Fortnite Report V.2.2.0 Bugs Here

Report V.2.2.0 Bugs Here

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 03:13 PM PST

To our dismay, it appears there were some visual bugs introduced with V.2.2.0. Currently, we're investigating visual bugs associated with:

  • Larger UI

  • Larger Models

  • Energy Weapons

  • Incorrect Party Member Names

Non-Visual Bugs:

  • "Keep Out" Perk not lasting a full 10 seconds

  • Survivor Power Level does not change when you level them (can solve this by removing your survivor and immediately putting them back in)

  • Soldiers sometimes cannot throw grenades

Let us know everything we've missed that's new to this update. If you can, report these bugs in-game when you see them. It helps provide us more information so we can pinpoint the problem. We'll keep everyone posted with the latest updates.

submitted by /u/MrPopoTFS
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Don’t upvote Can PC play with other consoles?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:42 AM PST

This wasn't even a necessary patch...Epic is their own worst enemy.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:04 PM PST

Why do this to yourself, Epic? Better, why do this to us? Nothing in the official patch notes on the StW side seemed even remotely prudent that you should have forced a patch through, in this state. Did you guys even try running it live, first? I don't think you did because it would have been immediately obvious that this patch was not remotely ready.

The official patch notes were laden with things no one in the community, as far as I can see, were asking for (I know some of you were suffering from some of the bugs but none of them were making big waves); stuff that almost seems to punish the easy restart on Altases, removed the 2nd explosion on carpet bomb, no more bacon from corn stalks, etc.

Was any of that breaking the game? Nope, but your newest patch sure does try. So many new bugs now and none of the important stuff was fixed, like the universal inventory returning, lags when players join or a new day begins (why do we even have a day/night cycle, btw?), chests not rewarding appropriate levels, etc.

C'mon, Epic. Many of us want to like your game. We want to work with you. We get excited when you say you'll be communicating more pertinent info. But you seem to willfully drop the ball with us, continuously. It wasn't great before the great BR dropped (another thing I don't remember any of us asking for...but congrats on the big hit, seriously) but it is so bad, now. You've got to get it together. This ship won't stay afloat like this and we all know it. StW going to get proper attention or are you going to let it die? For the sake of your rep, I would suggest figuring it out and try being honest with us, the playerbase that signed up with you from the start.


submitted by /u/PeetSquared41
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Mythic Ramirez rendered completely useless now

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:52 PM PST

After the most recent patch I've noticed that the residual energy field from the perk "keep out" is only lasting about 5 seconds now instead of the 10 seconds it states. Also if you're going to remove the delayed detonation of cluster bombs completely you could add them to the initial blast as the perk states. Bravo epic, bravo. Not going to support a game that doesn't care about it's community as your main focus seems to be battle royale. I'm PL 82 and the amount of time I've put into this game is into the hundreds of hours. I'm done with the bugs unintended nerfs, etc. Not supporting your game anymore with my time and money.

Edit: It appears the nerf is unintended and they are working on a fix. Thanks to iFlak and MrPopoTFS for the information.

submitted by /u/Bamfsaw
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This community needs to check the toxicity and start acting like reasonable adults.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:23 PM PST

I get it. The devs continuously drop the ball on things we care about, and the patches lately aren't what we're hoping for. But is that a reason to attack a community rep when they show up to ask us what bugs we're seeing? No, it isn't. These guys, whether you like how often they're here or not, do not code this game. They do not make decisions for the dev team, they do not allocate funds and manpower on behalf of Epic. They're here to collect feedback.

A lot of the replies to their comments and the toxic nature of some of the posts here are gross. And its been this way for a while.

We all love this game. We're passionate about it. It has issues. We're passionate about that too. But do you honestly think calling people idiots, cursing in all caps, and attacking both community reps and other players is going to solve anything? No, it isn't. And I can't imagine what a new person to this game would think if they stumbled on this sub. This is without a doubt the most vile gaming community I have been a part of. Some of you need a reality check. Seriously. The first rule of this sub is to be civil.

