Dead by Daylight Weekend Tech Support - February 10, 2018

Weekend Tech Support - February 10, 2018

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 07:11 AM PST

Hello people of the fog! Here you can ask tech support questions, such as workarounds for certain errors and configuring the game for certain setups.

Some rules and guidelines specific to this thread;

  • Top level comments must contain a tech support request.
  • Don't spam the thread with requests; try and keep them contained to one comment.
  • Check before commenting to make sure your request hasn't been asked already.


submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Why does this happen? please Devs fix this!!! ☹️☹️

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 10:17 AM PST

[My art]The origin Laurie and DBD Laurie

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 06:45 AM PST

I couldn't stop myself from helping Feng Min after a brutal game, she then showed me this screenshot she took of us "repairing" gens together!

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 11:05 AM PST

when you hook a survivor just as they hit their decisive strike skillcheck and use it up

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 01:32 AM PST

It's kind of dumb that, with Leader, 1 Dwight can increase 3 other Survivors' speed by 9%, and, with Prove Thyself, it requires 3 other survivors to increase Dwight's speed by 9%.

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 08:08 AM PST

Just to be clear, I'm saying Prove Thyself is too weak, not Leader is too strong.

# of Survivors Nearby Leader Total Boost Prove Thyself Total Boost
0 0% 0%
1 9% 3%
2 18% 6%
3 27% 9%

The only times where Prove Thyself is superior are when another player doesn't have Leader, and they are somehow incapacitated. Like unhooking or healing. And we all know that 0.04s (my seconds per frame is lower than that)/0.35s makes all the difference.

If you have Leader and Prove Thyself together, then it's literally handicapping your team to actually utilize it, sometimes. Like if you're sabotaging a hook - because a Killer is downing someone nearby or something - and someone's standing around CAUSE DAT 3% THO, it's more efficient for you to drop your toolbox and point to the hook than to sabotage it youself.

The only time where Prove Thyself can match up with Leader is if you also have Tier III Spine Chill enabled and Nea is watching you work.

submitted by /u/Zephandrypus
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Anyone else think doctor is OP on Gideon?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 07:03 AM PST

I literally have a 100% death rate on this map against doctor. He uses distressing and calm addons, and I literally can't build since I'm always in t3 when he's on the other side of the map

submitted by /u/LaoExpose
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Drew the Nightmare (2.0)

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 04:16 AM PST

PSA: Someone needs to be found for anyone to pip as survivor

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 04:02 AM PST

Just played a game as surv, no one was found, all five gens done, everyone escaped without a single chase, everyone safety pipped. Silver for doing gens, iridescent for not getting downed, bronze for evading, but a black for benevolence. Only 7 points total.

Benevolent probably needs to be changed, or maybe isn't working as intended? Seems like you shouldn't get punished for benevolence if there's never a chance to be benevolent...

submitted by /u/V_Concerned
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Can we just rework the Pig's ritual?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 10:49 AM PST

RBT deaths are rare or require you to play like a complete cunt and you likely wont get more than 1k in a game where you force it to proc- the ritual should just be something like "land 5 ambush strikes" k thanks bye.

submitted by /u/FujinR4iJin
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Classic Stealth Gameplay

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 10:32 PM PST

There's a big problem with the Evader emblem

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 06:08 AM PST

The new emblem system introduces a way for survivors to pip by being stealthy. This is allegedly done by granting survivors points for being near the Killer without being seen, and by breaking chases (receiving the 250 points for "Escaped").

On paper, this sounds great; Survivor get to play stealthy, avoid confrontation and being chased by the Killer and still pip. However, the existence of two Killers (off-topic, but still kind of relevant) and the execution make this completely backfire. After playing several games with two seperate objectives, I've managed to get a very good grasp of how the game awards players the Evader emblem.

Following the Killer

My first objective was to follow the Killer without being seen. I simply tried staying in terror radius range, but not initiating a chase. This wasn't very difficult, but most of the time I wasn't really doing anything to aid my team either. In every single I game that I did this, I received an Iredescent Evader emblem.

Avoiding the Killer

My second objective in other games was to simply avoid the Killer and not being found at all, while leaving the area if the Killer approached. This worked out pretty decently, with me finding myself in an average of two chases per game. In all games I did this, I received a Silver Evader emblem or worse.

