Fortnite Daily Llama Thread 02/Jan/2018 - It's a Llama llama

Daily Llama Thread 02/Jan/2018 - It's a Llama llama

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:01 PM PST

Hello Storm Chasers! Today's Daily Llama can be found below posted by /u/stormshieldonebot in the comments below!

How likely is a Llama to show up?

Llama - Click for details Percent
Ranged 33%
Weapon 18%
People 13%
Trap 12%
Melee 10%
Legendary Troll Stash 3%
Super Ranged 3%
Super People 3%
Super Hero 3%
Super Melee 1%
Legendary Troll Truck 1%

Source - Storm Shield One

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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They Are Like Unicorns

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:05 PM PST

This game discourages you from trying out new things, and that's bad for llama sales

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:41 PM PST

Because of the evolution material requirement, it's very expensive and risky to try out that new gun or new hero you just got, especially if you're near endgame.

First of all, the sheer amount of materials you need to dump in to get it on par with your current weapons so you actually know how it compares and performs is hours of grinding.

Secondly, this cost is in the same materials that you were using to improve your FORT stats. That means trying this thing out is in direct competition with progressing through the game. And, if it turns out you don't like it, there's no way to get any of those materials back, that's just time wasted.

What this all means is that most t4+ players are not in a hurry to try anything out. So what do they have to look forward to from llamas? Early in the game I bought lots of llamas, and getting new stuff was exciting, because getting it up to par to try it out was not that bad.

Now, I feel zero temptation to buy a llama. Because I know I'm not going to spend the effort to evolve whatever I get to find out whether or not I like it. It's costing me the fun of trying out new stuff, and it's costing Epic the potential sales they could have gotten from me.

submitted by /u/MuKen
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BR makes me feel forgotten and used.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 11:30 AM PST

It is ashame how I feel about Fortnite now because of BR. They get new creative skins for their characters, new fun items like the boogie bomb, jump pad, versatile traps (even if it is just the basic spike floor) and then new modes added and tested rather regularly.

Yet I look at StW and feel it has fallen into a terrible pattern of releasing simple reskin characters that are a pain in the ass to obtain (lvl 70 survival mission anyone?). Do little to change the meta or dynamics of the game. Some classes are left feeling useless (Soldiers and Ninjas competing for DPS role; Outlanders useless after fragments are used up; Constructors too slow, etc)

No New enemies. It is about time we had some new enemies with our updates don't you think? Is this all the storm has to offer, a few mist mob variety? I'm not impressed honestly. By now we should be seeing a lot more.

Weapons feel like reskins. Granted the designs are great and creative but mechanically the perform like a normal gun. There's no new fun, interesting projectiles like you would see in Borderlands. You think with the possibility of melee weapons we get a lot creativity there vs the basic medieval like gear with sci-fi skinning that we currently have. Just look at Overwatch for some really amazing character abilities and weapons. Where's my Doomfist like Outlander? How was that a total miss!

Hero abilities are lame. I'm sorry but what we currently got is pretty medicore in the grand scheme of things and they all feel rather basic to their characters designs. It is what you expect out of theme. New heroes get nothing distinct enough to tell them apart. No new abilities you can use with one character that isn't available on any other. So none of them truly feel distinct and unique. More like decorated clones of each other with slight variations. You want some ability ideas? Check out Warframe, Overwatch, Borderlands or ya know... any other MMO with skills.

Inventories. I'm sure you already know of the woes there. Enough said.

Repetitive missions. This is a hard one to combat granted but if everything else above was fix this one might not be an issue anymore. Granted having to defend an altas or any point for 7-8 mins is insane and retarded especially when the enemies come at you in small waves.

Unfinished content. Really? This hasn't been tackled yet? Come on...

Defenders suck! Not just because their damage and usefulness is pretty minimal but also because when they are knocked down. You hear them screaming for help again and again and it gets annoying when you help them up and they go down again in 1-2 mins. Despite them being at or above the enemies in power lvl. Then you include the need for ammo and weapons and really... you are better off waiting for a 4th player.

