Super Smash Bros - Truth or Dair!

Truth or Dair!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:00 AM PST

Welcome (back) to Truth Or Dair!

The rules of Truth or Dair are simple. Comment Truth for a question of any type - relating to smash of course.

Comment Dair for a Smash challenge (Add 64, M, B, PM, 3DS, or 4 for game preferences). If you pick Dair, please try to provide some form of evidence. Yes you can do both!

Please stick around and post your own questions and challenges to the other participants!

Most importantly: Have fun!

submitted by /u/bigdog54
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Daily Discussion Thread 01/18/18

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 11:09 PM PST

Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread series on /r/smashbros! Inspired by /r/SSBM and /r/hiphopheads's DDTs, you can post here:

  • General questions about Smash

  • General discussion (tentatively allowing for some off-topic discussion)

  • "Light" content that might not have been allowed as its own post (please keep it about Smash)

Other guidelines:

  • Be good to one another.

  • While DDT can be lax, please abide by our general rules. No linking to illegal/pirated stuff, no flaming, game debates, etc.

  • Please keep your meme spam contained to the sticky comment provided below.

If you have any suggestions about future DDTs or anything else subreddit related, please send them our way! Thanks in advance!

Also, if you want to chat with other /r/smashbros users you can do so via our Discord channel.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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who called it wavedash out of shield and not a WOOSh

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:28 PM PST

i cant woosh

submitted by /u/audiosprite
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G5 is sponsored by Nintendo!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:04 PM PST

Armada Sub Train!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:40 PM PST

He just hit 900, and the viewers are trying to get him to 1k. Help Mr .9K become Mr 1K! He is currently at 941.

Edit: The man is at like 975, this is hilarious!

Edit 2: I think he hit 1k! Well deserved to one of the greatest to play and best personalities of our community!

Edit 3: I think it's still going! Mr 1.1k?!?

Edit 4: He is currently at 1037. God I love this community :)

Edit 5: He's at 1075. Let's goo!

Edit 6: Mr 1.1K and 200+ Sub Train. Grats Adam!

Edit 7: Its 12:07 EST, he's at a 266 Sub train count with roughly 1160 total subs!

Edit 8: Alright his most recent update has 1188 subs with the train going at 286. I got uni tommorn; hopefully he gets to 1200 before the night ends! GGs Armada, you're awesome!

submitted by /u/thipeeshanb
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(Icons: Combat Arena) Character Reveal: Afi and Galu, the Elemental Duo

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 02:43 PM PST

I've always wished there was a YouTube mode where the lengths of videos would never be shown in or out of a video so you wouldn't know how quickly a set would be over

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:12 AM PST

Edit: Apparently there are chrome extensions for this already.

This would make it way more exciting to watch YouTube VODs of matches. I've always hated being 10 mins in to a 13 minute set where a player was up 2-0 in games and knowing that they would win the third. Or knowing that the last guy on a crew wasn't going to make some miraculous comeback because there were only 30 seconds left in a video. I want suspense.

submitted by /u/polarchips
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Vro Announces National Melee Arcadian in Chicago, IL on 03/11/18

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:39 AM PST

VoiD will NOT be attending Genesis 5, citing his recent flu/illness

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 03:34 PM PST

From the sub Discord: "As of now, I keep going very back and forward on how I feel, so i'm skipping g5. Sorry guys :\"

Confirmation tweet:

Man, this illness script is the worst: Sm4shers are dropping out left and right :(

submitted by /u/contractor316
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SSB64 League Rankings: #4-1

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:00 AM PST

Assessing West Coast Bias on SSBMRank and Why it Doesn't Exist

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:48 AM PST

Hello everyone. Since the start of SSBMRank, many people have generally accused the scores for being overly biased towards WC players, whether it be directly or indirectly. A fair amount have also claimed that this hasn't been true. However, there hasn't yet been a definitive answer to this question. There will be two myths I'd like to analyze/address: one, whether West Coast panelists give significantly higher scores to their players than the average, and two, whether the data entered in tafostats is inherently biased towards West Coast players.


