DayZ - Imagine a rebel Camp at the Church in Kumyra, with destroyed vehicles.

Imagine a rebel Camp at the Church in Kumyra, with destroyed vehicles.

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 12:11 AM PST

A theory as to why so many people have been having problems with looting.

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:59 AM PST

I have seen a lot of posts on this sub and videos on youtube about how "Standalone" doesn't have any loot(I myself might have posted one of those). Then I saw a graph that Jakon72 used in one of his videos to argue that loot is easier to find in ST than it was in the mod(here's the graph Now I think that that statement that the loot in ST is just as it was in the mod is total bull and here's why:

Now let's look at the rifle-2-item ratio in both games(these numbers alone don't mean anything as it could in theory be possible to make both games spawn the same amount of guns, but just humor me):

Dayz ST R2I - 26/2000

Dayz Mod R2I - 29/100

Now the elephant in the room is actually time it takes to loot stuff and how many buildings you have to loot to find something. Now it is possible to calculate the ratios and compare them between both games seeing as the numbers are provided in the graph above. So in the Standalone there are 28000 items that can spawn at any time in 2-3m locations, that is a ratio of 28/2000(in the best case scenario). So that means if you were to loot 2000 loot spawn locations(ALL houses have multiple) you would find 28 items of which it is likely that you WON'T find a RIFLE since the ratio of rifles-2-items is so low in SA(26/2000 according to my calc). The second factor is time it takes to loot. In the ST you have to pretty much loot every house you encounter, since all the houses in ST are enterable to qualify for what I said above and have a shot at finding a gun. Looting each and every house in Novy Sobor takes way more time than just looting the very very few houses that are enterable in Arma2(not that novy was a great place to loot in A2, just doing a simple comparison).

In arma2 dayz mod there is a way higher ratio of R2I and also the ratio of Items to spawns is WAY WAY Higher, there is a 1/10 chance that you will find loot in any given loot spawn location you visit in the mod, and of that 1/10 there is a 29/100 chance that item would be a gun(AGAIN SPAWN LOCATIONS DON'T MEAN HOUSES, MOST HOUSES HAVE DOZENS OF SPAWN LOCATIONS). And also in the mod since most buildings weren't enterable it took you way less time to loot. For example when you spawn in elektro what you used to do is run up to both firestations and the school and you were almost guaranteed to find a gun of some sort. In ST you have to loot every single building in Elektro to have the same odds of finding a gun without account for ammo.

Summing up when you enter a house in DayzST there is a way lower percentage of finding something just because of the sheer amount of houses that are enterable(and the time it takes to loot each and every house makes the game feel a lot slower) and spawn points for the items. And even if you do since there are so few rifles-2-items it's very probable that the loot you find will just be another hat, gloves, raincoat. And even if you do find a rifle, most rifles don't spawn with bullets (only ones with mags have a shot of spawning with ammo). I think this is an aspect that the devs should rethink, because it would make finding a gun a lot more exciting(And who keeps a pristine gun in their house without any ammo around).

EDIT: Some people got used to the new system and think that those that say things like: "There is no loot" are spoiled wankers coming over from either overpoch or Exile, you can't really argue for or against the new or old system. As they both have their + and -

submitted by /u/yasen400
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Basebuilding concept - by Axe

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:44 AM PST

Hacker Nukes Kamyshovo! - DayZ Standalone

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 07:59 AM PST

Thoughts on the state of DayZ and KOS

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 06:19 PM PST

Hi everyone, I'm new to reddit but I've been a follower of DayZ Standalone since the beginning. After playing for quite some time Ive had some amazing experiences that no other game could produce but lately I've sensed a much larger amount of KOS, I don't know If Its due to the return of inactive players, new people watching videos and doing what they do, but I feel like we should all start...interacting a bit more. Just today I was taking a stroll through and looting Berezino when I was shot in the foot with a shotgun, I quickly eliminated the threat but this bothered me quite a bit because I ended up being attacked 3 separate times after this. Do you think this is how the game should be? I know It's always been PVP focused due to lack of content but I feel that we should, Survive, not just cause a blood bath. This game could be a lot better If It just contained a little less KOS. Give me some some different view points

submitted by /u/Dr-Strano
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Where are the HOT areas right now?

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 12:41 PM PST

I haven't played in awhile, where are most encounters going to happen? I'm up north and haven't seen anyone.

submitted by /u/SugarDaddy37
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We seriously need a Ken M on DayZ.

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 11:06 PM PST

BrainDeadZ - DayZ Trolling the Trolls Gameplay (19:00)

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 11:28 AM PST

The DayZ Spotlight on GGSammy - Question submissions

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:13 AM PST

Hi all, please submit your questions for GGSammy here. Yes, we will be discussing the Cyborg Lizard video and feel free to ask any questions, Sammy has advised me he will answer anything as long as its not too malicious or "drama alert'ish" as he's not interested in that.

submitted by /u/Boydy73
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That's enough Dayz Epoch for now.

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:03 AM PST

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