Heroes of the Storm - Blaze Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm

Blaze Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 10:03 AM PST

Firebat In Dev

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 09:01 AM PST

Nydus worms need the bunker treatment

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 11:56 AM PST

This is a simple one that ive been asking for a while now, but now with the bunker being added the technology is clearly there. Please make it so you can choose which way you exit the nydus worm, as it currently stands it just sends you into the direction the worm is facing which is always going to be pointing down. This can cause many issues outside of just being annoying, it can cause zagara to get stuck in walls if the nydus is too close, and it can cause headaces when it comes to pathing due to the fact that the game thinks the worm isn't impassable even when it is.


submitted by /u/deathnstuff30
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PTR patch notes January 2 2018

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 10:01 AM PST

Is it time to Rename Regrowth to Rejuvenation?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 10:34 AM PST

As it stands, regrowth no longer has an initial heal on the ptr. The Heal over time duration has been Extended, and mana cost reduced. Far as I'm concerned, that's not the regrowth spell anymore, at least with me speaking as a former WoW enthusiast.

Edit:noice, my first h-h-hot post

I'm on fia baby

submitted by /u/Lord_indisar
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Tyrael announcer on PTR

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:09 PM PST

Title. It wasn't included in the patch notes, but PTR got a Tyrael announcer for 400 shards.

submitted by /u/ShadowAura
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I haven't heard anyone talk about the most important change on PTR: Queue music is now randomized!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:03 PM PST

The queue music FINALLY contains more than just the standard queue music we've been getting for the past two or three years.

submitted by /u/lemindhawk
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Blaze is a main tank not a bruiser.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 10:38 AM PST

Sustain, engage, peel.

Talents for self unstoppable, shields, damage reduction, spell reduction, increased peel and a defensive team ult.

This is a tank.

Btw he also has 2887 hp at level 1 that's 11 more than Muradin at lvl 1

submitted by /u/TheEstyles
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HoTS lost a small but key part of its personality after alpha

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:14 AM PST

One of the things that set this game appart from other "Brawlers" is that the heroes are , for the most part, not something blizzard just made up for this game, but characters with actual history. Even people like Morales or Hammer, are meant to represent units we have already seen before. Concepts that exist outside this game.

And I was here in the alpha and a huge part of the charm was the way heroes were characterized and interacted with each other. Maybe the Raynor Uther tutorial didn't teach you all the MOBA concepts, but it was cool to watch Uther interact with Raynor and they were genuine representations of how you've known them before.

When Raynor and Kerrigan happened to be in the same team, Raynor would sometimes call her Darlyn, as he does. Uther laments being with Arthas, etc.

As heroes were getting added, these cool interactions became rarer and rarer. Now it is far more likely we'll get something very generic. I don't know. Hammer saying "here's my favorite person whose name I am not going to mention" and D.Va replying "Cant believe I am meeting someone from Starcraft I won't comment at all about how you are a driving siege tank".

Just saying, it would be nice if we could get more specific interactions. Specially new heroes with old heroes.

I get it that it is expensive to get the Voice Actors to record many more new lines. But here's a less expensive improvement: When the game decides what voice lines to play, prioritize the interactions that are specific. E.g If you are Raynor and both D.Va and kerrigan are in your team, it should play the Kerrigan interaction and not the generic D.Va one.

submitted by /u/vexorian2
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Average game length has been reduced by 1:44 since the gameplay update

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:43 PM PST

I know Blizzard intended to make the earlier game more important. And they seem to have succeeded in that effort. But did they intend to cut the average game time by 8.5%?

TL;DR: The average game uploaded to HotsAPI ends 1:44 quicker than they did before the gameplay update. For the days between December 3rd and December 12th the average game time was 20:26. For the days between December 18th and December 27th the average game time was 18:42.

There has been a lot of posts recently on how the the 2018 game changes have made the game easier to snowball. People have also been complaining about very quick games. While they are technically different, heavily snowballed games should result in a faster average game time. I decided to run some queries against HotsAPI.net to see how the average game length has changed since the patch. As far as I know, neither Hotslogs or any of the sites that use HotsAPI have any way to see average game length over for all games. If I had more patience to use this API I'd try to do something similar with finding the average level difference in games and how that's changed since the gameplay changes.

