Dead by Daylight Changes and additions to /r/deadbydaylight - Followup

Changes and additions to /r/deadbydaylight - Followup

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 02:13 PM PST

Hello, people of the fog! We hope you've been enjoying yourselves lately in-game, especially with the new DLC and what not. This post is made as a response to my original one about potential changes with polls attached - this time around I'm showing you guys the results

Salty Post-game Chats

Because of the complaints, we implemented a vote on banning salty post-game chat screenshots from submissions, and redirecting them to Rage Wednesday.

So as we asked, and you replied, HERE , salty post-game chats are being beaned from submissions by midnight PST on Sunday. Another task resolved!

Smile Sunday

another one of our polls was about introducing a new, positive, full of good vibes thread to our weekly rotation. and, as the majority of y'all voted here, we are now officially introducing Smile Sunday in the weekly rotation.

Thoughtful Thursday

Thoughtful Thursday is going to stay for the time being while we go over and drum up possible solutions internally. We'll keep you posted on that one.

Fuel posts

Last, we got the Fuel Posts. Little info, in case you missed the last post;

"Fuel posts" are posts on /r/deadbydaylight that are similar to /r/SCP's fuel posts - a post that is image or video meant to serve as inspiration for a killer, survivor, what have you.

Stuff like this. The poll on those were in order to restrict them into into self posts, and as you have responded HERE, it shalt be done.

submitted by /u/Alchameth
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The funniest game of my life

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:01 AM PST

Edit: wow, can't believe I got gold for this, glad I was able to provide some entertainment!

Edit 2: I've created a game mode based on this! It is linked here

TL:DR at bottom

My 2 friends and I were playing some casual games and just having a good time, my friend said she never plays nea and asked if I wanted her halloween lunchbox (because I'm a hoarder for those limited items)

I said yes and I brought a white ward just in case I died I'd still have it

We get in the game and it's going like any normal game, this meg walks up to me and obviously wants my brand new lunchbox, but she can't have it, my mom packed it for me and it has my pb&j in there

She drops her purple toolbox expecting a fair trade, I go back to work on the gen, but MISTAKE I accidentally traded the box instead of hiting the gen, I wait till the Gen is almost done and I block the meg in with my body so she'll give it back

I put down the toolbox but I guess that makes it so other people can run through you, so she runs, and I follow her she starts throwing down pallets and fast vaulting, after a bit the killer comes to us and we swap directions.

The billy boye hit his m1 and I realized something

He's got Franklins

I tell my friends it's their priority to follow that meg, and if she gets hit, steal the lunchbox.

The billy downs me, but he just walks away.

I get healed up and I see the meg started getting chased, she gets hit, drops the lunchbox, my friend steals it back when billy started carrying her, he puts her down and starts chasing my friend

At this point only 2 gens are left, and nobody is doing them. We run him by the killer shack (map was thotson house) and he downs my friend, the lunchbox is right there.

He walks a little bit away then I see he's insidious camping the lunchbox from a distance, my friend distracts him for a split second and I swoop in, take the box, and run like hell.

The billy stayed there for a minute before realizing his box was gone

Eventually 1 Gen is left and we're working on the one in the house, me and my friend are up there but he ignores my friend on the generator

All he wants




I hide in a locker but he quickly finds out, I hop out and run downstairs (my friend body blocked him) and eventually he hits me, I lure him away and tell my friend to snag the box

She does, the billy notices and downs her, then my other friend goes and picks it up, she gets downed in the same spot as my first friend.

It should be noted the billy no longer cared about hooks, only stealing my sweet, sweet pb&j

Once he begins chasing the meg I swoop over, take the box, heal up my 2 friends, and we head back to the house to finish the gen, but ol lunch money takin billy the bully realizes this and runs upstairs, I think of a new plan.

I hide in the locker, that way he can't m1 me, and I can keep my lunch

He sees I'm in the locker, but this time I don't leave, he gives up after a while and grabs me out, then drops me on the ground expecting me to get healed.

I tell my friends just to work on the generator and I'll crawl to an exit, I made it down to the cornfield and Billy was just camping me, waiting for the heal

But it didn't come, I came close to bleeding out, and I was crawling around, the meg sits by my almost corpse and waits, waits for my death

But if you might recall

I brought a white ward

This was my plan all along, I died for this lunchbox

And you know what? It was worth it.

Billy if you're out there, that was the best game of my life, thank you so much for the entertainment

Meg if you're out there, heck you, you lil lunch stealer


my friend brought in a hallows eve lunchbox for me to have, the killer made it his goal to not let anyone have the box, I let myself bleed out because I brought a white ward in case I died.

submitted by /u/Mudmallow
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Hillbilly: How is higher ranks going for you? Wraith:

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:25 AM PST

Mods on the Subreddit Be Like

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:12 AM PST

When the Claudette forgets what she said at the start of the match.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:00 AM PST

Hey all! I'm doing a charity stream for cancer research!

