Learn Dota 2 - "Last Picking for a Free Win"

"Last Picking for a Free Win"

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 11:17 AM PST

So I hear this thrown around for a few heroes in dota, some I understand why, some I don't. So the ones I understand are CK or Brood when the team have no aoe/wave clear. But when is picking meepo or huskar a "free win". Also what other heroes are like this? Also how do people spam these heroes that need specific game requirements to be good?

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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Crusader Shadow Shaman vs Divine - Laning Stage

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 05:48 PM PST

What separates the “good” Meepo players at 3k-4k from the 1v9 Meepos at divine?

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 05:00 AM PST

I've played almost 600 games of Meepo, and in the past 100 I don't feel like I've improved any. How do people like abed and w33 stay at a rediculous 75%+ at high mmr?
On the other hand, what are some things that can generally be improved to become better?


submitted by /u/TheMutantHotDog
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Why did arteezy go mkb with Chaos Knight? No evasion hero.

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 06:21 PM PST

How to play against sf mid (seems impossible)

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 08:01 PM PST

It feels impossible to lane against him. I streamed during it (1st game I kept my cool and honestly we lost by throwing, 2nd game I tilted very hard, then turned my tilt into funny banter although I was still relatively tilted, then went quiet from not feeding but still in a shitty mood, etc. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/217980965 Start at 1:51:00 for the 2 games I talk about)

Anyways, it feels impossible to lane against him. And since I know its coming, I bought raindrops in lane, as both (might have been late on pa). Both games I was outskilled a bit (Im archon 4 vs an ancient 0 and a legend 2 I think?).

First game I'm pa, I got counter picked, I knew I couldn't contest last hits. I daggered creeps/sf as much as possible. I ganked at lvl 4/5, and didn't feed sf kills. He got overzealous and died more then he needed to. But regardless, I was underfarmed throughout the game and while I wasn't doing the worst, it was by no means good.

Second game, sf first picked. I go for viper because I'm thinking "Extra magic resist and orb attacking? Seems like it should be fine" but no, its not fine, because double raze still eats anyone alive. Sf just goes boots first, double razes you, and now you can't sit in the lane as your down 75% of your health. I'm 0-2 or 0-3 in lane but sf keeps ganking me with his gank heavy team. I try to play around wards, but it wasn't easy. Just a slow and heart-breaking loss. I have no idea what to do vs any compitent sf. Feels impossible without ganks (PS. I begged breaker to gank my lane, he didn't get charge lvl 1. He gets lvl 2 and still doesn't gank. Takes him 9 minutes to gank sf, by then the lane is far over).

So, with those out of the way, how do you lose versus these annoying sf spammers that pretty much just win their lane automatically if it goes 1v1?

Edit: if you dont wanna watch the video, its https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3675868029 and https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3675802161

submitted by /u/Lavamites
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Why is Agh's not picked up more on Void?

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 04:43 AM PST

The CD reduction is huge, basically means you're gonna have chrono up for every team fight, also watching old pro games I noticed they bought it more often but not anymore nowadays, why is that?

submitted by /u/TheWbarletta
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Visage Micro

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 07:44 PM PST

Does anyone have any particular tips to improve microing with Visage? I found a video that shows someone stacking about 4 camps at once using visage but I'm not sure how the person gets the timing so perfectly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD8q-DKiF_4&feature=youtu.be

Also, does anyone recommend shift-queueing the stuns in teamfights or do you simply focus on your main hero and micro accordingly?


submitted by /u/jason9901
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Laning SS vs PA Mid

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 06:54 PM PST

-Storm Spirit, not Shadow Shaman-

God I hate laning against PA. I seriously have no idea what to do against her. Late game, it feels so easy to kill her once you have hex, but that DAGGER does so much damage, with no miss chance and a tiny cooldown. How do I win this lane?

I know I can ask for ganks, but between supports being unresponsive and the fact that she can blink to her incoming wave, it feels nearly impossible.

