True Gaming I think Assassin's Creed 1's atmosphere is the best

I think Assassin's Creed 1's atmosphere is the best

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:59 AM PST

There's something about it. Maybe because of the dark, creepy vibe of it which makes the game unique and mysterious. Unlike other ac games. Also it's easter eggs are the best and creepiest. Here's a video about it but it's not mine they are scary especially the first one. Also it's middle eastern and crusades setting is one of the best settings in the franchise which is rarely explored in gaming

Also about a month ago I was messing with the game files and extracted the audio files. I found some unused beta creepy music here's a link for it maybe it's just me but the fact that these tracks are unused and hidden in the game files makes it more creepy

What made it special in it's franchise is that it's actually about assassins, there was a real focus on the brotherhood itself, the creed, and everything along with that. It was cold and mysterious, and Al Mualim was a great character. The modern day story with Desmond was similarly dark and built up an incredible premise for future games - I remember being stoked with intrigued by the time this game finished.

I also miss the feeling of preparing myself to the assassination. The information gathering, the time i took studying the place and analysing all info i had. It made all that moment feel important and it made me feel great when my blade finally reached the target's troat. And then the trill of escaping the guards runing through the rooftops and the sound of the bells and the badass music that kicks in while escaping made this one of the best experiences in gaming. That's why I consider it having great atmosphere with it's dark gloomy medieval times

And it's music played a great role in it's atmpsphere. It makes it so dark and scary. Here's the full ost of the game just click on random tracks from the description if you want to make sure that I am right

That's why I consider this game to be underrated. I know the gameplay is a bit repetitive but the atmosphere was the best and the graphics was impressive for a 2007 game. sorry for terrible English

submitted by /u/Omar_228
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Stardew Valley Effect

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 04:08 PM PST

Stardew Valley is an amazing game, but let's be frank. It's Harvest Moon. SV picked up a game series that had produced uninspiring and underwhelming sequels, thought pretty much to be dead, and brought it back to life; a rebirth.

I think Shovel Knight might have done this too. Could be why we're getting a new Mega Man finally. Woke the sleeping giant.

My question is what other games/genres could be great if it was given a rebirth?

First game that comes to mind for me is Lemmings. Not quite the epic, but a mechanic that's vanished with that series.

submitted by /u/deathnutz
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Can Video Games Rewrite History?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:23 PM PST

Many mediums are dealing with the topic of history from multiple angles, movies, TV shows and books all have a unique perspective on History. Can Video Games have their own unique way of telling historical events and rewrite history if possible (alternative history)? In the video, I explain why Video Games might be the ideal medium to tell historical events and what makes it unique. I'll use Assassin's Creed as an example to explain some of my ideas.

submitted by /u/Gamedenker
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How do you justify playing many games to those who mainly stick with playing just one game?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:50 AM PST

EDIT:Thanks alot for the input guys. I was just wondering how you guys would react in my situation. Usually when the conversation comes up I do the "new experiences" thing most of the time. You guys are right, you play to have fun, and playing a single game to become the best at it is not fun for me.

Context: The way I play video games is I always have a "to finish" game on my to do list (right now it's Hollow Knight ) and put filler games in between, i.e games that can be picked up and played without a really large time commitement (Dota,CSGO,OW, atm i usually play HotS in between games).

My friends however don't really share my modus in terms of playing games and mainly stick to just playing whatever is popular right now. Most of them play PUBG and CSGO.

Sometimes when we play together (CSGO in this case), I sometimes have off games where I dont do so well and my friends usually attribute it to me playing alot of different games. Which then leads to conversations about "Man , what I like the most about "x" game is that I can just play it forever, and It'll never finish" or "How can you call yourself a gamer if you're not loyal to a single game".

submitted by /u/Johannihilate
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