Heroes of the Storm - The LFM Esports team AMA, Jan 18th, 5:30 PST/8:30 EST

The LFM Esports team AMA, Jan 18th, 5:30 PST/8:30 EST

Posted: 16 Jan 2018 10:30 AM PST

The LFM Esports team is very excited for the upcoming HGC season. Being a new team however; we wanted to put ourselves out there before the season starts! So at 5:30 PST/8:30 EST, Jan 18th, we will be on to answer your questions!

The team: Drated - Flex - u/drated222

Figgy - Tank - u/Figgy_HotS

Swabs - Flex - u/swabsmcgoo

Tea - Flex - u/specialtea_

Aware - Support - Is unable to attend

Coach - u/HeroPhysio

Manager - u/Haldeeeen

Owner - u/shortsteve

So Reddit, you know what to do! Hit us with your questions!

submitted by /u/wonderrade
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Can we get some HGC hype going fam? TOMORROW IS THE DAY!!!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:26 PM PST

Just a simple little post to start the Hype train headed to HGC town.

Let's here some cheers for your fave teams/players and lets get excited. it's almost time!!!! :):):)

submitted by /u/jnutz8652
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New year, New Arthas model thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:47 AM PST

So i am lvl 111 with Arthas and i hope this year will bring his model up to Garrosh, Hanzo and Malthael standards. If you put them side by side it's like Playstation 2 vs. Playstation 4.

Here i have two images of how he should look like



And then i made this in paint: https://imgur.com/a/81GMG

Obviously not the whole character but i changed his shoulderguard to the more correct one and darkened his face and blue glowing skulls to black. Huge difference only by doing that.

Now with the Mecha skins released with WHOLE NEW ANIMATIONS show Blizz really can do this. I hope Blizz will update Arthas model. Hell, even release his Wrath of the Lich King model as a legendary and i would even buy it in an instant.

submitted by /u/Remus88Romulus
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Grubby Experiences the Magic of Stitches

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:10 PM PST

HGC fans! We created a new app covering HOTS esports in real-time

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:00 AM PST


For the past year we've been working on a free iOS and Android app that covers HOTS and 11 other esports in real-time. We wanted to make this announcement just in time for HGC which we cover in full (all regions). The app gives you match schedules in your local time, match notifications, statistics, tournament information, streams, VODs and brackets and standings for all HOTS events. You can also follow your favorite teams and players to get notified every time they play. We got news, match discussions and some other cool things too. Yes, we do a have spoiler free mode too! :)

We feel like HOTS esports has huge potential and hopefully Upcomer can help us fans stay better updated on the scene. We came out of beta in December so we'd love to hear your feedback! What do you think about it so far?

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.upcomer

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/upcomer-esports/id1136997317?ls=1&mt=8

Thank you!


submitted by /u/TrippleOGP
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No attention for HGC?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:24 AM PST

Hi all,

I've been looking forward to the start of the new season of HGC like crazy, pretty much since the GCWC. I know its gonna start tomorrow so I'm really hyped, but I just get the feeling Blizzard isn't?

There's is nothing ingame, nothing on the launcher even promoting the start of this big heroes of the storm thing. Now I and probably other already know that it exists, that it is awesome and that it starts tomorrow, but what about someone that just started playing, that played but never watched. With no attention to it, how'd you expect those people to get enthusiastic enough to look it up.

I mean, I don't expect a launcher tab as overwatch league got (although that would be amazing), but some attention somewhere in the game or launcher would be nice?

Not sure if anyone else feels like this, but I just figured I'd post about it since it kind of cuts into my hype for the new season, you know.

Edit: Just as I post this I notice something new on the launcher! :O A fucking Hearthstone tournament promotion... Sadpanda

submitted by /u/Huangar
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NA HGC Open: The East Coast Disadvantage

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:06 AM PST

Just want to bring some wide attention to this. A similar situation exists in Europe for Russian players, but I am NA and will focus on that perspective.


