Hearthstone - Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:10 PM PST

Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,

This is part of a series of weekly threads aimed at both new and old players from the community. It is designed so that everybody may ask any and all questions regarding the game's mechanics, decks, strategies and more.

Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a Theorycrafting Thursday weekly post, for those who wish to discuss some of the more intricate aspects of the game.

Sticky Threads and Guides - Great resources for new players!

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Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:05 PM PST

Typical conTROLL Warlock gameplay

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:14 AM PST

Talk about luck

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:39 PM PST

Made a refined wallpaper of everyones either hero or enemy!

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:22 AM PST

Warrior's class identity is armor, weapons and pirates. It is the best at none of those.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:58 PM PST

With Justicar gone, and the combination of Summons, Branching Paths and Malfurion introduced, Druid is now the tank class. With Axe nerfed, Rallying Blade is the king of that department. Warrior's pirates haven't been directly affected, but Pirate Warrior lived off of weapon synergies.

But hey, at least they have whirlwinds!

submitted by /u/Lokalexabender
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It's near the end of the month and you want to climb to legend in a week: Here's how

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 02:42 AM PST


Have you been hard-stuck rank 15 for the past 8 seasons?

If yes keep reading

Do you wish that you can climb up the ladder with your home-brewed OTK Exodia Warlock all the way to legend?

If yes, stop right here and click away. Unless you change your mentality, the Keleseth Rogues and Raza Priests will keep leeching free stars off of you. This is a guide for those who are WILLING to go along with the meta. You can take that OTK Exodia Warlock into casual.


You think I'm gonna tell you that you have to optimize your playstyle and "never give up no matter what" type of shit. I'm not gonna tell you that stuff because that garbage is spewed in every guide.

Decks you will need:

Face Hunter or Aggro Druid (optional)

Just look up a Face Hunter or Aggro Druid deck. Or you can use the two I provided.

Spiteful Dragon Priest

My decklist:

Custom Priest

Class: Priest

Format: Standard

Year of the Mammoth

2x (1) Northshire Cleric

2x (2) Netherspite Historian

2x (2) Shadow Ascendant

2x (3) Curious Glimmerroot

2x (3) Kabal Talonpriest

2x (3) Twilight Acolyte

2x (4) Duskbreaker

1x (4) Twilight Drake

2x (5) Cobalt Scalebane

2x (5) Drakonid Operative

1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins

2x (6) Spiteful Summoner

2x (7) Bonemare

2x (7) Corridor Creeper

1x (8) Free From Amber

1x (8) Grand Archivist

2x (10) Mind Control


Control Warlock

My decklist: ### Control Warlock

Class: Warlock

Format: Standard

Year of the Mammoth

1x (1) Dark Pact

2x (1) Kobold Librarian

2x (1) Mistress of Mixtures

2x (1) Mortal Coil

2x (2) Defile

2x (2) Dirty Rat

2x (2) Plated Beetle

2x (4) Hellfire

2x (4) Lesser Amethyst Spellstone

2x (4) Spellbreaker

1x (5) Carnivorous Cube

2x (5) Possessed Lackey

1x (6) Siphon Soul

1x (6) Skulking Geist

2x (8) Twisting Nether

2x (9) Voidlord

1x (10) Bloodreaver Gul'dan

1x (10) N'Zoth, the Corruptor


Now that you have these 2 decks (or 3) you're bound to soar through the ranks. I personally used only spiteful priest and control warlock to climb.

I will sort out the ranks in increments of where I start to feel fluctuation in playstyles, starting from rank 20 (I'm assuming you are at least rank 20 if you are reading this).

Ranks 20-16:

Whip out that Face Hunter deck, This is where you'll breeze through super fast and nothing can stop you. These ranks are where plebs with their off-meta decks play. With only 3 stars per rank and win streaks starting at 2 wins in a row, You can blow past these 5 ranks with a your handy dandy Hunter or Druid.

