Learn Dota 2 - Laning against Luna as an offlaner

Laning against Luna as an offlaner

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:56 PM PST

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3686809084 I was already tilted when I queued this game so it's already an outlier and my mistakes will be obvious.

How do you lane against or even beat Luna as an offlaner? I feel like once that hero has aquila and a wand the lane is already over due to: 1. Both hp and mana regen allowing for lucent beam spam off cooldown 2. Very high damage with aquila + aura 3. High enough movespeed to just run away if you try to hit her 4. High enough armour that you wont win a right click trade

And this is just in a 1v1, not accounting for supports that benefit from the aura damage. Is there any hero in the game that can lane or win against Luna?

My current meme pick for it is QoP because you can play around the trees to escape from trilanes and dagger the luna for harass, getting a free kill at lv6 with sonic wave. Other picks I'm aware of are Omni, Legion, Clock and Void but I'm wary of getting completely zoned for the first few levels by a trilane or even a solo Shaman. Then the Luna has her treads aquila and lv5 and once again the lane is impossible.

Do I keep meme picking QoP or is there something obvious that I'm not seeing?

submitted by /u/DrMcWho
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Support Questions: Using Gold, Last Hitting, and Misc. questions

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:34 PM PST

I'm a fairly new player still, and need some queries resolved. :3

  1. When should I be buying items? Most people at my level seem to buy them very peace-mill, and put them together over a long duration. However, watching my friends who have a much higher MMR they tend to have larger pools of gold and buy things all at once for the most part, generally with a bit left over to be close to buy back. What is the correct way to do this?

  2. As a newer player I really understand how important Last Hitting is, but I don't really know when I should be going for them as a Support, or when to get them via Jungling, etc. as say Jakiro?

  3. Force Staff - What is this whimsical device and how the hell do I use it properly?

  4. Smoke - I never buy it, and I know that's bad, but why? I don't understand it's exact utility since it reveals you if your within 1200 range of anyone, which seems like a massive amount of distance!

  5. Eul's - Any advice or clever ways to use it with Jakiro? I already found out I can use it to completely ruin Legion Commander's day and save allies.

Thanks for any advice provided!

submitted by /u/MadCard05
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Is Skywrath mid worth it?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:59 AM PST

Having int scaling on Q, decent talents and benefiting from items that would take forever to acquire as a support(Atos, Kaya, Aghanim's etc) he makes for a great magic damage dealer. But is it worth running him mid or is it too risky/situational considering his shit health and subpar rightclick(lasthits)? Any favorable matchups to pick him into?

submitted by /u/MaDNiaC007
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Crusader 5 OD | Itemization & Decision Making - Dota 2 Replay Analysis

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:42 AM PST

Ideal Meepo early game farming pattern

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:12 AM PST



Not my replay, but I found it while looking through the guides section of dotabuff.

Average mmr somewhere around 6.2k to 6.5k


min cs
5 37
10 121
15 197
20 241
25 348

You can get higher than these values, but it was the rotations between jungle camps and lane that really stuck out to me here. It was very nicely done.

He gets the super early eblade, takes rosh, takes objectives with the lead and aegis he has and controls the game from start to finish.

Very textbook Meepo game which I am going to carefully analyse to learn a lot from and I thought a lot of newer meepo players could learn a lot from it too!

submitted by /u/doggobandito
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What are some visage tips? Best way to micro? Important hotkeys for him?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:34 PM PST

Also how do people use the stun of all the familiar's you control individually? Kind of how people chain stun enemies with that.
Can someone explain to me how this guy in the video plays visage? https://youtu.be/kHJFgZkraBY I can't tell how he is controlling his familiars since his character portrait doesn't show his controlled units, unlike mine that shows all things I'm currently controlling(it would show visage and 2 of my familiars when I press hotkey for all controlled units). And btw I still have my default hotkeys and my Mouse has extra two buttons(currently used as hotkey for items). Just saying for in case I need to change something.

submitted by /u/Dovah2121
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I stopped playing Dota when 7.00 dropped, but have recently picked it back up again. What'd I miss?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:37 PM PST

Hey there! I was playing Dota 2 at around the 3.7k MMR level back when I was playing it competitively daily. However, because I felt burnt out after a rather lackluster performance at a tournament and the fact 7.00 looked super complex to me, I dropped the game and started playing Overwatch instead. I have recently picked up the game again a little, but I'm noticing a lot of little differences back when I used to play it.

