Dead by Daylight Developer Stream #90 - "Soooooooo many coins!" - Summary

Developer Stream #90 - "Soooooooo many coins!" - Summary

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:18 PM PST

Stream Notes for Dead by Daylight Developer Stream #90 "Soooooooo many coins!"

Link to Stream on Twitch [48min]

Things that are in-quotes are taken directly from the stream.

If there are any formatting issues, please let me know.

On the Show Today

  • Not_Queen - Community Manager
  • Mathieu - Game Designer

Stream Summary

  • News & Announcements
    • Lunar Event - In-Progress
    • Screenshot Contest
    • PS4 Blog
    • PS4 (NA) Free-To-Play Weekend
    • PTB - Survey Results
  • Q&A
  • Around the Web
  • Words of Wisdom

News & Announcements

Lunar Event - In-Progress

Mathieu - "Are you enjoying it? I am. There's a lot of people playing it right now!"

Not_Queen - "There's already a lot of feedback."

Mathieu - "We're gonna do a survey afterward. There are some people that love it / hate it."

Not_Queen - "Quick note on the Community Goal: We're almost there. The cosmetics are coming at the end of the event. Second: it is a shirt for Feng Min. If you don't have the DLC, it still will be unlocked if you buy it at a later date."


Screenshot Contest

Not_Queen - "The prizes are pretty cool. We have a lot of participation already. The contest is open until Sunday night, midnight EST. We're gonna select 50 of you guys; put those 50 to a community vote to select 10 of them; and out of the 10 of them, we're gonna select the three winners...and announce them on March 1st."

There was evidently a typo in the rules of the contest, but it will be left as such. Please try and follow the rules as best as possible to remain eligible.


PS4 Blog

Not_Queen - "I have an official, verified account for Behaviour. For PS4, I'm gonna try and have the link added to the website so you guys on PS4 can go for news."

Mathieu - "We're looking for all the ways we can make sure that the specific PS4, Xbox One, and PC communities are serviced properly and have their own places where they can get and ask for information."

Not_Queen - "As for communication, I started talking with Reddit mods, so there's gonna be a weekly Q&A on Reddit. The Reddit mods are gonna post it, with all the rules, and I'm gonna make sure we can answer questions on the next day. It would be cool to receive the questions on Monday and have us answering them on Tuesday. That's gonna be adding to the weekly Q&A here on the stream. We are also looking into to doing AMA, but we need to organize that a little better."


PS4 (North America) Free-To-Play Weekend

Mathieu - "Do we have a date?"

Not_Queen - "I'm waiting on that."

Mathieu - "Technically PS4 (NA) encompasses South America as well, I believe."


PTB - Survey Results

Not_Queen - "The most interesting thing is the reaction to The Emblems...

  • Most people that answered the survey had over 200 hours [in the game total].
    • More than half the people in the PTB were playing both sides.
    • A lot of them tested it [for] three and five hours.
  • Most people understood how the Emblems System worked and how to acquire Emblems as a whole.
  • Chaser and Benevolent Emblems were not very clear; how to get the points and 'Why am I getting more points when I chase them longer as opposed to getting them down early?'

Not_Queen - "The design team has all the data [from the ~7,800 people that took the survey] and they have read a lot of feedback."


Mathieu - "I have a list of Q's, and I will put some A's next to them."

  • When do you think balance changes centered around Survive With Friends will be implemented into the game?

Mathieu - "It's not part of the short-/mid-term right now. We still want to have something looked at, but don't hold your will die."

  • Will Trapper get a Cube?

Mathieu - "Nope; Evan is cool."

Not_Queen - "That doesn't mean that The Trapper is not gonna get touched ever unless he has a Cube..."

Mathieu - "The Nurse got quite a bit of a rework with the new map. The Trapper will probably get tweaked as time goes on, but right now there's no screaming here that says The Trapper is in need of help."

  • How much input does Mathieu have on gameplay updates?

