True Dota 2 - My fav viper build = -131 ATK speed (same as enchantress untouchable)

My fav viper build = -131 ATK speed (same as enchantress untouchable)

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:25 AM PST

I love new viper, he is fun to play and counters so many heroes that aren't used to break. I've tried all the main builds:

  • Magic Viper, kaya + veil + aghs
  • Atos viper, treads + atos
  • Right click, maelstrom etc

They are all okay, but lose to how I build him now. The viper build, imo, is:

Treads + SNY + Skadi

It is disgusting to play against this viper. If you are attacking him and he is attacking you, you lose because you have -131 attack speed, -211 ATK speed if viper ults you. You also cannot run or maneuver, as poison, maim and skadi inflict -88% move speed. Its like playing against enchantress while permanently slowed by enchant.

Viper is a fantastically designed hero, he is a carry that tilts the playing field against you. Most cores want to farm until they can burst you, viper doesnt need to do that. He makes it impossible to trade, and punishes you for trying. At the same time, the constant healing from his talent makes a bulky stats build even more rewarding, not to mention its even more EHP with his magic resistance. Then of course he has one of the highest damage single target nukes in the game with his ult. After Skadi, its aghs or bkb just for that reason. More stats, more punishment.

I take viper offlane because he destroys pretty much all melee hc's, while his passive punishes any supports that try to zone you. Viper isnt fast, but if they are chasing land a poison attack. Suddenly you are faster. Thats viper.

Late game, if they have a right clicker like medusa or OD, SNY + Skadi viper counters all their farm. You just stay on their carry and passively destroy their attack speed. Its fun. It works. Try it.

submitted by /u/9ersaur
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EG vs VGJ Thunder Series Analysis - Why can't EG win a teamfight?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:01 AM PST

Hey everyone, i saw the grand finals yesterday and was so hyped i had to make a video about the series. For reference, I'm a Div3/5.3k Aus dude who likes to talk about DotA.

I cover all three games, while trying to balance detail/brevity. If anyone has feedback about the format/style I'd appreciate that.

I think all three were essentially the same game played out differently, so it was pretty cool to see the patterns and adaptations at play.

Here is the link. Its about 20 min on each match, talking over relevant footage.

TL:DW - EG lose the same game 3 times in a row. RTZ can't split push his way to a TI win, and Sumail can't CC the entire enemy team of haters. Problems ensue. EG still a good team.

submitted by /u/Lodbrok_Dota
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Soul Ring on Huskar?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:15 PM PST

Just watched a video of Arteezy playing safelane Huskar. He started normally except for a single gauntlet of strength and built wand and boots, but for some reason went for a soul ring instead of helm before armlet. How good is soul ring on Huskar? I can see the advantages with taking HP, spamming heal, and the passive regen and stats, but is it really worth it when you have only 1 spell that costs mana? Is it because of the enemy or allied heroes? Should i try to implement this into my own builds, and how situational is it?

Video in question:

submitted by /u/Stuckinasmallbox
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Lets talk about Battlefury spectre

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:49 AM PST

if your safelane isnt too contested, i think going bf on spectre is a viable farm accelerator item. my question is, what do you think goes next. i think treads should be before / right after, and then sny seems to be a better option. i feel that manta seems really mediocre on this build unless u need the dispel.

what next? situational, since u can farm anything u want (if your team still has some map control...). butterfly/heart/skadi/abyssal/radiance

the other issue u run into, depending on mmr, is your teamates have a % chance to tilting because u do this...

submitted by /u/lepip
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How to offlane vs Jugger, Shaman , another support with stun? (draft and playstyle)

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:35 PM PST

Just had this game, was forced to jungle from lv 1, couldn't even get in exp range.

What would you pick and how would you draft vs this kind of aggro trilane?

submitted by /u/Aeroroz
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Why is Force Staff suddenly getting picked up more by Invoker?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:51 AM PST

I think I remember a video of Sumiya doing this earlier this month. Ever since then, Invoker players has been picking of Force Staff rather than Blink.

