Heroes of the Storm - Evolving Esports with the King of Orcs

Evolving Esports with the King of Orcs

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 11:08 AM PST

When Leoric respawn, he can spawn a turret

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:24 PM PST

For 2018, I Really wish a blacklist for battlegrounds

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:49 PM PST

Battleground are somewhat like heroes, some we like and some we dont like, we can however choose not to play those heroes we dislike, and in Heroes of the storm battlegrounds are like characters in their own right. With different Map objectives that changes the tactics of the map. What heroes are most fit for them as to play them in an optimal way.

I'm sure it differs from what we like, I loath Garden of Terror and find no joy playing it. So similar to world of warcraft, pvp players can Blacklist certain battlegrounds, with 13 maps in hots (and hopefully more coming) I think we need this feature in quick match at least! Perhaps maybe later in ranked/unranked. Rotation are not enough, Blizzard will simultaneously learn even more what is the most popular battleground in hots.

submitted by /u/Gremob
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I'm tired of undertuned talents

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 01:45 PM PST

(Keep in mind I play master/GM which is more restricting on what you play then other leagues so keep in mind im a bit biased)

Im so sick of playing the same builds with my heroes because other talents are a net loss to that hero, with very little room of flexability, these balance updates come far and few between and lack any real substantial tuning.

Not every hero needs a rework to fix undertuned talents, in fact I would say its worse as it takes everything away from what we know about the hero beforehand. While for example heroes like raynor and Tyreal need a rethink on their talent structure, other heroes like Diablo, Medivh, Illidan have a decent talent tree, but feel stifled since their underperforming are simply not working not because of their design, but simply because they are undertuned.

submitted by /u/Dreadnought7410
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On 16-Sep-16 we got a preview of BW 2.0. Is it time to abandon fear and release it?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 02:24 AM PST

Why are Hero League games that start with a player who is AFK for over 5 minutes counted?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 02:45 PM PST

Just had a game where our drunk captain was afk for the first 6 minutes because he had to take a shit (yes...). Needless to say, not only did we lose, but he was completely useless. Why isn't the game just cancelled, with the 9 players losing nothing but a little time, and the 10th asshat being severely punished??

submitted by /u/WhenWalrusesAttack
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[Ranked] Anyone else thinks it is ridiculous that draft punishment is greater than AFK's?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:20 PM PST

So my internet went down while draft picking. I'm familiar with the punishment since I already had it 2 or 3 times in the past for the same kind of random reason (internet problem, game freezing etc...) . But when I thought about it I don't find it fair to lose approximately 600 Rank Points for that. It's even more infuriating when you know that some people go afk while in game and only lose 200. What am I missing? Winning 600 points takes around 8 hard fought games. Come on Blizzard, I get the point but for Draft Pick?

submitted by /u/eIImcxc
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What Counters What? - A Primer for Understanding Ability Interactions

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:01 AM PST

Cool Medivh play from a Heroes Lounge EU amateur league game

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:59 AM PST

Had a horrible dream last night

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:50 AM PST

In my dream I was in a Hero League game playing Hanzo on, some map, I think it was Battlefield of Eternity. For whatever reason, I went to the top lane at the beginning of the game. Suddenly Sgt. Hammer drives into our fort, right over the gate, and starts attacking me. I barely survive before she dies.

After that I was like "Okay, I'm safe for a bit" and I walk out toward the gate and Sgt. Hammer shows up again. I thought "Wtf? I just killed you!" I hit Tab and three of their players were Sgt. Hammer! I immediately went to report it.

I think at this point I alt-tabbed and when I got back, our core was dying, but not to Sgt. Hammer, to FIVE Li-Mings. Not only was the enemy team able to start with 3 Sgt. Hammers, they were able to switch mid-game to 5 Li-Mings. Not only that, but I wasn't Hanzo anymore either, I was Samuro.

submitted by /u/igniteice
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Am I the only one that misses the old sliding death timer bar?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:44 AM PST

This is what I mean, for newer players. http://www.gamingcfg.com/img/8846/Cursed-Hollow-HotS.jpg See the bar at the top of the screen. It clearly shows that there is dead Tyrande on either team, and the icon would scroll towards the center of the screen along that bar. Very easy to tell relative death timers.