Mathieu - "If you're talking about actual tweaks of values and things like that, I'd say very little. I do tend to scream at the designers and say, 'This is not working,' and they say, 'Yeah, no, it's working as intended,' and I go, 'Oh sorry, I'll let you do your actual work' and go back to my desk. I'm not the one who tells them that The Nurse should be faster."

  • What are you next goals now?

Mathieu - "We're gonna make life better. We want to make small/big adjustments that will make the quality of life better on the whole game; and then we want to make an awesome original Chapter..."

  • Have you guys looked at lunge ranges? Some of the lunges seem shorter on Killers like Wraith and Trapper.

Mathieu - "All the lunges are based on the locomotion speed of the Killers. So depending on the speed of the Killer, the lunge is actually a boost on the speed and therefore the distance is gonna be affected; however, the Killers have different heights and different weapons, so the animations have to be different so that you catch up."

  • Could you make something like a public Trello to make something like a roadmap?

Mathieu - "We want to be more transparent in general. It's not gonna be Trello. The scale of the project--and the scale of the community--would make that a bad option, but we're looking at different ways."

Not_Queen - "We've seen some examples from other games..."

  • Now that the Emblems System is coming, will there be season Rank rewards, like for hitting Rank 1?

Mathieu - "There's no season rewards linked to the Emblems System; you would have seen it on the PTB. But there are changes to the progression and rewards system coming."

  • How many Iridescent Shards could you earn per game?

Mathieu - "The Iridescent Shards are time-based."

[1 shard is earned per minute of match time, up to a maximum of 10 per match.]

  • Are you gonna do a completely-perk balance change?

Mathieu - "Probably never like that, but we do want to rework most of the [underused] perks."

Not_Queen - "You all know what's next on the list..." [Decisive Strike]

  • Since you mentioned how The Entity isn't bound by time or space in what it can do, does that mean we could see Killers and Survivors maps that are from the future, taking place on another planet, or from a different dimension?

Mathieu - "They are all, more or less, closely related. (From my own, personal deduction,) The Entity seems to build the world and needs people to respond to what they see and the memories that they bring with them, and therefore putting someone in a completely alien place or a place that is not recognizable would not have the same effect. Therefore you will likely not see an alien map in Dead By Daylight"

  • How often are the support and discussions forums used by the dev team?

Mathieu - "Shelby checks it everyday. Obviously they don't answer most of the threads in there, but they do respond to specific ones."

  • When will the Emblems System be live?

Not_Queen - "Right now, it's not ready. The design team got some feedback and made changes and now we need to test it again."

Mathieu - "It's not the next patch."

  • Does Mathieu in charge of approving larger game updates, such as patches that fundamentally change gameplay?

Mathieu - "I'm involved, but usually the gameplay part of it is more in Dave's hands; he's the Creative Director."

  • Have you ever thought of making Sprint Burst triggerable?

Not_Queen - "Our first iteration of Dead Hard was--"

Mathieu - "Sprint Burst, on a button; which is already considerably too very powerful. Making Sprint Burst on a button would make it increasingly more powerful and ridiculous, so no."

Not_Queen - "There is no buff to Sprint Burst planned, at all."

  • When will you make more cosmetics for Survivors?

Mathieu - " 'Hah,' is my answer. You just got some and you're about to get some more. For free, too! But on top of that very snarky answer, we are making more at the moment."

  • After reverting the stun change in 1.9.2b, there was a little note that mentioned future pallet fixes. Care to elaborate?

Mathieu - "Go and watch Matt Walker's Panel. He explains quite a lot of what he did already and what he wants to do in the future." [Twitch | Reddit]

Not_Queen - "This time, we're talking about Nurse stun while she's blinking. It's bugs that were related to after the blink she was getting the stun and fatigue; and the range on the pallet stun (for every Killer) needs to be adjusted because you can be stunned from outside the range of the pallet. So we reverted the change because we had to fix that first. The Nurse stun during blink with the pallet is going to happen, we just need to get things in order."

  • Will the David shirt and Huntress mask be obtainable next year or in the future, or are they the new legacy?