Make efficient use of your time. If the opponent is playing Control Warlock and happens to cheat out the Voidlord on turn 6 after they Hellfired your initial set of one drops and Living Mana DO NOT CONTINUE THE GAME. The only thing you are wasting is your own time.

Ranks 15-11:

This is where the decks have become more refined and now people are starting to play more of the meta stuff you'll see at around ranks 5-1. HOWEVER, this is also where you can get away with wins that you should not have gotten. Start taking the games more seriously and start looking for where your opponent misplays. You can get about a 20% edge on your opponent simply by playing better here.

Bust open Spiteful Priest here. This is the area where you'll find an abundance of Control/Cubelock. This match-up may seem to be against you but it really isn't. Your opponents WILL play a single voidlord on turn 9 so that you can mind control it on turn 10. Or they'll keep the voidlord that they cheated out with their Skull of the Manari/Possessed Lackey until Turn 8 where you can use your Grand Archivist to Mind Control it.

This shouldn't be that much harder than 20-16, but with the abundance of Control Warlock, aggro decks simply won't do here.

Ranks 10-8:

Forget everything you just learned before and take out that Face Hunter/Aggro Druid. This is where opponents will feel satisfied with the rank they already have achieved and will more likely play off-meta decks that you can bulldoze over.

Ranks 7-6:

The players here are so close to the coveted rank 5, they'll more likely have a meta deck here and pilot it better than ranks 15-11. Don't be discouraged, this will be one of your biggest hurdles to overcome, Play either Control Warlock here or Spiteful Priest and grind out the games.

Rank 5:

The most hilarious rank to play at. You'll see some people doing quests at this rank simply because they've given up on legend. but not you. You'll reach that beloved Orange Seal.

Play Spiteful priest here, your deck will probably out-value their weird homebrewed decks by a large margin

Ranks 4-1:

There's a reason why people give up at rank 5, They feel like this is an insurmountable hurdle to overcome.

at Rank 4 and Rank 3, there'll be a huge influx of Razakus priest. abuse this fact and play that good ole Face Hunter. Pray to the lord that they don't draw any board clears. and win the game by Leeroy on turn 5. Once turn 6 hits you can still probably deal direct damage to them Via Kill Commands and Button but this will probably be very unlikely. They'll probably have drawn their heals and board clears by this time.

Rank 2 and Rank 1 are easier to climb past than Rank 4 and Rank 3. At these ranks, there's going to be a surge in aggro paladin and Keleseth Rogue. Your face hunter deck is going to lose to these decks. PLAY CONTROL WARLOCK ONLY FROM HERE ON OUT. The reason why there are so many aggro decks at these ranks is because the players here are just within reach from legend. They want to get there quickly, and with as little effort as possible. However, this means that you'll be able to earn free wins at this rank just by playing a deck that super-hard counters all aggro decks.

Hellfire away all your sorrows and hit legend.

Proof of legend

submitted by /u/yungleanmoney1
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Zalae with the 300 IQ lethal vs me

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:43 PM PST

I attempted to make a clay Babbling Book in pottery class.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:29 AM PST

Unidentified Mauls options have little icons on the hammer, explaining what ot does. Shield for taunt, circle for Divine Shield...

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:49 AM PST

Nothing like a relaxing game of arena to get away from the meta a little bit

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:50 AM PST

Hey Blizzard, why did you have to nerf my boy, Iron Juggernaut?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:03 PM PST

So, for those that don't know, there was a change to the Burrowing Mine for Iron Juggernaut with the K&C patch a month ago. That being, the cost of the mine has been changed from 0 to 6 mana. Now your probability thinking "why is the world is this a relevant change? It's never going to end up in your hand (usually) so why don't it matter?" Well I'll tell you: Spiteful Summoner. Now whenever my opponent plays Spiteful Summoner and pulls out the Mine, they won't get a 0 drop, they'll get a 6 drop.... why?

