League of Legends - Roster Information Megathread

Roster Information Megathread

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:53 PM PST

I only included information from journalists and within Riot's contract database. Click on the name for link confirmation. Players with no link have a contract according to Riot Contract Database. Credits to u/Masterfire76 for providing the format and previous info gathering.

★ = confirmed


Team SoloMid

Top: Hauntzer

Jungle: MikeYeung

Mid: Bjergsen

Adc: Zven ★ / MrRallez

Supp: Mithy

Coach: SSong


Top: Licorice ★/ Ray

Jungle: Svenskeren ★ /Loulex / Wiggily

Mid: Jensen / SELFIE

Adc: Sneaky ★

Supp: Smoothie

Coach: Reapered

Counter Logic Gaming

Top: Darshan ★ / FallenBandit

Jungle: Reignover ★ / OmarGod

Mid: Huhi ★ / Tuesday

Adc: Stixxay ★ / Zag

Supp: Biofrost ★ / Fill

Coach: Zikz

Echo Fox

Top: Huni ★ /Brandini

Jungle: Dardoch

Mid: FeniX

Adc: Altec

Supp: Adrian

Coach: Inero


Top: Flame

Jungle: AnDa

Mid: Fly ★ / Keane

Adc: WildTurtle ★ / Cake

Supp: Stunt


Team Liquid

Top: Impact

Jungle: Xmithie

Mid: Pobelter ★ / Goldenglue / Mickey

Adc: DoubleLift

Supp: Olleh

Coach: Cain

Golden Guardians

Top: Lourlo

Jungle: Contractz

Mid: Hai

Adc: Deftly

Supp: Matt

Coach: Locodoco

OpTic Gaming

Top: Zig

Jungle: Akaadian (By Blabberfish) ★

Mid: PowerOfEvil

Adc: Arrow

Supp: Lemonnation

Coach: Zaboutine

Clutch Gaming

Top: Solo

Jungle: Lira

Mid: Febiven

Adc: Apollo

Supp: Hakuho

Coach: David Lim

100 Thieves

Top: Ssumday

Jungle: Meteos

Mid: Ryu


Supp: Aphromoo

Coach: Pr0lly



Top: Soaz

Jungle: Broxah

Mid: Caps

Adc: Rekkles

Supp: Hylissang /Jesiz

Coach: Dylan Falco


Top: Alphari

Jungle: Maxlore

Mid: Sencux

Adc: Hans Sama

Supp: Mikyx

Coach: Hussain Moosvi ★


Top: Wunder

Jungle: Jankos

Mid: Perkz

Adc: Hjarnan

Supp: Wadid










Top: Profit

Jungle: Memento

Mid: Blanc

Adc: HeaQ

Supp: Norskeren



Top: Odoamne

Jungle: Xerxe

Mid: Nisqy

Adc: Kobbe

Supp: KaSing

Coach: Peter Dun

Unicorns of Love

Top: WhiteKnight

Jungle: Kold

Mid: Exileh

Adc: Samux


Coach: Sheepy







Coach: YamatoCannon ★


Top: Th3Antonio



Adc: Minitroupax



FC Schalke 04

Top: Vizicsacsi

Jungle: Pridestalker

Mid: Nukeduck

Adc: Upset ★

Supp: Vander

Coach: Krepo


Samsung Galaxy

Top: CuVee

Jungle: Ambition ★ / Haru

Mid: Crown

Adc: Ruler

Supp: CoreJJ

Coach: Choi Woo-beom

KT Rolster

Top: Smeb ★ Ucal ★

Jungle: Score ★ / Rush

Mid: Pawn

Adc: Deft

Supp: Mata

Coach: Sonstar


Top: ADD

Jungle: Beyond

Mid: Ian

Adc: MaHa

Supp: Max

Coach: Kwon Jae-hwan


Top: Untara

Jungle: Blank

Mid: Faker

Adc: Bang

Supp: Wolf/Effort

Coach: Kkoma ★ / BengiPoohManDoo


Top: SoHwan

Jungle: UmTi

Mid: Justice/ Yaharong

Adc: Teddy

Supp: Wraith



Top: Roach

Jungle: U Jun

Mid: Edge ★ / han

Adc: Ssol

Supp: Secret


Afreeca Freecs


Jungle: Mowgli/Spirit

Mid: Kuro

Adc: Kramer

Supp: Tusin

Coach: iloveoov

BBQ Olivers

Top: Crazy

Jungle: Trick ★ /Bono

Mid: Tempt

Adc: Ghost

Supp: Ignar

Coach: Kim Ga-ram

Rox Tigers

Top: Lindarang

Jungle: Mightybear/ SeongHwan

Mid: Crow/Lava

Adc: Sangyoon

Supp: Key

Coach: Kang "OnAir" Hyun-jong

Longzhu Gaming

Top: Khan/Rascal

Jungle: Cuzz ★ / Peanut

Mid: Bdd

Adc: Pray

Supp: Gorilla

Coach: Hirai

Ever8 Winners

Top: Helper/Kiin

Jungle: Malrang/Steal

Mid: Cepted

Adc: DeuL

Supp: Aegis

Coach: Ella

Notable Free Agents


Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
Balls Inori Cody Sun(transfer?)
Cris Moon Keane
Santorin Linsanity Big
Seraph Shrimp Pekin Woof Imaqtpie
Pirean Keith Sheep
LOD Xpecial
Rikara Zeyzal


Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
Expect (KR) DanDy (KR) Freeze (EU) Baiano (CB)
Looper (KR) Piglet (KR) Dubledoge (TCL)
Marin (KR) Karsa (LMS) Froggen (EU) Reven (KR)
Levi (SEA) Sky(KR) Madlife (KR)
Cabochard(EU) Move (KR) Nuclear
Forg1ven (EU)
SirT (CB)

This is a work in progress. Assisting with updating the information is welcome.

Latest update: Confirmed all of Echofox and G2.

submitted by /u/kathykinss