Mathieu - "They're not a legacy, but they're a limited time offer, so earn them now. You still have time to earn those."

  • Do you guys look at the suggestions in the Steam forums; if they do, what would you say is their favorite ideas for Killers and Survivors that could be implemented; and if somebody's idea is chosen to be worked with, does that person get notified or mentioned in some way?
  1. "Yes, Steam forums, Reddit, Twitter; and then we find some good ones and show them to each other, all the time.
  2. There are so many good ones, and every day there's a Favorite of the Day
  3. Yes; however, people who design a whole Chapter...we're not just gonna take the whole Chapter and put it in there. We would have to hire that person or buy it outright, but we could. Mostly, it's inspiration, it's a mechanic, it's something, and if we do take something from someone, we'll sure give credit where credit is due. The one time we did something like that, we saw a mask from somebody in the Ukraine, and we bought it off him." - Mathieu
  • Any plans for a lore-based event?

Mathieu - "Huh... I'm not exactly sure how that goes, but I'm not against it. Hm."

  • When will you fix all the audio issues in the game, especially those related to Killer gameplay?

Mathieu - "We're working on the sound issues..."

Not_Queen - "Right now, we had to choose between the new sound bug on the hit [vs.] the heartbeat, and we had to fix that first. Sound is very important in the game."

  • Scratch marks fix when?

Not_Queen - "The design team was working on that like a week back. They're looking into, maybe a capsule to encapsulate the scratch marks. Right now, there's no capsule, so they can go anywhere."

  • Playing Killer was fun a long time ago, but now it's only stressful; Killers aren't feared anymore. Do you have any plans or ideas on how you would like to improve the Killer experience?

Mathieu - "The balancing and making the game fun on both sides is rarely aimed at just let's make Killers better. Bloodlust was kind of that push..."

Not_Queen - "Yes, there are things that are needing fixing."

  • Community Event rewards seem focused mainly on Survivors. Any love for Killers soon?

Not_Queen - "Most of our players play both sides. I like to see our community as a player base and not Killer v. Survivor all the time. It's a game that has different ways to play, and I think it's very important to explore both of them. When we make changes, it's for the best of the whole playerbase."

  • Will we ever get more Survivor faces for Leatherface?

Mathieu - "No. It wouldn't fit in his bag."

  • There are so many cyphers and literally no information or even a hint on how to solve them. Can you please lead us in the right direction?

Mathieu - "Yes I could, and I will not. But I will tell you that they solvable."

  • Hag Cube before PTB Emblems System?

Mathieu - "There is no PTB in the works right now."

Mathieu - "No."

  • Will you be releasing more animated shorts to flesh out Survivors, Killers, and the world?

Mathieu - "We never released an animated short, or comics; but we'd love to get some of that story out in any form possible. (If there's a Hollywood bigshot out there who would like to make a movie, give us a call. We'll be happy to take it. TV show, comic books, novels, theatre, songs...)"

  • Can we please just cancel games where Survivors disconnected instead of just playing them on 3v1, 2v1, 1v1? The game is not balanced for them.

Mathieu - "Cancelling the game outright would be an option. Right now, we're looking into preventing the disconnects instead."

  • Dead By Daylight on Broadway?

Mathieu - "I'd go see that show."

Not_Queen - "I wanna see The Wraith dance."

  • Fix for Borrowed Time when?

Not_Queen - "It is not broken."

  • Do you have any other plans for the way flashlights and pallet stuns are done to make it easier for lower-ranked players?

Mathieu - "Yes. These two elements, specifically, are so key to the timing and the feel of the gameplay that it's very important."

  • Console players feel a little left out; there's nothing exclusive, but PC legacy skins, earlier patches, and DLC drops. Can we get something?

Mathieu - "The reason why PC players have things that console players do not is because the game existed on PC before and there are things that we did that are impossible to bring to the console (like Bill Overbeck and the Charity Case). We will not purposefully create something that excludes people; it's just not something I enjoy doing."

  • Any plans to remove profiles in the pre-game lobby?

