League of Legends - Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 06:35 PM PST

Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced LoL players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

Previous threads

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Basic Mechanics explanation in our Wiki

New Player Guide by /u/The-All-Tomato

Other: Check out /r/lolstreams for all your streaming needs.

If you wish to talk about LoL in real time with other people, check out our IRC channel. Full info here --- Webchat here.

Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Free boots and Stopwatch need to be in the same slot

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:31 AM PST

Getting Free items is fine imo as long as there is a tradeoff, as it is now you get 1000g worth of free items from going into the inspiration tree.

Having to choose between free boots and stopwatch atleast enforces a choice. replace hextech flashtraption with magical footwear, and now we have to choose between free biscuist,free boots and free stopwatch.

submitted by /u/L_Alive
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All NALCS Week1 games speed VOD Reviewed !

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:32 AM PST

Hi everyone, I made a video recently stating that I would be changing the entire direction of my stream/content creation, and I would be going back into heavy educational content. Mostly made this decision because I didn't like where my stream/brand was going, and my main goal always was to be a source of educational content.
Going forward I'll be VOD Reviewing all games of NA/EU each week (20VODs in total) and selective games from LCK. In total it should amount to around 25-30 VOD reviews per week.
This was the first year I was truthfully impressed with some of the spring matches globally, at least in some of the games, as usually things look less refined. I felt like a lot of the VOD reviews contain a lot of information people could benefit from.

Anyway, here's all the links:

EchoFox vs ClutchGaming https://youtu.be/ZN7X_CzsSUc
EchoFox vs FlyQuest - https://youtu.be/vdht8-hySTY
CLG vs Cloud 9 - https://youtu.be/nakXwZi8V9s
CLG vs 100 Thieves - https://youtu.be/ZjUAIrgtORs
ClutchGaming vs GoldenGuardians - https://youtu.be/e2pbk5yFobI
Cloud 9 vs GoldenGuardians - https://youtu.be/Hz4GW-dzV9o
TSM vs TeamLiquid - https://youtu.be/uc5fVnEeOe8
TSM vs FlyQuest - https://youtu.be/bpDK3ElH9I0
OpticGaming vs 100 Thieves - https://youtu.be/p7397wAUggU
OpticGaming vs TeamLiquid - https://youtu.be/UJro0uk2o-w
Bonus: SKT vs JAG Game 3 - https://youtu.be/WcxncCxW6Fo

Since I'm going to be doing this weekly, it'd be nice to hear feedback/criticism on what things people have issues with when doing listening to the speed VOD reviews or what things people think should be touched on more without compromising goal of the videos themselves. Anything else people could think to add to these would be good too, I'm already looking into better graphics/etc for breaking down some things better without turning them into doctored up videos. I'll also be having guests on in the future from various regions to join me in the reviews.

Thanks for any feedback!

submitted by /u/imls
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Stop playing scaling champs if your mindset is bullshit

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:21 AM PST

Every third game the same. I get a Vayne adc and a Gangplank top. We fall 3 kills behind and one of them starts to flame and calls the ff@15.

If you are one of these players, please explain me why you play a champ who needs scaling, if you don't wanna scale. I win most of these games just with stalling them.

At the moment I play at Platin Elo and I don't understand how people in this elo and even higher can't understand such easy things like winningconditions.

So please. Play a Renekton or Pantheon on toplane and go for Draven or Jhin at botlane if you wanna stomp enemy earlygame. Otherwise change your mindset and don't ff with scaling champs.

PS: also if you are a Blitzcrank. You can be 10k gold behind. If you hook a carry you can still win.

PPS: if your jungler is a champ who is weak till a certain point like level 6 (Evelynn) or like kayn and his transformation, don't start flaming with lvl 3 that you don't get ganked 15 times while the Twitch or Shaco was already there.

submitted by /u/BlackZendom
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Santorin on why Junglers change when playing for TSM: "The pressure that TSM fans bring was probably the hardest thing for me. If you play badly, reddit goes insane. I'd never put it on Bjergsen or the TSM organization."