  • The rune system changing back to how it was back in 2014(?) and a bunch of nerfs to courier crowing I think means bottle is no longer useful for mids? What do they build to supplement that?

  • I wasn't the best with farming before I stopped (got to 3.7k mostly because I was good at taking fights and making space) but the new changes to jungle means all my old farming routes are a bit jumbled. Also denying now gives XP?

  • Bunch of new items and re-works of existing ones

  • The entire talent tree system, whilst I do love it, is a bit confusing to me

There's a bunch of new changes and I'm doing my best to try and catch up, but is there anything I should know that's absolutely vital? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Muddlet_Science
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I’m on a good winstreak after a tilt, How do I keep it up ?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:57 PM PST

Hey guys,

3 weeks ago I went on a massive tilt and lost 400 MMR in 2 nights, I spent the next 2 weeks with 50% winrate ( no mmr gains)

Yesterday I played a few good games, gained alot of confidence and I'm 9 wins 1 loss.

I'm so worried now that I'm gonna lose and go on a tilt.

submitted by /u/ace-s
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When to Split Push

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:37 PM PST

Hey Guys. I like to play Offlane primarily & it's my best lane for sure. Considering how I recently started playing ranked and went from sub 1k to fluctuating from low-mid 2k, I can't just simply tp in and kill a t2 with Furion without giving it some more thought, which used to be like super good at sub 1k. I've been recently thinking a lot about it, but I need a little help behind the thought process of splitpushing. Here's my understanding of split pushing:

I recently watched an old video with Aui talking to Pyrion Flax about his one match w/ Yogscast Lewis & ODPixel (think it's something like Aui the dota doctor or something like that) where Pyrion said that Lewis always split pushes and it's inconsistent how well it goes. I think Aui then says something along the lines of 'split pushing is one of those things you do when you know the one hero or combinations of some heroes who can kill you during a splitpush are dead or visible elsewhere' (might of not said the visible elsewhere part, but it makes sense to me).

I've also just recently fully understood the concept of trading and that t1 mid is the most important tower/mid is the most important lane to push (I think this is because you get more space when taking a mid tower + the obvious fact that mid is shortest lane to ancient). For example, trading your t1 top for the enemy's t2 bot is worth it most of the time, unless you think they can take the t2 as well. I think this can be translated to the idea of splitpushing as well, one simple example being going for a t2 on opposite side of map when team is trying to fight & your threats are in said fight.

I am just fascinated with the idea and decision-making behind split pushing for whatever reason, so anything you guys can share would help me.

submitted by /u/Liamrun
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How could I have played this game better as Timbersaw?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:10 PM PST

Match ID 3686834390

submitted by /u/C0ncept8
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Question about Kaya

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:09 PM PST

The description says "10% Manacost and Manaloss Reduction".

I don't understand what the term Manaloss means. Does that mean that if Spell "A" has 100 Manacost, then after getting Kaya; "A" will have 90 Manacost but it will cause (10% of 90 Manacost =) 81 Manaloss to my MP bar?

submitted by /u/xnxsvngl
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When to go for crimson guard?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:21 AM PST

I am 3,5k mmr player and I think it is my least bought item on any hero. Probably even more than divine rapier. Maybe I am not playing the right heroes for the item but I feel it is a bed choice in general.

submitted by /u/spellcaster93
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Which heroes do you pick when you have a techies on your team

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:33 PM PST

This is by far the most miserable hero in dota to play with for me. The games are passive, boring, and it feels impossible to ever fight. I have a 57% win rate against it (14 games) and a 43% win rate with it on my team (21 games). I have no clue how to make it work.

submitted by /u/thetrenchneverends
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How to control my huge urge to play new characters as a noob?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:09 AM PST

I get super hype to learn so many characters even though I still haven't gotten completely used to mechanics yet. Idk, I'm getting to the point that I want to try really hard characters like visage(well, already kind of tried visage and realized how risky and difficult he really is) and invoker. I heard it's bad to do that as a beginner.

Edit: wow I got a surprising amount of responses! Thanks guys for all your help now i'll use new characters guilt free :D On unranked of course lol.

submitted by /u/Dovah2121
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How viable is Lycan offlane/mid ?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:18 AM PST

Following the advice that you guys gave me in my last threads, I started to practice some micro heroes that melt towers like LD, Visage and Lycan. I understood that LD can be relevant in all 3 lanes and jungle if completely zoned, that Visage is basically a mid , but I haven't understood the potential of Lycan outside safelane . Is he any good at mid/offlane?

