Civilization - The army of one

The army of one

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 01:23 PM PST

The lost tribe of Antarctica, destined to isolation while the world looks onward.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:37 AM PST

Robert the Bruce(Scotland)'s ability is greatly hampered by Emergencies

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:22 AM PST

So, Robert's ability is "Can declare a War of Liberation after gaining the Defense Tactics Civic. +100% Production and +2 Movement for the first 10 turns after declaring a War of Liberation."

Unfortunately, these bonuses don't trigger when joining an Emergency to liberate a when an Emergency fires, you're left with the choice of either: A) joining the Emergency(likely all alone) and not getting Robert's ability, or B)declining the Emergency and then declaring a War of Liberation yourself, missing out on the sweet pot from the Emergency.

It feels kinda bad either way.

Edit: Looks like I was a big derp.

submitted by /u/RNorth2
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The Beefiest Tank Around

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:23 AM PST

Theodore Roosevelt at Yosemite, 1903

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:22 PM PST

Best wonders in the game (Civ 6)

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:54 AM PST

Civ 6 is easily my favorite game, I've put hundreds of hours into it. Sometimes, though, I can't decide what wonders to build (if any at all). What is your favorite wonder(s) in the game so far?

submitted by /u/QuantumTuna
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The r/Civ Battle Royale Mk2.1, Part 106: Oni wa Soto, Fuku wa Uchi

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:00 PM PST

Is there a mod that lets you set reminders for yourself, like "Move governor in 3 turns"? The more I have to manage, the more I forget to manage.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:39 AM PST

Loyalty when capturing cities needs a change

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:35 PM PST

I was playing a game as the Mongols and tried capturing a Dutch city. I had an emergency declared on me for capturing that city, which made Norway declare war on me. The city rebelled after three turns and both the Dutch and Norway were rewarded. I'd already bought a Monument and assigned a Governor to the city, but it rebelled anyways.

I get that Loyalty was supposed to make warmongering harder, but it makes it impossible to capture cities sometimes because they can be arranged in such a way that any captured city will flip back in 3 turns. In another game, I (the Dutch) tried to capture three Japanese cities. As soon as I captured one, at least one other city would rebel until all three of them were Free Cities. I assigned Governors, bought Monuments, took the loyalty policies, etc. but they flipped back regardless.

Something needs to change to stop absurd city flipping. Maybe garrisoned units in occupied cities could prevent rebellions?

Edit: just to clarify, I don't think having a garrisoned unit should completely prevent rebellions, but it should delay them for at least several turns (some cities will rebel in 3 turns, which is way too fast). In my game as the Dutch, I was effectively boxed in, and my only hope to win was by attacking Japan—the only cities I could capture would flip almost as soon as I captured them, effectively shutting me out from warmongering entirely. I think the Loyalty/rebellion mechanic should be changed to prevent it from completely shutting people out of warmongering.

submitted by /u/LightBound
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Do you like production, mein freund? I like production.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 02:27 PM PST

So, I made a little mod to allow custom civs distance during game setup. Feedback appreciated !

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:34 AM PST

Here's the mod on Steam Workshop

I've been playing Civ V and now Civ VI almost exclusively with friends in multiplayer for quite a few years, and since we picked up Civ VI we noticed that spawn distance is a bit too close for comfortable friendly play.

You see, we play while chatting on voice chat, and try to keep everybody in the game as long as possible while still making it fun for everybody. Popping up 6-8 tiles from another player often means early war, depending on available territory, and that means that the game tends to end early, since when a human player has conquered most or all of another's cities, they're well above all others.

So, I looked around a bit and noticed there's a bunch of mods for map generation and smart placement, but no single one that lets you set the three simple variables for distance between major civs, between civs and city-states, and between city-states themselves, which the game already offers. My mod offers simply just that, as three optional settings during a new game setup.