AFKer problem. No word on how this will be addressed, problem still persists and this leads to the next problem...

Reporting sucks! The report system for Afkers or other troublesome players is terrible. This should be a priority fix/solution and it should've been done months ago when this problem started to surface and the problem of reporting troublesome players arose. How long are we gonna have to wait?

I'm sure there is more but I want to stop here and say. I'm not ranting at Fornite because I hate the game. I utterly love it and the concept behind it. I put money into the game, told friends about it, drummed up the hype about the game and sunk a lot of hours into the game to only see the company take it another direction with BR.

Even if it is a different team (and I don't know if it is) I am still disappointed because the original Fortnite team hasn't done anything new and original to the game. Sure there are events but nothing of the core game has really be added or improved upon. Events are just a bandaid to keep people busy and sure they are very much welcomed and needed but when you see BR grow and StW get stagnant you can't help but feel shafted and betrayed.

Now sure I got plenty of ideas and suggestions on what could be done to improve the game on all the things I mentioned above but why waste the time listing suggestions when the frustration of this player base hasn't been addressed yet? So... for now I'm going to throw my hat in the complaints pile in hopes it is become large enough for someone from Fortnite speaks up and reassures us that we weren't fucked out of our money and time.

submitted by /u/redlove108
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Hardcap on building mats does not work well with PvE, if you want creativity

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:34 AM PST

TLDR: for cosmetic building of those stormshield super bases/castles/forts, the hard cap is absolute nightmare and limits creativity hard. For missions it's repetetive but kind of fine.


While in general I have been in love with the PvE mode, there is only one frustration that I seem to run all the time. The 999 limit on one resource is too little.

In missions 999 is easily unlimited resources but for base building, it does absolutely nothing.

For regular building blocks: 999 gets you either 99 blocks or +10% as constructor. However since we have upgrades, at worst you can only build 17 pieces.

Now say you want to build for example castle walls, you'll find yourself spending a lot of Tier 3 stonewalls. To fit the colors, you have to use quite a lot of stone.

As the only way to really effectively farm mats is to go to another game, you're forced to run in and out from missions you need nothing wrong, and at worst the loading screens burn away ~1-2 minutes and then 5-10 minutes to reach 999.

It's not really the grind for the mats but the interruptions that the meaningless loading screens give. At least some builder games are not restrained in this way and actually let you stack building materials. I'd be happy to burn 10-20 inventory slot to carry 20-30k stone.

And ultimately, while in base and not in combat, is there any harm in not giving unlimited building blocks.

Another building improvement would be some form of deletion mode to get rid of multiple unwanted pieces. High-level walls have too much hp vs. Your own pickaxe that it's really far off from being fun.

submitted by /u/Nyancubus
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How to collect shielder data?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 10:57 AM PST

I've had this quest a while (1000 dead shielders ago) and no data collected from them. How do I finish this quest?

submitted by /u/Notonredditt
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Tested an idea for a race, enjoy.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:57 PM PST

Didn't get any compensation this wave.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 08:12 PM PST

So some of my stuff got deleted and have yet to get anything back. Is the wave coming back or am I just out of luck?

submitted by /u/Kyoretsuna321
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Why is it that when I start my Homebase Shield, no one ever joins.....

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 09:31 AM PST

Why is it that when I start my Storm Shield, no one ever joins but when I do a "quick play" I am always put into a Homebase Shield match with 2 people already in it....

I am always ending up playing the game trying to protect it myself. ): It is getting harder and harder. I am in Plankerton now.

submitted by /u/omgreptar
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PSA: Trade your mats

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 08:05 AM PST

Everybody has a bunch of mats that they're always overflowing with. What doesn't seem to occur to a lot of people is that there's usually someone else who would love those mats and has an excess of something you want.

