Diablo - Seroius Security Issue

Seroius Security Issue

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:08 PM PST

Bone Ringer Power Re-Enabled (1.22.2018) - Diablo III Forums

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:00 PM PST

Happy Community Manager Appreciation Day (1/23/2018) to Tyvalir, Nevalistis et alii!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:21 PM PST

(É”◔‿◔)É” ♥

submitted by /u/sVr90
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Multiplayer Greater Rift etiquette?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:26 PM PST

Hi. I'd like to hear the general etiquette for playing multiplayer greater rifts. Doing just rifts isn't yielding a measurable amount of experience anymore and soloing greater rifts is a really slow matter. I do not want to join and be perceived as a leech. I can barely do GR 83 on my own and my paragon is ~780. Thank you very much

submitted by /u/PeePolePeepHolePpl
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Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:00 AM PST




submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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When we get Bone ringer Bug fix

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:16 AM PST

when it will be ready hotfix for Bone ringer? Blizzard disabling the item's Legendary power in the middle on season.... and now we need to push only with pestilience - and some people lose material, items and caldesans - and you know how hard its to get perfect Travler or Compas for this builds... i think this is not fair, before couple season archon exploit was not disable in middle on season or someone get ban for this. I dont say to play with exploit... but you cant provide fix after season end or 3-4 days before end...

submitted by /u/benifios
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Barbairan question

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:36 PM PST

How viable is ww barbs in hardcore, its always been my favorite skill set for them? Also what should I prioritize for stats.

submitted by /u/Fackintank
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How did someone obtain my cd key for Diablo2:LOD?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:46 AM PST

I've had this cd key since I was a kid. I came across my original D2 case and cd key along with LOD while cleaning my storage. I noticed D2 was attached to my account but not LOD even though I played it. Checked with a GM and was told the cd key was attached to another account in 2015. How is this possible?

submitted by /u/Memphisrexjr
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[Crusader] Climbing with Blessed Shield. Thoughts? Advice?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:08 PM PST

D3 Planner Link https://www.d3planner.com/540862162 Hey guys, So I am climbing pretty steadily with HOLY Blessed Shield. I'm doing 95s at the moment. I think I can go higher with what I have right now, but I haven't tried yet. I'll try a little later when I get more time. Looking for any advice/thoughts on my setup. The only thing I do NOT want to hear is "Use Fire, it's better!" I understand that Fire is considered stronger, and if I get stuck with Holy I absolutely will swap to Fire and try again. Current upgrades I am doing Reforging: Traveler's Pledge Kadala/Upgrade Rares: Crusader Shields for Jekangbord The biggest upgrades I think I can get is on my Traveler's Pledge trading the CDR for %Holy Damage. (If I get a Pledge with %Fire, Crit and Crit then I will have to swap to Fire and that is OKAY) The next would be a better Compass Rose. Obviously Ancients on my non ancient pieces. While climbing I played around with Gizzard over Gogok for the heals and the extra sustain. I really liked it. Once I got my current weapon, however, I swapped to Gogok and rolled for more atk spd on my gear for more damage. It is working out so far but if I am definitely still up for going back to gizzard if I need too. Anything that I am missing? Thanks!

submitted by /u/natuutan
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Bandit Shrine?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:08 PM PST

Are there still bandit shrines? I have NEVER seen one.

submitted by /u/RobDog21
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Discussion on Micro-transactions

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:22 PM PST

So this might be a controversial topic on our beloved Diablo as one the pride points of this game is all the free updates and content and support with very minimal purchases but I think this might be an inevitable discussion as most newer games have micro-transactions.

With Diablo 4 being most likely in some form of production it would be nice to see some community feedback that the developers could see on if micro-transaction have a place in Diablo and if it is something the community would support.
I know the idea of micro-transactions coming into Diablo is scary, but there actually would be a lot of benefits to it. One major benefit of micro-transactions in a future Diablo game is that we would see a LOT more frequent updates, bigger support, more content and more developer involvement. A game that has continuous updates HAS to have some sort of steady income source. Without micro-transactions or something similar, developers - for a logical reason - focus on bringing just enough content to get people to buy the game and keep a community somewhat living in order to get more people on board. With micro-transaction or something similar a much bigger game with much more content and more frequent updates is expected.

So my question is - If/when Diablo 4 comes would you be willing to see micro-transactions in the game if it meant having more content and a more steady stream of updates and support.

