Fortnite Made a new wallpaper, what do you guys think?

Made a new wallpaper, what do you guys think?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 09:35 AM PST

I know this game has issues but can I say how much I've enjoyed the Christmas Event?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:30 PM PST

Honestly I've never really cared much for holiday events in games because they seem sort of obligatory and tacked-on but I'm really impressed with how much content there has been. There's holiday themed models, weapons, heroes, objectives, missions with full voice acting, etc. The event store makes progression seem much more obtainable. It's been going on for weeks and I'm still having fun with it.

I know there are problems that need to be addressed but I'd like to at least take the time to thank the developers on things they do right.

submitted by /u/Kadoba
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Trap Idea: Sound Trap Lure Husks

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:14 PM PST


A sound trap could be placed on wall tiles as like a set of speakers that blare sounds when triggered. Could be a new trap type that works on short walls.

How they work:

The traps have a large sphere of influence, more than 3 tiles all around it (so further than wall darts). When a husk enters this sphere the trap activates emitting sound that will lure husks towards it for x number of seconds before going on cool down. Husks that have already moved past this trap and are closer to the base would continue on towards the base per usual.

X being what ever the devs want to set the timer to.

Edit: Instead of husks ignoring the trap the closer to the base they are it could work much like Ice Traps do now. They will only affect a husk one time. But once affected even if the trap goes on cool down the husk will walk towards that sound. Perhaps it gives them a debuff equal to the duration of the trap.


The traps goal isn't to constantly pull husks away from the base, like the decoy, but rather to guide Husks towards a trap tunnel. These are best used in situations where attacks may switch directions and husks may skirt your tunnel entrances. With these placed it will lure the husks to the mouth of the tunnel where they will continue on to their doom.


You could place these at certain points out in the field near husk spawn points or new spawn points to act as an initial lure to pull husks one way and then another that further directs them into your tunnels. This might also help cut back on the extra building needed to build those sandwich walls to force husks towards your trap tunnels. Which not only uses resources but also counts towards the build limit. It will also help in situations where you have uneven terrain preventing you from building walls to stop husks flowing certain ways.


The reason why I suggested the traps act as a lure but not a full on decoy is two fold. I don't want to diminish the value of the decoy perk for constructors. And I don't want the traps to be so powerful as to break the game. If the husks are drawn to the sound to a point but once they get close enough to the base will continue on their path, this will prevent the trap from constantly drawing husks away from the base.

submitted by /u/xeowolf
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Epic Support Replies Without Reading Support Tickets

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:00 AM PST

Remember the highly anticipated global inventory that was quickly disabled for deleting items? Using it not only caused ALL my storage items to disappear, anything I put in gets deleted, including overflow from expeditions or missions that reward crafting materials.

Ticket 1

On 12/16 (the day of this Epic post), I emailed support about my missing items and my storage being broken. Did anyone receive any help/compensation for missing items caused by the global inventory? After 10 days the ONLY advice I got was, "try closing and relaunching," like Fortnite was a 90's cartridge game. They also told me not to hesitate to reach back out if that didn't work, but I haven't received a response since (12+ days).

Ticket 2

On 12/31, I sent in another ticket because the 12/27 screw up where many of you lost your inventory. Seeing as how my issue was similar and no reply from ticket 1, I tried again hoping they'd be more willing to solve players' problems. I made my ticket much more detailed and included gifs/screenshots because my first response from ticket 1 was, "show me pics of your empty inventory." This time, they gave me a copy-paste of what many of you probably got as a 12/27 ticket reply: "We're aware of the 12/27 issue, go to this thread." It was obvious that they didn't read my ticket and weren't about to help me with my item-eating storage. But all hope wasn't lost.

Ticket 3

In that thread, /u/MrPopoTFS told players to PM him details if they still had missing inventory issues. He said if we sent another ticket, he'd escalate it which sounded promising. I made my PM to him and Ticket 3 as detailed as possible with screenshots and gifs. In 2 days I got another copy-paste response that made it very obvious they didn't even bother reading the ticket. Lumping me once again with those affected by 12/27, it said they've already compensated everyone that deserved it (which they didn't) Literally the first line in my ticket says that my issue was not caused by the 12/27 screw up and I didn't even mention compensation. Can you guys at least read the tickets before using a copy-paste, especially an escalated one?

Or is this last line you sent me in ticket 3:

"If you are experiencing an issue other than total Backpack or Storm Shield storage loss, please be as specific as possible about your issue so we can address it with accuracy."

A subtle way of telling me you read it but don't give a crap to ever fix it?

TL;DR: For nearly a month, my storage has been a black hole that wiped my inventory and continues to delete anything transferred to it. Epic support has been as useful as Trailblazers wielding golf clubs.

submitted by /u/lumpo_stumpo
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Suggestion: Allow us to stay in the map after the match ends

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:37 AM PST

To help us learn what works, please give us the option to stay or exit the map at the end of a match. Staying would give us the chance to investigate how much each trap got used so we can improve our skills.

submitted by /u/PumaPounce
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Should I increase my power level by upgrading the level of my survivors or increasing their rarity?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:37 PM PST

I'm currently at PL 63, and it seems like it would take me an incredibly long time to get to even 70 if I only upgrade my survivors. Would buying a super people llama to get more legendaries help, or is it just a really long grind?

submitted by /u/ThatsAmazingFN
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Can we please have a level cap on who can join higher level missions?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:50 PM PST

