Super Smash Bros - Why doesn't Leffen wear briefs to tournaments?- Tournament Tuesday #121

Why doesn't Leffen wear briefs to tournaments?- Tournament Tuesday #121

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:13 AM PST

A: He prefers Long Johns

That joke was submitted by /u/Azumarill99. You can have your joke featured on a Tournament Tuesday too! Just leave it in the comments of this post and we'll pick from the top jokes. Make sure the punchline is seperate from the reel or we can't use it.

There are so many things to do before this year ends, and not enough time to do them. Time flies when you have plans and things to do.

Tournament Scheduling

  • Smash Wii U and 3ds - Saturday, 16th December 2017. Both Wii U and 3DS will start at 12:30PM EST.

SERIOUSLY. Our website is like, ALMOST over. Maybe a milestone in 2018?!


In our last tournament, we had 18 players for Wii U and 11 for 3DS. After battling it out, Le | Elin ran away with the victory in Wii U and ponyo took it in 3DS.

Still wondering who we are? Look no more, we are the Hypest Team: the offical /r/smashbros tournament staff.

Facebook - Twitter - Youtube - Twitch - Discord

These are our various social media sources. Following/Linking/Subscribing will give you an edge on what is happening with us and hopping onto out Discord will give you instant access to out community.

We want to thank everyone who keeps coming to our events. We keep getting higher turnouts, stronger competition, and just plain ol' have a good time. With out continued growth we hope to bring you events that are even greater in the fitire. Keep on Smashing!!

Tournament Tuesday #121 :: 12 December 2017

Abracadabra'd by /u/RipWitch

Stress free~

submitted by /u/HypestTeam
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According to Gimr the smash 4 bootcamp didn't meet the break even goal and lost around $20,000

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:52 AM PST

From his post here he said he needed to make $35,000 to break even


This event's budget is between $30,000 and $40,000 and is being covered by the awesome people at Downtown Grand. When the shop opens there might be a lot of money coming in. I just want you guys to know in advance that NO ONE is profiting until we reach around $35,000 (For the "to the event organizer" part of the voting process). So keep that in mind.

Now that the shop is close, we see that it only raised around $16,000

That means this event went at a loss of around $20,000 if what Gimr said was true.

I hope this doesn't stop Downtown Grand from hosting another one in the future. The money raised and the viewership wasn't even close to the summit but it was still a really fun event.

I wonder why the event wasn't as successful as it should be.

submitted by /u/FullGifted
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Norcal Melee Power Rankings - Summer 2017 ��

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:33 PM PST

MetaGame Announcement soon!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:55 PM PST

Was checking thru the reddit and didn't see a mention of this tweet.

The Hype Is REAL!

submitted by /u/MeleeSwitch
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The Story of Armada

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:01 PM PST

TIL Robin can use smash attacks or KO opponents to get his Levin Sword back faster

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:53 AM PST

Why you can't tech Ganon's dair

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:36 PM PST

If I Could Go Back 10 Years (I would main)- Mew2King - Super Smash Bros. Melee - MVG League

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:26 PM PST

/r/smashbros - 2017 - Top 20 Best Melee Sets - Day 2

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:23 PM PST

Welcome to an ongoing poll where we will try to see what /r/smashbros thinks are the 20 best Melee sets of 2017.

Yesterday, Mango vs Leffen Loser's Quarters at Genesis 4 won the poll with 68/236 votes!

Hungrybox vs Armada at GTX's Grand Finals got the most upvotes and therefore was added to the poll! Thank you to /u/CyclopsDragon for the nomination!

How it works:

  • Vote in the poll below for what you think is the best group in the set.

  • Nominate a set to be added to the poll in the comments. Do not nominate a set if you see that they've already been nominated. Please post a VOD or video link to the set, as well as a reason why the set should be nominated (excellent play, the meaning of the set, etc).

  • Upvote the sets that you would like to see on the poll. (please)

  • The next day, the set with the most upvotes will be added to the poll.

  • Grand Finals Bracket Resets count as the same set - just one bigger set.

  • Singles and Doubles sets are eligible for nomination.

  • Please do not downvote people. (please)

  • Please remember to upvote this thread if you want to see more people's opinions in this ranking!

Vote here: Armada/Plup, Crush/aMSa, Mew2King/Armada, PPMD+L0zr/Hungrybox+Crunch, Mango/Armada, Hungrybox/Armada

Have fun!

