True Dota 2 - Roaming Riki viable in 7.07?

Roaming Riki viable in 7.07?

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 09:25 AM PST

I remember back in early 7.00 up until the HEAVY movement speed nerfs I would stomp every game with roaming Riki (around mid 2k bracket lul) but after the movement speed nerfs I feel like he just isn't scary anymore even with OoV because he has no chase anymore. Is Riki roam still a thing that works?

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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How to deal with mirana/windranger and tough offlaners as carry?

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 02:47 AM PST

~4500mmr (if that matters, idk)

I mainly play carry and notice that I do particularly poorly in lanes with offlane mirana, windranger, and other annoying hard hitting ranged heroes. When solo queuing, a lot of the time my support/s will either prefer to either roam or pull instead of helping me in lane (not to flame or blame them, that's just how it seems to be).

Hence why I want to hear your opinions on being an independently strong laner as a carry.

Do any of you have a specific game strategy when going against these kinds of heroes as a melee agi carry? If not, are there any carries you prefer in these types of tough lanes that can still get decent farm in the face of a tough lane opponent?

Open to anything really. Up to buy wards, whatever. Just whatever can hopefully help increase the winrate.

submitted by /u/zombrained7
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Coming back into game from pre- 7.07 as a 4-5 pos, what changes are important?

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 12:57 PM PST

I played the game a bit just after the new heroes came out, got through 7 of my ranked games and stopped. I play mostly pos 4-5 but any advice is welcome. All I really know is that ET is strong again. Any items that have risen to prevalence? What's the 'type' of metagame that's happening nowadays?

submitted by /u/JackLevin
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How does creep equilibrium work and why does it matter?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:25 PM PST

Of course, in 2k, no such thing existed. But as I look at tips at higher ranks, this thing is mentioned. Can someone help me understand this?

submitted by /u/ai_raiki
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Finding SEA mid practice

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 03:58 AM PST

I'm just a typical guy who wants to get better at dota (especially mid). I'm 4k3 and I expect to practice with someone above 4k. Much thanks and pm me if you're interested

submitted by /u/rts-
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Do you guys like Big Chrono or Backtrack?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 07:58 PM PST

My friends and I always joke about Big Chrono and how troll-y it is, and it is undoubtedly hilarious to look at, but honestly it's pretty hard to use:

1) Your cast range itself doesn't change, so you have to get even closer to them to edge them. Personally, I find myself shorting the cast range with Q or blink constantly. Sure, that could improve with practice, but it's definitely a constant concern.

2) Sure the potential for big edges are higher, but so too is the potential for a poor Chrono when many of them are closer to the middle, and in the case of a big Chrono, a lot of them even deeper in the middle is even worse for your own team.

3) Backtrack is always useful, no matter what.

I usually get Big Chrono in troll games and backtrack in serious games. So I dunno, what do you think, is Big Chrono more than just a troll talent? I did get a refresher shard with Big Chrono last game though and that was extra silly.

submitted by /u/thesavant
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Faceless Void Skillbuild (7.07d)

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 08:32 PM PST

How are you skilling Faceless Void in 7.07d? Some of my guiding thoughts below:

  1. The most popular ability build now is to max E (Time Lock) before Q (Time Walk). I'm surprised since E is an ability that is chance-based and therefore providing less reliable value. Why is maxing E the more popular build, and is it better? My only thought is that it synergises very well with MoM, but only with that item. If I don't get MoM first and get say a battlefury as the first item instead, should i not max E first since i'm not fighting so much and Q increases my mobility (or maybe it does not matter since I'll probably max both by my first item)?
  2. Does the skillbuild for Void differ in safelane vs offlane? Would you prioritize Q over E in the offlane?
  3. Is it worth getting a value point in W (Time Dilation) at all, or should maxing E and Q be the optimal build?
submitted by /u/dmkq
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Morph offlane

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 06:24 PM PST

With the recent nerfs on Morph... What do you guys think on going morph offlane ? I honestly see him fit for the pos 3 role. He's got amazing survability : waveform and Attribute shifting Good 3s stun and he's got replicate, basically could copy any stun hero and combo with your own stun. Thoughts? Itemization?

submitted by /u/Waxmell3
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