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Trick2G Raises $18k+ for Toys for Tots On the First Day, Grinding LoL

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 03:57 AM PST

The magic of gifting my friends has long been terminated :(

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 09:18 AM PST

I miss the not too far gone old days when I would buy a skin for my friend due to a Holiday/Birthday/Random spur & they would get an instant message about it. The second they get out of game, BOOM. It's there, takes up the entire screen, and they get to see the little message I put in there that makes it more personalized.

Now, every time I gift anyone they don't realize exists until hours later when they click their notification bell that they assume is first win of the day; And they don't get the message I added. So I then have to heavily imply them to check their notifications and essentially spoil the "surprise" that i'm gifting them. Takes away the initial feelsgood feeling. Anyone else feel the same?

submitted by /u/IliveforLomo
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There are now so many sound effects when you open the league client that I always think ive unlocked a key frag or some other reward every time I log in

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:55 AM PST

anyone else get this?

It plays like 3 different sounds when I get into the client and EVERY time i think ive unlocked something, only to get outplayed by riot once again

submitted by /u/TheSentinelsSorrow
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Splyce 2018 EU LCS Roster Announcement: kaSing

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 09:57 AM PST

Zoe - The aspect of Cancer (Dumbs)

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 05:10 AM PST

TFBlade just hit NA masters with a level 1 fresh account in 8 days at a 92% win rate

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 10:28 AM PST

Guy is a beast. Played top only with Akali and a little Irelia, with a lot of his games being camped by the enemy jungle all game.

I mean, thats still nothing compared to us redditors who are all challengers with a 95% win rate but I think his effort should still be commended.


submitted by /u/cromatkastar
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Bjergsen vs. Uzi / All-Star Los Angeles 2017 - 1v1 Final / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 03:57 PM PST


Official page | Leaguepedia | Live Discussion | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

Bjergsen 1-2 Uzi


  • Howling Abyss
  • First to 100 CS, First Kill, or First Tower
  • Best of 3


Winner: Uzi in 7:02
Match History

Bjergsen Uzi
Bans miss fortune varus lucian azir ryze syndra
Pick zoe kalista


Winner: Bjergsen in 9:43
Match History

Uzi Bjergsen
Bans azir zoe ryze miss fortune varus lucian
Pick syndra taliyah
Win LOSE 100 CS


Winner: Uzi in 8:52
Match History

Bjergsen Uzi
Bans lucian miss fortune varus azir zoe syndra
Pick ryze kalista

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

submitted by /u/epicxkidzorz
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Low budget Yassuo cosplay

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 09:57 AM PST


I personally think it's awesome, what you guys think ?

credit to : Abanob Nagy‎

edit : I fucked up the name and cant correct my mistake :/

submitted by /u/thepunisher19_Tn
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How Madlife Reinvented the Support Role

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 10:41 AM PST

Original Post


The first time I ever heard the name "Madlife" was during the League of Legends All Star Shanghai invitational in 2013. He was one of the five players on his team to be elected by his region's playerbase to play in the tournament. Being from NA, I naturally cheered on the NA LCS All Star team and hoped for an improbable but possible tournament win. But there was one major roadblock in the way: the Korean LCK All Star Team.