The mod picked up some users over last weekend, but I haven't had much in terms of feedback, so if anybody feels like trying it and give some feedbacks or opinions about how it impacts the game in single player or larger maps, I'd appreciate that very much !

submitted by /u/chuchumonkey
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Just finished up a Deity Game as France, used a mod to remove the UI and take some screenshots, this game can be pretty

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:51 PM PST

[R&F] Does anyone have a list of dedications and Dark Age policies by era?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:20 AM PST

The Civilopedia lists dedications but not what eras they're available in. Has anyone put together a quick list of the four dedications per era, and the four Dark Age policies?

submitted by /u/ostrich12
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Pano1g’s Top 10 Deity Science Victory Civs in Rise &Fall (With Explanations)

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:20 PM PST

Hey guys! I recently completed my Deity Civ Tier list for Civilization 6 Rise & Fall which you can read here and I was asked by a number of commenters and private messages to create lists for victory types that exclude Domination. While excluding military out of the equation is impossible, I do see why more players want to be able to judge civs on their merits outside of conquering the world. As such I've begun making lists of the top 10 civs for any given victory type (with explanations!). Bear in mind that I can't completely exclude the safety that military might offers these civs from the equation because it is a very important factor in Deity gameplay, but I'm compiling these lists while putting most of the weight on their ability to succeed at that specific victory type. Also, I can't rank ALL civs at each victory type because we have 36 civs in the game now and that would be too much work, especially since most civs are mainly focused on 2 to maybe 3 victory types. So without further ado, let's begin this series with the top 10 Science Victory Civs!

1) Korea

  • Half cost campus (Seowon) with basically guaranteed +4 adjacency bonus (not terrain reliant), boosted to +8 with the 100% campus adjacency civic. Especially good because you can spam cities with Seowon's that are cheaper to produce and can get a lot of free science without needing extra buildings.

  • Bonus science from mines around campus; further lessens the need for campus buildings for cities to have high science yields.

  • +10% science from cities with a governor.

  • Hills starting bias which helps with having high production cities to build spaceship projects.

  • Hwacha are very good defensive archer units; making it quite easy to defend your lands and tech to victory.

2) Australia

  • Can build high adjacency yield campuses without being reliant on jungles and mountains due to +3 adjacency bonus for campuses built on breathtaking tiles; not as easy as Korea but balanced from the fact that they can easily get adjacency yields of 6+ next to mountains.

  • +100% production for 10 turns during defensive wars and for 20 turns after liberating a city helps them build units to defend/attack, build campuses and their buildings, build space ports and their projects. Not as hard to trigger as you might think; on Deity you it's quite easy to have war declared against you and you can secure the bonus yourself by gifting a conquered city state or foreign city to another country, declaring war and liberating it. If you have sufficient military you can basically do this all game till victory.

  • Bonus housing from coast and from outback stations helps cities grow tall which further helps them be productive enough to complete space projects.

3) Macedonia

  • Very different approach to Science Victory, but one that is extremely effective on Deity. Basically they build campuses like any other civ would, but they also increase their science production by building encampments with Basilikoi Paides and spamming units. This is very effective because there are civic cards that greatly boost the production of units while also securing that you have more than enough military to conquer your neighbor and/or keep your lands secure. The fact that Macedonia does not suffer war weariness and has very powerful Classical age units makes this even easier.

  • Free Eureka's for captured Campuses and Encampments also give Macedonia a lot of free science over the course of the game.

4) Sumeria

  • Much like Macedonia, Sumeria has a more militaristic approach to science victory. War Carts are an extremely powerful early game unit and that can be spammed to conquer nearby civs and city states while also ensuring you a very safe early game against barbarians and the Deity AI. Tribal village rewards from clearing barbarian camps can also jumpstart Sumeria's scientific progress.

  • Ziggurats ensure that every single Sumerian city can produce a decent amount of science that's not dependent on terrain and even without needing campuses. The fact that they can be built on even desert and tundra terrain means that Sumeria can settle all corners of the world to produce the science necessary to win and their War Carts ensures that Sumeria will be able to grab as much land as it needs.

5) Germany

  • Germany takes a different approach than other strong scientific civilizations. Rather than benefit from naturally high science yields, Germany mainly benefits from the production side of Science Victory. Germany's cheap Hansas and paired Commerce hubs guarantee German cities high production regardless of terrain.

  • Free imperial cities grants Germany 1 free district regardless of population guarantees that virtually every German city will be able to build a Hansa, Commerce Hub and Campus without needing to grow its population.

  • With a trader for every city and hansas everywhere, a single city can be used as a centralized production hub by running all trade routes from it and Governor Magnus can be used to removed the normal barrier of receiving production from multiple nearby factories and power plants.

  • A free military policy card and +7 combat strength vs city states helps Germany greatly in the early game by making it easy for them to conquer nearby city states and give them a medium military boost against barbs and the Deity AI.

