The Legend of Zelda - Hey Zelda peeps! Voice of Revali here; I'm hosting a raffle to celebrate the new Champions' Ballad DLC + BotW's awards at The Game Awards! Ends Tonight!

Hey Zelda peeps! Voice of Revali here; I'm hosting a raffle to celebrate the new Champions' Ballad DLC + BotW's awards at The Game Awards! Ends Tonight!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:17 PM PST

Ohh shit, they said the thing

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:17 AM PST

I wish we could explore undestroyed Castle Town and Castle in it's prime. Nintendo already spent so much effort rendering it.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:43 PM PST

[Spoiler] (DLC 2) Does anybody has this photo of the Champions in higher resolution?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:10 AM PST

Thanks, Kass.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:27 AM PST

The Puzzle is in a Quantum State.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 06:46 AM PST

Meet my bird, Vah Medoh

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 04:29 AM PST

Finished and framed a Zelda cross stitch project!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:35 PM PST

[SPOILERS] There's a secret in Champion's Ballad I haven't seen anyone mention yet

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:48 AM PST

After getting the Master Cycle Zero and the last memory, head back to your house in Hateno Village for a (short) cutscene. It's not much, but I think it's a nice touch.

submitted by /u/thosearecoolbeans
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Our Zelda-themed Wedding (Photos by Nick and Lauren Photography)

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 07:58 AM PST

You can't use the Master Cycle Zero on sand. Why?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 01:28 AM PST

Why, why why does this limitation even exist? You basically can't use it at all if you're in the desert.

submitted by /u/KlockoBL
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Bike vs. Horse

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 06:11 PM PST

PSA: There's more story in the DLC than just the cutscenes. Talk to the people Kass mentions to find diaries written by the champions. I got to the third set before I suspected that he might be dropping names for a reason. I didn't want to make a separate post just for this PSA, so here you go.

I thought the bike felt a little sluggish, so I wanted to run some tests to see if it was my imagination.

I traveled on the path from the Foothill stable down to the Woodland stable using various methods. The course starts off with minor hills before reaching a decently long downhill section. It then turns almost completely flat in the middle and finishes off with slight uphill spots. Every test had clear weather.

Here are my results:

  • 5-Speed 3-Stamina Horse - 2:39
    • As far as I know, horses with 5 speed never go past 3 stamina which makes this the fastest horse possible. I tried to maximize the use of stamina here and only messed the timing up once.
  • Bike - 2:45
    • ~Half a tank used, so a full tank probably lasts 5-6 minutes. The amount of fuel you get from each item varies, but apples seem to be one of the best since they give 10% each.
    • Really fast result without having to optimize stamina timing. The steering feels kind of like you're on ice or something, but you can drift using the brake to make sharp turns when you need to. There's no autopilot so you're free to drive off cliffs and in rough terrain, but you also won't lock onto trails.
    • I did a followup test where I let off the gas during the steep downhill areas. I ended up with 2:47 which is practically the same once you consider user error and differences in the racing line, which indicates the bike holds speed well on steep hills. You can save gas by doing this, but it doesn't feel as satisfying for some reason.
  • 4-Speed 5-Stamina Horse - 2:48
    • This is my main horse. Messed up the sprint timing a few times, but nothing too major. Still slower than a max speed horse that has less stamina.
  • Ganonhorse Autopilot (Huge horse, 2-speed 0-stamina) - 3:15
    • Tapped A three times, started my timer, and put the controller down. I didn't have ganonhorse before this test, so I had go tame one and feed it 10 apples to max out the bond so it wouldn't go off track.
  • 5-Speed Horse Autopilot - 3:20
    • Set and forget. Surprisingly slower than ganonhorse.
  • 4-Speed Horse Autopilot - 3:30
    • Set and forget

Fun Runs

  • Surf n' Cycle - 2:55
    • Surfed the long downhill section and biked the rest.
  • 3-Speed (boost) Link + Radiant Shield - 3:30
    • Ran the uphills, surfed the downhills, and coasted the flat area using the momentum from the downhill. Not advised for anything without a long downhill.
  • 4-speed horse autopilot w/ swift carrot - 3:30
    • Feeding horses endura carrots gives them temporary stamina, but swift carrots do nothing apparently. Disappointing.