For the former, being a panelist myself, I've received permission from Tafo to access the ballots of SSBMRank by each panelist per region (only the regions are associated with each ballot, the actual names associated are anonymous). Understanding what I say may also require that you also understand how the scoring of SSBMRank works, in which I encourage you to read this first before proceeding.


In addition, courtesy of Ambisinister, this is a list of violin plots of the top 106 players of voting distribution in SSBMRank 2017. Besides just being pretty and interesting to look at, I'll also be referring to some of these graphs occasionally throughout the first half of my post.


Finally, please keep in mind that while I did do a lot of data crunching, I've been asked not to publicly release any stats; if I did, it wouldn't very hard to tell which panelist from which, destroying the vital anonymous element of the ballots. Please do not ask me to release any data because I will not give it to you.


Myth 1: West Coast panelists overrate their players, causing them to be ranked higher in SSBMRank.

I'll be separating this section into two different parts: part 1 will analyze a few top 20 players, while part 2 will be analyzing players within the 50-100 range of SSBMRank. The reason for this can be seen in the violin plots of voting distribution that I linked in the introduction: as a player's rank reaches closer to 100, the more widespread his/her voting distribution will be. Thus, analyzing a top 20 player as opposed to a 50-100 player will require a different approach.


Part 1: Assessing West Coast Bias in The Top 20 (S2J, Chu, and more)

One of the more controversial placings among redditors in the top 20 range is between S2J and Chu. While SSBMRank placed S2J at 10 and Chu at 11, many argued that it should in fact be the other way around, and many also accused the scores of being biased by West Coast panelists.


I separated the ballots by region, grouping ballots by NorCal/SoCal (8 ballots), Florida/South (8 ballots), Tristate/New England (8 ballots), Canada (4 ballots), Mountain Area/Southwest (3 ballots), Midwest (5 ballots), Pacific Northwest (3 ballots), MD/VA (4 ballots), and Europe (6 ballots) (South Korea was omitted) ("South" mostly consists of 4 Texas panelists and one Atlantic South panelist; there were originally more Atlantic South panelists, but they dropped out for various reasons). Afterwards, I averaged the scores of all the ballots per each player and sorted them from highest to lowest, essentially making each region's own top 100.


As you might have expected, SoCal/NorCal ballots on average placed S2J above Chu. However, they were far from the only regions to do this. In fact, out of the 9 regional groups I segregated, Canada was the only region that on average placed Chu above S2J. A form of bias may or may not have swayed panelists to rank S2J above Chu, but either way, the reason is not due to West Coast bias as regions almost unanimously agreed with S2J above Chu. In fact, we can also recall that the top and bottom three scores of each player were erased; there were no Californian ballots that were erased as a result of scoring S2J too high; in fact, one Californian score was erased for having too low of one. By comparison, Chu had two Californian scores erased: one for being too high, and one for being too low.


There were a couple other West Coast players that I analyzed, and both yielded similar trends. One was Westballz; when averaging the ballots, the NorCal/SoCal ballots did not overrate Westballz the most, that honor actually went to the Florida/South and the Midwest. In fact, SoCal/NorCal was probably the closest to West's final rank decided on the final draft of SSBMRank. PewPewU was another interesting example in that almost all regions placed him either exactly or on one/two spots away from his final ranking 21. SoCal/NorCal did not overrate PewPewU compared to other regions, and in fact had him at exactly 21 in their average ranking.


In other words, of the three top 20 West Coast players I chose to analyze, none of them were shown to have any bias specific to NorCal/SoCal. That is to say, no West Coast bias is immediately apparent when comparing Californian ballots to the rest of the world.