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 11:38 AM PST

Some of you might know me as Bricky ( a few of my DBD casefile videos have shown up here) and I just completed the casefile on Freddy. (link - )

He was the final killer I had so to celebrate the final episode I'm doing a "Cancer Killer" stream over at

If you'd like to be a part head on by! All the rules and such will be in the chat if you use !charity <3

submitted by /u/BrickyOrchid8
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Dear Devs

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:33 AM PST

When we 4% off a hook because we're being camped by a Leather Daddy or a Piggly Wiggly, or a spooky Bing Bong Boi can we please land on our feet so we have so chance of escaping?

Currently, I land flat on my face and am forced to wait for myself to stand up which gives the camper plenty of time to crack me in the back of the head and throw me right back on the hook.

If I landed on my feet at least I could try to run away first or something.

I mean I hit a 4% devs. 4%. Let me land on my feet and run away. Chances are really good if I'm trying to 4% it's because the killer is right in my face, otherwise I'd just chill out and wait for my homies to save me.

submitted by /u/scumrat1
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My opinions on thotful Thursday presented as a brief Shakespearean tragedy

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:13 AM PST

/r/deadbydaylight. Enter SHITPOST

SP: Greetings to all redditors young and old,

I am the fair and humorous shitpost!

Though it is true that I lack much effort,

I yet bring great joy to this subreddit.

On the front page you shall see my wonders,

And they shall always be upvoted, yes!

enter MODERATOR from stage left

MD: Halt, beast so foul and terrible for all,

Your long-awaited end shall soon arrive!

On Thursday your existence will be banned,

So this subreddit may have thoughtfulness!

SP: How could you say such terrible phrases?

Not only terrible, but also false!

On the front page I always appear, no?

The majority love me dearly, sir!

MD: You shall not dissuade me from my great task!

Beast so putrid and unwanted, begone!

a massive ban hammer emerges from MODERATOR'S hand and repeatedly strikes SHITPOST

SP: Oh! Agony so great and terrible!


MD: The evil has been vanquished from this land.

Now we will only speak thoughtfully, yes!

And a new age shall dawn for this reddit!

/r/deadbydaylight loses all user traffic


submitted by /u/FrankWest21CP
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Roses are red, Quentin smokes meth....

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 10:38 PM PST

Best clear those totems or, Hex: No One Escapes Death.

submitted by /u/EchelonEK
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I was really happy this worked

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 11:31 PM PST

My experience in DbD after one week as a hag main

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:48 AM PST

PSA: If a Killer is "DS-dribbling", you can mash the spacebar to use up DS after 2 drops and then immediately wiggle free after the third.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:39 AM PST

So basically, the Killer's counter has a counter.

submitted by /u/Zephandrypus
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Sometimes I wonder why I bother

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 01:51 AM PST

Look, I'm an altruistic guy when I play Survivor. Even if the odds of getting a rescue are practically nothing and I'm one hook from death I hate leaving people behind and will do everything I can to save them if it's at all possible since I hate being left behind myself. I often kill myself trying to rescue someone I should really leave behind, but it doesn't bother me too much, at least I try.

But some people are just too fucking dumb to live, it's ridiculous.

So, we're on Grim Pantry. After losing one of our team earlier and the game stalling a long time since we were against Sharp Hand Joe and everyone kept getting slept and chased around, we finally get the Exit powered.

I run to the door and sure enough, Remember Me is in play and I'm not the obsession, so it's taking awhile. Freddy tags me with sleep while a Laurie is running around injured waiting on the door and I'm afraid I'll have to run.

Thankfully Freddy decided to leave me to go after Laurie and down her and like the gentlemen I am I decided to stay on the door since it was about 75% done and I wanted it open for everyone else.

Freddy notices the door is 90% done and leaves Laurie on the ground to slap me away, but again he decided to go back for Laurie instead of trying to chase me and he grabbed her.

Well, I got a 200IQ master plan to get everyone out:

Dwight was on the way and wasn't asleep, Laurie was about to get hooked, and it would take about 10-15 seconds to fully open the door. So, if I failed a self-care skillcheck to wake up (I was injured), that's 7 seconds before Fred can hit me and another 4 or 5 seconds for him to get to the nearest hook and back.

So, just enough time to finish opening the door and run out if I ran right to the lever without fully healing, though it puts me in a hell of a risky spot. If I succeeded though, Dwight could get the save and he and Laurie could escape through the open door before Fred could hit them.

The timing was flawless, plan went off without a hitch with me just barely escaping. I spectated Dwight and Laurie getting off the hook while Fred was distracted by me and they were home free as he put them to sleep.

...There's just one problem; and that is Laurie decided to be an assclown and dance and spin in circles in the Exit instead of, you know, leaving.

She had Decisive Crutch and wanted the free stun off before she left, because of course. Well, she forgot the fact she already fucking used it. Cue Dwight watching Fred walk her back to the hook and kill her.

At that point I was rooting for the killer. I mean are you fucking serious? Me and Dwight work our asses off to salvage a losing match and you decide to fuck around and taunt the killer when we giftwrapped and delivered you a flawless rescue? And you were so cocky you forgot you didn't have your strike to bail your ass out?