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:23 AM PST

Viktor is in such a bad state right now that even the best Viktor NA is dun playing him

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:01 PM PST

Last season Dun hit rank 10 playing only Viktor, and at that time Viktor was considered in a very bad state with a 46% winrate. Now Viktor has a 43.5% winrate and even Dun has stopped playing him because of how bad he is. Dun's current stream title says "taking break from viktor, actually want to climb (D4 currently)"

submitted by /u/honko22
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Is Every Meta Awful?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:36 AM PST

Because I don't remember a time when people didn't complain about every patch and say its the worst one ever. Apparently every meta is the worst meta, or maybe these people just don't actually like the game.

submitted by /u/Game1M
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Doublelift the night before facing TSM: "I was laying in bed thinking 'Oh my God, what if we lose?'"

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:00 AM PST

Finished Xayah Cosplay

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:04 PM PST

I need to get a proper photoshooting one day, but here it is ! I finished my cosplay :D !


You can see more on my Instagram at : https://www.instagram.com/ruhiracosplay/

submitted by /u/Ruhira
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/dev: Update on Runes Reforged - What’s working, what’s not, and what’s next?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:45 AM PST

Week 1 Overreaction Thread

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:19 AM PST

Its back and saltier than ever. Professional LoL finished its first week of play around the globe.

What are your thoughts? Surely TSM is the worst team in NA while Gilius is the best jungler EU has ever produced.

submitted by /u/Calamity25
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I just played a very emotional game with my grandfather hours after we helped him make his funeral arrangements.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:06 PM PST

Hey guys. I feel like my friend group isn't really ready for me to drop something this emotional on them, but strangely I feel comfortable here because I need to tell somebody

My grandfather is the coolest people. He was a World War II vet, in the nastiest parts of the war. But you wouldn't guess he was ever there by how he behaves and stuff--especially around computers. He likes to troll around the internet for funny conversations to take pictures of, compose horrible music in Garageband... and game. He is currently gold 3. He's only played for a couple weeks. It's infuriating in the most charming way. He even keeps a poro ornament on his old charger. Even so it lays under a cover in his garage because he lost his license after a seizure.

My parents dragged me to the funeral director because my grandpa 'got a feeling.' It was the worst few hours of my life. I am eighteen, which is the age my father was drafted. Yet I didn't feel like an adult because I hated how casual they went about it. I laugh at a lot of my grandfather's jokes but not this time, not when the joke is about keeling over at the right time for a discount.

Anyway, we get back home and I want do nothing but storm into my room. Well my grandfather stops me and says, "hey, do you want to play a game of League of Legends?"

Usually I pressure myself to play ranked with him because I feel we will be elo-locked before long, him in platinum and me stuck in Gold V, and I'll drag him down. Now, I felt like I had to because I knew what kind of casket he would be buried in and what venue. I hated his stupid 'premonition' and how glib he was and the fact he was outranking me in a video game. I accepted anyway.

I went support for him, except I waged a cold war at the same time. Stealing CS on 'accident,' missing engagement opportunities, being an overall petty brat. Yet my grandfather, who was smart enough to notice, let it happen. It was the equivalent of teary-eyed me running over and beating harmlessly on his chest. Don't go, please don't go. I was trying to gatekeep my own grandpa. Gold 2 promos and pearly gates alike.

He played the meanest game of Jhin I ever saw. Every skillshot was hit, and his teamfights were like an orchestration. I felt like I was watching the last few performances of Bach and Mozart.

When the game ended I sprinted away from my chair for the nearest exit--the stairs. To hide how much I was crying.

Well the old bag is as fast as he was decades ago and caught my arm at the top of the stairs.

"Listen," he said. "You may not understand why it's okay to die right now. Me, I was unlucky and was taught early. Every day I was in those trenches, I found myself checking the time, wondering if 3:13, 4:39, 12:22 would be my time of death." Smiling, he pulled a stopwatch from his pocket. "I want you to have this. Instead of keeping time for the worst parts of life. Make 3:13 the moment you say 'i do' to a pretty lady. 4:39 the label on the tape recording your baby's first steps. 12:22... the day you remember the time I got an S+ on Jhin even when you were throwing a tantrum." He pressed the stopwatch into my trembling hands.