What does this tell us? The game awards, as advertised, points for being near the Killer without being detected. This seems to work as intended. However, the problem lies in something entirely different; The game starts your progress for the Evader emblem at 0% and depending on how much time you've spent undetected !!while in the Killer's terror radius!!, not how much you've actually evaded the Killer.

This causes a simple but big problem; you're encouraged to simply follow the Killer instead of actually avoiding them.

Suggested fix: Simply revert the whole process. Every survivor starts out with an Iredescent Evader emblem when the game starts, and depending on how often you've been in a chase your emblem loses quality (let's say for every two to three chases your emblem ranks down. This means that if you've been found only twice, you receive an Iredescent Evader emblem.).

submitted by /u/Knife_Bird
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With the new Emblem System No Mither will probably be even more Useless

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 07:53 AM PST

As most of you already know, there is a category in the new emblem system that gives you points for every second (i think) a survivor is downed, injured, etc.

and one category that for every survivor injured you get less points in a category as survivor.

So will No Mither affect that new Category?

That would be meaning that every surivivor gets less points every seconds just because of a perk and the killer gets every second points because of it.

I didn't try it out and i am not sure if it is that way, but if it is than it needs to be fixed somehow

submitted by /u/Some_Random_Spoon
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Why I Love Dead By Daylight

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 01:38 AM PST

I was playing as The Shape on McMillan Estate and at the very start I pulled a Dwight off the generator and stuck him in the basement. Pretty sure I gave him a heart attack since I had a Terror Radius of 1m because I had M&A.

For the rest of the match he acted very panicked as I did hit and run attacks around the area since all four were there.

I killed one with EWI and then advanced to EWII when it got to the last four gens, like a boss changing phases. I killed a Feng after a long chase and the last generator finished.

I went to the Exit door and found Jake opening the door with Dwight folded up on his heels, I don't think I've ever seen someone so desperate to get the Exit open.

I decided to close it in style, so instead of running for them I stalked just outside heartbeat range to Evil Within III and charged them as they got the door 99% to opening.

They scattered from the door just before they could open it and I downed both. I hauled the Jake off to the hook, but Dwight managed to get himself up with Unbreakable.

Despite being the first person hooked and downed and it making him paranoid the rest of the match, he ended up being the only survivor. He let me have a free hit but didn't even try to rescue Jake.

I wasn't even mad I lost one, hell I was almost rooting for both to run through the door just because it was like something out of a fricken movie, with the last two victims scrambling to open the door while the killer closes in.

I love the cinematic moments this game creates sometimes.

submitted by /u/Leider-Hosen
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Allow us to see other players’ emblems post-match

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 04:08 AM PST

It's not dissimilar to being able to see how much bloodpoints someone earned.

With the current ranked system, you can check whether the other players pipped or not. However, if you can't check emblems, you can't do this anymore.

I'd also really like to see how hard I carried/got carried/screwed over the survivors...

submitted by /u/owlt0wn
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Are we wrong about the hag?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 08:38 AM PST

Perhaps it's that she is not often used that most people don't know how to act around her. Perhaps I have gotten better as a killer. Or maybe it's when I came at the hag from a new approach that I reached some killer zen.

Hag as we all know gets a lot of hate flack. she's third from the bottom in most estimates but like the saying goes "If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid." Hag's ability doesn't shine by itself. You can't just rely on people popping traps and teleport to them. Her genius is in the mind game.

As an example, you lay a trap in places that you know survivors will go. That is basic predicting based off of 100 hours of looping.

but next is mid chase, and this is where the next level shit comes in, the mind games. you do a little chase, you stop under a pallet and crouch to draw a trap, but stop part way as you anticipate the greedy survivor coming for a free pallet slam, drawing him in to you.

they are behind a safe pallet? draw a trap right in front of their face, let them see that shit, go around to the other side and more times than not they will jump the pallet, spring your trap, and jump back. the mind game is you don't teleport. you let him come right to grandma for a pinch on the cheek. if they muscles forward well you teleport to the other side of the pallet at you are right behind him again. you get the advantage either way.

So what Im getting at is the hag does need some attention. she's a bit gimmicky but more manageable than we give her credit for. So anyone else who has success using the hag give us some tips.

submitted by /u/avazer
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BHVR in a nutshell

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 11:13 PM PST

Last Survivor in a nutshell

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 06:55 PM PST

The doctors race in the wiki...