You hate the game? You're so angry you can't hold it in anymore? There's a refund section on Epic's website. Use it and save yourself, and other players, your temper tantrums.

submitted by /u/rudymog
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The first 6 months of Fortnite STW

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:35 PM PST

July 21, anywhere in Europe: my friends and i where super exited to finally start a game we've been waiting for years. Fortnite! Summerbreak in college and not much plans while the weather is shitty. so we played. And played. And played. After some days we started to realise : ok there are some big bugs in this game but lets do this its an EA-game.

After one month of more or less fine gaming and punshing one husk after an other we reached canny vally. First super exited wow desert like biome yeah. The first mission out of the SS told us how wrong this though was. Ok the latest dev vid told us (august) canny and twine will take some time to complete. Then the first event started. Big hipe with a big desaster. Wrong patchnotes or no patchnotes, patch delayed etc... Ok we still doesnt lost our faith... The event was time consuming and buggy ( First STS) After this desater one big destructive gamemod appears, without warning without sense: FORTNITE BR!!!!

The PVE community was splittet and angry. Epic tryed to stop the flame with gentle posts and told us "it will not affect STW" Time goes on BR grows, PVE shrinked. After 6 month Fortnite is more buggy, more annoing, and less fun than at the 21. of July. The patchnotes are just a clownfart and they destroy more than they are fixing. No patch testing no improvements and no dev vids. The latest STW informations were written at the mid of november last year. We found some improvements between the shitload of bugfixingbugs like the upgrade systems for heroes but not much....

A lot of ppl are crying about STW and epic. I did my best with feedback and posts. I quit this game at this point because the only reason i log into fortnite is to skill the next point and log off. Huge lags disconects, bugs, and frustrating afk bots are killing every little spark of fun. I payed for the PVE game, i buyed lamas because i thought i will support the pve game and this shit of crap you call a game is worse than a one man indi game for 4,99€ on steam. You promisted a awsome pve adventure and gave us a quite succesfull PVP-Playerunknownbattleground-Copy and a bugged pve crap. Sorry but i had to say this.

I wish all of you a good time and maybe, maybe you start to rethink your game idea, or just let i die. (dont be too harsh with the grammar and spelling, its not my native language) Best greetings Deruow

submitted by /u/Deruow
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You can't just nerf heroes in a game that requires dozens of hours to level each one up

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 03:02 PM PST

I spent freaking forever leveling my Mythic Ramirez up to 40 (mid-Canny) along with two heroes that worked well in the tactical and support slots, now they just nerf the crap out of her with no warning or patch notes. It's not like you can just switch to a different hero in this game because you have to spend a ridiculous amount of time farming the xp, lightning, and rain to get them to the point of being playable in the area you're in, not to mention leveling up the tactical and support heroes that will work well with them.

submitted by /u/UrsaPrime
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The Tale of 2 subs

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:59 PM PST

Popped over to the BR sub just to have a look since I don't play BR. I am amazed at the state of their sub compared to ours. They have so much communication over there, it's no wonder they are thrilled and happy. They received update after update (even if they are smaller) and it just doesn't seem to be riddled with bugs.

Move on over to our side of the pond and we get bug after bug and nothing of interest really fixed, while removing any player benefit. Furthermore, with all the bug threads about different issues today, there is not ONE WORD from epic in any of the threads.

This continued effort to tell us you want to get better and communicate just makes us laugh every time issues are brought up and you disappear. I get that bugs happen, but some of these are so laughable that they could not have been missed if anyone at all actually tested the content. I assume they tested the BR fixes, but I'm not so sure any more that anyone looks at the StW fixes/patches.

Come on guys, either respond to us like the BR side does, or just flat out tell us you are giving up. It's more annoying having no word than it is dealing with bugs.

submitted by /u/BlindsideXaaz
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Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:42 AM PST

few bugs taken out, a million others are in. CLASSIC epic.

