for Legendary Marks.

Goddamn Bungie try thinking ahead!

submitted by /u/Ninja-Pups
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