World of Warcraft - Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 02:08 AM PST

Weekly healing thread.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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So far the worst thing about the new leveling system is that from Level 24 until Level 60, you have a chance of seeing this screen.

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 08:13 AM PST

I've sacrificed everything! What have you given?

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 06:53 AM PST

Developer Watercooler: Battle for Azeroth Class Design Overview

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 10:10 AM PST

The most important hotfix to 7.3.5

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 04:35 AM PST

Remember the boar guy? He's halfway and doing a 36 hour stream to try to hit 60

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 11:22 AM PST

If you don't know what I'm talking about this will help quite a bit.

My dude Ian's still at it, and he's goin' ham to try to hit 60 before he gets evicted.

The streams hysterical, and I've never seen a stream community be so nice and interested, it's a legit good time guys.

Go check it out!

submitted by /u/CLGTojju
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All 9 DK Hearthstone heroes - Refined wallpapers (album)

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 07:00 AM PST

Getting ready for BFA like...

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 09:53 AM PST

New Token system working as intended

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 04:13 AM PST

Pretty much

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 03:05 PM PST

Blood DKs are a spec for sadists

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:59 PM PST

They secretly hope that their entire team dies so that 4 people can watch you solo the boss for 10 minutes through the eyes of their corpses.

  Bonus points if someone at one point says "wipe".

submitted by /u/Omgzjustin
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(fanart) Primal Stalker druid sculpture - First time I tried making an almost entirely hand painted piece :D

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 12:05 PM PST

Let's be honest, almost none of us were using RaF to actually recruit friends. It was a cheap and fast alternative to leveling normally, and if we want Blizzard to change it back we have to be honest about that.

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 04:59 AM PST

Blizzard's response shows that they still believe that RaF was used to recruit friends, and that's why we're upset about the changes. Their justification of "It allows your friends to see the content properly" would be good if that were true, but it's not what most people used it for.

If Blizzard sees it for what it really was then maybe they'll be more likely to change it back. It was basically a cheap paid level boost for those who refuse to buy a level boost(You still need to buy the game for a second account to use RaF) which still makes them money.

The people who used RaF don't want to level normally AND don't want to buy a level boost. Changing it back is therefore more profitable for Blizzard as it's the only way they get their money.

submitted by /u/Mordenthal
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Not the new Warcraf Movie that I expected (NSFW)

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:06 PM PST

Interesting Trivia/Theory: The three Paladin specs (Ret, Holy, Protection) mirror the aspects of three of the original five Azerothian Paladins and those three were the only surviving founders of the Order of the Silver Hand by the time WoW started

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 04:02 AM PST

When the Order of the Silver Hand was founded, Alonsus Faol presented the five founding Paladins each with an enchanted libram from the Church of the Holy Light's reliquary.

Turalyon - Libram of Protection

Tirion Fordring - Libram of Retribution

Saidan Dathrohan - Libram of Holiness

Uther the Lightbringer - Libram of Justice

Gavinrad - Libram of Compassion

Alonsus Faol intended for each Paladin to become the living embodiment of the libram they carried. When WoW begins 4 years after the end of the Third War, the three founding Paladins still active each correspond to a Paladin Spec: Turalyion as Protection, Tirion Fordring as Retribution, Saidan Dathrohan as Holiness. The two Paladins that are not a Paladin spec - Justice and Compassion - had both fallen during the Third War, prior to WoW beginning. From a lore perspective, it's not unlikely to assume that Protection, Retribution, and Holiness became the player Paladin specs because the Paladins that embodied those virtues had not been laid to rest, and thus their legend had not ended.

What's also interesting to note is that of the surviving three founding Paladins, each one went on to represent their virtue incredibly well: Turalyon ventured to Draenor to protect Azeroth from the Horde/Legion and Tirion restored Ashbringer (which is now the Ret Paladin artifact) and led the crusade against the Scourge with the intent of bringing retribution upon Arthas while Saidan, who also focused on fighting the Scourge, did so with the intent of purging the Scourge and evil from Lordaeron rather than seeking vengeance, and marched on Stratholme with the intent of restoring the city to holiness. (And then was shortly after "killed" by Balnazzar, who is the nemesis of the Paladin order hall in Legion)

submitted by /u/Meikos
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What car would a gilnean drive?

