True Dota 2 - Carry in difficult laning phase

Carry in difficult laning phase

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 03:18 PM PST

Hey guys,

I've been analyzing my last couple of carry games and came to realize that in most games that I lose its because I have to play against a strong dual offlane.

In those situations I find myself struggling to go in for last Hits which is why I just stand back and get experience. I usually don't die during these early stages but I do not get enough farm to make an early comback.

Now what I've been wondering is what is my objective in these kind of scenarios. Let's assume I am an anti mage and my goal is to get a good Bf timing. Is it worth it to ferry salves and go to the jungle? Is getting experience enough and holding the offlaners in lane?

I'd love some advice.

submitted by /u/Sakuja_
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Having Issues With Mid-Game Decision Making

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 02:11 PM PST

I'm currently 3.3-3.4k as my highest mmr, and have been on quite the losing streak where we're snowballing until the game drags on too long and they make a comeback. I'm currently mostly a 1 position carry, and I would like to know some general tips and guidelines to a successful mid game in order to impact my games further and hopefully end games before it gets to the late game. Perhaps this question is too broad, but asking for specifics is appreciated and I'll narrow down to more pinpoint questions. Some things that still puzzle me are when to push lanes or TP and fight, farming trends/patterns, and objective-based playing in order to maximize advantages.

submitted by /u/Xeli0s
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Physical Ember vs Magical Ember?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 12:40 AM PST

Which one do you think is a better choice in this current patch?

submitted by /u/ai_raiki
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Tusk reverse Ice Shards and cliff jumping

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 08:02 AM PST

After seeing some Jerax plays at MDL Macau I wanted to play around some of the tricks he was pulling off with Ice Shards, like What I thought would be a very random, and at the mercy of some weird physics ended up being easily recreated. I suppose they aren't really "reverse" Ice Shards, but close enough that the hit boxes push you forward. It ends up looking like you threw Ice Shards backwards which is a great tool for escaping.

Target the Ice Shards as close as possible to the center of Tusk's model, and the direction where it is placed from the center of the model will be the direction you are pushed. If you have range indicators on, there is a small area near tusks model where the arrows flip direction while still in front you, which makes it a bit easier to visualize.

The pushing aspect is particularly important because it gives you the ability to shove yourself up cliffs, which is just the same technique but you need to be as close to the edge of the cliff as possible.

Maybe I'm just late to the train on this, but I hadn't seen it before and wanted to share. I imagine this is a result of how they changed Ice Shard targeting in 7.06. Either way this is an incredibly useful tool that I think everyone should try out in demo mode before the next time you play Tusk, having a whole new way to escape will change the way you play the hero. Expect some slip ups where you block yourself off though.

submitted by /u/fibittydoo
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Is strength Morphling a good pos 1 or pos 4? And what item build would you go for it?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 03:38 PM PST

I've watched some games on strength Morphling and he just wrecks enemy carries with his burst and 3 sec stun.

submitted by /u/ai_raiki
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Night stalker synergies

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 07:31 AM PST

Hey guys, what are some good synergies with night stalker? I'd like to draft him more with my friends, and I'm looking for some heroes to draft him around. (Will be played as mid/offlane) What pocket strats/general lineup should I go for?

submitted by /u/tryhardlyf
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Tips for Micromanaging?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 12:00 PM PST

So I have a huge issue in DOto where I can't micromanage. Which sucks because I love playing brood and clone champs.So lets say i am playing brood. I have that option clicked where it auto-joins the new spawns to the main body so that they are already pre-selected and that's great and all if I want to do that, but when I want to split push or farm jungle while my brood farm lane, i end up in this situation where the new spawns just join me in the jungle and I would rather they would join the pack spawns and it's all very annoying but useful at the same time.

submitted by /u/Yekaterinapetrovna
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I may of found juggernauts best build

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 01:41 PM PST

Hear me out, the current juggernaut revolves around getting a kill on the offlaner everytime your 6 is ready maybe with the occasional spin kill, using phase boots to buff your last hitting early and speed you up for spins, this build is alright I find it's a very 50/50 build as in some games you'll stomp and others you'll just have no control over the game. My build (actually Miracles) revolves around using early BoTs to accelerate farm, create pressure and have deadly amounts of farm with battlefury, which is made shortly after. The problem I always faced with phase boots manta jugg is that TPS are always on cool down so there's never really a chance to make those spin TP rat plays, or maybe you'll miss out on an important team fight which would of greatly had benefitted your team if you were there, This style/build has fixed my problems on jugg and is giving me crazy good farm.

The build goes standard starting items, wand, quell, Aquila, brown boots, travels, BF, SnY, Butter, AC, (Luxury what ever fits next, could be refresher MKB linkens, blink idk)

In this game I had a Magnus which of course helps my farm a lot but don't let that take away from the point, I played a game without Magnus and still went quite well. Something interesting I tried as well is applying the build to MK, (The enemy picked jugg before me) from what I could tell I was versing a jugg spammer, he went phase build I just copied my jugg build on MK, my build had done exactly everything he did but X10 better, check my profile for that game and you'll see what I mean

submitted by /u/I_fap_to_Winston
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Gurdian5 need advice

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 05:03 AM PST

match id 3609192397 (sk)
I have never played sand king so i am shit at this hero.I need any advice about sand king,lane,gank etc.

submitted by /u/eeve5
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Questions about support hero pool

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:13 PM PST

I play mostly support at 2k (haven't done calibrations for the new system yet). The heroes I currently feel comfortable playing in ranked are CM, Dazzle, Venge, and Rubick. I'm not really sure when to pick each of them though, besides Venge if we have high base damage heroes and Rubick against big ults/magic damage. Is there a gap in my hero coverage that I need to fill? And specifically where does CM fit into the meta right now?

submitted by /u/AnEpicHope
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Commends that you get after a losing match should be worth *2 or more.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 11:01 PM PST

Everyone has hard feelings during a losing match, but if you can manage to keep your cool and even motivate others to enjoy those games in those worst of situations you should be rewarded.

submitted by /u/TritiumH3
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