6) Arabia

  • Out of all the strong science Civs, Arabia benefits the most from coupling it with faith generation. Arabia is basically guaranteed to have high faith generation from the faith their Madrasa generates while also being incentivized to build holy sites and buildings in every city to give their cities the +10% Science boost from completing their unique religious building. This faith generation actually proves useful in science victories by basically guaranteeing that they can purchase the best Science Victory great people like Albert Einstein or Carl Sagan.

  • Madrasa's unlock at Theology which generally comes much earlier than Universities do and provide +5 science instead of +4. Furthermore, because they unlock on the Civic Tree this allows Arabia to beeline military tech for conquering and defense vs the deity AI while still keeping ahead in science.

  • The Classical/Medieval Dark Age policy Monasticism doubles all science in cities with a holy site at the cost of -25% less culture; because Arabia will always want both Holy sites and campuses this can prove to be a very big science boost in the early game. Purposely going for a Dark Age in the Classical and maybe even Medieval Era can be vey beneficial for Arabia.

  • +1 Science for every converted foreign city may not seem like much, but if you actually play the religious game this can add up to a good amount over the course of the game. Especially because the Deity AI seems to have been changed to settle more cities, it's not unlikely to see +20 or +30 science from this if you've converted a few civs.

  • Mamluk's are one of the most useful unique units in the game; particularly on defense. Since they can heal every turn even if they take an action it is not very for Arabia difficult to conquer some extra cities or defend themselves.

  • While not directly a science victory benefit, the fact that Arabia can found its religion without needing to invest in holy sites early game makes its religious-scientific synergy even more reliable without putting you in danger.

7) Aztec

  • May not seem like a good scientific victory civ on paper, but is actually quite strong at it. The fact that the Aztec can use builder charges to complete districts is proves to be very strong; particularly in the mid/late game. This ability becomes particularly strong once campuses become very expensive to build (because you'll be spamming them) and when you'll be needing to build spaceports to start your space projects. If you go wide with the Aztec (and you should), campus product costs will skyrocket while the costs for libraries/universities/research labs will stay the same. This is where using builder charges will really show its worth; you'll be able to complete campuses in every city with ease and use gold to purchase the buildings you want at a reasonable price and also you'll be able to get spaceports up and running faster than anyone else.

  • Getting 2 extra amenities from luxury resources may not seem like much, but it will really help up the productivity and size of your cities as you go wide to spam campuses.

  • There is a Government Plaza building called the Ancestral Hall that grants a free builder to every new settled city. With proper civic cards and maybe even the Pyramids you can expect to be able to get a free campus in every single new city within 5 turns of founding it.

  • The strong Eagle Warrior and the bonus combat strength from developed Luxuries gives the Aztec a very safe early game against barbarians and the Deity AI while also affording them the ability to conquer as much as they need in order to ensure victory.

8) Nubia

  • Similar to the Aztec (though not as strong; at least not specifically for Science Victory), Nubia benefits from increased production towards districts (faster campuses and spaceports) and an even stronger early game unit that guarantees they'll be both safe and have as much space as they need.

  • Nubian Pyramid provides +1 science for being adjacent to a campus.

  • Starting bias towards mining-focused strategic resources offers a good chance for highly productive cities.

9) Scotland

  • +1-2 Great Scientist and Great Engineer points in happy-ectstatic cities with campuses/industrial zones is huge. Particularly because spamming Industrial Zones is not such a good idea anymore. With the Divine Spark pantheon Scotland has a really easy time getting the best Great Scientists and Engineers.

  • +5-10% science and production in happy-ecstatic cities is not as big of a deal, but still a welcome boost; particularly since those cities get an extra 5-10% boost to all yields just for being happy-ecstatic in the first place.

  • Golf courses make it a lot easier to keep your cities happy-ecstatic which in turn makes it a lot easier to get all those science-focused bonuses.

  • +100% production for 10 turns after declaring War of Liberation is a hard bonus to activate; definitely much harder than Australia but it is a useful bonus to trigger, particularly when going for a space race in the lategame. Unlike Australia this ability does have the benefit of not requiring you to engage in actual combat however to trigger it. If you use it on a rival halfway across the world there's little not no drawbacks.

10) Cree

  • The Cree do not enjoy any direct bonuses towards science victory, but they get a number of tangential ones that ultimately make it quite easy to do.

  • A free trader with pottery, land grabbing from traders within 3 tiles of your cities and bonus yields from your trade routes makes building commerce hubs very beneficial for the Cree. Thankfully, Commerce hubs can help a lot toward a Science victory; particularly if you're in a high level Research Alliance.