Do I nuke the wave? I hate doing so against her because it'll just give her the high ground, but at the same time I really can't afford to stand in the lane for long. The dagger can punish anything, even when I try to stand on my side of the river and only come down to deny/last.

Are there any particular items I can buy? I assume extra regen, but that doesn't feel like a "real" solution. What supports help shut her down early? Her evasion makes overload so inconsistent, it feels hard to put real damage on her.

(Also, mini question: Does MKB / Bloodthorn / a bunch of int items) make a good SS build occasionally? I normally just build scythe to counter evasion, but since Storm naturally likes blood and int, it seems like he could make an okay right-click / attack speed build.)

submitted by /u/Snomme_
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Can Templar Assassin play any other role except mid?

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 12:56 PM PST

INB4 obvious "Of course, You can pick any hero and play them any role you want!" answer.

I ment more in the competitive way.

submitted by /u/TheOneWithALongName
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Increase Your Odds of Winning in Drafts?

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 06:31 PM PST

So picking to have a high percentage of winning is very crucial in dota. Sometimes it your turn to pick and the enemy team had a picking mess up blunder.

What are some x picks that can be made if enemy team doesn't pick y?

1) meepo without enemy having aoe disables and winter wyvern. 2) huskar if enemy has no physical damage but high magic damage.

please continue the list.

submitted by /u/spartanblizzard
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Mid lane, OD game, list of questions

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 02:15 PM PST


Looking for both game specific and general advice.

This is the match that I'll use as the root of my questions. I picked OD last as I was completely unsure of what to pick and at least used to be a comfort pick, I seem to be pretty bad at the hero nowadays. Can you answer the below and provide any other advice you think would be helpful?

For background, I am currently legend 3, stagnating the last year ish between 3600-3900 mmr. I basically only play 1,2,5.

  1. Was OD a horrible pick? Why or why not? When it comes to picking, I think I basically follow bsj advice which is pick what is necessary for the game, that can also do well laning. From my view, we had lock down and life stealer to be the one front lining. I thought OD was decent because I could save lifestealer, and do lots of damage while my team CC'd the enemies. Astral seemed very good in my mind offensively and defensive this game. It was hard for me to tell whether OD was bad or I just fed which super delayed my items, maybe both.

  2. What would have been a better pick? And why?

  3. How should I have played this game as OD after the laning stage? It seemed impossible to do much once any of their cores got their first major item (axe blink, sb sf, sb slark). It seemed like all 3 of their cores could push lanes safely.

  4. What would have been a good item build for OD? It seemed like I needed 4 items to be useful AND not die.

Thank you

submitted by /u/relphking
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Dealing with a jugg shaman lane as solo offlaner

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 11:23 AM PST

How do you manage this lane? Even running around through the trees I seem to get shackled and spun on and that's it. Really really struggle with this lineup.

submitted by /u/Hannibal_Spectre
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Shadow Demon Skill Build?

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 03:37 PM PST

I used to max disruption and soul catcher first, ignoring shadow posion until level 11. But most high MMR players seem to max shadow poioon first. I tried it a few times, i'm not sure if i like it. Am i supposed to be stacking and farming with it? It is pretty bad when ganking since by the time someone has 3-4 stacks he's already pretty much dead. It also drains mana really fast. What's the advantage of skilling shadow poison over disruption and soul catcher? How am i supposed to use it?

submitted by /u/Lightsleeper4453
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Sand king tips?

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 06:45 AM PST

Hey guys, Guardian [0] here. Recently, I started enjoying spamming Sand king a lot and it actually works pretty well, won 7/10 matches, but sometimes feel like I threw the game and could have bought much better items for the situation. I play him as an offlaner or as a roamer.

Question 1: Itemization

Offlane: In the offlane, i usually start with a stout shield, tango, mango and 2 branches. I usually buy items in this order: magic wand->mana boots->blink->euls (Sometimes, I skip it if we have a CM and the enemy team doesn't really have any threatening dispellable debuffs)->Aghs (For me, it is an absolutely crucial item, as it gives me improved initiating and escaping capabilities, also, it allows me to push waves faster)->shiva's/pipe (depends on the enemy team)->Octarine core Sometimes, if my team is too passive and does not push enough (see my rank), I go for BoTs in the late game. Let me know about anything wrong in this build.