I mean anyone that stupid deserves to die anyway, but nothing makes me want to play killer more than teammates that do dumb shit like this.

Edit: Extra Detail

submitted by /u/Leider-Hosen
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Killing cancer with Killers.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:07 PM PST

Guys, BrickyOrchid8 is doing a charity stream as killer to help cure cancer. We could do with your assistance, either monetary or in views.

Plus Bricc is funny imho.

submitted by /u/IronBrew16
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[PSA] Some advice for Xbox players who've had their Rep Ruined.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:58 AM PST

Wall of text ahead, tl;dr at the bottom.

Just a starting note, when i say 'Rep' as in reputation i don't mean what people in the community think of you. Xbox has a very stupid mechanic where if you get a bunch of reports, regardless of their validity or reason, you get flagged with a certain rep. The worst you can get is avoid me. This has no direct effect on some games, like DBD but in others it actually factors into match making and prevents you from joining or connecting to some matches.

Killers on xbox may notice a trend in that after a few weeks of playing your rep becomes trashed, this is because Microsoft in all their wisdom classifies "Unsporting player" as a valid reason to report, meaning salty survivors will report you for not playing 'fairly', this leads to a snowball effect where people will report you just to make your rep worse, proven by a charming message i was sent telling me i was being reported to try and get me suspended.

There's an easy fix however,


The fix is called fortnite, The rep system works by judging your popularity among playerbases, get too many reports it goes down, BUT play with a large ammount of people and don't get reported? then your rep goes back up. I had an avoid me rep for months and a few days of fortnite got me up to needs work. The reason for this is Fortnite is a 100 player battle royal and you can easily join a round suicide join another etc, and play with thousands of different people every day.


  • Get fortnite for free

  • join match and suicide

  • repeat steps 1 & 2 over and over until rep is fixed.

Check Reputation here

submitted by /u/UndeadPhysco
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Myers needs more buff

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:17 AM PST

Dead By Daylight: Casefile | THE NIGHTMARE

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:41 PM PST

When a survivor, who has been looping/teabagging you for 5 minutes and used Decisive Strike, gets downed and immediately disconnects

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 04:08 PM PST

When things don't go according to plan as Basementface

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:18 AM PST

The baffling nature of this Subredit

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 10:34 AM PST

I've noticed how this Subreddit basically goes as follows..

  • Subreddit complains about a thing.
  • Subreddit comes up with solution for said complaint.
  • Mods ask if people would like them to implement it.
  • Subreddit agrees with the Mods suggestion.
  • Two weeks pass...
  • Subreddit bitches at the mods for implementing the solution That the Subreddit came up with and wanted the mods to implement.
submitted by /u/TiredFluffball
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I got four Iridescent Emblems on a game just now.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 01:55 PM PST

Survivor main since release and just reached killer rank 1 for the first time. My thoughts.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:55 AM PST

TL;DR: Killer feels more stressful but not as bad as what it's made out to be.

For reference I'm rank 3 on survivor right now. Right now when I play survivor it's just non-stop camping. It's not really fun and that's what made me try killer seriously as I tried to see it from their pov why they camp.

I started with the pig when she was released and honestly she is perfect for my playstyle of being stealthy and still affecting the game state even when I'm not personally interacting with the survivors. At first I was having a really easy time from rank 20 to about 13. Survivors were really bad at those ranks. From 12 to 5 is the most frustrating thing I experienced in this game. SWF is rampant at those ranks and honestly those survivors played way better than the rank 1s (Or I just got gud). Rank 4 to 1 was honestly fun. It wasn't a walk in the park and felt challenging.

I pride myself on the fact that I never camped with no reason. I'll only camp if the exit gates are powered or if I know for sure that someone is nearby. The only killers I used to reach rank 1 were the Shape and the Pig. You really don't need nurse, huntress, or billy to reach rank 1.

The meta, oh boy. Decisive Strike sucks, borrowed time sucks, sprint burst sucks. HOWEVER, from a survivor who's been camped and tunneled when I didn't even run those perks I excuse them. I know that it's a never ending cycle of everyone doing bullshit tactics to counter the other but what can you do. I play ruin and bbq&c and had some survivors complain about them but that's just how it goes.

In the end, I think the state of killer is fine atm. Killer isn't as bad as what some might make you think. It's interesting that for me that I actually had an easier climb with killer this season as I seem to be stuck at survivor rank 3 atm.

What are your thoughts and opinions about the state of killer?

submitted by /u/Frostheat
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The end game screen should be more like Evolve's

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 10:19 PM PST

Evolve's end of the match screen shows you how the hunters chased the monster around the map. DbD would do well to have a similar screen at the end of the match so that we can see where everyone went and how close the last survivor was to finding the hatch and such.

submitted by /u/smallhero1
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If you watch closely you can see him thread the needle..

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 10:24 AM PST

You know what would be cool? Having new chase music

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 04:59 PM PST

I think it would be cool to change it up or have unique chase music for individual killers. I feel like I hear the same track so much it's just doesn't add the suspense like it used to.

submitted by /u/mildcuriousity
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