Pokémon GO - Niantic PLS!

Niantic PLS!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:41 AM PST

Still waiting

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:30 PM PST

Kyogre going crazy at catch screen. [Bug]

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:57 PM PST

[idea] Hypothetically what if the battle timer was removed?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:07 PM PST

This would allow solo/rural players to at least grind out a legendary if they want it? Would be at the expense of 100 odd pokemon/potions/revives.

submitted by /u/bn1990
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Kyogre MUCH EASIER to catch in 89.1

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:51 PM PST

Just downloaded the new APK. Kyogre is much closer and the target circle is much bigger, just like with Groudon.

submitted by /u/ChewyNutsack
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[Question] When does the second half of gen 3 drop?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:21 PM PST

Thought we were going to get Numel, and Beldum, and the rest of them once Kyogre came out, but it's the same old stuff. Haven't seen any posts about the rest. Do we have any idea yet?

submitted by /u/munkyboywndr
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When you want to hold a gym, use eevee. Accept no substitutes!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:44 PM PST

[Story] The Road to Lvl 40

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:35 PM PST


It took awhile (1.5 years) but I finally managed to hit lvl 40 a few days ago.

  • I've spend about $40 total; mainly upgrading space and buying incubators when the Gen 2 babies came out
  • All the Unowns were from the two events in SoCal; otherwise, good luck finding them...
  • When legendaries Lugia and Articuno came out, I went 0-10 before catching one
  • Only caught two 100% legendaries so far
  • Was lucky to get three EX invites when Mewtwo first came out
  • Kyogre + iPhone X = terrible catch rate

Good luck to all the trainers out there on their journey to lvl 40. If you missed the chance for the previous legendaries, I am sure they will be back in the future.

submitted by /u/gdestiny
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Pokémon Snap IRL

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:51 PM PST

Who needs community day, this is normal for us

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:29 AM PST

Someone obviously a POGO player over at Metro Tunnels FB page in Melbourne.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 02:31 AM PST

[idea] Double stardust for using golden raspberries on gyms

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:58 AM PST

I always find it strange that berrying remotely only gives 20 stardust whether it's golden raspberries or not. Surely you should get more stardust for feeding a rarer commodity?

I'd like to see 30/40 dust awarded for each golden raspberry fed since it has a greater impact....

submitted by /u/gamerboy84
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Hi! I'm just a Wailmer who finally found my pod!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:19 PM PST

[question] what does it means....a party hat wurmple is on the way��

Posted: 17 Jan 2018 10:52 PM PST

[Complaint] MASSIVE Account Sharing Issue(s)

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 03:16 AM PST

So I'm not sure if this happens elsewhere in the world, im sure it does... but the town in which I play pogo has for around 6-12 months had a MASSIVE issue with players creating groups, and sharing their account details with each other.

This leads into several issues... Players can't get on gyms, because they're always full of 6 players.

Players can't take the gyms as the group of stacker/account sharers have 6 accounts with 10 golden razz berries at their disposal to keep the gyms...

This happens daily and they usually take 10-20+ gyms in the area (We don't have many more than this!) It's causing players to quit, and not bother with raids as they don't have the coins, or want to deal with the attitudes of others who cheat like this at the raids.

Come on Niantic, Please sort out these account abusers! I have a massive list of them, which if you checked on login data, you'd easily see the trends on how they hop from device to device, or gym to gym!

Please help... it's crippling playing against unfair & immoral players.

Edit: Typo's

submitted by /u/dancun
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Personal feedback about the Pokedex (new APK)

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:28 AM PST

Hello trainers,

My name is Antimorph and today I'm posting my feedback about the new update, regarding the improvements implemented into the Pokedex. I want to know if someone agrees with me because I have a different opinion from the most part of my community about the new Pokedex. So.. Here we go:

The Pokedex used to be good, right? A long time ago, it used to load fast. Suddenly, they made some adjustments. I get it. It was fine with me even if the Pokedex was loading a little bit slower. Today, they made more adjustments and added a new area featuring each region Badge and 3 markers in the middle of the Pokedex list. So... My opinion goes like this:

I like the new 3 badges: https://i.imgur.com/52YurBf.png But I don't like the separators: https://i.imgur.com/bM3BUT1.png

My idea for improvement: If Niantic wants to separate each pokedex (I don't see why... everyone can tell when a different pokedex starts and ends) they should add a horizontal scroll and maintain the badges in the upper area. I mean: When a players presses each badge, the anchor is very incosistent in terms of position in the grid. Take a look at this image: https://i.imgur.com/ORSa37C.jpg As you can see, the Kanto image has the badges. The Johto image doesn't have the badges but the separator keeps aligned to the Kanto separator. The Hoenn image doesn't have the badges aswell but the separator is not aligned with the others. Also, you can see the difference between Kanto and Johto at the top of the list (points 1 and 2). Solution (or how it should be): Keep the badges in every situation and allow players to horizontal scroll to each pokedex. Like this: https://i.imgur.com/yZewYOy.jpg

What do you guys think? Cheers, Antimorph.

submitted by /u/Antimorph27
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Legendaries Set Free

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:12 PM PST

As 2018 is the Year of Legendary Pokemon I think the event surrounding this should allow all the current and previous available legendaries to be set free into the wild & we should get master balls to catch them. What do you reckon?

submitted by /u/Lewis_Morg
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What happened to Niantics "apparent" commitment to transparency and communication?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:32 PM PST

Am I the only trainer that remembers this promise from Niantic? Where are the patch notes and developer notes we were promised? Where are the tweets and correspondence announcing anything? The fact we still rely on APK mining to find these things is ridiculous. The transparency lasted for exactly one update then they went back to the same old silence and ignorance of the fans wants and needs. Seriously a month to fix the scrolling bug with no communication about why is just annoying and misleading.

submitted by /u/Boom1979
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A Minor Visual Bug Occurs After Powering Up a Pokemon in v0.89.1

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:44 AM PST

Great Read: The Rise & Fall of Water Type Pokes - Vaporeon, Garados, Kyogre... next... Palkia

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:55 PM PST

Only thing holding me back from playing again is the ability to change teams.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:54 PM PST

I used to play the game quite a bit, I was level 33 before I stopped playing since US launch. I really do want to play again, but I made the bad decision right at the get-go to choose team Instinct. It's impossible to do anything in the local area. I invested a decent amount of money into the game and that's discouraging me from attempting to make a new account. Speaking about making a new account though requires me to use a different email and I prefer to keep things consolidated. Is there a way to delete your account and start again? I realize all that money I invested in is gone, no way of getting that back, may as well scorch earth before I attempt playing again if anything.

Really though they are missing out on a decent amount of monies for paid team transfers.

submitted by /u/YippeeKai-Yay
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