Last year, under GosuGamers, the HGC Open schedule for east coast players looked something like this:

Day 1 (Monday night)

  • 9pm ET - Round of 128/64
  • 10:30pm ET - Round of 16/32
  • 12:00am ET - Round of 32/16
  • 1:30am ET - Round of 16/8
  • 3:00am ET - Round of 8, if there were more than 64 teams registered

Day 2 (Tuesday night)

  • 9pm ET - Semifinal #1
  • 10:30pm ET - Semifinal #2
  • 12:00am ET - 3rd place
  • 1:30am ET - Final

This is obviously less than ideal for any player who has work or classes starting at 8 or 9am, which is very common. For the particularly unlucky who start even earlier in the morning, this is a disaster.

In case it is not obvious, the 9pm start time is because that is 6pm PT. We cannot reasonably start any earlier, because west coast players would not yet be home from their daily responsibilities.

Cups ran every other week and it was exhausting and we complained and no one listened, so we dealt with it. I personally spoke to several admins in the Discord channel, posted on reddit, and sent it to Blizzard via /u/renthefox who had their ear.


This year, under Heroes Hype, the schedule looks something like this:

Day 1 (Monday night)

  • 9pm ET - Round of 64
  • 10:30pm ET - Round of 32
  • 12:00am ET - Round of 16
  • 1:30am ET - Round of 8

Day 2 (Tuesday night)

  • 9pm ET - Semifinal #1
  • 10:30pm ET - Semifinal #2
  • 12:00am ET - 3rd place
  • 1:30am ET - Final

Seem familiar? Despite the feedback from players, nothing has changed in the nightly schedule. In fact, the biggest change is that cups will now be every week and this is entirely unsustainable.

Not only are eastern players not playing at their best come 1:30am, but their jobs and grades become at risk for the best players who have to do this two nights a week every week. It's really discouraging.

I spoke to one of the HeroesHype admins last night, and they feel the same way but Blizzard is forcing the Tuesday schedule on them for streaming purposes, and HH's hands are tied.

There are many obvious solutions here to make this more fairly scheduled for everyone, and I have included several below. If Blizzard is unwilling to change the schedule from its current iteration, then I would at least request that we return to having every other week off to avoid burnout.

Possible Solutions

Compressed schedule

The semifinals and final/3rd place match are played simultaneously with one another.

Day 1 (Monday night)

  • 9pm ET - Round of 64
  • 10:30pm ET - Round of 32
  • 12:00am ET - Round of 16

Day 2 (Tuesday night)

  • 9pm ET - Round of 8
  • 10:30pm ET - Semifinals
  • 12:00am ET - Final & 3rd place


  • No one has to play later than 1:30am local time
  • Coordinator still only on the hook for two nights
  • Casting the final 4 games only takes two casting teams, and we absolutely have enough talent for that


  • Blizzard cannot highlight all Tuesday games on stream
  • Reasonably capped at 64 teams, which is not truly Open.

Three Nights

Day 1 (Sunday or Monday night)

  • 9pm ET - Round of 128
  • 10:30pm ET - Round of 64
  • 12:00am ET - Round of 32

Day 2 (Monday or Tuesday night)

  • 9pm ET - Round of 16
  • 10:30pm ET - Round of 8
  • 12:00am ET - Semifinal #1

Day 3 (Tuesday or Wednesday night)

  • 9pm ET - Semifinal #2
  • 10:30pm ET - 3rd place
  • 12:00am ET - Final


  • No one has to play later than 1:30am local time
  • Easily accommodate up to 128 teams


  • Coordinators are on the hook for an additional night
  • If played Sunday, some early round matches overlap with the pro HGC and will not get stream highlighted. On the other hand, these matches are not usually the best quality the open division has to offer, and tend to be quick one-sided stomps.

Regional Divisions

Eastern and Western teams play in separate brackets on Day 1, and play until there are 4 left in each division, which are then joined into 8 tams for Day 2.