WHAT is up with the UI, Energy guns, people name, the atlases, objects being huge... really????????????? there were like 10 lines for save the world updates HOW can u mess up SO many things.

T R A N S P A R E N C Y, right????


well, to everyone, enjoy these bugs for the coming 2 months till the next "update"

submitted by /u/Tinashe-Now
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Fortnite has been updated to V.2.2.0

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:41 AM PST

Downtime has ended, heck the patch notes for changes and login now!

submitted by /u/iFlak
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World/objects are HUGE now.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:33 AM PST

Everything in the game other than the actual heroes just got bumped up like 1.5x. Rocks, trees, even atlases, dropped items and walls you build, it's all massive and really disorienting. It feels like i've shrunk.

On top of that, energy weapons are an ugly masked blue, atlases are blindingly bright, the UI scale is off and non-grouped people join in as 1(1) in huge text.

Was this patch tested -at all-?

Bonus edit: Some pictures for those that havn't been able to play yet.

submitted by /u/sindorra
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the new patch brought us something that is more disgusting than a monkeys ass

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:59 AM PST the console player names now take up your screen with a big 911 instead of just not showing the name

submitted by /u/Hammartaim
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So... the next event seems to be about Valentine’s day

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 02:09 PM PST

Someone asked Darren on twitter about the next event for STW and he replied with this:

"It's coming! Let's say... ❤️ is in the air in a way only Ray and Dennis can bring."

Im really looking foward for the next developer update!

submitted by /u/Halenser
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The REAL STW Fortnite V2.2.0 Patch Notes

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:08 AM PST

  • The waiting room in missions has been changed since Christmas event is close to over. We've started to take down the decorations. In a few more days, we will remove the rest of the Christmas decorations.

  • Failing to defend the atlas once caused the storm to never move, with science we've managed to get the storm moving again even after failing to defend once.

  • Due to numerous player complaints about font size/weapons effects, We've changed the font size on the left side of the screen in missions and due to calculation issues, majority the players will have 1(1) PL now. We've also weapons that have the "energy" perk to be completely blue now. The rest of the weapons will have the same thing done in a following update. Nature will be yellow, and fire will be red.

  • Made commander xp x1000 its old value but also changed xp acquired through missions to be x1000 its value to. Also added a small amount of extra bonus xp through daily xp gain buff, you should notice a roughly 10% extra. Why you ask? Cause players wanted to see "more" xp gain, and so. There you are :)

  • Due to complaints on how "broken" DECOY was, we've decided to "fix" it by making it a metal structure, therefore it will be weak to nature damage.

  • Grenades with "keep out" are bugged only lasting 5 seconds instead of 10. Will edit Patch Notes when more information is released.

submitted by /u/MostAnonEver
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Guilds/Clans would be useful.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 03:02 PM PST

I have a friends list with a god awful amount of players. Some are for trading, some are for playing.

It would be nice to have a guild for trading - which can essentially just be a chat room - and another guild for like-minded players who play similarly to the way I do.

It would add an insane QoL factor and allow you to chat with large groups of people you're not in world chat with. It would cut down on "toxicity" because you could just group with your guild members with a simple "Anyone got room?" or "Anyone wanna run ****?"

There you go... issue of leechers and AFKers is solved, and we have a place to trade materials.

It would also be neat to have a Guild/Clan Stormshield that you could run defenses on with 20+ people.

submitted by /u/Fknsknbtch
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PSA: They added a "Collection" tab.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:58 PM PST

Just did a search for "collection" and "book" in the past 24 hours here and on the official patch notes with no luck.

You can now see who or what you have available to slot into the collection book.

submitted by /u/WelcomeToTheMadLife
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Ive only done 7day 70 StS four times this event, the last 3 times I was kicked/crashed on day 5-6. Why bother :)

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 02:53 PM PST


I used to tell the lads who raged at BR for 'ruining' the game and all that stuff to calm down and stop being kids. That was 4/5months ago, Ive now lost all my patience as another patch of jank hits and I start to lose any will to play the game as server issues for me or the people in my party have gotten insufferable.

