True Dota 2 - What new Turbo strategies can we try that break the norms of ordinary Dota 2, but work to win games?

What new Turbo strategies can we try that break the norms of ordinary Dota 2, but work to win games?

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 11:15 AM PST

There have been a few great posts on this sub about Turbo mode, and I'm beginning to feel that while it's related to ordinary DOTA2, it's also a thing unto itself. A lot of people seem to approach it as either "easy mode", or a place for very casual play. There are a lot of reasons to love Turbo (I like it because people tilt less). But the question I want to address here is what strategies can players deploy in Turbo that are fundamentally different than in regular dota?

For instance, roaming doesn't seem to work, because of the pace, but there could be a case for trying to make push and support heavy lineups that end the game at the 10-12 minute mark instead of 20-25 when everyone is 6 slotted.

I'd love to know people's thoughts, because I want to try them.

submitted by /u/gekogekogeko
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EG vs PENTA Series Analysis: Aggressive drafting changes bring success for EG

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 06:37 AM PST

I know ESL is very unpopular atm, and rightly so, but there's still some great dota being played.

Seeing EG's series, I was amazed at how they responded to their previous, and game 1 loss, to change their play and strategy. Specifically how they changed their lane pushing, and types of heroes they drafted.

It shows me they are going in the right direction, perhaps finding their feet as 5. If they can continue to play in their manner I might even back them for a grand final showing, such is their dominance. But I don't know how they will hold up against teams that are prepared for this adapted style.

Here is the link: I talk over clips from the first game for about 5 min, and the second two games for about 20 each.

If you guys have any feedback on the style, format, or presentation, I'd love to hear.

TL:DW: EG find their inner wolf spirit, and the pack breaks their 5 loss streak with an aggressive change in approach, finding an cutting edge to their split pushing.

submitted by /u/Lodbrok_Dota
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When to maximize farm in lane instead of denying?

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 02:46 PM PST

In what situation should I abandon creep equilibrium and denying to farm both lane and jungle if my hero can do that?Is the ideal farming more or denying everything?need answers for each lane as a core.

submitted by /u/shadowpanda571
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Armor reduction builds

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 04:25 AM PST

A while back I discovered that Deso stacks with Blight Stone, resulting in an increase of 33% (-6 to -8). An early Deso is one of the biggest spikes in the game since many heroes don't have much armor in the early-mid stage, increasing that reduction by 33% for 300g is much worth. So wow!

I've been doing this on heroes like Lifestealer, Ursa, PA, Clinkz, TA, MK, Razor, Alchemist - basically anyone who enjoys an early deso, and finding a lot of success. The minus armor stacking just makes you such a threat but also helps a lot with objectives - especially good with popular heroes like Shadow Shaman.

A few discussion points:

  • Do you think continuing to stacking minus armor is effective? AC makes sense on these heroes, but what about Solar Crest? PA, TA, Alch etc. can get over -27 armor which is pretty crazy at almost any point in the game.

  • How do you feel about deso in the meta? With so many cores building battlefury, I find the early deso applies huge pressure on them (both objectives and heroes). They cant fight with just BF and their map becomes smaller as objectives get taken, reducing their available farm. Seems like a good answer.

  • What heroes suit this approach? I've mentioned some, but could someone unlikely (PL for example) make this work well?

My personal observation is that a lot of carries are using a good lane to then farm jungle for a while until they are ready to fight (SF, Battlefury on... everyone, DK clearing stacks). Cores like the ones I mentioned are not that popular right now but I wonder if deso timing could help them pressure these farming cores before their timings.

submitted by /u/Khuraji
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Bottles are fully shareable, right? Why isn't / wasn't supports buying a bottle for their mid ever a thing?

