Pokémon GO - I see no difference

I see no difference

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 09:05 AM PST

I don’t know how you take gyms in your town, but this is what I do.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 02:44 PM PST

[Video] Catching Dragonite with AR+

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:00 AM PST

I swear to God that I’m gonna quit this game if I hatch another Sudowoodo in a 10k

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:59 PM PST

Seriously I've hatched like 7 of these. As a casual player that's at level 31, I'm just so over it. Sudowoodos pop up all the time in my town, guaranteed at least like 3 a day, shit is getting a little ridiculous.

Sorry for the rant, it's just when I don't have something like a Lapras still, it's incredibly frustrating to keep hatching the same common Pokémon in an egg that takes 10k to walk.

On top of the shitty sudowoodos, before they updated eevee out from 10ks, I hatched about 4.


submitted by /u/1FuzzyPickle
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The things you find at Wailmart

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:08 PM PST

I think my wailmer turned out to be a ditto...

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:45 PM PST

Seems like 3rd gen spawns are way down and weather impacts are lessened since the last event ended. Anyone else notice?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:36 PM PST

The last event was the most fun I've had with PoGo in a while, and it was largely because in addition to the influx of Ice pokemon it also seemed like a bunch of 3rd gens and less common Pokes were appearing a lot thanks to the weather. For example, I had a day with cloudy weather where I went for a 2 hr walk and caught something like 10 Makuhitas, and that was really awesome. Since the event ended though? Cloudy now means mostly Pidgeys, Rattatas and Sentrets with the occasional Nidoran or Mankey thrown in, and honestly it really doesn't feel any different than before the 3rd gen and weather effects even came out. Has anyone else noticed anything like this?

submitted by /u/OptiMeow
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Dictionary.com word of the day today.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:16 PM PST

I've participated in three raids over the last 3 months. I got an EX Pass. Confirmed: it's all random.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:03 AM PST

The EX Raid system doesn't make sense for many reasons and should be scrapped. I've thought this since Day One of them even announcing it.

I did a decent amount of raids over the summer, but I haven't spent a dime on this game since the first few months that it came out, only a few special boxes here and there with coins from gyms. I got an Entei on the first day of October, then stopped for a while. Didn't get Suicune or Ho-oh. No raids between October 1st and December 27th, when I did three Groudon raids (caught two!). I got an EX Pass for one of those raid locations, which was at a gym I had never even been to before.

So any tips and tricks given out or researched are BS. Gold status doesn't matter. Number of raids doesn't matter. Doesn't even matter if you'd ever been to that gym before. It's all random.

I get that Sunk Cost fallacy is a thing, but good lord. How can they not see that this is a horribly flawed, unfixable system?

submitted by /u/jquiggles
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[Discussion] How many college professors do we have playing PoGO?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 02:32 PM PST

Inspired by the "oldies" post! I'm <40 y.o., but I'm a college music professor and, living in a college town, I've met quite a few folks who are not student - but professors! - at various colleges in the area. Not all of my students know I play PoGo, but the occasional conversation will come up between students and I'll chime in. Another class I had totally found out that I was a Lv 40 because they asked and I was honest. They think it's hilarious and (awesome, I think?) that their teacher plays the game. I also include a "no catching magikarps" joke in my no cell-phone talk on the first day of class (we're located on a pond).

submitted by /u/iam_latepurple
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Is this fraud by niantic and should players be refunded.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:17 AM PST

Niantics exact words were "Trainers who have completed a larger number of Raid Battles are more likely to be invited to EX Raid Battles"

I average about 10 raids a day, both solo on lvl3s and in groups for legendaries. Christmas day is the only day ever I have not used my day pass. Since 23rd December when I finished work for the year, I have done 65groudon raids alone. And yet today a lady in our suburb got her 3rd ex invite, and she has never spent a cent in the game and only raids on her free day pass.

I believe Niantics statement was misleading when niantic directly targeted less frequent players to encourage interest in the game.

Furthermore I do have gold medals on every gym in our suburb and the neighbouring suburbs, so gym medal level should of given me preferential treatment.