I've tried really hard to like this newer bar but I just don't see the appeal at all. The old one had a visual indicator of when people where coming back that was easy to read at a glance. You didn't have to look between a ton of numbers. It wasn't perfect -- if multiple people on a team died at once their portraits would stack on top of each other, instead of vertically stacking -- but even still it seemed like a really slick way of showing death timers. The only nicer thing about this new bar is being able to see heroic CDs for allies, which could be incorporated

submitted by /u/Miser
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Therazane Hero Concept with talents

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 02:19 PM PST

I submitted a version of her a while back as a meme after the community response to Alextrasza's model, but the idea got a surprisingly positive response.

When I submitted an unrelated Kobold Geomancer, there was discussion of making an "armor support," the same way Tassadar is a shield support and Medivh is a protect support. I've labeled her a warrior here because I think her kit is closer to that, but "armor support" was the concept I originally built this version of her from.

Therazane the Stonemother - Melee Warrior

Therazane's attacks are slower than average, but strong.

D - Deepholm Crystal - Create or replace a Deepholm Crystal that travels to(slight delay) and follows the targeted hero as long as they remain near (a little more than Lucio aura range) Therazane, granting 10 armor to that hero and to Therazane. Only one Deepholm Crystal can exist at a time. 5s cooldown.

Q - Stoneskin - The targeted ally within range(Can target herself) and the Deepholm Crystal target both gain 30 armor for 2.5 seconds. This armor can stack with itself if used on the Deepholm Crystal target. 10s cooldown.

W - Boulder Fist - Therazane and her Deepholm Crystal target both have their next basic attack strike instantly, and their next attack within four seconds deals a fixed amount of bonus ability damage and stuns the target for .75 seconds. 12s cooldown.

E - Tectonic Smash - Therazane stomps the ground, damaging nearby enemies and knocking all enemies in a small area around her a very short distance(~Wave of Force knockback) in the chosen direction. 12s cooldown.

R1 - Stonemother's Embrace - Passive: Deepholm Crystal grants 5 more armor to its target and Therazane. Active: Therazane's Crystal target is pulled to Therazane, who then emits a pulse that stuns all nearby enemies for one second. 40s cooldown.

R2 - Guardian Crystals - Create a thick(~Rain of Vengeance) line from Therazane, through her current Deepholm Crystal target, and to the extent of her Deepholm Crystal leash range. This line persists for four seconds. Allies on this line are unstoppable, and slows, roots, and stuns on enemies within that line last 50% longer. 60s cooldown.


Level 1:

Guardian of Deepholm - Quest: Collect regeneration globes to increase regeneration by 1 per globe, up to a maximum of 20. Reward: After collecting 20 globes, Stoneskin also grants Therazane 10 additional armor whenever she uses it.

Metamorphic Hide - Therazane gains 7.5 armor for four seconds whenever she uses a basic or heroic ability. This stacks with itself.

Fury of Deepholm - Therazane gets +1% basic ability cooldown speed per 1 armor she has.

Level 4:

Shard Blast - Boulder Fist's bonus damage now splashes to nearby enemies.

Shattering Strike - If a Boulder Fist attack strikes an enemy that is already rooted or stunned, it deals 70% more bonus damage.

Gem Strike - Boulder Fist attacks reveal their targets for four seconds.

Level 7:

Tectonic Upheaval - Tectonic Smash knocks enemies back twice as far.

Rage of Deepholm - Therazane's basic attacks cool down Tectonic Smash by one second.

Unsteady Footing - Tectonic Smash leaves a field of rubble for three seconds that slows enemies within it by 40%.