Look, I get that Hearthstone has consistency issues, but was this really necessary? I get that it's now contestant with card like The Darkness, Fal'dorei Strider, Beneath the Grounds etc because the cost of the token going into the deck is the same cost as the card it was played from, but like... why was this necessary? I demand a full dust refund for my golden copy! /s

( Also, it could technically a buff for you if your opponent plays Raven Familiar, as your opponent can draw the mine if they win the joust, but... who plays Raven Familiar? )


Edit: Just woke up. Wow, I wasn't expecting this to make it to the front page.

Edit 2: As some people have pointed out in the comments section, there are some other interactions:

-The change now makes your opponents Holy Wrath better. (Nerf)

-The change now makes your opponents Dragons Fury better. (Nerf)

-The change now makes your opponents Hemet Jungle Hunter does not destroy the mine. (Buff, I guess)

submitted by /u/TheTfboy
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With the upcoming patch, can someone please fix Nemsy’s mana count on iOS?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:19 AM PST

This is what it looks like and it's super annoying to look at as your opponent cheats out 9-mana minions on turn 5. I feel like it's a small ask.

submitted by /u/jamesmcnabb
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I know Quest Hunter isnt all the rage but I found this little gem of a video

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:24 AM PST

I just lost to a 52-damage Old Murk-Eye Priest OTK and it was amazing

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:56 PM PST

I was messing around in wild with a Recruit Warrior deck (Woecleaver sucks btw) at R15 when I faced this bizarre deck:

He was drawing, stalling and removing my big dragons with screams and AoE. He threw down Thaurissan and Drakkari Enchanter to get two ticks on his 8 cards and I was like "oh great, incoming Velen/Mind blast shenanigans"

I was way off..

When the board was free of taunts (I was at 26 health or something like that), he plays:

  • Embrace the Shadow
  • Murk-Eye
  • Brann
  • Corpse Raiser on Murk-Eye (now it gets resummoned twice when it dies)
  • Mirage Caller on Murk-Eye to get two 1/1 copies
  • Attacks with the 3 Murk-Eyes for 10 damage
  • Circle of healing clears everything
  • Six 7-Attack Murk-Eyes are summoned for 42 more damage!

Simply Brilliant!

submitted by /u/Sheik-Slayer
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Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:46 AM PST

I will never be "discover 5 Primordial Glyphs in a row" lucky ever again.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:58 PM PST


Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:47 AM PST

He spent years trying to win a video game tournament for his country. His president noticed.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:33 PM PST

Shower Thought: "What if cards like Defile, Spreading Plague and Duskbreaker actually have the appropriate power level as anti-Aggro cards and the other tools just suck?"

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:25 PM PST

Anyone who played with a board-focused deck in the last 6 months has probably gotten frustrated by those 3 specifically (and also turn 6 Void Lords). But maybe the reason why these cards seem too powerful is because for years we've been used to mostly seeing insane aggro cards and very inefficient answers to them.

Since Naxxramas we got to see the nightmare that are self-buffing 1 drops (pre-nerf Undertaker), which happened again in LoE (Tunnel Trogg) and we still occasionally experience in Standard (Mana Wyrm).

Then Patches made it possible to play a 3 mana 5-5 with partial charge + thin your deck in any class you want.

After that Keleseth showed us how good it can be to cast a Mark of the Lotus on your whole deck (up to 3 times if you're Rogue and you drew the nuts).

And now we have to deal with cards like a 0 mana 5/5 and 4 mana "Draw up to 6 mana worth of minions from your deck and play them immediately."

I think we've seen so many absurd aggro cards over the years that we're now seeing them as a normal part of the game. But for a long time, the cards released as "answers" were just too weak to be effective. And now, when we finally have some effective anti-aggro cards, we tend to feel like they're too good.

But the fact that now we have the 3 strongest anti-aggro cards in the history of the game and they're all in Standard, but we STILL see plenty of Aggro/Murloc Paladin and Tempo Rogue just comes to show how ridiculous aggro can be. Because keep in mind, against any other deck type, Defile, Spreading Plague and Duskbreaker are "ok" at best. So if Blizzard is planning to keep releasing crazy strong aggro cards, it makes sense to also add some very powerful answers to them.