Thank you

submitted by /u/raff100
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How to play as jugg vs faceless void shadowblade?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:52 AM PST

Hey guys, recently played jugg vs void. I felt pretty useless in that match, couldn't split push because he'd kill me in chrono(tried to get skadi for survival but that didn't help). I can't start fighting till he uses his ult cause he'll just kill me, and I felt like a melee hero like jugg can't fight around his ult. Any tips for this matchup? Match id:3683854182

submitted by /u/styzwr
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Can the tower's attack be disjointed with force staff?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:23 AM PST

I tried to do this yesterday and the little magic tower pew-pew just curved and followed me and I got hit anyway, and I looked like an idiot. Is this impossible or am I just a huge noob?

submitted by /u/OmniscientShadow
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how to win a lane after getting a good block?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:36 AM PST

iam getting good blocks but cant win the lane .what to do after getting a good block to win a lane

submitted by /u/wwqrd
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Tinker Six-Slot?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:00 AM PST

What items ideally would a six slotted tinker have. I always run out of slots. When I think six-slotted tinker I think:

Boots Of Travel LVL 2 Aghanim's Sceptre Dagon5 Ethereal Blade Scythe of Vyse Blink Dagger

When should I buy a Bloodstone or what can I swap out for Shiva's. Can you guys leave suggestions for 6 slotted item builds and when I would choose one over the other as I understand most of Tinker's items are situational.

submitted by /u/dumbly_
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How to play the mid matchup vs sf?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 10:07 AM PST

Pretty simple. Some specific matches are Invo, OD, and qop. Otherwise any general tips would be appreciated.

For example, how do you deal with this insane deny potential when you don't have enough levels to wave clear with spells. With OD, before lvl 5, I can't even use astral as walking to cast astral = triple raze and die. In some matchups he just sits on my HG and denies every creep and I end up being 2 levels behind. What can I do to deal with SF in lane?

submitted by /u/iKnowButWhy
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Progress at dota

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 02:57 AM PST

I did post something similar in /r/Dota2 but I believe I described my issue wrong. So maybe this is a better spot for it here and I'll try to do it more "on point".  

I find it very very hard to first identify my weakness and then to identify the level of skill I need to reach before I can expect growing MMR. Progressing is about practice right? What's the best way to practice and when do I know "oke, NOW I reached a skill where I definately can expect climbing in MMR"?

submitted by /u/bratenbro
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Mid-Higher skilled players tips for a fresh new morphling

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:53 AM PST

Hey all, I've recently picked up morphling to try and learn him and to put it bluntly, I don't have any knowledge of him whatsoever haha. I'm floating around 1.5k (crusader 0) and would like some input on a few things

During the landing phase, is it better to have AG maxed so I can last hit more effectively? I know it's situational, but is it better to build linkins or ethereal first? How to play him if you fall behind( IE you run into a much more competent mid or a tough offlane) Is a dragon lance worth the extra range? And then into a pike?

Anything helps and would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

submitted by /u/Canadian0101
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What would a Zeus do if he ends up against AM/Huskar?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:46 AM PST

I tend to play him quite a bit, and even though I have played this matchup before, keep in mind that my mmr right now is ~1.5k aka the land of 25 min Battlefury AMs and Huskars who don't know how to Armlet toggle.

Clearly that's somewhat easy to deal with even as a Zeus, but lets say in higher level games where AM/Huskar players aren't completely useless and I do end up facing one 'cause the enemy had last pick or whatever, how do I play around it?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Fastest way to win in turbo games? (non-serious)

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:12 AM PST

Our friendly stack have been trying to win turbo ASAP. We've found most success with Axe cutting the first wave, and NP just throwing treants at the tower.

Managed to get the t1 at 40s in. What are some fun things in turbo to try with a stack? Here's our attempts

submitted by /u/ProfileMyData
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If opponent has MKB, can I still go Butterfly?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:34 AM PST

Hello! I was wondering if it was okay for me to still go Butterfly if my Clinkz opponent has MKB?

Also, if Clinkz has Bloodthron and Nullifier what are some items as Arc Warden that I can use to survive his initial burst? Is Aeon Disk worth it in favor of damage?


submitted by /u/ddotaplayer
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