*Edit: and i'm only saying Diablo 4 simply because it is unlikely that that sort of thing would be added into the current game.

submitted by /u/WatsBlend
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Group GR

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:15 PM PST

Diablo 2 Remake mobile version

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:16 PM PST

These days mobile versions of old pc games are getting very popular, like Lineage2, MU online, Runescape, and many more. I wonder how cool it would be if Blizzard released Diablo 2 mobile version.

submitted by /u/Cikago
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Hanging problems, tried a bunch of solutions.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:43 AM PST

Hi all, my game hangs in random places regardless of what's going on on screen, over the top action or completely empty areas. Ambient sounds and music still plays while the mouse cursor can still be moved around, my character is usually dead after and from my buddy's perspective on another computer, just stands around.

My computer has a 1080ti, i7 7700k, and 16g ram

Anyone know of other fixes besides: Turning trilinear filters off (Disable in preference text). Updating gpu drivers Updating LAN drivers Turning off all the CPU cores besides 1 and 3

submitted by /u/TheLocalHentai
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Who else's waiting for the 2.6.2 ptr patch notes???

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:49 AM PST

Anyone want to play some D2? [US ladder b.net]

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:51 AM PST

As far as I can tell the LFG threads mentioned in the subreddit rules no longer exist and most D2 communities seem pretty dead, so posting this here:

I have some free time right now and would like to do a full playthrough at least through Hell Baal with another person (or more than one, if there is interest), self-found with no outside trading/rushing/xp farming. I have no requirements for your level of experience, only that you have enough interest and time to play to make it to the end. This would actually be an excellent way for someone who is interested to learn the game!

I'd like to use voice chat, probably on a Discord server. If there is a lot of interest (unexpectedly - I am thinking this is more likely a 0-3 person kind of endeavor), this could also serve as a community hub.

I'd like to play classes/specs with minimal overlapping gear requirements that also have strong synergy with each other. I am open to playing pretty much anything and have a good amount of experience with all the classes, so I can tailor my build to fit what you'd like to play. Unconventional or 'slow/weak' builds are welcome, as are strong 'cookie-cutter' builds.

Ideally I would also like to gear up and do keys/Ubers afterward (leveling and gearing magic find/uber killing alts using resources from the 1st playthrough as needed).

I am aware of slashdiablo, PlugY, etc, but prefer to play on the official servers with no mods, and the old communities for bnet ladder that I participated in seem pretty dead at this point (i.e. The Amazon Basin), and I have a strong dislike for D2JSP.

Some details about how I prefer to play:

  • USWest or USEast ladder softcore, I get similar ping to both (I used to play hardcore primarily, but between crashes/disconnects/severe desync that can happen I'd rather not at this point for online play)

  • Absolutely no cheating of any kind. No maphack, no botting, etc. I use Sven's Glide Wrapper (which is approved by Blizzard and just makes the game run better on newer systems), and that's it.

  • No outside influence from public games or other players outside the group. Solo play, or playing with the group only. Even if you collect no items, joining public Baal runs for xp or getting rushed through quests severely alters pacing and progression. If you want to participate in that stuff, feel free to do so with other unrelated characters/accounts.

  • What's mine is yours. Zero loot drama. PickIt scripts and the 'speed before need' gameplay style in public games have no place in my games. I am as invested in my party members' success as I am in my own, and my group members should feel the same. Most drops should be used by the character that most benefits the strength of the group. Everyone should feel comfortable handing over any item they own without fear of it being stolen, or leaving anything on the ground at any time (aside from being distrustful of Blizzard server stability).

  • I'm fine with doing rushes for alts (to play those alts or for hellforge/socket quest), but only within the group and only once the initial characters are able to do it without the help of public games or other communities.

  • Powergaming vs stopping to smell the roses. I tend toward the power gaming side of things, but I usually prefer not to take it to the extreme. If you want to stop and read NPC dialog and watch cutscenes that's perfectly fine, though I will probably just alt-tab and mess around if you want to read/hear every line of text in the game.

  • I'm decent at the game, but I'm not a League of Legends LCS/Challenger-tier ADC with perfect stutter-step mechanics. If you are significantly better or worse than me, that's fine with me!

So, anyone interested? Feel free to PM or post a reply here.

submitted by /u/Grumbul
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Rank 1 Solo WD on Xbox

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:21 AM PST

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