TL;DR: Aggro has been getting support every expansion since the game release, so it makes sense that we're now starting to see very effective anti-aggro cards being printed. If one archetype gets to do unfair things, I don't mind other archetypes getting unfair counters for that.

submitted by /u/feierflorin04
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Terrible Tavern Brawl Idea: Brawl of Wonders

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:30 PM PST

Both decks consists of 30 Deck of Wonders.

Both players are Jaina.

Both players start at 5 mana.

The terrible part of this idea is that because this offers no guaranteed win condition you might end up in fatigue, pinging each other down to victory.

But the absolute randomness of this brawl I think would turn out some pretty fun matches.

submitted by /u/DaBritt87
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You Won't Believe What Happened Next...

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:32 AM PST

My friend made me a real life hearthstone

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:01 AM PST

Diary: First time legend (Some thoughts about ladder system and grind)

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:24 AM PST

Before you read. This thread is meant for people who are interested seeing how my climb to legend went and how I was feeling throughout different situations. So it's meant for players who are already legend and want to compare themselves or players who are trying to get there and want to see what it needs to. Also I want to mention that I like this game and play it a lot, but not 24/7. So I consider myself as a good player but not as a pro by any means! (Also I'm sorry for my poor English :D)


First of all few words about my HS career. Feel free to skip this part.

I started with HS about a year ago and I loved this game from the first day on. I guess the first 2 months were the most fun overall. Every rank I achieved felt great. The third month I was able to craft a midrange shaman deck and reached Rank 2 with it. But after this month rl hit me hard and I didn't have time anymore to play HS as much as I used to. Nevertheless I reached nearly every season rank 5 but never with the intention to get to legend.


How I got to legend.

Well this month I set the goal to reach legend. The time just felt right. I had 2 weeks' vacation and my gf just went to work abroad for a few months.

  • Rank 17–8 (02.01.2018) The intent started great. I choose aggro paladin to pass low ladder and got to Rank 8 with an insane winrate of 89% within the first two days of the year.

  • Rank 8 (07.01.2018) How strange then, that I were stuck at this Rank for 5 days. I won one game and lost the other. All in all it went 60 games like this at the same Rank. This was the first time I felt a little bit salty, so I took a break of 3 days.

  • Rank 8–4 (10.01.2018) Aggro Paladin wasn't doing it anymore. So I tried some homebrewed WL decks. Krul Lock was the key and I rushed to Rank 4 within a day.

  • Rank 4 (16.01.2018) The real grind has begun. For 6 days now I experienced the same situation as at Rank 8. I won one game I lost the other. I never went back to Rank 5 or reached Rank 3 for about 70 games. It nearly drove me insane und I felt frustrated. Mostly I was going with Cube Lock and Tempo Rogue though I tried out pretty much every tier 1 and 2 deck, but had the same results with each of them. Every game felt like a coin flip.

  • Rank 4-1 (17.01.2018) After I made some friends at Rank 4, one of them gave me the advice to stick to highlander priest and play it at the right time. So I did. I also tried the free trial of "vicioussyndicate" Gold live app, where you can see which decks at which rank were played the last few hours. (HSR has overall more games recorded but the timeframe is higher – last 24 hours) So I took the opportunity and played a few games when I saw an increase of control and cube lock playing. Well it worked out. With a 73% winrate I was at Rank 1 at the end of the day. (What a fool I was. VS all in all has data about 100 games/ per hour/ per rank, guess it isn't representative at all, so was this just bs, some luck or placebo effect? Maybe a mix of all of them)

  • Rank 1-5 (18.01.2018) Now I was full of confidence. And I was sure to reach legend today. The cardback was within reach. NOPE. I lost every single game and after 4 hours I was back at Rank 5. I was feeling Kripps blood inside of myself. The salt was real! I hated the game, every opponent, myself and the whole world. Never have I felt such frustration while playing a game.