Why is it? And is it more beneficial to get Force Staff compared to a Blink?

submitted by /u/ai_raiki
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Learning OD, Couple of Qs

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 08:00 PM PST

1) When do you set your Q to autocast? What is the exact buildup and levels that you need?

2) Do you ever skip blink on OD? If so when and what do you replace it with?

3) How do you dominate a melee hero like Dragon Knight? Do you max Astral or get early points in Q? This is supposed to a very OD favored match up but I have trouble with mana management to dominate it before level 6 or so (3 in passive 1 in Q). How do you win this hard and when is your exact level spike?

4) Any mental math shortcuts or handy tricks to think about when to cast Sanity's Eclipse?

5a) Octarine Core on OD seems like a great item on OD but is rarely build. Does anyone incorporate it in their build and when would you purchase it?

5b) Does Helm of the Dominator have a place with OD? If so how would you incorporate it into your build and deal with mana management?

6) When do you feel is ODs spike (levels / timings)?

For the record I usually go 2x Null, Treads, Wand, Pike, Blink into situational (BKB, Shivas, Hex). I've been playing around with skipping blink but really small sample size.

submitted by /u/valuedota
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Tusk seemed to have been heavily contested during Galaxy Battles. How come?

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 07:58 PM PST

Hi. First time to post here. I have been using Tusk as my main hero to climb up my ranking and I was pleasantly surprises that Tusk was first-picked as a support during the finals of the Galaxy Battles, which just concluded yesterday. Are there any particular reasons on why Tusk has been picked often? My main issue with Tusk is that he falls off quite heavily in the late game but his early-game roaming potential, especially with shard-blocking and defensive snowballing, is underrated in pubs. Any insight is much appreciated!

submitted by /u/Yanley
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Slark in 7.07

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:42 AM PST

Okay , How is Slark doing in the current patch ? Why do you think his win rate is so low even below 2k MMR?

submitted by /u/xlmaelstrom
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What are some strong offlaners this patch that fight early on?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:37 AM PST

Basically other than puck and brewmaster. And something I can play alot and not get sick of. The current state of DotA makes it hard to figure out what hero is playing what position if you just scan through dotabuff games and can't really find trends other than brewmaster and enigma.

And like I said, I like heroes that fight early since that's my playstyle. Thanks!

Edit: Hero needs to be allowed into CM.

submitted by /u/HowIsBuffakeeTaken
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How do you micro beastmaster?

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 10:22 PM PST

I'd like to know how players micro beastmaster + his summons and maybe some tips to how i could improve my micro with him. I always feel like i'm not playing him well enough and that i could micro way better. Or that i try to do way too much with him which in turn backfires making me have less impact, than if i would have made a more simple and straightforward play. Ive messed around with many different keybindings for my summons but currently i have: 1 hero, 2 all summons, 3 all summons + hero, 4 courier, 5 hawk. Is there any point in splitting up the summons to have them in seperate groups. For example : necros and boar/neutral.

submitted by /u/Dantte_
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Why is Shadow Shaman so popular all of a sudden?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:55 AM PST

Rhasta is currently the 5th most picked hero in the 4K-5K bracket, 3rd most picked hero in 5K+ (according to dotabuff), what happened?? i'm reading his changelogs and can't find any significant change, he has good auto attacks now but that's all I can find.

submitted by /u/albi-_-
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Trying random draft in ranked.

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 07:27 PM PST

Ppl should consider lotus on invoker more.

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 06:46 PM PST

This item helps invoker in a lot of ways:
- Gives him mana regen and mana pool which is realy handy on him.
- Gives him armor, the stat that he lacks.
- Gives him basic dispel which is also really good.

The hp regen is kinda usless. I dont want to say that this is every game item for invoker, but i think its preaty good, especialy against hight physical dmg/soft lockdown lineups.

submitted by /u/irosReddit
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