True Dota 2 - New to support? Please don't buy and place all the wards!

New to support? Please don't buy and place all the wards!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 05:31 AM PST

I had a game last night where I was playing greedy support alongside another support; who did a decent job supporting, buying wards and stacking/pulling.

I think he may have been a little over-zealous though because, which a lot of new players do, he bought all the wards and place them everywhere. It IS great that he bought them, the only problem is that we desperately needed wards in our push areas, but they were all used.

Everyone appreciates it, it is better than not having vision. But if I could recommend a small thing that has a big impact: Keep a couple and place them as your team moves to take an objective.

There is no point in having a ward in enemy jungle T2 Tower when the first tower isn't down yet, and no one is moving to take it anytime soon. By all means place wards where you think they will be needed. Just keep in mind that if you need to move to an objective, you won't have vision if they have all been placed in your own jungle.

TL/DR: Keep a couple of wards and place them as your team moves to get vision around your objective.

submitted by /u/tastycheesetoes
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I've built a platform that allows you to test your knowledge of DOTA against other people but I need your help.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:04 AM PST

Hi /r/TrueDoTA2!


I have a love of stats and numbers, so for the last couple of years, I've been building a platform that allows you to test your knowledge of DOTA 2 against the community by predicting the outcome to in-game events.


I Need Your Help Coming Up With More Questions.


£50 ($65/€55) Steam credit will be given for the best questions (if they're fucking awesome) and a shout-out on the website (BlinkPool - for real money, BlinkPredict - for prizes).


As the questions are asked throughout live games there are a few rules:

  • Definitive i.e. the answer has a measurable outcome
  • Simple
  • Where outcome will occur 2 - 10 minutes post question ask time


So if you have any good ideas...


Submit them here

(a Google form with 2 fields)



Who will win the game?

  • Na'Vi
  • Alliance

What type of hero will be last picked by Team Secret?

  • Strength
  • Agility
  • Intelligence

Which mid hero will have the most last hits at 5:00?

  • Shadow Fiend
  • Queen of Pain

How many heroes will be caught by the next Ravage?

  • 0-2
  • 3-4
  • 5


The best questions will be revealed on 12th December 18:00 GMT and posted on this Reddit post.



Suraj "Jester" Gosai

submitted by /u/j_e_s_t_er
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Some input on Aeon disk.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:46 AM PST

I've had a difficult time figuring out this item's purpose and a lot of people have been disregarding it/trash talking it, but here's what I have so far on how I think it could be effective:

It's a good counter to someone like LC - activates during duel and causes you to take no damage. It's also good on someone that relies on their ult for survival, namely: Brewmaster. It pretty much ensures that Brewmaster will always get off primal split before he dies. Also good on someone like enigma, ensures that he will almost always be able to use black hole. Same with Tide, Shadow Shaman, etc. As a tank, it increases your survivability in team fights. As a support, it gives you a chance to use potentially life saving/fight altering abilities (Dazzle getting off shallow grave). It also works against someone like techies if you want to push against huge mine stacks. Lastly, I think it's good against high damage nukers. Think Skywrath. He initiates on you with silence/slow/ult but you can stand in his ult and take absolutely no damage. Not only has he wasted his spells but it gives you a chance to counter initiate with close to full HP. So these are my thoughts, hopefully it sparks new ideas/inspiration! I'd like to hear what anyone else has to say. Cheers!

submitted by /u/dafreshprints
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How do I teach someone to play Dota better?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:41 AM PST

There's a girl who when I play party with her and some friends, she always want me to teach her how to play supports well because my main role is position 5 and I'm Divine 5. She's Harold 5.

I genuinely want to teach her, but based on my experience trying to tell weak players what they should do when and where, and explaining to them, they just can't execute efficiently.

Personally, I had a significant improvement in my skills when I started approaching the game analytically because honestly, I feel I have poor mechanical skills which is why I play supports now.

So, I thought if I teach players the theoretical side of the game, they can improve. But, I realised a lot of weak players just want to play the game, and not learn about theoretical stuff. Sometimes, they just can't execute plays.