  • Rank 5-3 (20.01.2018) After I had caught up with myself I continued with razakus and ended up being at Rank 3. Tbh my motivation really suffered from the losestreak.

  • Rank 3-L (21.01.2018) I finally did it. And it was unexpected and tbh I don't know if I would have made it without this insane luck I had. I went from Rank 3 / 4 stars straight to Legend with an 11 games winstreak. What a relief…

Total ~ 240 games

Rank 17-5 ~ 100 games

Rank 5-L ~ 140 games


Well I'm really glad I did it. The grind nearly broke me and it kinda ruined the game for me (Spoiler it didn't). But let me tell you one thing: I'm never going to do this again. Here some thoughts why I had such a bad experience and why imo the ladder/ grinding system isn't healthy for HS:

  • My first priority was to get to legend. So I cut everything else. I didn't played anything else than ranked. No arena, no wild, no brawl (though this weeks' brawl was awesome).

  • I didn't accomplish any quests. And it's unusual for me that I even miss one.

  • Most of my rl friends play for fun, don't aim for legend and are btw Rank 5-10 at the end of the season. But most of the time we just challenge each other with fun decks. We even did a tournament once. Not for me this month. I ignored every single request of my friends…

  • I felt bored of top tier netdecks. Usually I play some homebrewed creations or meme and crazy combo decks. I love to surprise my opponent and win a game with a special deck. But the grind forced me to play and play against them. And after 200+ games I only faced 5 nontier decks. Pretty sad actually… Tbh it's not a bad thing overall. The game becomes very strategic. You know (and have to know) every card of your opponents deck. But especially then the salt kicks in hard when you lose against your opponent bc of RNG or aggro rushes you down on turn 4…

  • I stopped watching streams or yt. This one is very sad. I forced myself so hard to reach legend and play tier 1 decks, that I felt bad seeing others playing fun and meme decks and it hurt me watch them doing so.

Imo the grind as it is is outdated and underwhelming. For me the most unenjoyable moment was stepping at the exact same place for over 130 games at Rank 8 and Rank 4. Also the losestreak from Rank 1 to 5 wasn't fun at all. I'm not a game designer by any means but maybe not losing stars at all would be the way to go. I think people should experience progress when they win games. Let the ladder be 50 Ranks and every Rank with 3 Stars and the real grind would be at legend. Idk, we'll see. Team 5 already announced some ladder changes coming up. Hope it gets into the right direction.


This thread shouldn't be a rant. Not at all! So here a few positive experiences I made throughout the climb.

  • I met a lot of awesome people. We kept writing all the time and after all I admit that it was kind of a group therapy. The sad part is that I'm the only one that reached legend so far (11 people) Edit: While writing this just another one made it

  • I reached legend and it feels just great

  • I have the cardback and don't have to do the grind ever again

  • I'm successfully trolling around with meme decks on legend

  • I understand the game a lot better now


First steps at legend.

At first I just auto conceded to every Rank 1 player I matched up. I thought it's the only right thing I can do after what I went through.

Then after 20 games reality kicked in. Nothing changed. Every and I mean every opponent was still playing tier 1 decks. I really don't get the point. Why should people still play these decks at low legend towards the end of the month? What are they achieving?

Anyway, I tried out all the fun decks I missed the last weeks. And recovered immediately from all the frustration. It just felt awesome!!! The one I love most so far is Savjz's weasel deck. It surprisingly performs pretty great against the meta. It screws up cubelock and highlander with some good draws but stands little chance against aggro.


As I said I'm glad I finally did it but I doubt that I will do it again. There is little to no reward grinding to legend. You face the same decks at Rank 10 as at legend. And I'm aware of the fact that I did some things wrong while grinding. Some people will say that I was tryharding too much. Others will say that the only reasonable way to legend is with an aggro deck. And some will say that I should have stick to one deck from the beginning. Anyway, I'm not perfect and so I did it my way. Thanks for reading and have a pleasant climb.

submitted by /u/Stakeboulder
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