Part 2: Assessing Bias in the 50-100 Range in SSBMRank (Regional Bias)

As you might be able to tell from Ambisinister's violin plots on voting distribution, the voting patterns among the 50-100 range are significantly more erratic and spread out compared to those among the latter half of the rankings. In fact, there's almost a consistent trend that the closer a rank is towards 126, the less consistent the voting will be. This generally means that these players have been affected by a bias of one or several balloters who have rated that player uncharacteristically high, which usually suggests a sort of regional bias.


In other words, the Cali regions did in fact overrate a few players among the upper half of SSBMRank (overrate meaning rated higher than the final SSBMRank, underrated meaning rated lower), but this characteristic is not unique to California alone. For example, of the five MD/VA players in the 50-100 range, all five players were overrated in the total average MD/VA ballots, and three of them were overrated by around ten spots (having around three players being overrated by around 8 spots by their region was not uncommon). There was even a region that overrated one of their players by more than 27 spots, the most out of any group.


Comparatively speaking, SoCal was actually one of the tamer regions in terms of overrating and underrating their players; in fact, most Cali ranked players ended around one or three spots away on the California ballots from their final placing on SSBMRank. In addition, quite a few Cali players were rated the highest by the Florida/South region. As a side note, the Midwest was the most modest region, underrating most of their players that appeared between 50-100.


Two particular players I decided to research were $mike and Sharkz. After all, it's no secret that many people, particularly NC users, complained that both Southern players were snubbed in the rankings when the 80-100 players were first announced. Some even blamed West Coast bias for affecting their score, so these two players seemed like the perfect two to analyze.


When assessing $mike's data, much to my surprise, SoCal actually had one of if not the highest average score for $mike out of all the regions represented. And even greater to my surprise was when I looked at the Florida/South average: $mike didn't even break top 100.

Sharkz had a bit more of a normal spread. While the SoCal/NorCal ballots on average did not place Sharkz among the top 100, very few regions did. In fact, Florida/South and Europe were the only regions that included Sharkz among the top 100, and only by a slight margin.


In other words, especially in $mike's case, West Coast bias had very little effect on the final results of players in the 50-100 range. While there were one or two Cali players who were overrated by their region, most other regions did the same, sometimes more aggressively (MD/VA, Tristate/NE, and Europe overrated their players the most).


Final Conclusion: The data does not show any clear trend of West Coast bias; most opinions held by West Coast panelists were mostly shared by panelists from other regions.

I encourage you when looking through Ambisinister's violin plots to check out players such as Sharkz and $mike. Ice Climbers or players who benefited off of one good win in particular often had the highest standard deviations; the reasons why don't necessarily have to be pegged to West Coast bias.


Myth 2: Tafo selects against non-WC players via Tafostats by purposefully inputting more WC locals and less non-WC data

The first thing that should be clarified is that Tafo doesn't actually input most of the data into Tafostats himself. His main body of work includes coding the website itself and coding the program that extracts information from and challenge brackets. While he has added many tournaments himself, data analyst volunteers such as GimmeDatWheat are the ones who scout and add most of the tournaments for extraction; the majority of these volunteers, including Wheat, are from the East Coast.


The second point that needs to be clarified is that all of these volunteers try to go through as many tournaments as possible around the world to include into tafostats, including non-WC tournaments. For reference here is a rough list of (big) locals included in 2017's Tafostats separated by region:

*This list includes regular locals and big locals only. Big locals are roughly defined as tournaments that are larger than locals, but do not meet the requirements to be a regional (not enough top level talent, it happens too frequently bcs it's a weekly/monthly, etc)

*Many tournaments in this list also are weeklies/monthlies. For the sake of condensing, the title of weeklies/monthlies were noted instead of listing each individual appearance of the given weekly/monthly that occurred in 2017. Therefore, the literal number of tournaments listed under each region is not an accurate representation of the actual number of individual locals that took place in that region in 2017, just the number of series/one-off locals per region.

*Finally, this is a ROUGH list. The data isn't perfect, and I may have accidentally listed a few tournaments in one region when it in reality belongs in another.