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 10:00 AM PST

Is wrong I think, I know it's something small And hell I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure his white or Asian. It labels him as African. I'm really into the lore and it just through me off when I was reading up on him.

Any lore guys know for certain? I thought he was orginally Chinese in early development.

Edit : I'm 90% certain he is Asian, might just have gotten it wrong, his VA is Asian his alias name is Asian, he's based of a Asian dr. The only evidence that he could be African is his skin tone,but In DbD the trapper is darker and he is 100% Caucasian. Also the hag is literally a grey swamp monster so I take as weird entity stuff.

submitted by /u/Sunbuzzer
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I really wish there was a VERY serious way to prevent cheaters. This game is amazing and I already have more hours on this game then any other. Does any one know if this is lag switching (I’m pretty sure it is)

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 06:25 AM PST

Recently I was playing and we were going up against a trapper at auto haven wreckers. Now I have seen people play with hackers before. I've seen speed hacks and location hacks. Recently I watched someone play with a lag switcher. (Just to clear it up with people who don't know) A lag switcher is someone who can enable lag at the moments you DO NOT want to lag but when it's ok he turns it off and everything is back to normal.

When I was working on this generator I got a great on my screen but the generator blew up. I just thought simple lag on my crappy internet type of thing. After he came I tried to run but I kept walking backwards and when I jumped barriers I got stuck in the animation and while I was lagging the trapper just zoomed around. As soon as he put me on the hook I stopped lagging, but as soon as the trapper saw the guy who took me off we started lagging again. I thought it was just me l but just to see I messaged the other players and they said they all had the same problem. When no one was being chased he made us lag (I'm assuming it's to make us mess up on gens). Does anyone have an idea if this was lag switching?

submitted by /u/jimmyback23
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When someone that was caught at the very beginning of the game DCs and someone pulls out the meme card

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 08:08 PM PST

My friend accidentally photobombed a picture of me getting mori'd by Myers

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 02:08 PM PST

We must Get the Gens Powered So we can Start out Pizza Business

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 07:40 PM PST

DBD Fan Chapter: The Sleep Experiment

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 01:53 AM PST

Survivor: Fritz Müller

Backstory: Fritz was a young journalist who was always eager to find his next big story. Unfortunately for him, this desire would wind him up within the realm of the entity.

One day as Fritz was making his way towards work, he was confronted by a strange man stating that he had details on some messed up experiment performed by the Russians during World War 2. He told Fritz that he would be willing to give him the location of the facility, for a fee of course. Fritz being the curious man he is, took the stanger's offer and prepared his things to make his way towards the supposedly abandoned facility.

Upon reaching the small town located outside the facilities parameters, he began to ask the townsfolk if they had heard of the experiment. Most simply denied it, stating that they were unaware that an experiment had happened near them at all. Some on the other hand seemed to grow uncomfortable by the mere mention of the facility. This only made Fritz's curiosity grow.

The next day, he traveled towards the facility and began to look around. On the outside, it seemed like just some building being slowly destroyed by time itself. Once Fritz went inside though, the horrors of facility presented themselves. Dried blood, bodies of those who had died long before Fritz had even heard of the facility, and chambers filled with nothing but blood.

As he traveled further into the building, his paranoia grew with every single step. He began to find it difficult to breath, as if the air itself was choking him. Quickly he began to rush towards the exit, he needed to get out of here, but his vision began to fade, and soon enough he was unconscious from the lack of air. When Fritz woke up again, he was met with a warm fire. Surrounding him was nothing but a seemingly endless forest. He didn't know where he was, or how he got here, but he was determined to figure it out. Once he did, he'll write the best damn story the world had ever seen!

Perk 1: A Journalist's Duty You are always trying to get the next big story, sadly though it only seems to prolong the inevitable. The killer's aura is revealed to you after freeing a survivor from a hook.

Tier 1: Killer's Aura is revealed to you for 3 seconds after freeing a survivor from the hook.

Tier 2: Killer's Aura is revealed to you for 6 seconds after freeing a survivor from the hook.

Tier 3: Killer's Aura is revealed to you for 9 seconds after freeing a survivor from the hook.