Is there anything I can do? Or some players are just not motivated enough to improve?

submitted by /u/DottMySaviour
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I want to play Lone Druid.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:47 PM PST

What should i be concerned about?

Line up wise.

Note: I'm still theory crafting and i havent played him yet.

He doesnt have good escapes, only one ability that may save him (Roar). So in order to compensate, he need supports that could help him or as i see in pro games, support items is enough (like glimmer).

Pick him in a team that can 4v5 an enemy?

I believe that playing him like a split pusher is a good way to play him, but this is fully dependent on the playstyle of the team and if even if you lose the fight, you can still get away with it, by pulling the creep wave and pushing. (This might not be useful and it might be better to join the teamfight)

The hero is greedy and if your mid isnt fight oriented, there might be net worth issues in the late game?

Also, always take advantage when your bear isnt on CD and chill when its on CD.

This is my key points with the hero, and for me the only way to counter him is an aggressive lineup that can transition to late game + support with lockdown (i can see why Naix is pick often against his bear)

Also, late game wise, if you can kill the bear ASAP. That a big advantage (items like Orchid Upgrade (forgot name) would help).

Please add more notes to consider when playing LD, since i'm pretty much new on the hero and it seems really OP when executed well.

submitted by /u/popoysegundo
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new mmr question

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:52 AM PST

I know there has been a lot of questions regarding this stuff before, but I must have missed it so sorry if this has been asked. But...

Do the new mmr numbers equate to the old ones? Like, are Divine ppl still 8,9,10 k? The reason why I ask is because I finally finished my three week calibration period (yeah, it takes me that long lol). I was excited to see that I got Crusader, only to see that the mmr number had actually dropped about 150 points (I went 6 and 4 during calibration).

I just simply don't have time to play that much, so I am resigned to the idea that I will always be bad. My goal before was to reach the lofty 2k mark. Now I have apparently dipped to 1750 or something, even though I am in the 3rd out of 7 tiers.

Mind you, I am not upset or anything. More amused I guess. Was just wondering if the numbers are a little different accross the board. (I don't expect someone to tell me that my number means I am suddenly 5k).

submitted by /u/shawnsterp
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I'm 3.5k MMR,legend[1], what can I do to improve?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:53 PM PST

Hi everyone, I've been playing dota for some years and still being 3,4k mmr (legend[1]) :( .watching pro-players' games I can't notice the difference to the way they play and the way I play .I need help to how notice it, and how to improve . pls.

Is better to stay in one position, like core, support 4... , or I should keep variating.

Should I focus in specific group of heroes ?

Pls, I really need some help. here's my dotabuff :

submitted by /u/MasterOfMonkeys1
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I can't beat anti-mage

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:02 PM PST

I can't beat him. i want to fucking kill myself. this hero is so unfun. there's nothing you can do. early pressure doesn't matter. comeback mechanics keep him up in networth. I just lost a fucking 4v5 because someone abandoned and the bonus gold from the abandon made him literally unstoppable. this hero is making me not want to play dota anymore. how do I beat anti-mage. it just doesn't work. the amount of coordination and focus required to beat him down just frees up the map for the other 4 heroes

submitted by /u/e_d
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Aeon disk on storm as counter to silence/nullifier combo

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:06 AM PST

As title. I had a storm game yesterday against a silencer, WK with orchid and nullifier and another nullifier on their team. I got fucked unless we could bait global and reinitiate, or kill silencer initially.

Would aeon disk have solved many of my problems? Ive never used it but feel it might have been the way to go. BKB and euls were made useless by the nullifier.

submitted by /u/dynasty987
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Quick thought about Viper

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:06 AM PST

Viper seems decently strong right now, but one thing I never utilize on him is his ability to farm hard camp stacks. Nethertoxin should break the MR creeps so Nethertoxin's 400 AoE damage in combo with corrosive skin should melt hard camp stacks, right?

People never stack more than once in my bracket so I've never utilized this but it seems quite powerful. Nethertoxin gives so much farm speed to lanes and single camps, doing hard camp stacks could put him just a tier below your typical hard farmers (while still being as good as ever in mid game skirmishes).