Level 10:

Stonemother's Embrace - See above

Guardian Crystals - See above

Level 13:

Bones of the Mountain - Whenever she gets stunned or rooted, Therazane gains 50 armor for four seconds.

Stubbornness - Boulder Fist attacks on heroes reset the duration of Stoneskin.

Earthen Armor - Stoneskin also grants 25% healing amplification to its targets while the armor persists.

Level 16:

Jawbreaker - Boulder Fist attacks give their primary target -10 armor for four seconds.

Avalanche - Tectonic Smash can be re-cast again for free within two seconds.

Gravitic Wreath - When used, Stoneskin slows all enemies near its targets by 20% for four seconds. This slow can stack if an enemy is near both targets.

Level 20:

Mother Knows Best - Active: Cast a version of Stonemother's Embrace that also pulls all enemy heroes near the Deepholm Crystal target. Uses Stonemother's Embrace's cooldown.

Deepholm Rift - Enemies standing on Guardian Crystals lose unstoppable and cannot gain unstoppable as long as they remain there.

Churning Earth - While unmounted, Therazane leaves a trail of rubble around her where she moves that persists for three seconds and slows enemies within it by 40%.

submitted by /u/equalsnil
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How Solo QM Is Failing to Educate Players For Draft Modes; What To Do About It?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:46 PM PST

As many on this subreddit are aware, the playerbase for HotS is often called out for it's general lack of skill and macro sense in it's drafting formats. Many different factors have been pointed out as contributing to the issue, but I'd like to bring up what I feel is the foundation of the problem; a lack of proper support for inexperienced or casual players in transitioning from Quick Match to Draft formats for play.

  • The current system for those unaware, is that new players are ran through a quick tutorial on the basics of experience, talents, and movement. After this, they are recommended three A.I. Games through a quest and then should they move to Quick Match, five games on Cursed Hollow will be played no matter the hero selected.

  • After those 5 games, a sub-pool of maps will gradually introduce players to different map mechanics eventually widening to the full map pool available to all other players as more games are played in Quick Match. Draft modes are locked until 14 playable heroes leveled to at least hero level 5 are available to the player regardless of them being on free rotation or owned. Progression in account levels unlock more free rotation slots in addition to the regular 2.0 loot progression for all players.

The conclusion reached from reviewing this method points to a large overarching problem for the game as a whole; HotS puts it's weakest effort into an educational experience for players.

New players are introduced to the game entirely backwards; Quick Match at low to mid levels revolves around a sub-meta of what heroes are available on free rotation and how they interact in a claustrophobic environment that is too removed from the normal flow of the game. This is not entirely a negative point against the game, introducing how heroes interact in a simplified version of the meta gives the games a consistency at low levels that allows new players not to feel overwhelmed in playing for an amount of time. However, the negative aspect of this type of system is how it interacts with the rest of the game as a whole.

Transitioning from Quick Match to a Draft format as it currently exists is counter-intuitive at best, and self-sabotaging at it's worst. Due to it's random nature Quick Match games are often bemoaned as being unbalanced, made up of cancerous compositions that cannot win by virtue of simply existing, and full of largely oblivious teammates who lack communication skills; and yet it is 'likely' the most common format to play for a large amount of the playerbase. Acquiring the gold necessary for a flexible pool of heroes to draft takes time unless paid for, and this as well is not necessary a mark against the game. Setting a minimum amount of playtime before entering draft is a reasonable expectation as it allows ranked play a manageable skill floor they can expect from their teammates. This would not normally be worrying except for the fact that despite getting the least amount of reward for play, a significant portion of players are vocal about their avoidance of the Ranked and Draft modes of play in favor of Quick Match.

This brings me to my main point; HotS has completely ignored the concept of giving support to players looking to learn drafting skills, map interactions, macro sense, ban placement, situational talent adjustment, and hero roles in favor of supporting Quick Match as the go-to blanket tutorial educational experience for the game. The gulf between Quick Match and Draft play gets wider every day a system fails to exist for introducing new or casual players to Draft Modes and experienced players continue to figure out the game.