Where did you last see him? ~ Fritz Müller

Perk 2: Analyzation

You're smart enough to realize your mistakes, and maybe even quick enough to escape them. You gain a small speed increase after being in chase for some time. Tier 1: After being in chase for 9/12/15 seconds, your base speed increases to 101%/103%/105%

Tier 2: After being in chase for 6/9/12 seconds, your base speed increases to 102%/104%/106%

Tier 3: After being in chase for 3/6/9 seconds, your base speed increases to 103%/106%/109%

I've always been quick at solving my issue ~ Fritz Müller

Perk 3: Determination

You'll do anything to get your next scoop, even throw yourself in danger. Upon entering chase, a timer will begin. Once the timer fills up, you will have the aura of the closest totem/ generator/ chest near you revealed to you indefinitely until it is destroyed/ finished/ searched. This can only be done up to six pips.

Tier 1: After being in chase for 9 seconds you will gain a pip.

Tier 2: After being in chase for 7 seconds you will gain a pip.

Tier 3: After being in chase for 5 seconds you will gain a pip.

My job can sometimes be dangerous, but this is oon an entirely different level ~ Fritz Müller

Outfit 1: Journalist Fritz

Head: Cropped Fringe

A styled look with the top falling naturally and the sides being buzzed off.

Body: Journalists Jacket

A dark brown coat that is typical of many journalists in films, especially if accompanied with a white button up shirt.

Legs: Beige Cargos

Sometimes the extra pockets come in handy.

Outfit 2: Patient Fritz

Body: Patient's Jacket

A white straight jacket with the arms untied.

I don't know how this got on me, but I can't seem to rip it off ~ Fritz Müller

Legs: Patient's Pants

A baggy pair of white cotton pants

They may be comfy to wear, but I don't feel comfortable at all! ~ Fritz Müller

Prestige Outfit:

Head: Bloody Fringe

A mess and covered in blood? You're unpresentable!

Body: Bloody Patient's Jacket

A white straight jacket covered in blood.

Legs: Bloody Patient's Pants

A pair of white pants covered in blood.

Killer: Ludwig Avdonin

Backstory: Ludwig was the head researcher at the Perdita Vera Facility, a facility known only for the strange and inhumane experiments they performed onto the poor souls held prisoner there. One evening, Ludwig was approached by the commanding officer of the facility. It was then that he was ordered to perform a number of tests onto thirty war criminals that were currently being held prisoner. These tests ranged from the testing of performance enhancing drugs, the strength of the newest infantry vests, or new interrogation techniques. One such technique he was asked to perform was to lock five inmates in a cell filled with a airborne stimulant to keep the inmates awake. This test hoped to achieve a new and better way to extract information from captured enemy soldiers. They believed the sleep deprivation would make the inmates less focused, and more compliant to giving away information that may be crucial to the war. Ludwig loaded the inmates into their chamber and locked the door. He then gave the order to flood the room with the gas. Most tests ended without any issues, but the five inmates locked in the cell seemed to be undergoing some issues. Particularly due to the increasing unpredictability of the inmates locked within. Following a loss of contact with the facility a team of soldiers were asked to search the place and returned with a number of files written by Ludwig himself, but it was the file titled "Sleep Experiment" that seemed to shed some light on what happened to those inside the facility.

Day 1:

Today marks the start of what may be the most cruel experiment I have ever been asked to perform upon another man. I am required to place five inmates into a cell, and deprive them of sleep using a gas that will stimulate their senses, thus making it impossible for them to rest. This test will go on for thirty days, an entire month, afterwards the test subjects are to be studied for any ill effects, and then terminated.

Day 6:

I've recently learned that the inmates were promised their freedom when the tests were over. How I pity them, to suffer through such torture to only be executed afterwards. Maybe termination is for the best though. From what I can observe of the subjects, they appear to be increasing in paranoia and have begun to scream at random. Their eyes seem to be that of a man who is completely and utterly terrified. I may need to talk to the commander about this experiment.

Day 13:

We have lost the ability to watch the subjects within their chamber, they seemed to have used their own feces and the paper from the books we had given them, to block the view of the one way mirror that we used to observe them. Audio is the only thing we have now at the moment, until we can find someone to clean the window. They won't stop screaming.

Day 15:

Today we sent another inmate into the chamber to clean the mirror and the rest of the chamber as well. The subjects at first seemed terrified of him, and stayed far away as he did cleaned. This went on for an hour until the inmate was quickly pinned down and savagely torn apart by the the subjects. They began to eat the corpse as if they were nothing but animals feasting on a successful hunt. These men, no monsters, need to be terminated at once. I will talk to the commander once more.