Day 1 (Monday night)

  • 6pm ET - East Round of 64
  • 7:30pm ET - East Round of 32
  • 9pm ET - East Round of 16 / West Round of 64
  • 10:30pm ET - East round of 8 / West Round of 32
  • 9pm PT - West Round of 16
  • 10:30pm PT - West Round of 8

Day 2 (Tuesday night)

  • 9pm ET - Round of 8
  • 10:30pm ET - Semifinals
  • 12:00am ET - Finals & 3rd Place


  • No one has to play later than 12:00am on Day 1, or 1:30am local time on Day 2
  • Easily accommodate up to 128 teams, or even 256 by extending Day 1 by one game (new latest time: 1:30am local)
  • Everyone is on an even playing field in terms of fatigue and server lag on Day 1
  • Coordinators still only have to manage 2 nights
  • Eastern teams can start earlier without hurting western teams
  • Teams can pick their own time zone, allowing more flexible schedules for those who work unusual hours.


  • Mixed time zone teams are still unfortunately in a bad situation
  • If the team quality is uneven across divisions, the Day 2 "top 8" might not really be the top 8 teams (but this is an issue no matter what because of the trouble with bracket seeding)
  • Streaming situation as in compressed schedule

Amateur Divisions

A bigger change to the format, teams must qualify for the open cups.

We would play one big messy week with late night games like we currently do.

After that, each week, the teams that make it to the Round of 16 would automatically qualify for the next week's Amateur Division I cup.

The Amateur Division II cup would be open to 128 additional teams, and would only play Monday nights. The top 16 teams would play in the next week's Amateur Division I cup against the last week's AD1 top 16.

Points earned in Amateur Division I cups would seed playoffs.

Day 1 (Monday night)

  • 9pm ET - AD1 Round of 32 / AD2 Round of 128
  • 10:30pm ET - AD1 Round of 16 / AD2 Round of 64
  • 12am ET - AD1 Round of 8 / AD2 Round of 32

Day 2 (Tuesday night)

  • 9pm ET - AD1 Semifinals
  • 10:30pm ET - AD1 3rd Place
  • 12:00am ET - AD1 Finals


  • No one ever has to play until later than 1:30am local time, except in the first week.
  • Top 16 teams are rewarded for their play by earning a berth in the "higher division" and can stay there consistently if they're good enough, which means they don't have to waste their time playing games against significantly worse teams.
  • Amateur Division I has a promise of higher quality, since teams have to win their way into it, so it should draw and retain more viewers
  • Easily accommodates up to 160 teams.


  • Semifinals are not streamed individually
  • On the first night, there are two divisions to be coordinated (this probably wouldn't be that hard, but it is still more work than the current situation)
  • The structure is more confusing than any other current or proposed structure

Edited: Shorter Matches

Play Best of 1 in early rounds to speed up the process.

Day 1 (Monday night)

  • 9pm ET - Round of 64 (Bo1)
  • 9:45pm ET - Round of 32 (Bo1)
  • 10:30am ET - Round of 16 (Bo3)
  • 12:00am ET - Round of 8 (Bo3)

Day 2 (Tuesday night)

  • 9pm ET - Semifinal #1
  • 10:30pm ET - Semifinal #2
  • 12:00am ET - 3rd place
  • 1:30am ET - Final


  • Smallest change from current structure
  • Still gives Blizzo their stream schedule
  • Can add more waves of teams without adding too much more time
  • Eliminates the late play for all but the very best teams, who have a realistic shot of making it in the pro HGC


  • Unlucky teams that maybe would have won a Bo3 will now be eliminated instead, and cheese comps are a little more encouraged in early rounds. We talked about this during last year's HGCO and it was very rare that a team lost the first map in early round games, but came back and won the next two.

Edit 2: Switch the HGCO and HGC Pros

Thanks, /u/Pandaburn!

We could simply have the HGC Pros play on weeknights and have the open division run on weekends, when players and viewers alike are less likely to have responsibilities blocking them from participating.

This would be a big departure from the current setup and would probably not be possible until 2019, but in my opinion, would likely be the best change.