Roamer: Normally, I start off with OoV, a shared tango(if i get some), mango and a clarity and afterwards, I go for a wind lace and a set of raindrops and/or a magic stick. Then, it follows: tranquil boots->blink if the game goes well, force staff, if it doesn't ->and it goes on same as my offlane build. Let me know about anything wrong in this build. And of course, I'm buying some wards as well.

Question 2: Sandstorm I really want to know, when and why to use sandstorm, I feel, like maxing Burrowstrike and Caustic finale is better than my W. I know, that I can use it to clear stacked camps, but it si hard for me to stack with Caustic finale, and I'll be honest: there are no other supports in my team. Using it in the lane didn't really work out for me, because even in Guardian, some people buy detection and as I mentioned above, I max other abilities above it. I see the only use of it to disjoint some projectile-based abilities (like Oracle's Q) and with level 25 talent: slow + miss chance in Sandstorm, it can actually be useful in my opinion.

Feel free to flame me for anything mentioned in this post (but not my rank), I really want to improve.

submitted by /u/Aim_exe_not_found
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What do i need to improve on to win these games?

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 01:21 PM PST

Ill post my dota buff link but it seems that no matter which position i pick either mid or carry the other one fails ill be carry and the whole team will get stomped in by min 20 before i get the chance to help i go mid i can win my lane and put pressure but the team will refuse to end and then the other team carry come online usually more than what we have then lose what am i missing ?

dotabuff https://www.dotabuff.com/players/105971243

submitted by /u/whitephantomzx
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question on PL hotkeys, settings, and playstyle

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 04:08 AM PST

i'm trying to learn this hero and i hear a few things said that i actually don't even know how to do.

  1. I hear you can set different control groups for your bright yellow doppleganger illusion, your regular juxtapose and q illusions, and your manta illusions. How do you set control groups, is it something that i have to do every time i cast manta, or is it something that once i do i don't have to do it again.

  2. So when i use my q (nuke), i've seen a few people have that q illusion continue to attack the target. seems like when i use q to harass in lane, once the q illusion spawns i'll go for a last hit but then that q illusion stops hitting the hero and comes to last hit the creep with me. Is there a way to have the q illusion continue to hit the hero while i go for last hits without constantly having to press 1 (F1 default) for my hero after i hit q?

  3. I see a lot of pros going max phantom rush. I actually have no idea how to use this ability at all. It's a toggleable passive similar to wk (i'm assuming because you want to save your rush to on for when you attack a hero), but how are people using this skill.


submitted by /u/Nwball
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When should I consider getting agha on ck?

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 10:31 AM PST

Ck is always played as a hard carry so any ideas when and why to pick up the agha on ck?

submitted by /u/4Fate_LvZ
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Who are some good position 4 heros

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 10:15 AM PST

I've played bounty hunter and I like him. I know spirit breaker is good but I don't like playing him.

submitted by /u/KamikazeBears
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Kotl cast range

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 10:07 AM PST

Does increasing his cast range change the illuminate range?

submitted by /u/WilliamZappa
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pheonix , io, shadow deamon triple stack ....help

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 04:33 AM PST

how to do it ? couldn't find proper links on youtube.... photos and videos will be more helpful if u can post the link.

submitted by /u/kael_cynic
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Removing items from your own customized item build

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 08:10 AM PST

Hello guys, i just found out that i can edit the guides from Torte de Lini and other guide creaters and make my own guides from it. But i have a problem: Adding items to the guide is very simple for me, i just drag them from the shop into my own guide. But how can i remove items from my guide? This must be very simple but i cannot find the key to do this. Like in this picture as example, how can i remove this Dragon Lance from my guide?

submitted by /u/StevenHorn
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Removing items from your own customized item build

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 08:08 AM PST

Hello guys, i just found out that i can edit the guides from Torte de Lini and other guide creaters and make my own guides from it. But i have a problem: Adding items to the guide is very simple for me, i just drag them from the shop into my own guide. But how can i remove items from my guide? This must be very simple but i cannot find the key to do this. Like in this picture as example, how can i remove this Dragon Lance from my guide?

submitted by /u/StevenHorn
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Micromanagement/Mechanics behind Meepo?