How would this community prefer change to be implemented if this is a problem Blizzard can or even necessarily should fix in your opinions?

tl;dr: How do we get better at the video game together


submitted by /u/Time_Pidgeon
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D.Va saves the game with 3 teammates dead

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:59 AM PST

Braxis Holdout is the most annoying game mode ever

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 06:43 AM PST

The zerg's units smash so hard with the first wave and if you don't have good wave clear you are going to have a bad time. Also my PC is not bad, but I hear how it dies everytime when the wave is spawns.

submitted by /u/Randosy
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Full Fire Team OP w/ Firebat

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:42 PM PST

Firebat, Diablo, Ragnaros, Kaelthas, Alexstraza

Team comp is LIT

submitted by /u/XXLepic
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It is actually just embarrassing how bad ranked is right now

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:20 PM PST

I'm not even talking about the snowball changes. I"m talking about the legions of players who do not know how ot play in the range from diamond to master. Diablo's that can't combo, people that have 6 deaths in 5 minutes. It's embarassing.

submitted by /u/geoxyx
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Paranormal Activity with Diablo

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:06 PM PST

Finally hit Diamond!

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 09:40 PM PST

It's been a goal to hit Diamond, and I finally got there.

First match in, time to see what it's like up here!

.......no one wants a support, last pick says it's 'better to just go straight damage, trust me', first pick tells last pick "support or I afk", last pick grabs a zera, first pick afks the match, and we're dead in ~12 mins.

Feels good to be out of the lower leagues of players.

submitted by /u/Musao
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They sort of just... Disappeared.

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 03:01 AM PST

[Hero Concept] - Dranosh Saurfang , Blood Death Knight Tank

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:09 PM PST

So I had made this hero concept and posted it a while ago in here

Since Arthas represents Frost and Unholy Death Knight specs , Saurfang would represent the blood spec which is all about dealing damage and healing yourself

Name : Dranosh Saurfang

Class: Warrior

Difficulty : Hard

The Deathbringer

After he fell to Frostmourne at the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate, he was raised in undeath by the Lich King as Deathbringer Saurfang . He was then brought to Icecrown Citadel, where he barred the path of any champions seeking to lay siege to his new master's fortress


Health : 2100 (+4% each level)

Basic Attack Damage : 230 (+4% each level)

Attack Speed : 0.8 Per Second


Death Strike (Q) - Deal 200 (+4% each level) damage to an enemy and heal for 30% of the health you lost within the last 5 sec over time for 2 seconds . 8 second CD

Blood Boil (W) - Deal 60 (+4% each level) damage to an enemy , infect the target and any enemies around it , dealing 180 (+4% each level) damage over time for 3 seconds . 6 second CD

Vampiric Blood (E - Passive) : Increased healing effectiveness by 20% and lifesteal by 10% , Whenever you cast Death Strike double this bonus for 2 seconds

Blood Beasts (Ultimate) : Summon 2 Blood Beasts that deal 70 damage (+4% each level) and heal you for the same amount . Lasts for 20 Seconds. 80 second CD

Blood Power (Ultimate - Passive) : Every time you deal damage to enemy heroes (excluding damage over times) gain 1% damage bonus for 4 seconds , this effect stacks

Runes (D) - Your spells cost 1 Rune each instead of Mana , For every 3rd basic attack to enemies gain 1 Rune (Maximum of 3 Runes) , Activate this to consume all Runes and gain 10 Armor for every Rune consumed for 2 Seconds . 1 second CD


Level 1 :

Hunger For Blood (Quest) : Picking globes generates 1 Rune and increases Vampiric Blood's healing effectiveness by 1% , up to 10 times

Heartbreaker (Q) : Death Strike now costs no Runes and generates 1 Rune instead when hitting enemy heroes