At the time, I didn't know much about the KR League of Legends scene other than the generalization that all of us in NA were familiar with: they were the best. Despite Azubu Frost's loss to the Taiwanese cinderella story Taipei Assassins in the World Championship in the previous season, Korean League of Legends pros were still at the top of the food chain. So going into this match, I knew NA were the underdogs but this didn't mean they were dead in the water. Where there was a will, there would be a way.


Unfortunately, I was very wrong. The Korean LCK All Stars swept the NA All Stars out of the tournament 2-0 in spectacular fashion. After watching both games, I became enamored with one player in particular. At a time where most League of Legends fans saw supports as little more than glorified warding bots, Madlife, the Korean LCK's support player, was something else entirely. Much like the opponents Madlife faced while playing Thresh, he had me hooked.


There were plenty of pros that were excellent support players. But none of them at the time or previously had performed as the role of support with such showmanship as Madlife did. Flashy plays through predictions, mechanical outplays, and of course, 1v1'ing as support all had contributed to the reputation that Madlife began to acquire. If anyone in-game had made an impressive play in the support role, other players wouldn't just compliment that player in chat by saying "nice play." There would always also be someone who would jokingly ask "madlife is that you?"


Madlife had a natural affinity for play-making supports. He first gained notoriety through his prolific play on Blitzcrank. Doa, a former broadcaster for the LCK, noted that "Madlife is the best Blitzcrank player in the world." But as the rest of the world would soon discover, Blitzcrank only marked the beginning.


The release of Thresh changed the game meta entirely. In the case of Madlife, Thresh had been a vehicle in which his talents could be showcased to their greatest potential on a world stage. Riot couldn't have tailormade a support more fitted to suiting Madlife's style of play. Even other pro players, who were considered incredible Thresh players in their own right, were stunned by what Madlife was seemingly capable of on the champion.


The name "Madlife" quickly became synonymous with "godly." Artist renditions of him as Jesus became incredibly popular. When he would walk out on stage for a pro match, the crowd would greet him by chanting, "Madlife is god." The release of Thresh had changed the support role for the better and made player's who were support players a spectacle to watch; Madlife being at the center of that spotlight.


I believe that it's because of Madlife's spectacular plays that we have come to known the support role for what it is today. At a point in League of Legends where there was no limit to the number of wards you could buy or place, a support's job was one dimensional. With every match that he played, Madlife showed players around the world not what the support role was, but rather, what it could be. Support players began to realize that by performing a well-executed play against the enemy team instead of simply being a stepping stone on an ADC's path to carrying, they could change the outcome of a game on their own.


To this date, I don't think I've ever seen a player have a greater impact in defining a position in League of Legends than Madlife has. While certain players have been trailblazers for some roles, I don't think they hold a candle to Madlife and what he did for the support role. Although I, like many others, believe that Faker is the greatest League of Legends player of all time, he hasn't reinvented the role of the mid lane to the same extent as Madlife had for the support role... and I don't think anyone ever will. Madlife's lasting legacy will not be only the wondrous plays that he produced but how those plays changed League of Legends for the better.


Listed below are my two favorite Madlife montages produced.

KnowOneWho Madlife MontageN3tworkKitt3n's Madlife Montage

Prior to discovering Madlife, support had been my least played role. After watching videos such as these, I was inspired to give support another try. It is now my most played and favorite role in League of Legends. I doubt the fact that Thresh is my most played champion and my admiration for Madlife are a coincidence.

submitted by /u/beep_ima_jeep
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I miss Mic Check

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 01:45 AM PST

I don't know about you all, but I love hearing comms by the teams, and since it's rare for teams to provide footage of their in-game comms (Besides TSM), I always stick around after the analysis to hear the little clip of comms before the next game starts.