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 07:00 AM PST

Supports are already expected to sacrifice their farm for their cores. Why didn't teams ever try using one supports starting gold to rush a bottle for their mid?

submitted by /u/ak1247
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What makes Chen so strong right now?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:44 PM PST

I was looking through some vods and he is banned in nearly every game? I can't even find any games where he is picked to see what people are doing cause he is banned every game. I play a lot of this hero and I know how strong he can be "in the right hands" but I don't think his rising popularity is an "in the right hands" situation because nothing really got changed about this hero that would make him in particular carry games. There must be some sort of niche this hero adds to teams that can explain his rising popularity.

submitted by /u/willieb3
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Trying to get back into the game, what is the Pub / Pro meta currently?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:52 PM PST

As the title says, I was wondering what both the Pub and Pro meta is in 7.07d,


submitted by /u/dublin144
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Legend 2 Sand King | Patience and Awareness - Dota 2 Replay Analysis for a fellow Redditor

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:00 PM PST

This video will be focusing a lot on being patient, learning to assess situations, and map awareness. I hope this video is enjoyable and provides value to all of you. Please continue to stay positive, stay open minded and don't forget to have fun!

I'll tag /u/SL1CK here too just in case someone else has something to add. Match ID is: 3678181771

submitted by /u/XenosKing
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How to win the offlane (offlane guide)

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:42 PM PST

Now, I am only 3.7k, so I might make some mistakes, feel free to correct me, and tell me your thoughts. I do hope that you take the time to read it, since while my gameplay may not be the best, I believe my theory to be on a highter level than my skill(evening out on 3.7k atm) nontheless, here is what I think about how to win as an offlaner, on paper(Theoretically).

First off, what makes offlane different than safelane? why can't you play your carry on the offlane, and offlaner on safelane? Well the answer is pretty simple, you can. When you dwell a little deeper so you notice some problems. Most carries want to farm as much as possible in the laning stage, so they can reach their power spikes before the enemy carry. On the safelane, not only does the natural creep equilibrium(no blocks, nothing preventing creeps from moving) will be right near its tower, while far away from the offlaners tower. This means that if someone tries to kill you on the safelane, it can be very easy for you to back into your tower, and have someone teleport and help you. On the other hand, as an offlaner, the enemy will have a lot of time to hit you before your teammates that teleport can help you, or you can reach your tower. Not only that, but the safelany can easily pull the wave, denying exp from the enemy, and getting more farm, and making the waves meet near the tower once again. All of this combined makes the safelane an easier lane to farm in, and way safer as its name. But, it is possible to lane your carry against their carry, and is done sometimes if you are much stronger, or the enemy offlaner is just too strong for you to handle(Laning as a hero with no waveclear against a brood can be gamelosing, and u might want your offlane to lane against him instead). That being said, the safelane will almost always be stronger than the offlane, shrine being the only exception(safelane shrine is very far from safelane while offlane is very close.)

Now that we know the difference between safelane and offlane, we can understand why dual offlane is not close to as popular in highter mmr than lower mmr, since the highter u get, the more the advatages the safelane give become utilized better. So, you are playing a single hero, against 2 or even 3 heroes, what do you do? Well, for this you need to expand your view. Instead of thinking "how is my farm, how am I doing?" you should be thinking "How much am I doing?, How is my team doing?"

What do I mean? Lets say you are playing batrider offlane. Suddenly the enemy pudge and cm show, and kill you. You tp back, and now need to play it safe, since both pudge and cm are in the lane. You can now do a couple of things, farm the secret shop jungle, try to get as much xp as the lane gives u, or call some help. Most might call for help, but 1 support won't be enough to fight all 3 heroes on the enemy safelane, so you bring two supports, and suddenly the enemy offlaner is 1v1 with your carry, while you are trying to fight their carry. Instead, you could farm the jungle, and get some xp when lane pushes to you, and you know that the supports are in safelane, if they leave you can get more aggressive, but you are basically playing with them, keeping them in lane doing nothing, while you get gold and xp, and ur team has 4 heroes vs the enemy 2. Obviously its not black and white, if the enemy carry is someone like antimage, and your carry and mid are doing well, fighting them might be the better option. What im trying to say is, that If the enemy spend resources to zone you out/try kill you, it might not be as bad as you think, since you can just get less than you would without, but your team will overall get more. If those supports are not offlane, they will be in another lane. Your job in the suicide lane is NOT to disrupt the enemy carries farm. You are 1 hero, how can u do that vs 3 heroes? your job in the offlane is To get as much as you can, while making the enemy spend as much as possible on you, basically you are the sacrifice. The support sacrifices his gold for team items such as wards and smokes, while you sacrifice yoursellf so your other lanes don't have such a hard time. Basically the mindset is "The enemy has an advantage in the safelane, so we will spend as little as possible there, so we can win everything else".