I had some limitations in gathering data. I used Google sheets and scripting to pull the data. Maybe someone better than me can pull some better data, but I started to get frustrated. The documentation on what/how you can pull info and the limitations kinda sucked. I could only get 100 replays when pulling from Replays, and paged replies are limited to 100 per page also. So I pulled as many pages as I could before the API would crap out. I didn't do any error checking so I don't know if I was running out of data and screwing my shit up or if HotsAPI was telling me to fuck off every now and then, but it would crap out often. Here is the data I grabbed.

Day Avg. Game Length Pages queried
12-3 1231.2335 20
12-4 1230.9915 20
12-5 1230.1695 20
12-6 1218.564 20
12-7 1226.5305 20
12-8 1228.588 20
12-9 1209.122 15
12-10 1227.879 20
12-11 1227.879 20
12-12 1225.396 20
Avg 1225.6353 19500 games
12-18 1140.911 10
12-19 1113.288 10
12-20 1120.749333 15
12-21 1117.954 15
12-22 1115.3825 8
12-23 1130.171333 15
12-24 1120.783333 15
12-25 1116.84 15
12-26 1125.86 20
12-27 1121.989333 15
Avg 1122.392883 13800 games

Here is the code.gs

// Function Game Length // Parameters are Start Date, End Date, and Number of pages you want to pull. There are 100 results per page. If enter in more pages than there are results then it'll Error, smile clap // Have to use the paged api because replays will only give you 100 replays. with paged we can just iterate through the pages and add everything up // Disclamer: I don't write code. I haven't written code since college. I just kind of understand this stuff and wrote this up in a few hours after work. // Hopefully HotsStat.us or hotslogs implements this better so we can see how changes affect game time in the future function gameLength(start, end, pages) { //lets get some variables started. var gamelengthSum=0; //gonna use this later to add up all the game lengths (in seconds) var dataAll; //gonna use this to parse the JSON reply var response; //gonna use this to pull data from the API var total=0; //this will be the total number of replays we get throughout the pages, in case the last page doesn't have 100 entries //lets set the fetch options to get, header content type, and to shut up the exceptions var options = { method: "get", headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, muteHttpExceptions: true, } //The meat //start at page 1, add up the game time from the 100 games, go to the next page and do it again for (var k=1;k<=pages;k++){ response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("http://hotsapi.net/api/v1/replays/paged?page="+k+"&start_date="+start+"&end_date="+end, options); //response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("http://hotsapi.net/api/v1/replays/paged?page="+k+"&start_date=2017-12-14", options); dataAll = Utilities.jsonParse(response.getContentText()); Logger.log(dataAll); for (var i=0;i<100;i++){ gamelengthSum = gamelengthSum + dataAll.replays[i].game_length; total++; } Logger.log(gamelengthSum); } //calculate the average game length from the sum of all the game times and total replays we got var avgGameLength = gamelengthSum / total; Logger.log(avgGameLength); return avgGameLength; } 
submitted by /u/Myrkur-R
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I hope they change the build time on Blaze's bunker ult every balance patch for a year or so.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 10:36 AM PST

You know, for traditions sake...

submitted by /u/Mythomain
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A Full List of Blaze's Talents & Abilities

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 11:30 AM PST

Grubby Unleashes his Inner Tyrael

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:13 PM PST

Hidden Skins, Blaze PTR Edition

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 10:56 AM PST

As with the Hanzo PTR and the Winterveil skins previously, the new skins featured in the latest "In Development" Video can't be normally viewed in the Collection Tab on the PTR. Here's a list of the tints I've discovered so far with their respective links and screenshots (for those at work), feel free to add some in the comments.

Xenotech Abathur: battlenet://heroes/skin/98/XenotechAbathur Screenshot Collection Tab Page, Screenshot of the Monstrosity

Mecha Rehgar: battlenet://heroes/skin/98/MechaRehgar Screenshot Collection Tab Page, Wolf Form and Earth Totem

Mecha Tyrael: battlenet://heroes/skin/98/MechaTyrael Screenshot Collection Tab Page

Looks like these 3 will be of Legendary quality.

EDIT: Here's the entire bundle, featuring all 3 heroes and 3 tints from each skin: battlenet://heroes/bundle/98/MechaStormBundle

submitted by /u/GfboyYumon
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Malf rework is great!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:10 PM PST

Really got the balance druid feel down imo and he's a blast to play. Changes to him make me even more excited for a disc/shadow priest.