Wiping away my tears, I said,


and pushed that waste of life down the stairs.

submitted by /u/Lychee_Slumber
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Swain rework kit reveal should be later today with him coming to PBE tomorrow, what do you hope to see in his kit?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:27 AM PST

I main Swain and have been since last year, I am really excited for his rework now after seeing the teaser. I hope for him to have some form of mobility in his kit, somewhere. Whether it be a flock of birds to teleport, or a short and quick dash, I am pumped for this new Swain's kit later today!

EDIT: It seems Riot's forgotten to press the 'reveal the general' button, today. So it may come early tomorrow then at this rate.

submitted by /u/AetherIke
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Make Relic Shield a support only item by increasing or resetting its cooldown for every cs earned while there are zero charges.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:18 AM PST

This change would kill the double Relic botlane, but wouldn't remove any of its power as a support item.

Since adc is always farming, the cs share charges would basically never restore or would take such a long time it would be extremely inefficient to take.

submitted by /u/TizzX
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Jankos on his future: "I want to be a personality, instead of just being a gamer."

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:16 AM PST

Behind The Scenes | EU LCS 2018: The Dream Lives On | G2 Esports

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:08 AM PST

Only the best was able to fit into my Xayah Rakan splash edit

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:41 AM PST

If top lane is less popular than support now, shouldn't it replace support as the "auto-fill protected" position?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:20 AM PST

Just to clarify: I mean, when you queue support you get "auto-fill protected" status which lasts for two games of not queuing support.

Edit to increase character count following removal: I only ever play support so I love the fact by queuing support I become permanently "auto-fill protected" and cannot ever be autofilled. However, after watching Hashinshin's rant in which he points out that top lane is currently the most unpopular role, I realised that maybe top lane would be more deserving of this status. I think it's the least we can offer the top laners, especially if they are going to have to spend hours facing off against a ranged poke kite tank.

submitted by /u/chopyhop
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Gilius looking to disprove naysayers: "People have been saying that I'm not even LCS level, which is ridiculous."

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:21 AM PST

I'm not into league of stopwatches

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 05:53 PM PST

Stopwatch is a cool item idea but I don't think it's too healthy. 600 gold to be invulnerable to everything for 2.5 seconds is a bit much. It doesn't bother me in solo q (I'm gold 5 so I don't see it much in my elo) but constantly seeing ppl live early game in the pro scene only because of stop watch is a little bothersome. Anyone feeling the same way or wanna explain why I'm wrong to feel this?

Edit: I shouldn't have said about 600 gold, its really the rune that gives stopwatch free at 6 min that makes it unhealthy imo. Really interesting thoughts though everyone, I'm enjoying this thread a lot!

submitted by /u/TriforceMe
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What's your mains' most iconic quote?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:31 AM PST

Mine would be a toss up between "OH, HELLOOO!" and "I was hiding."

submitted by /u/BigHatGwyn
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[Self] Janna Cosplay feat. San Francisco Bay

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:01 PM PST


I did this shoot for a Bay Area-based cosplay photobook that never came to fruition so now I have one of the pics back! Hope you guys enjoy!

Cosplay by [me](www.facebook.com/LilithPhaedra).

Photo by Kairu Photos.

submitted by /u/Liliphae
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A slight change to talon to make him jungle viable

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:48 AM PST

So recently i thought about Talon's rework from the start of season 6, and how a lot of people thought he might become jungle viable, with his wall-hopping opening a lot of creative pathing, sort of a precursor to Kayn.

I always thought his Q could capitalize on this. It heals whenever he executes with it, for 20-71 health based on level. What if you did something similar to how they changed Ekko's passive, and triple the healing if it's done to a jungle monster? His clear speed wouldn't change too much meaning he'd be a really niche pick, but it'd make him a much more appealing option in the jungle than he is right now.