Now we know your goal in lane, but its not static. How much you can get, and what you want to get changes. Some offlaners, such as faceless void and legion commander will turn into second carries later on, so your goal in lane might be to get as much farm as possible, other offlaners, like bristleback want to stop the enemy from farming, knowing that if u get some levels you will be stronger than him, and he will be afraid of you, same can be said about axe, u want to stop the enemy from farming. But, your goal will not always be achieved, no matter what hero you play. Its very important to understand that. If you could achieve your goal every game you would win 90% of the games. But remember, that almost always, as an offlaner if the enemy has 3 heroes on your lane, you should be happy, since you know the rest of your team should be doing well.

Now, offlaners are an hybrid between carries and roamers. What do I mean? As most offlaners, you can do a lot with very little farm. And you want to understand this. A lot of times you will lose offlane, the enemy carry will be stronger than you, and you will just be standing there trying to get whatever xp you can, watching him deny every creep, while his supports are roaming away. In these situations it getting ganks can be very usefull, not only because the lane will almost always be pushing to you(Since the carry wants to farm the lane fast then the jungle and repeat). So getting a gank here from a support can mean a kill a lot of times, and will close the level advantage he got on you. Another option is for you to go and gank other lanes. Offlaners are almost always heroes with strong spells, especially ultimates. Even without a strong spell, you almot always have strong spells that can help you win another lane. Leaving your lane to go mid for example, might allow you to take mid tower, or maybe go kill the enemy offlaner and take the tower etc. Abandoning a lane sometimes might allow you to win the game, since you can win fights and come back from your "loss". If its not that late into the game, you might want to farm the side jungle, most offlaners can do it very efficiently(bat, legion, bristle, tide, axe etc), it might not be as good as lane, but its better than getting nothing from the lane, you might even find an advantage that can kill the enemy carry. Note, that when the lane goes near your tower you should take the lane, lane exp>jungle exp+gold, not only because it gives you more exp, but also because if you dont do that then the enemy can just take your tower(or get it low). Obviously, all that is just your essential goal. Alot of time the enemies might fuck up, and suddenly you are a level highter than the enemy carry, and the tides are turned, take a look at batrider for example, you might be a level behind, but suddenly the enemy fucked up, and you have 4 stacks on him, u harrass him, and are faster than him, and u just melt him, even though the supports try to kill u, ur stronger, and its worth it. Basically, if u can, be greedy, while not giving more than u take(If u are 3-0 on offlane, and 2 levels ahead, killing the carry is not worth dying etc)

So we established why you have 1 hero on the offlane(safelane is stronger than offlane), whats your goal as an offlaner(get as much as possible, soak the enemy so your team can win other lanes), what makes a hero able to offlane?

Well, Offlaners need to be able to survive. Some offlaners survive by dealing more than they take(E.g you hit axe for 70 damage, but he spins and hits you for 140 damage, centaur deals a lot when u right click him etc), Some survive by superior regen(Nyx, timbersaw etc), and much much more. Whats important, is that they are hard to kill, be it because you take too much damage, they don't take enough damage, or maybe their regen is high, or they have a lot of escapes etc. Just being able to survive is enough for you to offlane. But, a lot of times offlaners will also look for another thing, some will want to have carry potential(Legion, axe, void, dk, tiny etc), others will want to controll the tempo(Batrider, tide, underlord, puck etc), some just want to get xp(Night stalker is the main culprit here), and countless more. Most offlane heroes have a mix of things. This is the reason why some offlane heroes will be better than others. Take magnus for example, he is tanky enough to survive, and a strong stun, but then u take tidehunter, that is tankier, and has a stroger stun, why would magnus be picked over tide? Because his stun is bkb piercing, almost instant, and he can reposition the enemy, thats pretty good, Would that be enough to pick him over tide, that has a much better stun, is much harder to kill, and makes enemy carries weaker? But then you see that magnus can buff your carry, so he might be really good with a melle carry over tide that is just tanky. And if I talk so many wonders about tide, why was he barely picked untill this patch, then remember that right now he has amazing talents that let him scale really well, but before he could just be ignored after he uses ravage etc. When picking an offlaner the lane is not the most important part, and a lot of times the lane wont be what makes an offlaner viable.(Another example, enemy has ck safelane, and you are last pick, you might decide to pick earthshaker, knowing you will have a hard lane, but later on will have a really good time in fights etc).