It should be immediately apparent that a lot of work has gone into this project to make sure that as many justifiable brackets as possible are included into tafostats, and that overall it is presumptuous to assume that they bias or rig the data purposefully in favor of WC players. While SoCal does have the most locals attached to their name, that's usually more of an effect of SoCal literally having more notable locals in general compared to other regions due to their activity.


Of course, one could still argue that SoCal having more locals under their more-condensed region than, say, the Pacific Northwest could inherently bias the data in certain ways. However, as mentioned earlier, this is more of a natural effect than it is a result of tafostats. This could technically be "balanced" by disqualifying certain SoCal locals, but then you begin to tread down an incredible slippery slope of where tafostats draws the line concerning which locals to include and which to not. In addition, there should never be a case where a region should be discouraged of having more locals; they are the lifeline of the community.


The bottom line is everyone, including tafo, works on this project to make sure the data doesn't favor regions when it can be avoided, and it shows; the claim that tafostats biases data in favor for West Coast players demonstrably does not exist in any noticeable form.


Thank you for taking your time to read this post.

submitted by /u/KayBeats
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Marth players in a Nutshell

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:56 PM PST

SSBM Year In Review: 2017

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:04 AM PST

Armada and Mango's Incredible Genesis Rivalry - theScore esports [11:17]

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:38 PM PST

Analyzing the Statistical Significance of the Marth vs Fox Matchup in Competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:23 AM PST

I did a statistical analysis of the Marth vs Fox matchup based on the data from Melee Science/Ikneedata.

General Conclusion: "Overall, I would make the conclusion that Marth wins the matchup based on results. It is possible that the matchup spread is 55-45, but it is not likely that it is 60-40 or greater in Marth's favor."

Link to the study:

Edit: I had some rows flipped on the table that listed the number of Marths and Foxes in each tier. I have now fixed this. My apologies.

submitted by /u/Quarantine_Zone
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Me dressed as Ness doing 999 up taunts

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:36 PM PST

Mighty Morphin Gaming Rangers

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:55 AM PST

Genesis 5 Commentary Schedule

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:17 PM PST

Pre-Genesis 5 Smash of the Titans C4 vs Javi

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:35 PM PST

[ESPN] Attendance, revenue slide for Genesis, other Smash tournaments

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:48 PM PST

Pre-Genesis 5 Smash of the Titans SharpyZard vs Atsushi

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:17 PM PST

Atsushi (Shulk) 2-0 Sharpyzard (Charizard)

submitted by /u/Pyrossb
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The PGRv5's TTS is now live

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:41 PM PST

Darkshad does it to em

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:08 PM PST

Announcing Mason Versus: WaDi!! - The First of Five Tournaments in an MDVA Circuit - Feat. WaDi, Promaelia, Rags, Dexter, Remzi, and More!!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:24 PM PST

Mason Versus: WaDi // January 27th, 2018 // MDVA

Announcement & Hype Video

Mason Versus: WaDi is our first tournament of the series for 2018!! Every month we've invited a top player in MDVA to be the namesake of our tournament, and we're starting off our year strong with MDVA's finest and the 12th best player in the world!

In order to encourage attendance, WaDi will have a bounty put on his head! $10 to whoever puts him in losers, and $20 to whoever can eliminate him!

7 of our 15 PR members are currently confirmed for the event, with more planning to attend every day! It's an incredibly stacked event that's shaping up to become even bigger!

Not only that, but it is the first of five tournaments in the Mason Versus Circuit, an MDVA & East Coast Circuit featuring a $1,000 Pot Bonus!! More news, information, and an official announcement coming this weekend!

Date - Saturday, January 27th, 2018

Smash.GG Page


submitted by /u/SmashFiles
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Mang0 is Crazy

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:16 PM PST

OrionRank 2017 Top 100 - #70-#61

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:26 AM PST

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