Day 16:

Once again the creatures inside the cell blocked the view of the mirror, this time with the blood of the inmate that was sent in yesterday. I had talked to the commander about the termination of the experiment, but he refused. He instructed me to continue with the test, and to send another inmate into the cell so we can gain visuals once again. As ordered, another inmate had entered the cell. This time though, we also sent in two armed guards who were instructed to kill anyone within the cell that began to act disorderly.

After thirty minutes, a subject was killed who had tried to leap at one of the guards. His body was dragged out by the inmate, who then continued his job at cleaning the cell. The cleaning took two hours to finish, but the cell was mostly clean. The books we had given them were also confiscated. One of the subjects now seems to stare blankly at the wall where the mirror is located, often meeting my, and my fellow researcher's gazes. I will call this one the watcher.

Day 23:

Since the cleaning, the subjects within seemed to grow increasingly agitated. Three of the four remaining subjects have returned to screaming despairingly. All except the watcher. He continues to stare at us.

Most of my fellow researchers have resigned from the experiment, hoping to forget all that has happened during this test. Leaving only myself and two others. Though I notice that their sanity is being pushed to its limit. I am afraid that I too am succumbing to madness. I may need to consult the commander on this matter.

Day 25:

Today I found three of the subjects surrounding a single spot, they were acting similar to how they treated the corpse of the inmate sent into the chamber weeks ago. It didn't take long to figure out that they were consuming the corpse of the subject I titled watcher. I can't take this anymore, the last two researchers working with me had resigned yesterday. Leaving only me. I alone can't take another five days of this torture, I am shutting down this experiment and having these monsters terminated by the morrow! May god forgive me for what I have done to these poor souls.

These files were found on the body of the commanding officer who had been shot twice, once in the chest, and another in the head. Surrounding him were the bodies of three mutilated men, these men could only be the monsters described by Ludwig in the files found on the commander's body. On the chest of one of the mutilated bodies, lay a note scribbled quickly. The note said only one short message.

I know why they screamed now

Ability: Stimulant

You pump you're mask full of the very gas you used to destroy the lives of five men. Destroying your exhaustion completely, and filling you with regret.

Upon activation, your base speed is increased by 10% as well as increasing the speed at which you destroy generators and pallets.

This state of increased speed lasts for 10 seconds, and takes thirty seconds for it to be activated again.

Perk 1: Put Them Out Of Their Misery You won't let these souls suffer, you will put them down yourself. Downed survivors who have their health reduced past a certain point grants you the ability to finish them off yourself.

Tier 1: Survivors who have less than 20% of their health remaining can be killed by your hand.

Tier 2: Survivors who have less than 25% of their health remaining can be killed by your hand.

Tier 3: Survivors who have less than 30% of their health remaining can be killed by your hand.

I won't allow them to suffer like those five. ~ Ludwig Avdonin

Perk 2: Observation You learn more about your prey the more you watch them. Having a survivor in your direct line of sight slowly reveals their aura to you permanently. Does not count time spent in chase.

Tier 1: Having a survivor in your sight for 80 seconds unlocks their aura to you.

Tier 2: Having a survivor in your sight for 60 seconds unlocks their aura to you.

Tier 3: Having a survivor in your sight for 40 seconds unlocks their aura to you.

I've studied you long enough to know how you think. ~ Ludwig Avdonin

Perk 3: Hex: Last Resort You fear what the creature watching you will do if you fail it. Forcing you to use your final option. Once the exit gates are powered, you call upon the Entity itself to block the gates. Hex activates two totems if two dull totems are left standing. If one hex totem is destroyed, the gate associated with that totem becomes free of the Entity.

Tier 1: Once the exit gates are powered, the entity blocks the exit for 60 seconds.

Tier 2: Once the exit gates are powered, the entity blocks the exit for 120 seconds.

Tier 3: Once the exit gates are powered, the entity blocks the exit until the hex totem is destroyed.

It watches me, I can't fail! ~ Ludwig Avdonin

submitted by /u/Domeenic1
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Scratched mirror Mike trying to spook a survivor but a Quebtin got in the way

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 09:19 AM PST

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