I know I'd personally watch more of the pro matches if they were played on weeknights.


East coast HGCO players have to play until 3am every week (or even 4:30am if too many teams sign up). Blizzard appears not to care.

submitted by /u/BayST8
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Me and four friends noticed that the new brawl gave us the chance to all play murky. it was GLORIOUS.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:12 AM PST

Game was quite fun and we decided to wait til 20 so we could finish the game with 5 endless murlocs

Some pics

submitted by /u/The_Owl_Exterminator
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Who's Who and Who's New in HGC 2018

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:47 PM PST

Hero Reveal Tomorrow?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:21 PM PST

The next hero was leaked to be released on the 30th of January, which is in less than two weeks, the next hero should be getting announced very soon. With the hero going on PTR on Monday, and live on the 30th, i'm expecting something to show up on the return on HGC 2018 (which i'm very excited about).

I know leaks say that a certain Dreadlord and Demon will be coming next, but I wan't to be surprised to see something that hasn't been on a leak list for half a year.

submitted by /u/DumpMonster
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'Indoor' Maps

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:03 AM PST

For the exception of Tomb of the Spider Queen, and the below ground portion of Haunted Mines, every map is placed 'outdoors'

I know it's standard in mobas but it's interesting to me with the immense amount of 'indoor' instances in Blizzards games, including WOW and Diablo, that we don't have more battlefields inside. I personally think there are so many WOW raids and instances that would make really unique looking and beautiful maps.

I know people often mention the BG maps for WOW, but wouldn't a map based on Karazhan, or Nax be amazing? Especially if the objectives were inspired by boss encounters?

submitted by /u/justmikewilldo
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Minor Region News: Blizzard drops prizepool of Latam Region by half.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:08 PM PST

Okay, i'm on this ship from some time now, I started playing competitive hots in 2015, and the game is growing since then, I was got by surprise this year by the announcement of the HGC Copa América 2018, where the prizepool announced was 20k for each season ( total of 2 ). Last year were 4 seasons 20k each season. At the same time, HGC australia 2018 will receive the same 80k, splitted on two, 40k each season ( total of 2 ). How can we even compete the same championship, without bother, while the ANZ champion receive 16k on one season, our first place champion will receive 15k for the year. I'm not counting on global events cause we need to face the ANZ champion first,but, just about minor region versus minor region. And i'm not worried because the ANZ receives more, I'm worried about half prizepool. The annual reduction of minus 40k is just huge. While demotivating the pro-players on my region because 20k for 12 teams, it's more than frustrating. It's unsustainable to most of us. I wanted Blizzard attention on this problem. Because it's really a problem. Thanks for reading till here.

submitted by /u/LordUrano
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Magic does happen, but only in Brawls...

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:35 AM PST

Friends and I all queued up for the brawl, magic happened and we all had murky as an option, but it was NOT one of the time when all brawl characters are the same, hence the opposing teams varied comp.


Just gotta say, having 5 separate casts of March of the Murlocs all timed together, and watching thousands of murlocs crawling over your opponent is amazing. Also slimes stacked

submitted by /u/cralix
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Math of the Storm: Patch 29.7-29.8

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:31 AM PST

Why dont people in this game know how to do the old school push?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:45 AM PST

Everyone is always so obsessed with the objective and camps.

Diamond or Bronze, Quick Match or Hero League - it seems like most of the people dont know how to push. Just group up as 5 people when you have a level advantage and are leading the game and just march down the bloody lane. You dont always need a punisher or a garden terror to push.

I cant remember how many games i've lost because people are always so obsessed about the bloody objective. 5 enemy heroes dead and instead of pushing they go back to take a bloody camp.

And most of times they take the camp and dont even bother getting anything out of it. Like pushing or escorting it, just take it and feed it.