  • Speaking of Alliances, Cree get free shared visibility from every Alliance type, meaning that you'll be able to see more of the world map and be more prepared for counterplay measures if another civ is beating you to victory.

  • Mekewap's provide A LOT of free housing, production, food and gold to cities, meaning that you'll have plenty of population to build as many campuses, commerce hubs/harbors, industrial zones and spaceports as you need while also guaranteeing your big cities will be more productive. All that extra gold from trading and Mekewap's will also make it quite easy to buy buildings in low production cities.

  • The Okihtcitaw unique unit is very helpful for keeping the Cree safe in the very early game; particularly against barbarians but also against the Deity AI to some extent. Their high mobility and strength will ensure that you can pick off barbarian scouts before they report back to their camps and you will be able to see enemy armies coming at you a lot sooner.

submitted by /u/seacow1g
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Let's make alternate leaders for Rise and Fall Civs.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:17 PM PST

Sorry Chandragupta, you don't count for this one.

The rule is simple:think up a Leader, Leader Ability, and Agenda for a civ introduced in Rise and Fall. You get to pick from the following: Korea, Netherlands, Mongolia, Cree, Georgia, Scotland, Mapuche, and Zulu.

I'll start:

Kublai Khan (Mongolia)

Leader Ability: Treasures of Xanadu

International Trade Routes grant +3 Culture to Kublai Khan and +50% Tourism pressure towards the target civ.

Agenda: Stately Pleasure Dome

Likes civs with high culture and many international trade routes. Dislikes civs with few international trade routes.

Unlike grandpa Genghis' purely domination focus, Kublai here can either go for domination or culture. You can opt to play peacefully, racking up Culture and Tourism, but you can still wage war and with the CA incentivizing trade routes anyway, you can balance both victory types.

submitted by /u/rattatatouille
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It's the most beautiful place on the planet

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:51 PM PST

What game speed do you guys usually play on?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:41 AM PST

What game speed do you guys usually play on?

Hey guys. Im curious to see at what pace people like to play civ 6. Personally I always play on online speed since civ games take a very long time to finish.

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submitted by /u/lichking786
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[Civ VI] The lack of a production queue is unacceptable. This should be the community's number one feature request. Let's bombard Firaxis with requests.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:37 PM PST

I've played since II, and this the only Civ game I can remember that didn't a have a production queue. It's unbelievably frustrating to play large maps. Everyone needs to message Firaxis demanding a production queue. Tell them you gave the game a bad Steam review for this reason. I actually did, but even if you don't want to go that far, just say you did to get their attention. Here are all of Firaxis' contact places I could find:



@kagilmore (Kelly Gilmore marketing director)


submitted by /u/Lucid-Crow
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Potential Leaders for France?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:04 AM PST


King of the Gauls - after defeating a barbarian, rebel, or Free City unit with a melee unit, 50% chance of it joining your civ.

Agenda: Freedom Fighter - likes civs who liberate cities, dislikes civs who capture Free Cities or City States or who decide to not liberate a city

Charles Martel

Mayor of Paris - units trained at the Capital have +10% attack bonus vs enemy units and cities of a civ following a different religion

Agenda: The Hammer - likes civs who declare Holy Wars


Pater Europae - +1 science per era for each internal trade route

Agenda: Imperial - likes civs who give gifts and succumb to demands, dislikes civs who ignore demands and don't give gifts

Joan of Arc

Maid of Orleans - Great Generals provide +10 Loyalty when occupying a city

Agenda: Underdog - likes civs who declare retribution wars, dislikes civs who occupy other civs' capitals, will never cede cities in peace deals

submitted by /u/SachBren
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I don't think she's well liked

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:47 PM PST

Well that game of King turned out unusually hard (Also, a task for bored artists)

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:41 PM PST

My ally gave a city to a guy we were at war with and almost had defeated

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:24 PM PST

I'm playing as Spain, my AI ally is Britain, Arabia is in the middle of us and has been giving us trouble so we team up and wreck him.

Just as I take his second largest city and end my turn I see the second largest city of my ally become an Arabian city, without any troops being near it, and then she is not at war with him anymore, that means that se made peace with this guy in exchange for a city... and this guy doesn't even have an army anymore.

What the hell is going on?

submitted by /u/Frigorifico
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