Diablo - Just finished D2 in HC for the very first time !

Just finished D2 in HC for the very first time !

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:20 PM PST

Just normal but plan to make this necro summon a guardian. Hope he won't die in NM :)

Everything was easy. Even Duriel. Finished at lvl 48 (dinged 48 during Baal minions). Mods used: PlugY. Version: 1.13c (I'm running on D2SE).

https://imgur.com/a/78hkg (pics for proof - I'm playing Polish version of the game).

submitted by /u/RadTang
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[Diablo 3] [HC] 3 man [Rank 1] EU, 2 DPS play style.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:48 PM PST


Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:00 AM PST




submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Diablo II - Still no sound on windows 10 1079

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 09:48 PM PST

I updated window 10 Updated my Radeon drivers Got the latest patch Tried the "fix" online with Diablo II.ps1

Nothing. No sound in game, menus, or cinematics (Sound work in Blizzard logos on startup though :/)

Has anyone found a legit fix for this? I am in the need for some old school LoD play :(

submitted by /u/Jnovuse
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Resurrecting my Necromancer Pale Rider Build Still viable! (Video in build page)

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:14 AM PST

Crit or Vit on Helmets?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:08 PM PST

My Barb has 90% Crit chance and 3648 Vit. Was gonna take 1000 Vit but should i go for the 6% Crit chance instead?

submitted by /u/FullCreamGoodness
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Looking for some fellow night owls to play with (NA)

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:39 PM PST

Looking for an active group to play with. I've got about every class to t13 capable, my DH can push up to about 90 solo, and I've got a znec geared to 1.8m hp, 270m toughness. Been trying to get in on some rat runs but it's hard as a solo player, especially not having past experience to know how high my znec can handle. I realise season is almost over but I'd still like to get some practice in before next season, and if anyone is looking for a meta and/or rat run to fill out their group, I am confident I can learn any role. I'm MST, typically on from around 9pm to 3 or 4 am, but I'll be on a lot earlier some days still. Currently closing on 850 para, all solo.

submitted by /u/Shiveron
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Question about the Gem Leveling Conquest

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:21 PM PST

If I level up a gem to level 65 and then use it to augment a piece of Armor, will it still count as 1/3 gems at level 65 after it is used up? Or should I save it until I have 2 other gems at 65?

submitted by /u/DrMantisSled
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Diablo 2 LOD Trading (Ladder)

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:44 AM PST

Hi, where do people go to trade nowadays? It used to be trade channel in battle.net but it's empty.

submitted by /u/hmkr
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Please make this happen

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:12 PM PST

How to get started w D2?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:06 AM PST

Farthest I've ever gotten is Duriel on the normal difficulty. i'm aware now from act 2 that resistances are important but that's beside the point.

certain mechanics of this game like two skill buttons you have to switch to (imagine this in D3) and how you have one way to allocate your stats (I'm fine with this coming from D3 is more or less auto distribution), as well as the awkward nature of the skill tree confusing. Potions take up like half my inventory cuz i dunno whether or not i'll need them.

I want to play a paladin and i'm picturing a Zealer. However, this skill isn't available till level 12. I don't know how to allocate skill points well because it requires you to pump points into something you won't use (making you useless in your current state) for something you will use when it becomes available, so for however many levels the gameplay is boring until you get the ability you want.

submitted by /u/therockethornet
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Some Necro items/runes that should be tweaked.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:36 AM PST

1) Trag'Oul's Corroded Fang should give Cursed Scythe rune and increase its chance to 100%.
At the current state Cursed Scythe is the only viable rune because it's just too powerful compared to the others. If Trag'Oul's Corroded Fang gives the rune we'll have some place for customization with the other 4 runes (which btw are really nice).

2) In the same manner Golemskin Breeches or Moribund Gauntlets should give the Flesh Golem rune since the only thing it does is increase the spawned corpse count from 5 to 8. All the other runes are fun, but the main reason you use Golem is to spawn corpses (if you ever use it at all). This way we can alter builds and create diversity.

3) Funerary Pick should proc Iron Rose on every enemy syphoned, not only the primary target. This one is a no brainer, I believe the main idea of the two items was to work together, but something went wrong in the implementation. Additionally Iron Rose could increase Blood Nova's damage or Funerary Pick to increase the attack speed of Syphon Blood (maybe).

4) Bryner's Journey chance to cast a Bone Nova should be increased to at least 60-70% or even "to cast a Bone Nova on every first/second attack".

5) There should be another skill that depletes all Essence like Skeleton Mage – Singularity to work with Leger's Disdain. Something I would really like to see is a Death Nova rune that depletes all Essence and you cannot regain any for its duration, but casts Nova periodically for X seconds. Something like Wizard's Explosive Blast, but at the cost of all your essence.

6) The last one – a buff to LoN...Necro could make really nice LoN builds because all Necro legendaries are distributed quite equally among slots, not concentrated in Main-hand/Off-hand/Rings/Special Item like the other classes.

Let me know what you think.

submitted by /u/bamzelot
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Would like to start getting into D2 again, can someone help me find sources for viable builds, guides, etc.?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:34 AM PST

Hi guys, pretty much title. Haven't played D2 in ages and would really like to get back into it, at least for a while.

Additionally, if someone would like to suggest a noob friendly class/build, that would be very much appreciated. :)

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Blockfett
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Sooo I killed the spider queen in like 10 seconds I’m level 15 necromancer is the whole game this easy or is it because I’m still in act 1? I have mostly all rare gear and a legendary helmet also body explosion is very OP so is skeleton army lol

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:30 PM PST


Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:25 AM PST

I know it's small, but I'd love to be able to auto pick up mats/DB's. That seems really lazy but I'd love it honestly.

submitted by /u/SilverStreak809
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I still REALLY wish there was a way to play D3 on PC using a Controller

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:22 PM PST

Seriously; the game just feels "right" using a Controller. Problem is, the console versions are basically broken (hacked or duped items are everywhere), and there's not enough enough monsters to make for a proper challenge.

As far as the UI... I'm going to be brutally honest here; the UI for the console version sucks, and does no favors for the game. I'm completely happy using a keyboard and mouse to navigate the UI panes and windows (well, as long as the mouse cursor goes "invisible" while using controller), and hell, you can even straight-up disable "ground-targeted abilities" that require use of a mouse.

But for the love of God, let me enjoy my Whirlwind Barbarian with a goddamn controller!!!

submitted by /u/Jcorb
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Diablo stream questions

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:02 AM PST

Im wanting to stream diablo and was wondering what things should i do while playing this game and especially what things i should not do. This can range from general stream alterations to things that make people cringe when another streamer does it in game.

submitted by /u/dikestu
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