True Dota 2 - What Makes a Hero a Good Offlaner now?

What Makes a Hero a Good Offlaner now?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 01:24 PM PST

before, what I gathered was that a good offlane hero was either someone who had an escape or tanky so they could survive the lane. But now, with the new changes to the denies and the creeps starting so close to the safelane T1, I feel like it's really hard to get anything as an offlaner.

What I'm kind of noticing is that maybe now, good offlaners are maybe heroes that have good flash farm and can take some camps in the jungle. Because most of the times I feel like the offlaner will get zoned out and denied like crazy they need to just survive and be able to catch up through the jungle once they get a few levels.

I'm a legend 0 so it's not high level play by any means but as someone who normally plays offlane, I'm just not sure what kind of heroes work best here now as a solo who is usually up against at least 1 or 2 supports and what the general strategy is as an offlaner in the early game.

Any tips and suggestions would be great!

submitted by /u/Wallshington
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Phantom Lancer Aghanim's Scepter Discussion

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 01:51 PM PST

Through personal play I feel like Aghs is severely underrated on PL, I have yet to see it in a pro game despite seeing him played several times recently. The introduction of his Aghs has completely changed the way I play PL and I love it.

I only play him safelane which is way easier than it used to be with his higher base regen. Aquila>Treads and once I have 6 I try to push the lane out then farm the nearby hard camp while it pushes the tower unless I can heavily shut down the offlaner by just denying and keeping it under tower. After treads I'll normally get a raindrop or two while working my way towards a diffusal or an aghs depending on how much my team needs me to fight in the next few minutes. Most of the time I prefer to play greedy and work towards an aghs, which makes me weak in fights until I get it but pays off in the end if my team is doing well enough to make space while I split push and farm.

After aghs/diffusal I immediately get the other item, if I have an Aghs this is incredibly easy because one q kills almost any jungle camp (before diffusal hellbears, centaurs and mud golems won't die, after they almost always do and even ancients do with diffusal most of the time). If I had to go diffusal I try to take fights to get the gold for Aghs.

The strength of aghs is in part the insane farming potential it gives, as I mentioned you kill creep camps by pressing one button and I have had many a game where I can stay even/ahead with an enemy luna, sven, sf and often keep up with an AM. Also you can very safely push waves by pressing q once and the wave dying within a few seconds due to the mass illusions.

The other strength of Aghs is the way it changes how you take teamfights as PL. Normally PL is a pretty all in hero, you don't like BKB (obviously sometimes you have to) and if you rush at someone you have one doppleganger to escape and that's it. With Aghs you can just sit back and spam Qs at the enemy or even better creep waves, then send the multiple illusions on a very mana dependent hero or a very squishy hero. Do they have an enemy initiator who's looking to go in? Here's 5 illusions and no mana. Is the Dazzle constantly getting clutch graves off? Here's 5 illusions and half your health.

Practically no one can win the poke war against a PL, I have managed to solo hold highground against multiple enemies by doing this, killing the creep wave and draining each enemy's mana every time the show up. Most lineups have to use ablities to kill the illusions too so if they're down a stun or nuke just to kill those that gives you an advantageous time to run in.

With Aghs I always take the level 20 extra phantom rush range to increase the range I can pester the supports with spammed illu, plus you can do some interesting plays running around trees or cliffs with the sprint.

I love Aghs and I have not played a game without it since I started buying it, I'm interested to hear others' thoughts on it and how you would/wouldn't use it.

Also I have to ferry several clarities to myself using aghs to farm, but it pays itself off incredibly quickly, normally 6 slotted by 45 min.

submitted by /u/Koolaidguy31415
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Are there any active inhouse leagues for dota

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 03:04 AM PST

I just wanna play some captains mode with communication

submitted by /u/Platinum_Demi
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Posted: 31 Dec 2017 06:06 PM PST

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