Today, I've had to deal with several instances of level 20s hopping in a level 40 mission and then proceeding to do jack shit except loot, take up space and die. It's frustrating. It shouldn't be allowed. They can't hang in combat if they wanted to and most understand that so they don't even attempt to PTFO. The only reason they're there is to get the higher quality loot they wouldn't be able to get if they stayed in the recommended areas. Their intended goal is entirely absent of anything beneficial to the other three people forced to suffer and carry them. On top of taking up the needed space of another near recommended level hero or defender, the other level 20s who are actually playing where they should be have less chances of getting in a full server because all these jackasses are off playing in servers twice their level. I'd like to see a restriction so the BS stops. Please, Epic, make it so that anyone who isn't within 3-5 levels of the recommended level has to fuck off until they're actually capable of assisting in accomplishing the mission. It's bad enough that we have to deal with leechers around our own level, but at least with them there's a chance they might put in some work before the rounds over. This is definitely worse and the lack of restriction is entirely unnecessary.

submitted by /u/Greggsnbacon23
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Say Hello to Megabase Kyle

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:08 PM PST


submitted by /u/ahme0649
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what is with all the damn ps4 crashes??

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:48 PM PST

What the helll epic its now constantly crashing when trying to do pve fortnite to the point i havent had any progress in my quests

submitted by /u/lunamilegaming
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What are the arguments in favor of keeping energy (stamina) vs. not having it like in BR.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 02:37 AM PST

Other than some skills consuming energy.

Coming from BR I like having unlimited sprint but here it seems kind of annoying. Especially when some skills have a cd AND consume energy.

submitted by /u/BrainDps
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Rolls for freeze trap?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:14 PM PST

Getting kicked randomly

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:21 PM PST

Anybody else keep getting kicked randomly mid game I've been in two games the past maybe 20 mins didn't get to complete either one cause we all got kicked???

submitted by /u/CloudLifeSmiley
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Fortnite linked account and lost all progress, BR and save the world

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:58 PM PST

Hi, I linked my ps account (where I play and bought £80 founders pack save the world and battle pass) to my epic games account and it reset my account. I have tried to contact with Epic Games support but currently no help and after every reply from me it's taking them more than 24 hours to reply :/ Did it happen to anyone here? can the deva help and try to get my stats and progress back?

Please upvote for the devs to see this, thanks

submitted by /u/zmantass1
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Question about linking a psn account to an epic games account.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:26 PM PST

I've read in a lot of places that when you link accounts you lose everything you had on your psn account. I've only really read this about the BR portion of the game though. Is this also true for Save The World progress?

My friend plays on PS4 and I'm on PC and we'd like to play together so that is why I'm curious.

submitted by /u/grandpagohan
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Epic games has finally contacted me back about my items lost. And has (mostly) gotten all my items back.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 05:33 PM PST

Did not yet receive Vbucks, and have responded asking if I will be getting them.

submitted by /u/Vulvox
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Battle pass daily challenges max

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 09:13 PM PST

If i didn't do yesterday's battle pass do i get second one today?

submitted by /u/lucho7k
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I am currently building a mega castle! In need of suggestions (and brick lol)

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:53 PM PST

Rescuing survivors should give you either survivor XP, OR survivor cards

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 11:55 AM PST

Makes sense, right?

More incentive to rescue them during missions, AND rescue bonus survivors during rescue missions. Make them low level, and then the bonus ones are rares, etc... up to possible legendary (idk, maybe a special hidden survivor that doesn't show up on the map or something, or can only be found using an outlander)

submitted by /u/Truk-Mussel
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Can someone please list all things that are cause husks to be slowed, snared, knocked down, stunned, staggered, knocked back, afflicted, etc??

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:44 AM PST

Curious about this as I have many weapons that do extra damage to said husks.. I'm assuming slow fields are considered slowed husks?? I do know that the new nature based weapons have chance to stun.

submitted by /u/Crayonology
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Random, creepy noises

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:01 PM PST

Every now and then I hear a random noise that sounds like it came from a horror movie. What are they?

submitted by /u/Frost5574
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Best late game heroes?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:56 PM PST

Im nearing the middle of plankerton's mission progression & i figure this could be a discussion of which heroes are best to invest in. I have 2-star legendary ranger deadeye & fleetfoot ken. 2-star epic commando ramirez, pathfinder jess and snowstalker jonesy. 1 star legendary controller harper and electro pulse penny. An epic blitzen based kyle, deadly blade scorpion, dragon scorch, shuriken master sarah and skirmisher edge. How am I doing & who should i spend points & resources on. Which heroes are most useful late game?

submitted by /u/LT_BOOBIEDAN13lz
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A friend of mine got a compensation, even though he didn't lose anything... What is up with that?!

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 11:12 AM PST

He got 5000 v-Bucks and a filled SS. I asked him, if he had an empty backpack all of a sudden, but he said he didn't. I mean... I'm not jealous, since we can share it and I didn't get affected by the bug. But...

I would be pissed, if I had the bug and had to look at other people getting this huge of a compensation, even though they were not supposed to get anything. Pretty unfair, if you ask me.

submitted by /u/BuddyJumps
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What will happen to seasonal gold and daily coins when the event ends?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:27 PM PST

Will there still be possible to use daily coins and gold for the weekly items, or will the coins and gold dissappear when the event is over?

submitted by /u/svortevik
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Upgrade llama

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:11 PM PST

Bought my 1st one in quite some time today and it went gold didn't get what I wanted (legendary sword) got a spear instead and a legendary survivor but it's whatevs lol that survivor helped me boost up about half a power level because it was a personality match so that's a plus

submitted by /u/CloudLifeSmiley
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