Blooddrinker (Active) : Channel for 5 seconds dealing 300 (+4% each level) damage at a short range and healing you for 33% of damage dealt

Level 4 :

Blood Tap (D) : Whenever you consume a Rune , cast a Blood Boil around you

Mists of Blood (W) : Upgrade Blood Boil to Mists of Blood , casting a mist in an area , inflicting 80 (+4% each level) damage to enemies while inside

Heart Strike (Q) : Upgrade Death Strike to Heart Strike , Dealing 300 (+4% each level) and slowing target by 10% for 2 seconds (Healing from Death Strike is removed)

Level 7 :

Power of The Scourge (E) : Increase healing effectiveness and lifesteal of Vampiric's Blood by 5%

Runic Weapon (Passive) : Your basic attacks slow enemies by 10% for 2 second , stacking up to 2 times

Level 10 :

Summon Blood Beasts (Ultimate) : Summon 2 Blood Beasts with 1600 (+4% each level) health that deal 70 damage (+4% each level) each and heal you for the same amount . Lasts for 20 Seconds. 80 second CD

Blood Power (Ultimate - Passive) : Every time you deal damage to enemy heroes (excluding damage over times) gain 1% damage bonus for 4 seconds , this effect stacks

Level 13 :

Rune of Blood (D) : Consuming Runes heals you for 10% of your maximum health for each Rune consumed

Rune of Frost (D) : Consuming Runes slows nearby enemies by 10% for each Rune consumed for 2 seconds

Rune of Unholy (D) : Consuming Runes increases your next basic attack by 25% for each Rune consumed

Level 16 :

Festering Wound (Passive) : Whenever you deal damage , infect the target dealing 90 (+4% each level) damage over time for 3 seconds . This effect does not stack but can be refreshed

Unholy Frenzy (Active) : Remove 20% of your maximum health to gain 100% attack speed for 3 seconds

Level 20 :

Resistant Skins (Blood Beast Upgrade) : Blood Beasts health increased by 20% and now lasts indefinitely

Vampiric Power (Blood Power Upgrade) : Also gain 1% maximum health for every stack

Bone Shield (Active) : Gain 30% movement speed and 40 armor for 3 seconds

Purgatory (Active) : Reduce your health to 1 and gain a protected shield for 3 seconds

submitted by /u/Reza2001
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How do you have fun in Bronze5?

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:59 AM PST

Hi all,

After playing countless QM and AI games I decided to try my hand at ranked this season. I ended up in quite a few onesided games during placement and as a result got placed in Bronze5.

Which is fine! If I'm amongst the worst players in HOTS, it is what it is.

The problem is that Bronze5 isn't really... fun. While I am not a pro (obviously) I see weird decision making and plays all the time. People going 1v3. People ignoring the objective and the map. People just... being bad.

On top of that, nobody plays support so I often end up playing it hoping "I can help the team."

Nope. Team is all over the place and I end up just healing one guy until he dies as well, or get killed.

As a result, I'm currently 7-23 (or probably worse) and there's no way I'm getting out of Bronze5 this decade.

So, how do I have fun in Bronze5? I don't want to play QM forever because I like the competitive element, as frustrating as it is.

Edit: You have all given me a lot to think about. I'm going back to the basics, by picking heroes I'm good at and training with them. I also enabled quick cast and finally replaced my mouse (yeah...).

Focusing on getting out when shit is hitting the fan, trying to find safe spots ans obsessively looking at the mini map has lead to some great (albeit nonrankes) 0 death games so far!

(Also Brightwing is awesome)

submitted by /u/roguetroll
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Alliance siege tank skin for sgt. hammer

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 07:10 AM PST

It would be nice to have this skin on her. Blizzard is doing warcraft 3 units and abilities on heroes. Since she is a siege tank, it will be a perfect fit for her.

submitted by /u/cenkiss
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Glenn Stafford - Action (OST Heroes of the Storm) Guitar/Ukulele cover (suggestions and comments appriciated)

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 10:07 AM PST

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