And Mic Check used to be one of the best videos on the LoL eSports channel, definitely had the most clicks for me. Hoping they bring it back this season.

submitted by /u/MakeVisionGreatAgain
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A story about SEA team at ASE 2017 - told by ADC Dantiz.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 04:56 AM PST

source: https://www.facebook.com/fanbangskt/posts/2270517636507812

It's a long story, though I think I have to share it for you guys in summary. Special thanks to Bae "Bang" JunSik Vietfans fanpage for sharing this

  1. Dantiz had to abandon his exam to joined the team in LA. A day before the main event, Levi was so sad that his team couldn't be there, and he was quite silent. The team lost every scrim, therefore they played a lot of soloq with Levi playing the most.

  2. The first day of ASE, although they thought they would lose, Levi still encouraged them and as a result, Kra and Dantiz had a double kill again Uzi and Meiko. After the match, Patrick came and said sorry to every player with his hand covering the face, almost cried: "I'm sorry that I played badly. I'm not a good midlaner in GPL and that's why we lose".

  3. In the second day of ASE, though they still lost every scrim against LMS, they still kept their head up and got the perfect ban pick phase against NA. Patrick was so happy after winning against Bjergsen, he jumped all the time, hugged everyone and almost cried =))

After the match with NA, they understood and cooperated with eachother better when playing with BR, won the game with only simple sentences and pings. Even when they 've lost in the semi, the mood was good and everyone smile a lot. Levi also said he will join the team in Disneyland.

As a fan from VN, at first I wasn't satisfied with Patrick playing at midlane, but after this ASE he does have my respect. Hope they will enjoy the last day in LA!

submitted by /u/DarkAngelz
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Team Liquid: The failed Piglet story

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 08:39 AM PST

[LoL All-Star] LPL Uzi : "There is no other thing that I like besides LoL."

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 12:35 PM PST

SweatyPenlsJulce with the sick one shot

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 08:03 AM PST

How 2 Vayne

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:30 AM PST

Shouldn't instant report feedback give a bit more information?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:56 AM PST

As it stands currently, I often get instant feedback reports the next time I log in to the game or at least several games after my report is sent, so I have no idea what the report is for.

Literall all I know from the instant report feedback right now is that some unknown time ago, someone unknown I reported somewhere in some game was given some form of unknown punishment for something I no longer even remember. Better than nothing, but not exactly satisfying.

I'm loving the fact that instant feedback even exists, but I feel that it could definitely be a tiny bit more informative. It doesn't even have to give a lot of information (I understand that it's important to still protect the offender's privacy), but it'd be nice to have SOME information.

How does the community feel about this?

submitted by /u/MonteDoa
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Cuvee: "I selected business flight over my friend"

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 03:12 AM PST

Imported Kindred necklace from Italy for girlfriend's Christmas present

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 03:36 AM PST

Thought it was pretty cool. We both play league frequently


This got a lot more views than I expected. Here's the link for anyone interested, it's about $90 for the pair and shipped to the USA. https://www.etsy.com/listing/534265941/kindred-necklace-ispired-by-league-of?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=kindred%20necklace&ref=sr_gallery_1

submitted by /u/Grantimoto1
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Zoe vs Lux Burst Damage (Not even Close)

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 05:53 AM PST

Q 435 + 190% ap (counting Passive)
E 440 +105% ap (Counting Passive) Total 875 + 295% AP

Q 250 (+ 70% AP)
E 240 (+ 60% AP)
R 500 (+ 75% AP)
Passive 90 (+ 20% AP)

Total 1080 + 234% AP

*Not counting the Auto from Zoe to proc her passive again.

If you have over 330 AP then Zoe hits harder than Lux. And Lux has to hit all of her skills including an Ulti.

Zoe does this every 5 seconds.

Also Zoe's E does true damage so this is before resists.

Lux CC is a Root, they can still attack/skill they just cannot move.

Lux skills also travel slower.

submitted by /u/Prefix-NA
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My brother is a 'Vayne main' and I made Vayne in MS Paint.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 07:11 AM PST


Hi subreddit. I made a Vayne in MS Paint. Took me around 2 hours, but I'm happy with the result! I don't have DeviantArt yet but I'll sure make an account there if more people want to see my work :).