I believe this is evidence of directly misleading players and if players were refunded for the last ball glitch by the Apple store, surely this is enough evidence that players be refunded the money they spent on raids since the implementation of the ex raids.

submitted by /u/JoeyJunior53
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[Video] Catching Wailmer with AR+

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:08 AM PST

Polygon article about top PoGo YouTubers showing frustration with the EX Raid System

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 09:14 PM PST

[Bugs] "Time's Up" before Time was actually up

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:28 AM PST

My Husband and I were doing a Groudon Raid Yesterday and we had Groudon's Health 2 practically nothing and the Game said "Time's Up" for all 6 of us with 10 Seconds remaining! We'd have him in that 10 Seconds. We only needed maybe 1 or 2 more Hits. It cut us off 10 Seconds early.

Any Ideas?

submitted by /u/VorePredReshiram
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Best way to find a raid group when you dont know anyone who plays?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:24 PM PST

Let me start this off by saying that I live in a decent area for playing Pokemon GO. I'm not too far from a city, but there are no pokestops or gyms near my house. the only time I can battle gyms or raid is when I'm out, because I have no way of knowing if there are raids going on since I am that far from the gyms. And, when I am at the gyms for raids, nobody is there! I know people play because the gyms i go to regularly change teams, but I never see anyone playing. I haven't even gotten a single legendary.. :( any suggestions would be appreciated

edit: thanks everyone for your responses,love this community! :)

submitted by /u/noahafc
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Anyone else’s clock reset at 11pm?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:22 PM PST

[Question] iPhone X and Groudon trouble

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 11:15 AM PST

I've done a couple Groudon raids where I miss him far to much than I should. I did one a week ago and out of 7 balls, I did NOT hit him once. I just finished one, out of 9 balls, I hit him twice. Has anyone had similar issues? On the other side, I have caught 4, so the issue isn't every time. Anyone else have similar issue?

submitted by /u/objectiveandbiased
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when there’s no pokestops by you ������ yeah peep my low level

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:39 PM PST

I created a Discord for Pokémon Go players in Western Washington! Come join me, and let’s chat about our expierences!

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:26 PM PST

Quick [question]

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:16 PM PST

Can you put 3 evolucion pokes on the same gym say larvitar, the other shield looking one and tyranitar?

submitted by /u/zurdopilot
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[Question] My roommate recently got back into pogo since I told them how into it I was but she's having trouble raiding.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:45 AM PST

Every time she tries to do a raid it starts out normal letting her select her Pokémon and seeing other trainers there with us, but as soon as the time counts down and everyone else is in battle she gets a black screen with the pogo loading symbol in the top left. Literally every time, and it sucks because she has put money into the game and can't even raid. She has an android btw.

Anyone know of a fix?

Things we've tried already: uninstalling and reinstalling the app, turning phone off and back on, re downloading on wifi, redownloading on wireless data.

submitted by /u/I-like-fires
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[discussion] Passengers: What's your main focus while playing while riding?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:51 PM PST

If you're like me, I like 2 play on the Bus or while riding with my Husband or his Family. I'm a Passenger cause I don't drive.

Other Passengers that play in a Motor Vehicle, what's your main focus while going down the Road. what do you mainly try to get if ur quick enough?

Do u like 2 catch anything that may pop up or do you focus more on timing Pokéstops, or maybe u try 2 get into Gyms.

Me, my Number 1 Priority's getting into Gyms. Any time I see a Mystic Gym, especially a new one I've never been in, I try to get myself into the Gym if there's an opening. If I see a Gym up the Road, I disregard all Pokéstops and Pokémon that may appear b4 I get 2 it. This's is where I'm getting super accurate on timing the most.

second Priority's Pokéstops. This used to b number 1, until the new Gym System makes it so easy 2 just throw something in. That and the fact that the Speed Limit on Pokéstops kinda made my Percentage System defunct that I used to use 2 kept track of successful Spins when not in control of the Vehicle.

If I drove, I'd not play cause then I could just basically drive wherever I want and get in anything I want and that'll be cheating. So my moral is that it's okay 2 play in Cars, as long as u don't have control of where ur going. Then it's just a timing Game

submitted by /u/VorePredReshiram
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