Rank Player 1 Player 2 Tournament Round Result VOD
1 C9 Mang0 Falco TSM Leffen Fox Genesis 4 Loser's Quarters 3-2 VOD
submitted by /u/flinnerjon
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I'm dying laughing. Westballz, Hbox, ESAM, ZeRo, Nairo with SF and Tekken players at Hyper X charity stream

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:30 PM PST

This stream is actually hilarious

submitted by /u/SamuraiPanda
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Showerthought: If Smash is an anime, Smash 4 Boot Camp was the non-canon movie

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 02:43 PM PST

Overwatch players who don't play Smash try to commentate Smash

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:23 PM PST

The Elegantage (feat. Elegant)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:56 AM PST

Coney reveals some cut Smash 4 Bootcamp Content: "Coozin' with Coney"

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:45 AM PST

Melee Science: The Rising Stars of 2017

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 02:30 PM PST

With PGRv4 ending, here is what a highest placement tier list looks like! Now with S tier only!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:15 AM PST

Tier List:

S Tiers Only:

S Tier only + "Best Player" Dropped:

Edit: For people like me that like lots of samples, this chart includes B tier tournies:
(Note: Including B tiers effectively doubles the sample size at expense of a much wider player skill pool)

Since I will be resetting as this year ends, I want to do a full explanation.

Copy pasted from previous methods
First off, it's important to note that I wanted none of my personal subjectivity in making this list. I DO NOT think the methods are perfect (in hindsight) but after making it I did not change the methods at all. I will discuss both the positives and negatives of this method.

First off, the reason why I chose solely highest placement for each National is because I wanted the list to reflect what an individual can do with a character. By looking at highest placement we're saying "the best this character was played at this tournament netted this result" since it's an individual point, it's possible that one player alone could have gotten that result. There are limitations of this method and conclusion and I will happily discuss them.

As for how I gathered the list. The list is compromised of PGRv3 tournaments that are ranked as a BA tier tournament or higher. The reason for B tier was because otherwise the sample size would have been too small.There were so many A/S tiers this PGR, that A tier was a sufficient cutoff. Two tournaments, Pax and 2GG Championship, are not counted since they had <32 players participated in each.

Afterward I went through every National and found the top 32 placings. Thanks to Juddy, SmashGG, 2GG, and more, unlike last time I did this, it was easy to find all the characters played. I cannot thank them enough. Each character was given either a "1", "3", "8", "16", "24", or "32" corresponding to the highest tier they achieved, obviously, getting into a higher tier also increased your points in lower tiers (so if you made 3rd, you obviously also placed top 32).

Once all the placings were gathered, I simply summed how much each character made each tier. If a character placed within a tier 12 or more times, they were consistent within a tier. Each character was placed in the highest tier they were consistent in. As for how I ordered tiers. Characters were ordered by consistency within their highest tier first (Ex. Bayo Top 8's more than Shiek). If two characters tied, I looked at the tier above and saw who was leading in the tier above.

On the dropped player list. I went and counted every single player to have gotten a highest placement in PGR S tournaments. I then ignored the player with the most. In some cases another player placed equally well or marginally worse than the other player. So some characters don't change much at all. When looking between the two tier lists, consider the relative placement, not the absolute.

So this method isn't perfect, I just want to discuss some of the faults of this method.

Secondaries - So secondaries are very difficult to measure and I don't think this list handles it perfectly. At the start (remember, I did not redefine methods) I decided that a secondary made that tier if they won a set within that tier. This has skewed some characters up (Marth, Bowser, SDk, Sonic are the biggest ones guilty of this). However, this did not skew the data as bad as most would think. Nearly all the characters on the top half have multiple mains getting multiple placings in high tiers.

Interesting notes
1) This list can measure how common low tier secondaries are. Generally, if the game were close to perfectly balanced, you'd expect only half of the cast to be within Top 32. If it was very imbalanced, a lot less than half. If everyone was dual maining significantly, then a lot more than half the cast would be expressed in top 32.

2) Every time I make one of these the most popular request is to drop ZeRo. Seeing how much one character drops relatively after removing the best player reflects how much that character might be carried. As we can see, with few exceptions, characters positions do not change much.

3) Even accounting for tournies being cut off at A tier, the character diversity decreased a bit this PGR. The number of unique characters in top 32 decreased a little, but way less characters placed top 32 compared to before.

List of players
The following is the list of players who are the "best player" and were removed for the third list.

