DayZ - Barricading concept - by Axe

Barricading concept - by Axe

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:57 AM PST

I am watching you.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:14 AM PST

​A couple of days ago I suddenly saw two guys at Guglovo from a distance. I had the feeling they hadn't seen each other and as I was watching from a distance I decided to hang around. The guy with the purple backpack headed towards Novy and I decided to track him. I lost eyes shortly before he would reach the city and suddenly I heard shots and I saw the zombies swarming behind the police station, lots of zombies but no survivors to be seen. I decided to head more South so I could look from a different angle. Before I had eyes again there were more shots to be heard to the South of Novy.

I counted two shots so I assumed it was purple backpack guy. I hadn't approached him for that very reason, the fact that he was running around with a shotgun in hand is pretty dangerous and I didn't like my chances. It was dark and therefor hard to see. I suddenly saw a blood spatter and some muzzle flashes. A guy died and two survivors moved to another body that was already lying there. Promptly they got killed and a full Ghillie appeared out of the high grass.

He started looting and I took my time. When I was about to shoot the ghillie got shot by yet another guy. In the end I killed him being pretty confident he was the last person alive. When I checked most bodies a shot rang from the darkness and I got hit. I backed off and went on him in a different angle. But he almost immediately spotted me (good job gamma abuser). I left the fight, happy with my life. :)​​​

submitted by /u/BarelyInfected0
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Standalone: What advice would you give someone who plays the game for the fist time?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 03:52 AM PST

Regarding: survival, navigation, loot, any other useful tips

submitted by /u/Nuralum
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Base idea.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 01:06 AM PST

My wet dream would be that you can lock the big bases you build but (!) You would need to use a key. So where do you put the key when you go outside from your base? Hide it somewhere in a small box or take a risk carrying it with you? Several keys could exist for the same lock but more keys bigger risk of losing a key to bandits. Bases need to have a certain time to despawn so inactive bases won't litter the map, and of course bases would be indestructible. Destructible bases will only get raided during offline time which sucks because people won't use them for storage.

I imagine scenarios where bandits camp bases so they can kill/rob someone that are coming to unlock the door. I would prefer the locks to be pretty rare to find aswell.

What do you guys think? Good or bad idea?

Edit: I don't like indestructible bases but I hate offline raiding even more, I prefer confrontation.

submitted by /u/kaptenkryckan
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A Bad Start to a Good Run

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 08:00 PM PST

RatsNest event :)

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:39 PM PST

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