Overall I'm loving the viper changes more than any of the other big changes. He feels kinda like TA in his ability to get ahead through lane domination and stay ahead through farming and kills. Previously I feel like he could become a non-factor if post laning phase he didn't get enough kills or objectives since he farmed creeps ridiculously slow and without an advantage the enemy cores would just kill him.

Now with a farm accelerant ability he can stay number 1 networth throughout the mid game without worrying about racking up a huge body count. And if he's able to stay at the top he can become a Dusa level nuisance very early on, in the sense that his damage is too high to ignore and he is too survivable to focus (obviously when Dusa reaches this stage Viper doesn't compare, but Viper reaches this stage quite rapidly).

submitted by /u/N-DUB
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7.07 - Help Request with Combat Alchemist.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:03 AM PST

Hey people. How are ya? I want to ask about certain things about my...almost favorite hero in this game (The Alchemist, in the HC kind of version)

To be honest, i never liked too much the idea of the naga-kind of build (Rad+Manta+OC), so thats why i always tried the idea of a combat classic one (trying BF first or Rad as first item for farming and later going into Cuirass, Shadowblade, ect); now i was trying the BF+Blink+SnY (recommended for this hero in a reddit post in the r/dota2 Hero of the Week Post about alche (also you can see it on this video

Here are the results:

To be honest i am not confortable with my performance and results, so i wanted to ask here which are the things that i can use (builds, farming tips or stuff) for improve my game and also how i can improve in hard lanes (while not having an easy early stage in farming)

Thats just, if you can help me to improve! Thank you all! :)

submitted by /u/reb9302
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How to lane QoP vs Invoker mid?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:18 PM PST

Hi everyone!

I've been suddenly playing a lot of mid positions in my ranked games (seems like offlane is the new mid lane in terms of desire) and I've taken the opportunity to refine my QoP.

I seem to either win or break even in most match ups but the one match up I can't handle is vs Invoker. I always read that QoP should win or at least put pressure on the invoker but I don't have the same experience.

From my games, most go quas and exort. I feel my dagger and right click harass don't do anything since he can heal it off quickly with quas. I start losing the lane once he gets levels in Exort and he starts getting denys and last hits and can bully me out of lane with cold snap and right clicks. Hell even just plain exort right clicks hurt.

I'm not really sure how to go about the match up and how to not completely lose my lane.

submitted by /u/LDRsLips
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Lone Druid - Offlane

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:32 PM PST

The title says it all.

I have not seen some offlane Lone Druid in a long time and if the hero solos it is usually in the safelane to secure a 1 v 1 with the enemy offlane. I do recall Admiral Bulldog running the hero in the offlane a few times and obviously he knows how to play it well enough to be successful.

The issues I have are that I guess I am not sure when the hero is a good pick to offlane and when I decide to go ranged Druid or Radiance build. I do not have much experience with the hero and have tested both with equal success and difficulties.

The other issue / thought I have is I genuinely get stuck once I have Radiance whether I go straight into Aghs or continue to add to the Bear.

Lane phase is not too much of an issue it is post lane phase where I sometimes get lost with split or sit with my team especially when the enemy is stacked with lock down I feel I become useless.

Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/396000
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NCN Inhouse League

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:24 PM PST

No Courier Needed IHL is an In-house league for players to play non-competitive Dota 2 matches with friends! Queue up among 9 other players and draft your ultimate team. Win the game to rise up on the leaderboard to win the ultimate prize! Join today! We are looking for staff.

Make sure to join both FaceIt hub and Discord.

submitted by /u/thepogchampion
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Veno Offlane

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:19 PM PST

I've been on a tear with this and want to share and see if anyone else has other builds they're liking. He's very versatile. With one point in wards mostly just to keep an eye behind trees, I max passive and Q first, even skipping ult until 8 or 9 (I know, I know).

I like to get wand, treads, Helm of the dominator, Hurricane Pike, Pipe of insight, and Silver edge. The rest is depending on circumstances but these all I like to have in whichever order feels right, and this helps us group up and be aggressive, taking towers fast.

Needs to be picked alongside some stuns and DPS.

submitted by /u/ishkabum
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