Hell, with the recent dev update they did, it seems as if they want to make champs more viable in different roles, and this seems like an easy way to do it for Talon. You could go further, and maybe make his passive work on Large monsters, and not just epic monsters.

Idk, just a thought, i love the idea of Talon jungle because of the potentially interesting paths, ganks, and counterjungling.

Edit: Okay it seems as if most peoples problems are two-fold.

  1. He steps into Kayn's territory, and in some cases is a straight up better Shadow Kayn
  2. He would be too strong early, and too dominant

I have 3 champions i'd say i "Main," those being Xin, Shaco, and Kha'Zix. Ive dabbled enough in Kayn to get mastery 6 but by no means am i a kayn main, i'll still try to adress these two issues as best i can.

  1. While it is true he does step pretty far into Kayn's boundaries, i dont necesarilly think thats a bad thing. Kayn is one of THE most creative junglers, and he still offers something Talon doesn't, which is the dual-champ idea, aswell as his E being a far better gank tool for top, where the walls are generally thicker and therefore cannot be vaulted over in one go. (Example, tribush red-side)

  2. While it is true he would be strong early, as Talon is known the be, this is nothing new. Shaco is a very strong early ganker, levels 3-5 especially, Kha'Zix has damn good burst, and a better gap-closer than Talon, and the less i say about Xin's early-game the less trauma I'll induce to everyone reading this. Early power is NOT BAD, especially not on assassins. The kind of problem you'd have with a jungle talon, is the exact same kinda problem you'd have with jungle Kha, jungle Ekko, Elise, the list goes on! In fact, strong early-game is something a lot of junglers have. The most powerful thing Talon would have would be pathing, but Kayn can do almost the same kinda paths right down to a T.

TL;DR: Him being strong early is not uncommon for jungle, and isn't anything new. And he is sufficiently different from Kayn to warrant a place in the jungle

submitted by /u/novablast13
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Counter Logic Gaming vs. 100 Thieves / NA LCS 2018 Spring - Week 1 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 04:59 PM PST


Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Live Discussion | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

100 Thieves 1-0 Counter Logic Gaming

100 | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit
CLG | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit

MATCH 1: 100 vs CLG

Winner: 100 Thieves in 35m
Match History

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
100 aurelionsol tahmkench kalista tristana kogmaw 70.4k 14 9 I1 M2 M3 B4 C5
CLG zoe ryze ornn evelynn zac 55.6k 3 1 None
100 14-3-35 vs 3-14-9 CLG
Ssumday gnar 2 6-1-4 TOP 0-2-3 1 gangplank Darshan
Meteos jarvaniv 3 1-1-9 JNG 0-2-2 1 sejuani Reignover
Ryu malzahar 2 4-0-5 MID 1-3-2 2 zilean Huhi
Cody Sun ezreal 1 3-0-8 ADC 2-2-0 3 caitlyn Stixxay
aphromoo braum 3 0-1-9 SUP 0-5-2 4 janna Biofrost

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

submitted by /u/epicxkidzorz
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We've been working on a website to connect gamers with better teammates for 6 months. It works for league if anyone wants to check it out.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:51 AM PST

Hey guys,

We finally launched Gamer Queue, it's a new website to help with finding teammates. It's a soft beta so we're looking for feedback, and will be adding more features shortly.

Just register, Fill out your profile and select LOL as your main game. ( you can add any game if you play other games as well) and then head to the "Queue" Feed which is where you'll search for groups or post a group yourself, make sure the correct platform you play on is selected ( will filter users and posts by this). Any game you add to your profile, you can then swap between ANY game you've added using the quick tray on the top right.

Appreciate any support, and any questions feel free to message me on the site or on here!

It's a little awkward just because we don't have a ton of users yet, but we're more looking for general feedback so we can improve, however, feel free to post if you're looking for some teammates.

Will be adding/changing somethings shortly but check it out if interested.



Edit; We got a lot of signups for users with League as their active game. Feel free to start posting for teammates on the Queue page.

submitted by /u/Awacs88
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