Only thing I wish they could change about Malf is I can't tell when Regrowth is about to wear off. 20 seconds is hard to keep track of when tossing out heals. Maybe change the color of the leaf to show that it is about to expire? Green - Yellow - red

submitted by /u/Dreams_Eternal
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Gall Cannot Use ANY Abilities While In Blaze's Bunker

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 11:38 AM PST

I'm not sure if this mechanic is intented or not, seeing how it's only been live for 5mins, but I must say I'm really disappointed by this mechanic. And I'm not saying that Gall can't use Flame Stream or Oil Spill, I'm saying he can't do anything. Wanna hear the kicker? If Gall pops Shadowbolt Volley before Cho enters the bunker, the ult gets fuckin canceled. Uhh-waaaatf!

submitted by /u/Lokiite
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Whe Naz is picked right after Kel'Thuzad...

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:14 AM PST

The voicelines go: "Obey the call!" "I hear the call."

In case someone still didn't know that.

submitted by /u/Alcatraz1337
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So, over/under, how long do we as a subreddit expect it to take before someone posts a "I got Blaze to level 420!" thread?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:08 PM PST

Taking bets here and now.

submitted by /u/Mr_Blinky
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Game breaking Blaze bug (entering Bunker as it dies causes you to become stuck)!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 01:24 PM PST

So after a 3000s queue, this happened to me on the PTR! You can see I try to enter the bunker just as it dies. When I emerge, my ability icons and hero portrait are invisible. I can't move, recall, attack, or use abilities. I can't even pick a talent even when I'm prompted to do so!

I tried pressing H, letting the enemy team kill me (shoutout to streamer Tazzdingo, who was on the enemy team, for being a good sport), and restarting the game. While I was dc'd, my character was taken over by an AI who was able to move and use abilities. But it was an AI, so they overextended and died a bunch of times.

Our D.va mentioned being stuck earlier in the game, but they were able to play normally after. I'm not sure if they meant they were affected by a similar bug. Either way, don't re-enter bunkers when they're low on health and about to die/expire!

submitted by /u/Icymagus
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This app, League of Angels, is using artwork and names from Heroes of the Storm in their advertisements.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:43 AM PST

The ad was about thirty seconds long. The panda was called Chen, and there appears to be sprites of Arthas (and maybe Valla?). At the end, however, you are clearly shown a sprite of The Butcher. The app's Google Play page claims that it is endorsed by Gal Gadot but there are no claims to this.

Apparently image submissions aren't allowed but I can show screenshots if you want in the comments.

submitted by /u/KingTyranitar
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Gem only skins (yet again).

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 10:53 AM PST

With Blaze's spotlight video we got yet another hero with only a base skin and a gem only skin (and their respective tints).

I've been playing before 2.0 so back then I had only the regular skin with 3 tints. 2.0 launched and now I have really awesome skins for all my heroes, and I thank Blizzard for being so nice to us.

But ever since Alex launched and introduced the gem only skins, I feel this system just feels... stupid. I mean, if Blizz wants to charge us for real money for cosmetics, that's fine. It's a free game, and with this they can keep supporting it.

But I feel having now all new heroes with gem only skins (and some of them with no other shard/lootbox skin), and the old ones with literally everything available through shards/lootboxes, is a stupid compromise between pre and post 2.0.

What do you guys think? How can the system be improved that would benefit both Blizzard and us?

And Blizzard, thank you so much for all the free stuf you gave us so far (and for the amazing game we keep enjoying so much), but remember.

submitted by /u/joaopfer
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Voice lines would be way cooler if your hero said them in draft screen

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 01:39 AM PST

No one listens to random chatter during the game from the heroes, I think having the voice lines in draft screen would be cool as you would hear some new lines instead of just the same old "gilneas will rise again" for greymane. People could show off their voice lines they have pre-loaded for each hero.

submitted by /u/gosuruss
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Can you teach an Old God new tricks? An interview with k1pro and KingCaffeine

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:42 PM PST

On Loot Boxes and Morality

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:32 PM PST

Raynor's rework is like the Half-Life 3 of HoTS

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:57 PM PST

We have all asked for it, and they keep putting it aside in favor of something else. Eventually our expectations of the glorious Jimmy rework will get to the point where they can't deliver, and so he will forever remain a meme that goes ''It'll happen the day Raynor gets reworked''.


submitted by /u/Archanite2300
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