We now know what makes a hero able to offlane well, and what the offlaner wants to achieve, how do u achieve it?

First off, every hero is different. Like I said, before offlaning try to understand why your hero can offlane, but also not look at it from only 1 prespective. For example lets take legion commander. Your base health is high, ur hp regen is pretty nice(around 1.8), MS is pretty good, and damage is amazing(61-65). But thats not enough to offlane. Looking at your skills, you have a purge, that gives u attack speed and regen. Really good vs slows/debuffs, and good for trading, since ur damage is high so the attack speed means a lot, and the regen is really good. You have a nuke, that deals a lot of damage the more enemies there are, and give u ms. Thats really good when laning vs 3 heroes, if u are in a clinch u can use it, u might turn the tides, or u might use the ms to escape, and also deal damage on the way. And last, u have a passive, that gives u insane lifesteal and extra attack when proced, that has 25% to proc every time u get hit. Thats really good when trading, since not only will u regen from it, but u will also deal more damage. Now, combining all that, we can see that legion wants to win offlane by being stronger than the enemy, and trading better. U are not afraid to trade with the carry, since u have more regen than him, and will deal more damage. Moreover, if u can get them to fuck the equilibrium, u can deal insane damage, and create an even bigger advantage. Using that information, u build a game plan. Lets say u think that u will lane vs Antimage, shadow shaman and earth spirit. So u know that they can kill u if u are out of position, and since ur mana pool is low then am can be annoying. U will Prob play it aggressive level 1, rather than safe. Why? U want them to fuck the lane equilibrium. If u let them do as they like, high chance that the lane will stay near their tower, so u don't mind fucking with them a little, even if u might die, knowing that u have Press the attack to heal a bit and prob a salve etc. Doing this, even if u die will assure that soon enough u should get about 1.5 waves right near ur tower, and will allow u to get level 2. With level 2 u can now also harrass them a little with ur overwhelming odds, etc. Most important thing is that when the wave is near ur tower, u need to be safe, if u die in that time u will lose a LOT of exp. Know when its important to stay alive and when its not. Dying near enemy tower is not that bad, dying when creeps are pushing to u is, since u lose free exp and gold. U can also guess that if lane is near ur tower enemy might pull, and now that ur level 2, u can kill the pull easily with overwhelming odds. Once ur level 5, if u see supports leave lane u can manfight am, since u will lifesteal and deal more damage than him, even though u lose ur mana(make sure to use spells before he attacks etc), what im trying to show you, is the thinking behind how u utilize your hero to get the most from the lane. If u were playing the same lane, but as a batrider, I would tell u to get as much xp as u can till min 1, and then go to jungle until one or two of the supports leave, only going back for runes and when wave is pushing to u. since with that lineup u are dead with 1 stun, and cannot really do anything.

Now that we know what are hero can do, and how to use it, you want to try and use it to your best capabilities so you can achieve your predetermined goal. Be it get drums on batrider and group up, or maybe go for that blink and suprise the mid/carry with it and a support, or maybe just get some xp so u can use your ravage, or or or....... Just remember that u might need to give up something, so you do not constantly die and give the enemy more than they are spending.

Lastly, here are some tips and stuff to remember when playing offlane:

  • Dying is not too bad. Most offlane guides say "DO NOT DIE", but after the last patch, dying on low levels gives almost nothing. If u die, u sometimes gain more than u lose: If the enemies kill you, but fuck the equilibrium in the proccess, you will then respawn to a lovely double wave greeting you near ur tower, and giving u a ton of safe xp and gold, while all the enemy got is a kill on u, that gives almost no gold and xp, especially if carry lost last hits to get it. On the other hand, if u die while u have that wave, u will lose a lot of free xp and gold, essentially putting u in a huge disadvantage than if u just played it a little safer. Morover, if u die after teleporting, u will lose a lot of xp and gold etc. Sometimes, just knowing that u will die for a play, but its worth it since u get more than u lose, is lane winning.