All tips and feedback are also welcome!

submitted by /u/Dennarino
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Why cant we delete the premade rune pages?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 04:05 PM PST

I think its fine that they are there to start with, its good for people who dont understand runes well, but i do understand runes and make my own pages. im never gonna use those and their just annoying to have around at this point. we should be able to get rid of them if we dont want them

submitted by /u/mr_bananager
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LPL vs. LCK / All-Star Los Angeles 2017 - Semifinals / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 07:42 PM PST


Official page | Leaguepedia | Live Discussion | Eventvods.com | New to LoL
Join the discussion in the subreddit Discord via the invite link in the sidebar!

LPL All-Stars 2-1 LCK All-Stars

LPL | Wiki Page
LCK | Wiki Page


Winner: LPL All-Stars in 32m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
LPL xerath zoe jayce taric braum 63.4k 17 8 I1 I3 B4
LCK ornn ezreal miss fortune ryze shen 54.2k 6 4 M2 M5
LPL 17-6-40 vs 6-17-8 LCK
957 annie 3 1-1-8 TOP 1-4-1 1 gnar CuVee
Mlxg jarvan iv 2 6-2-9 JNG 0-4-2 1 sejuani Ambition
Xiye malzahar 3 5-0-8 MID 2-3-0 2 azir Faker
Uzi varus 1 3-1-5 ADC 3-3-1 3 kalista PraY
Meiko tahmkench 2 2-2-10 SUP 0-3-4 4 alistar GorillA


Winner: LCK All-Stars in 50m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
LCK jarvan iv lee sin ezreal shen gnar 90.8k 21 11 H1 I4 B6 E7
LPL ornn jayce tahmkench braum camille 94.6k 25 4 O2 B3 O5 B8
LCK 21-25-60 vs 25-21-72 LPL
CuVee maokai 3 5-4-12 TOP 4-5-12 4 chogath 957
Ambition gragas 2 3-7-14 JNG 3-3-18 1 sejuani Mlxg
Faker zoe 1 6-3-9 MID 5-6-14 2 kassadin Xiye
PraY jhin 2 5-7-10 ADC 12-4-8 1 miss fortune Uzi
GorillA taric 3 2-4-15 SUP 1-3-20 3 leona Meiko


Winner: LPL All-Stars in 35m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
LPL zoe xerath jayce camille kennen 66.9k 22 9 H2 M4 O6
LCK ornn ezreal jarvan iv tahmkench ryze 59.9k 8 3 C1 C3 B5
LPL 22-8-58 vs 8-22-15 LCK
957 gnar 2 3-1-8 TOP 0-4-1 2 shen CuVee
Mlxg sejuani 1 5-0-11 JNG 0-5-2 1 gragas Ambition
Xiye malzahar 3 5-2-19 MID 4-5-1 3 azir Faker
Uzi varus 2 6-1-9 ADC 2-2-5 1 miss fortune PraY
Meiko braum 3 3-4-11 SUP 2-6-6 4 jhin GorillA

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

submitted by /u/AshleyKang
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Hauntzer explains how hard Bjergsen prepared for the 1v1, also wishes All-Star had higher stakes

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 08:30 AM PST

Mustafa Kemal "Dumbledoge" GökseloÄŸlu joins Cepted and Malrang at Royal Bandits

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 10:48 AM PST



Arguably the best support in Turkey and fan favorite Dumbledoge joins already stacked Royal Bandits.


Now Royal Bandits consists of;


Up and coming Turkish star Broken Blade in top lane

Malrang in jungle

Cepted in mid lane

HolyPhoenix and Dumbledoge in the bot lane

They are coached by Blumigan.


Royal Bandits formed a very formidable team and they are definitely a contender for the TCL championship.


edit: Help me with the formatting :(

submitted by /u/No-Frost
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Bjergsen vs. Jisu / All-Star Los Angeles 2017 - 1v1 Semi-Final / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:25 PM PST


Official page | Leaguepedia | Live Discussion | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

Bjergsen 2-0 Jisu

Final Winner: Bjergsen

1v1 TOURNAMENT - Semi-Finals


  • Howling Abyss
  • First to 100 CS, First Kill, or First Tower

MATCH 1: Bjergsen vs. Jisu

Winner: Bjergsen in 5:00

Bjergsen Jisu
Bans nasus jayce olaf assiopeia syndra ryze
Pick zoe draven

MATCH 2: Jisu vs. Bjergsen

Winner: Bjergsen in 5:56

Jisu Bjergsen
Bans zoe syndra ryze olaf jayce nasus
Pick tahmkench taliyah
submitted by /u/AshleyKang
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