Please people, just group up and push like you would in any other moba. Its not that hard!

rant over

submitted by /u/johnny_bernaz
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Did they remove gifting?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:41 PM PST

What happened to gifting loot chests I don't see loot chest in the shop anymore and the gift tab is gone.

submitted by /u/bibity74
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Into the Nexus 200 tonight with Jade Martin & Andrew Kinabrew (2 hours from this post)

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 03:00 PM PST

Our podcast is turning 200 tonight and we'll be joined by Hero Designer Jade Martin and Senior 3D Artist Andrew Kinabrew. Stream starts at 8 pm Eastern / 5 pm Pacific on Twitch.tv/Amovetv. VOD and podcast will be up shortly after the stream wraps. Hope you enjoy the show!

submitted by /u/garrett_sc
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Why did HGC Copa America get nerfed?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:45 PM PST

If you look at the last (2017) LatAM HGC Copa américa had a total prizepool of 80k USD spread through 4 seasons, with 2 LAN finals (Season 2 and Season 4) with 4 teams on stage competing for a spot at the international stage.

Now we just got an announcemment saying that the prizepool will be 40k USD (divided by two sub regions) through 2018. So... we basically are facing a halving on the prizepool, also, there will be two LAN events with two teams only (One from each sub region) on the stage.

So, what did we get?

  • Prize pool halved for 2018
  • Less Seasons
  • Less Teams on LAN events (2 teams for a LAN finals, meaning even less costs for blizz)
  • Less spots on International events (Which translates to even less prizepool)
  • The speech of blizz wanting minor regions to thrive
  • Literally no explanation on why that

I'd like to note that it doesn't make any sense for blizzard to say that they want the scene here to develop (as we heard from blizzard over here), this behavior is just not coherent with they saying "we want minor regions to thrive and develop".

All the players from here were expecting better things for 2018, or at least an improvement on prizepool, I literally can't explain how disappointed we are right now, all these news are just... dreamshattering

References for comparison: http://us.battle.net/heroes/en/blog/20483089/detalhes-da-hgc-copa-am%C3%A9rica-2017-de-heroes-of-the-storm-12-01-2017 (2017 prizepool)

https://www.blizzardcopaamerica.com/pt-br/heroes/news/21353119 (2018 prizepool)

submitted by /u/xplister
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New "V Haka" Tint textures neglected

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:11 AM PST

For comparison an image of the New V Haka Tint and Mecha Dehaka

How did this pass quality assurance? :-/

Blizz pls fix!

(Credits go to /u/TheManBearWolf who first posted this here, without an image, where it didn't receive much attention)

submitted by /u/AlorasEU
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[TL.net] Blaze: First Thoughts & Analysis - Contributions by Breez, Casanova, Kendricswissh, & Robadobah

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:51 AM PST

Hero Diversity Challenge

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:01 PM PST

Last season my friends and I set out on a challenge to see how many different heroes I could get a win with in Team League without any repeats. Well we got to 56 different heroes before the season ended, which is all of the heroes that I own.


This challenge was a ton of fun and forced my friends and I to step way out of the meta which was a real breath of fresh air. I was lucky to have friends that went along with this challenge so nobody was salty when picks like Murky came up.

submitted by /u/Scratch-Fury
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A song I made using D.Va's quotes!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:40 AM PST

What patch will HGC be on?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:33 PM PST

I looked online, and I see a bunch of threads on reddit or forums, but I can't seem to find out officially which patch will HGC be on when it starts tomorrow. Can anyone point me to where to find that info? (I'm wondering if we're gonna see Blaze at all, I assume everything else will be in)

submitted by /u/stevenonce
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2018 A make or break year for Heroes esports

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:18 AM PST

2017 introduced a brand new league system, player salaries and a cheering system, yet recently we have suffered a lack of communciation and information especially in comparison to Blizzards recently launced OWL. In this article I argue that 2018 is a make or break year for Heroes esports.

submitted by /u/hoofit1
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The LFM Esports AMA is now live!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:32 PM PST

They will be answering questions here! Feel free to keep submitting questions.


submitted by /u/wonderrade
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Heroes Brawl of the Week, January 19, 2018: Temple Arena

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:05 AM PST

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