Posted: 11 Jan 2018 11:05 PM PST

As someone who's been practicing playing Meepo in BOT Matches or Turbo games, I had a few questions with regards to some technicalities behind microing meepo. I have to add that I've never played any RTS before like Starcraft 2 and I'm still trying to learn quite a bit of micro heroes.

Firstly, the way I setup my control groups is basically by having numbers 1-5 as a control group for each individual meepo and the D and F key are used to control Meepo in pairs, D being 2 and 3, F being 4 and 5, I also have F1 set to select all units and F2 to select all other units.

What tends to happen to me is I tend to "run out of ideas" as to what to do with the second meepo clone which you obtain in the early game, this leads to me actually trying to do way too much all at once. One of the first things that always comes to mind is, how can I last hit properly in lane whilst sending the clone to do something else? Should I just a-click the creep wave and hit 2 to move the clone somewhere else or would there be some other kind of mechanical process involved? I attempt this quite a number of times but what ends up happening is the enemy eventually does something quickly which forces me to put my focus back on my main meepo, another scenario is the creep wave actually dies and my main meepo ends up just running towards the tower, I usually stop this in time but it just feels like it could be handled better. What other suggestions would you guys have to improve your early game when playing Meepo? It would be highly appreciated.

Another thing I had in mind was split-pushing as Meepo. Say you've gotten to the point were you've gotten Boots of Travel and Aghs and you wish to actually start pushing, how does one properly manage the micro in this case? What I generally try is sending my grouped meepos in pairs and a clicking the towers but the enemy seems to surprise me rather quickly and this leads me to losing one of my meepos instantly since you're barely given time to tp out.

Blink poofing and such isn't really an issue at all, sometimes what tends to happen is 1 meepo decides not to poof which is probably due to me hitting TAB too quickly.

I've had some decent games on this hero, but I can definitely improve my XPM/GPM and feed less, big thanks to anyone that reads this.

submitted by /u/shaneonoqshane
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When do i go drums on mid kunkka?

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 07:30 AM PST

As a mid kunkka spammer (3.5k) i am completely lost when it comes to building him early. I usually go bottle>phase>drum>armlet>blink>daedlus

However, I feel that drums aren't that good. I only get it because I've always been told they were good.

I recently noticed attacker going bottle>phase>armlet>daedlus >blink This made me think, is drums really that good on kunkka? Skipping drums allows you to get to your peak physical damage sooner.

My idea for a build would be bottle>phase>armlet>blink>damage

I'm not sure when to go drums on kunkka, and if drums are even that good at all. Starting with stout qb and branches into wand feels like more than enough. With the change to qb working on cleave I can't justify drums anymore. Can someone explain to me if I should be getting them, or of they are situational?

Thank you and sorry for the rambly post

submitted by /u/gusty9
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How does one deal with calibrating way too early?

Posted: 11 Jan 2018 11:39 PM PST

To cut a long story short, I recently got into MOBA's and decided to try Dota 2. It's been a great ride so far and as the saying goes you learn something new everyday.

So basically, I decided to start playing ranked the moment it was available, I really wanted to know where the system would think I'd end up being placed and unsurprisingly I ended up calibrating at Guardian 0, moving my way up to Guardian 1 so far. It isn't the worst rank in the world, but as someone who currently focuses on playing Position 5 it's definitely annoying when you have a team that rarely coordinates with itself, this doesn't mean I don't mess up as well mind you.

My main question is, should I just lay off ranked for now and focus on getting better in unranked? Let me emphasise that I'm not one of those people that claim they're in the "wrong rank" or anything, I just fear as though it'll be a painful ride to climb through once I actually get better at the game.

submitted by /u/seczobb
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