  • Bike

    • Pro: The fastest option for extended travel without the annoyance of stamina management
    • Pro: Lack of AI means you can drive it however you please. Take sweet jumps, ride off cliffs, the world is yours.
    • Pro: Drifting allows you to smoothly make pretty sharp turns. Horses can quickly slow down for a sharp turn before breaking back into a gallop, but cutting a drift just feels sharper
    • Pro: It's a goddamn dirtbike. It tackles hills and cliffs like one too. Throw in a jump too, because why not?
    • Con: Lack of AI means no autopilot. Keep your hands on the wheel, buddy.
    • Con: No cruise control. Unless you're on a downhill, you need to hold A to keep your speed up. You can still fight like you do on a horse, but this in addition to the previous con means it's less ideal.
    • Con: Lower top speed compared to horses. It beats horses for extended distances, but horses do sprint faster.
    • Con: Slightly more restricted usage. I tried to do a lost woods skip, but my bike kept despawning instead. This is just one trivial example, but I imagine this isn't the only place that allows horses instead of bikes.
    • Con: Uses fuel. It's not a resource hog, but it can suck a lot out of you over time if you're not thinking about it.
  • Horse

    • Pro: Higher burst speed through stamina usage. Not that you really need it, but horses do have a nice sense of speed.
    • Pro: Autopilot for when you want to kick back and enjoy a trail. Much better early game when you're exploring the world for the first time, but I still ride trails pretty often after 120 hours.
    • Pro: Cruise control to give your thumb a rest. It's nice being able to "lock in" a speed and just focus on steering, if you even do that. This also leaves your hands free for horseback combat.
    • Pro: No fuel. 10 apples (1 gas tank) if you want to skip the bonding period, but that's it.
    • Pro: Being able to back up and strafe makes fine adjustments easier if you don't want to get off.
    • Con: AI fails in wooded areas (outside of paths) more than it helps. It's like wrestling a fish before getting slammed face-first into a tree anyway.
    • Con: Generally slower than the bike
    • Con: Susceptible to damage and attacks. I tried to brute horse my way through to the spring of courage and learned just how easily electric attacks disable horses. It survived though, since horses never seem to die outside of freak accidents.
    • Con: Not a dirtbike. You can goad them off cliffs if you're so inclined through manual control, but that's usually to circumvent the AI trapping you.
submitted by /u/mrfortunes
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Wife surprised me with the OOT vinyl for my birthday today.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 09:11 AM PST

DLC 2 is great and all but...

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:02 PM PST

You still cannot max out hearts and stamina.

It gave me hope when I was rewarded with Four Spirit Orbs early on in the DLC but none came after. It was as if I was being teased... Unless I'm missing something here but I'm pretty sure I finished everything to be found in the DLC.

submitted by /u/XileZero
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The Champions Ballard DLC is fantastic but, it has the same issues as the main game.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:03 PM PST

When I played and beat Breath of the Wild, I did it at basically 100% minus amiibo stuff and the Korok Seeds. I did every quest, every shrine, every mini-game and dumb side thing. I LOVED it...but I wasn't satisfied.

It was not enough amazing. It was like a quality tasting meal, served as a small portion. I managed to diagnose the story as the culprit for this feeling. I wanted more fleshed out story.

The Champions Ballard is amazing but continuing the food analogy, it was like a small but amazing desert after a small but amazing meal. I want more. Gameplay and puzzle wise it's fantastic. But it's still the exact same story telling style of the main quest. Thus it still has the exact same iddue of "GREAT but not satisfying". I can't walk away from BoTW with a content feeling cause I keep going back into that world hoping to find more and getting nothing.

I hope the next mainline game solves this issue, because I loved BoTW to bit but I want to feel "full" as well.

submitted by /u/---TheFierceDeity---
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Nintendo are tricky bastards

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:29 PM PST

They successfully sold us a Horse Armor DLC.

submitted by /u/FuttleScish
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Taking data on the Zelda franchise.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 09:09 AM PST

Oblitorator tip

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:53 AM PST

Use Majora's Mask. And also, you can still use a bow. Be a sniper. Or use bomb arrows on a duplex bow. That works really well.

submitted by /u/FlurgBungler
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TIL Ganondorfs cape slowly deteriorated during the battle in OOT

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:14 PM PST

After all this time I had no idea.

submitted by /u/GTMippey
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If Breath of the Wild has taught me anything, it's that I have to burn these leaves for a korok.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:20 AM PST

Do yourself a favour and visit your house in Hateno after finishing the DLC for a nice wholesome ending :)

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 04:31 AM PST

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