Now the fact Ive not done many 7day 70s(bit time consuming for the crap llama reward) and it happened to be 3 evenings when servers went down are the 3 days I done is bad luck as much as bad servers, but chrisssst its a fucking pain the arse.

submitted by /u/fatherfrosto
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WTF is going on?!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 02:46 PM PST

Got kicked out of my almost complete mission to get an error "can't synchronize with server". So then I wait in a queue + loading screens for 3min for the same error. EPIC, you've really outdone yourselves with this sloppy mess of a patch. Edit: got a sweet 9 min queue time before I can go spend 20 min in a mission to farm back the materials that got wasted for me so I can spend another 20 min reattempting the mission I was 3 min away from finishing in the first place. Tl:dr an hour of my day wasted, because "server issues" a.k.a. I guess EPIC is too f***ing cheap to put BR and STW on their own servers.

submitted by /u/JommyRostlor
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New type of LAG issue?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:31 PM PST

Does anyone else have the inability to play the game with out a constant stuttering and jerky lag? It is like a lag that happens momentarily over and over and over. Hits don't register about ever other hit on a llama. The health doesn't go down then it hits once, doesn't go down for maybe two hits, then it goes down maybe for three hits then misses two. On and on.

Movement is a impossible to use accurately. Stop to search a bush, it starts searching for about a quarter of the way through then I'm a quarter tile to the right or left or whatever.

Antimaterial punch doesn't register the hit if the lag happens and then I'm standing as close to the car as I can get with my antimaterial charge reloading......

Anyone else?

submitted by /u/deadpieface
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EPIC> Please let us build our stormshield with materials in the stormshield..

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 01:49 AM PST

It is most painful when your reaching the outer edges to have to run back to base EVERY time you want to top up your materials..

Why cant you use the materials in stormshield like an extended backpack while you are doing stormshield defence missions..

Please let us do this!

EDIT: It should be allowed only up intil when you start the defence, after this can be backpack materials only

submitted by /u/clouded_judgemnent
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Crazy visual XP glitch? I didn't get the 300 skill points though...

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:57 PM PST

Does we have now crossplay between XBOX and PS4?? I notice that female constructor is PS4 exclusive, isn’t it??

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:08 PM PST

Great Job Epic (Group Members/Party UI Element)

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:01 AM PST

Bring back failing atlas set spawn.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:37 PM PST

Being able to fail an atlas and have the spawns set in one spot the whole game was amazing we could just build a funnel in one direction and let traps do the work and kill anything that survives.

How on Earth can you do this solo now with spawns changing location? A solo player trying to cover 2 or 3 spawns by themself is now going to take 2-3 times as long and twice as many traps along with needing to build more once it changes direction or having to waste a ton of ammo or it may not even be possible.

I honestly don't see what value it added to the game other than making it a truckload harder and more resource intensive. To the people that had to make posts and comments about this, please in the future anything that is beneficial for us players, please don't mention it don't let epic know it's a thing, kapesh.

submitted by /u/brankoz11
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Keep Out! time cut in half.

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:06 AM PST

Anyone else noticing this?

submitted by /u/CombustiblSquid
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I just want to be able to build again!!!

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:51 PM PST

Its been 3 weeks and I still cannot build in PvE please fix your game. This is really frustrating the no help from support going on 3 weeks.

Please tell me there are more out there and not just me. I'm lvl 57 and if I have to start over well I just will not play anymore. Ive invested over $200 on this great game and hopes of continuing but this is ridiculous, 6 of my 10 online buddies all have been fixed within days but not me!!! Why!!

Console: Xbox One

Game: Fortnite (PvE)

Account ID: 15046820c01d47f28f3248a49dee20af

Name: TRUTHbewithyou


submitted by /u/sypher-86
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