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 03:42 AM PST

A Volksworgen

submitted by /u/NuvyHotnogger
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finally, my Combat Ally is completed

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 10:47 AM PST

Pepe's got quite a grip.

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 09:01 AM PST

I think it's about time Blizzard updated the race info on their website

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 11:53 AM PST

Thanks to Orb of Deception, those Horde fools will never know where my TRUE allegiances lie...

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:49 PM PST

TIL that the Argus fight music is a rework of the titan/dwarven part of 'Forged in Blood', from the WotLK soundtrack.

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 08:08 AM PST

'Seat of the Pantheon' builds on the titanesque part of 'Forged in Blood' form the WotLK soundtrack (timestamped 3:35). It's expanded a bit, as there's new stuff and it's a bit faster as well!


I thought it's a neat call-back to a great tune, and it fits perfectly to the fight & scenery IMO.

Here's a link with both parts cut together if you just want the titan stuff.

submitted by /u/Vorcion_
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I leveled from 1-60 in 7.3.5, again.

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 09:26 AM PST

A few days ago, I made a post talking about how I had leveled an Orc Mage in 19h 45minutes from 1-60. The goal of that was to take a linear path through questing to see how long an average approach would take. My conclusion at the time was that the time to 60 had not changed much for an average player in 7.3.5. This was met with a very large number of people telling me that I sucked at leveling, that I was a liar or shill, or that I had shamed myself in the eyes of god -- that type of thing.

Anyway, my journey continues with a Troll Warrior and optimizing the leveling path. I learned a good deal from the mage run and chose zones different. Here is the result.

The short result is that this toon took 15h 30m.
That's 4h 15m faster than the Mage.

The goal is to get down those last 3.5 hours so that leveling is comparable to some of the faster dungeon leveling done in 7.3. There were still a good many instances of dead time in this run through that can be ironed out.

The rest of this isn't particularly interesting unless you too are working on optimizing the time to 60.

Once again this with heirlooms. Zone choice made a substantial difference, but first I'd mention the class. Melee has always managed to level faster in questing for me and that holds true here. You can generally tank more mobs at once and have AoE that can get down 3-5 mobs at a time, all that jazz. I leveled the mage as arcane cause I'd never leveled in that spec, but it was probably the worst choice for speed. Fury Warrior much better.

Zone Choice is absolutely crucial for speed. You want tight knit quest hubs. The route I took this time is:

Troll Starting Zone > Silverpine > Hillsbrad > Arathi Highlands > Hinterlands > WPL > EPL > Ghostlands > Northern STV > Northern Barrens (only ratchet and sludgeworks) > Dustwallow Marsh > Tanaris > Azshara

A couple of mistakes happened along the way. Arathi Highlands was a bust in particular. The second half of Hillsbrad, after reaching Tarren Mill, gets a little gnarly. I'm still not sold on getting 100% through Northern STV. The Nessingwary quests have a lot of running time in them but if you get the route right they work pretty well.

I also included a few random dungeons. They're going to need to follow the same rules as the quest hubs in that you need a lot of quests over a short amount of time. But they come with some liability. If you fail the dungeon (which happens now) you take a massive hit to your time. I'm also not sure if the loss of xp from doing a specific dungeon instead of a random one is not an overall speed loss. If that's the case then you're subject to RNG on getting a good dungeon. I did Deadmines, BFD, Razorfen, and failed Stockades. Dungeons at lower levels seem to provide bigger XP jumps than ones at later levels. BFD did not feel worth it. Low quests, long dungeon.

submitted by /u/sydien
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If you didn't know; you can get 30 Wakening Essence from the daily PVP brawl in addition to the 30 you get from a daily random BG

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 05:16 AM PST

I killed my tank.

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 12:25 PM PST

[7.3.5 thing] Pepe on steroids

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 01:02 AM PST

Saw a dual screen wallpaper someone made. Decided to try my hand with one of my favorite zones.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:56 PM PST

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