Bayonetta - Salem
Bowser - Nairo
C.Falcon - Fatality
Cloud - Tweek
Corrin - MkLeo
DK - Tweek
Diddy - ZeRo
DHD - Raito
Fox - Larry Lurr
Greninja - Stroder + Ice Arrow tied
Ike - Ryo
Lucario - Tsu
Lucina - Mr. E
Luigi - Elegant
Mario - Ally
Marth - Mk Leo
Megaman - Kameme
MetaKnight - AC
Mewtwo - WaDi
Ness - NAKAT
Pacman - Sinji wins again babbbbby
Peach - Samsora
Pikachu - ESAM
Olimar - Shuton
R.O.B - WaDi
Rosalina - Dabuz
Ryu - Darkshad
Samus - ESAM
Sheik - VoiD
Shulk - Nicko
Sonic - Komorikiri
TLink - Yeti + MJG
Villager - Ranai
Yoshi - Seth
ZSS - Nairoby Chicken and Cheese Quesadilla

My personal thoughts, I do not think this is a perfect tier list nor a perfect method for a tier list. However, I do not think a perfect tier list exists as much as I think there is no clear best character in the game Bayo is the best and robbed Nairo yesterday. I think the balance of this game is tight enough that I think complaining about specific character placements on a list is silly. I DO think that this list is a valuable collection and presentation of data (as is many other tier lists) and how we interpret data is as important as how we collect data.

submitted by /u/DRX_FAITH
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Norcal Melee Power Rankings Video by Pinky

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:20 PM PST

Who said SSB64 was boring? Netplay Highlights 5 (SSB64)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:45 PM PST

Melee Golden Age & Dark Age playlists updated.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:33 PM PST

Hello again all! Just finished adding some extra content to the playlists I shared here 1 year ago. They felt a little bare boned only containing Majors. So I decided to add Crew Battles, Interviews, and behind the scenes type of stuff surrounding the events. Hope you all enjoy!



submitted by /u/GreddyJTurbo
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Help Raito Brood and Tamushika attend Genesis 5!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:17 AM PST

Raito, Brood, and Tamushika need your help to attend Genesis 5! They are all currently attached to Brood's compendium to make it onto the official Genesis 5 compendium. Currently they are 11th for the Smash 4 compendium numbers. A vote for Brood is a vote for all three of them! So if you're itching to see more devastating Duck Hunt action at G5, check out the link below to vote for them and to read a little bit about all of them and see the hype video.

Make Genesis 5 Duck Season!

submitted by /u/Dawangthang
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/r/SmashBros's - 2017 - 20 Best Smash 4 Sets - Day 2

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 02:51 PM PST

Welcome to an ongoing poll where we will try to see what /r/smashbros thinks are the 20 best Smash 4 sets of 2017.

Yesterday, Tsu vs ZeRo Grand Finals at Frostbite 2017 won the poll with 61/114 (53.5%) of the vote.

Luhtie vs. ZeRo Losers Top 96 at 2GGC: Civil War got the most upvotes yesterday and thus was added to the poll. Thanks to /u/flinnerjon for the nomination!

How it works:

  • Vote in the poll below for what you think is the best group in the set.

  • Nominate a set to be added to the poll in the comments. Do not nominate a set if you see that they've already been nominated. Please post a VOD or video link to the set, as well as a reason why the set should be nominated (excellent play, the meaning of the set, etc).

  • Upvote the sets that you would like to see on the poll.

  • The next day, the set with the most upvotes will be added to the poll.

  • Grand Finals Bracket Resets count as the same set - just one bigger set.

  • Singles and Doubles sets are eligible for nomination.

  • Please do not downvote people.

  • Please remember to upvote this thread if you want to see more people's opinions in this ranking!

Vote here: Luhtie/ZeRo, Elegant/MKLeo, ZeRo/Salem, Ally/Elegant, ZeRo/Mr.R, Nairo/ZeRo

Rank Player 1 Player 2 Tournament Round Result VOD
1 TSM ZeRo (DiddyKong) Tsu (Lucario) Frostbite 2017 Grand Finals 3-1, 3-2 VOD
submitted by /u/Matt_192
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So I tried a Melee wavedashing mod for Smash 4 with StylesX2 and these are the highlights. Enjoy!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:24 PM PST

Influence Smash made a combo video of my Pac! It’s honestly really sick...

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:55 PM PST

The Smash Controller Quadrupled in price since 2015

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:36 PM PST

Mexican Combo Video ft. The Best in the country: Javi, Twin, AZA, Valdo, .JPG & more

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:42 PM PST

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