For example, lots of people are always in need of more mechanical parts, and think everybody else must be too. Not true! There's people that main ranger or raider, and are generally using launchers/floor spikes/dynamos for traps. These people don't need mech parts and are often just throwing them out.

Talk to people in chat, find out what they have and what they need, you'll often find you can do something that will make both of you very happy. Chances are good somebody wants your garbage.

(Except batteries and flowers, nobody ever wants these)

submitted by /u/MuKen
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PSA: Do not kill Flingers. It prevents other mist monsters from spawning (Smashers, Blasters, Takers). For newer players out there.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 09:22 PM PST

Please add voice chat on PC

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:15 PM PST

When the base is getting demolished and teammates are unaware "even when I mark the enemy", you either stop and type and possibly die or lose the match. Plus a lot of people don't see the chat during those moments. I could go on about why it's needed but I am sure everyone knows the struggle of not having it. So please EPIC, give us the option. PS: I've heard console users already have it. I just don't get it.

submitted by /u/SoloCreep
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Quite an interesting layout for a Cat4.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:10 AM PST

Bee guys are literally gonna make me quit this damn game.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:38 PM PST

Hole in your wall? Just fill it with gnome.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 11:54 AM PST

Founders Pack worth buying?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:52 PM PST

Is the Founders pack worth buying for PvE? The sale ends in the morning & I've been thinking of purchasing. Any feedback will be appreciated

submitted by /u/RiPgUtTechNation
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Boost XP is not working properly, does anyone else have this issue?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:18 PM PST

I Feel Like This Game Needs A Karma System.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:40 AM PST

I use to think the community would survive on its own, but since the 50% off PVE I've noticed a pretty huge spike in leeches, under-leveled people expecting to get carried, and generally more toxic people. If this game becomes F2P I can see it getting much worse. Now that seasonal gold is a thing I think a karma system could work that influences season gold gains, but not quest rewards, and influence those you play with.

At the end of a match (whether you won or lost) you rate the other players that were in the lobby. Rating in itself would give some good karma to incentivize players to police the community. Having good karma gives a percentage increase to seasonal gold you acquire, while also more likely matching you up with other high karma players. Have low karma decreases seasonal gold gains, while making it more likely to be matched up with other players at similar karma systems.


submitted by /u/Hydra680
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My main Assault for Urban Assault Headhunter. (Energy + Afliction) Evolve to Obsidian or Shadowshard? Why?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:36 PM PST

Please make chat truly global

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:34 PM PST

The current system makes this game way more dead than it seems, with some rooms being completely devoid of any activity. Instead of having chatrooms for global and founder chat, make them true global chat where everyone can reply to each other or at least have them contain more people (maybe a hundred for each room?). This way, when you're looking for a game or looking for players to join your game, you would have a better chance of finding someone rather than having to log out and back in again hoping for a more active chatroom.

submitted by /u/lSlS_CRISIS
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Does anyone know what this F symbol means next to this YouTubers XP bar? Just out of curiosity..

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:30 AM PST

PS4 has a very healthy population but none of them run 70 STS

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:43 PM PST

PC players on the other hand keep 70 STS relatively packed. I can't help but wonder if PS4 players are really just overall much less efficient-minded. 1 legendary a day with a chance to get god rolls of energy+ is still worth the queuing if you value the weapon grind, and really, we all do. Just ranting and wishing for change.

submitted by /u/Severance_Pay
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Gnome murder or suicide?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:12 PM PST

Looking for StS 7 day (Level40) [PS4]

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 09:45 PM PST

My power is 39, completed it before and now I want to re-run for tickets. I can run Sarah Hotep or Skull Trooper.


submitted by /u/king_slumpt
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What hero is this, what abilities does he have, and how can I get him?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:16 AM PST


Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:43 PM PST

So I recently bought the founders pack for Fortnite and I was enjoying the new mode a lot until I ran out of ammo for my AR and so I crafted about 500 more bullets but now I have no idea how to get them to my gun.

submitted by /u/Hippoboys
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