  • Power spikes. Like any other hero in dota, u have power spikes. Sometimes, u might get level 2 before the enemy carry, and suddenly u can just run at him, and take 3/4 of his hp, while they cant almost anything to u(e.g bristle), While if u waited a while longer, it would have been harder. On the offlane ur power spikes consist not only on your level, but also on the creeps positions(If its near ur tower as bristle, u can chase him and get more stacks of quils that if its near his tower. same as bat etc) Amount of creeps, support positions etc.

  • Pulls. Ah, the dreadfull pulls, you are doing realy well in lane, suddenly there is no wave, what do u do? Well, u can do a couple of things, first off, if its before 2:00, u know the support needs to connect the wave, meaning u can either go aggressive on carry, knowing he not only cannot fight u back because of the creep advantage, but also has nobody to help him since the support needs to connect the pull. You can also try to disrupt the connection, and make it into a lovely double wave gifted to you near ur tower. If its after 2:00, u should probably have a ward there, if u dont then you should take a look if its a double easy camp, or they need to connect the pull. If they need to connect, same as before, if its a double easy camp, you can either try to fuck with it, or go aggressive on the carry, or a milion other things, knowing that the support is buisy. information is power here.

  • Bounty runes. In the offlane, u should always know the time(every lane should tbh), remember that ever even minute there are runes, those runes are really usefull if creepwave is near enemy tower, as u can just go for both runes if the situation allows(since carry will be near tower, unless both supports are not showing and can kill u, a lot of times u can easily take the rune for free), and then go for ur rune. Note that most of the time the enemy roamer/support will go for ur rune. This is some important information, first off allows you to get some easy kills if u know he will come on 2:00, get someone to come with u if ur not strong enough, and just kill the enemy support going for ur rune. Taking the rune from the supports is very big, since the supports really want that gold to finish their boots/wand etc. Another important thing to know about that, is that if the enemy roamer is missing, and the bounty runes spawned, he might gank you, so u should probably go for ur rune if the wave is near their tower to avoid being in a tough situation.

  • Daytime cycle. Every 4 minutes the day becomes night. In the night time, u have half the vision, and its much easier to get ganked. This ussually means that around this time the supports will be going mid, since mid becomes 10x easier to gank at night. This also means that if ur lane was hard until now, it might become very easy to punish the enemy supports for going mid, and kill the carry, or force them to come to their carry, and allow your supports to kill their mid. This also means that if you were doing really well, you are very likely to get ganked, so be more carefull, maybe get a ward for yoursellf. Another thing, is that you can use that night time to gank the enemies, a level 6 batrider can easily sneak up on a mid hero and get a lasso off on night time, but needs a smoke for daytime.

  • Creep pulling. Not to be confused with pulls, you can pull the enemy creeps, making your wave push either push into the tower, so the carry has a hard time last hitting, or the carry tanking the wave taking a lot of damage. While u can do a lot with the wave, u can wait a little, then tp, essentially giving them a double wave and pushing into ur tower, meaning tons of free gold and xp. The risk is high sometimes, if they have a lot of stuns, u might not want to pull the wave, and sometimes u might want to do it knowing u will probably die, since u get more than u lose. Giving them a kill, but getting a lot of xp and gold in return. This is best to do right in the start, as the chances they will kill you are much lower than later on, and the value is much highter, since its a free level 2 + if u do it right either their wave wil push into u, or ur wave will push into them causing them to push into u.

  • Creep aggro. Like every position/lane, creep aggro will make a good player amazing. Basically, using creep aggro u can make it very hard for supports to trade hits , and also get last hits that otherwise would be impossible. Ur imagination is the limit here.

  • Knowing when to leave the lane. Leaving the lane at the right time can be game winning. E.g as a slardar u might consider taking an early roshan with ur team after winning a couple of lanes. Or maybe smoke up as legion to dual the mid and take the tower. Basically, leaving at the right time can give you a big advantage u can't get staying in lane.

Tldr while u can't write it in one sentence, but mainly try get what you can, remember that whatever they spend on u is not spent on your mid and carry, and that u want to have a clear goal in mind

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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