Mathieu - "This is constant conversation. There's pros and cons on both sides, and then we get into the nitty-gritty of 'maybe you just can't click on it'..."

Not_Queen - "We all have different opinions on what it should be."

  • Where do you see your game in five years?

Mathieu - "Five years is a long time. My answer this morning was, 'If everything goes badly, then most likely we'll be bought by Disney; and if everything goes well, we will buy them instead.' "

  • We know The Entity is a dark, evil God, so to speak. Is it possible there is another Entity that is there, one that is good that somehow helps the Survivors?

Mathieu - "It's not true. You don't know that. I will not answer [the rest of] it."

Around the Web

Caution: Some content shown in this section may not be suitable for some viewers. Discretion is advised.

[Twitch [3min] | imgur]

Words of Wisdom

"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right."

-Isaac Asimov

End of Stream

Unofficial Words of Wisdom: "Don't be a dick." -Mathieu Edit: Although we're sure all the pregnant ladies will be happy, 'stretch marks' was corrected to its appropriate cousin, 'scratch marks.'

submitted by /u/Spoiled_Soul
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We did it! We reached 10,000,000 coins!

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:11 PM PST

Drew the Pig

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:17 AM PST


Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:55 AM PST

All 11 Killers!

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:16 AM PST

Borrowed Time changes in a nutshell.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:29 AM PST

90% of the games

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 01:37 AM PST

When you finally get a 4K as Wraith

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:34 AM PST

When tinkerer is completely useless on the two most recent killers

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:47 AM PST

The Blaire Witch Project (1999)

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:02 AM PST

What Every Freddy Needs for First Perk

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:26 AM PST


Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:03 AM PST

Wraith Cosplay made by me

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:05 AM PST

How I feel when other survivors last second switch out but the killers running Franklins anyway.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:52 AM PST

finger guns (and DARN)

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:52 AM PST

Got compensated by the lovely Behaviour Support. Thank you so much!

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:10 AM PST

How it feels when you DS Killers

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 12:47 PM PST

How to make survivors shit their pants 101

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:11 AM PST

1.Go wraith and equip noed 3
2.stand infront of exit gate switch thingy
3.wait until they do all the gens
4.wait until someone comes to the exit gate and starts bumping into you

This has been a guide on how to fuck around as the wraith. Goodbye.

submitted by /u/lugiamaster3
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Started playing Killer and dumped my remaining Bloodpoints into Doc. Is this a good setup? Only have a few killer teachables from the shrine.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:02 AM PST

[Fanart & Headcanon] The Original Four

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 12:08 PM PST

When you bring in a good flashlight to save your allies but the killer has Franklin's demise.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:50 AM PST

Small Quality of life improvement for Stake Out

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 05:07 AM PST

Currently when you use one of your Stake Out tokens, it resets the 'within killers terror radius' timer back to 0.
So if you are a couple of seconds off getting a token, hitting a normal skillcheck and using a token up resets the counter back to 0.

I like this perk but it's frustrating to have this happen, It'd make much more sense for the timer to be retained when using a token.

submitted by /u/Phil2244
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when you heal a wounded ally and go for perfect skill check but fail everytime

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 11:26 PM PST

Got bored, did this in SFM.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:25 AM PST

Rank 1 Survivor is hard...

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:26 AM PST

...not because Killers are good, it's hard because Survivors are dumb. Am I the only one who feels like Rank 1 is flooded with brainless Survivors who think they are 72hrs, but find out they can't waste more than 30 seconds of the Killer's time?

I play lots of different playstyles, but I haven't seen the door opened for ages. It feels like when I play Killer at Rank 10 Killer there are smarter and better Survivors than my teammates at Rank 1.

I guess this sums it up pretty well, I was leveling some Bill for his perks:

Edit: I would love to hear your experiences, in my opinion good players are within Rank 12-5. I hope the Emblem System will change it and makes Rank 1 more skill based and not as frustrating and stressful.

submitted by /u/Shadowlicious
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This short video sums up the lunar event for a lot of killers.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:06 PM PST

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