Heroes of the Storm - Probius was so sweet making everybody happy while himself got no skin. So I did him a simple gift, hopes he likes it.

Probius was so sweet making everybody happy while himself got no skin. So I did him a simple gift, hopes he likes it.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 01:28 PM PST

It's very simple but I made it with love. Check out the twitter for more skins and happy Winter Veil for everyone!

submitted by /u/HexerVooDoom
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Heroes of the Storm Patch Notes

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:14 AM PST

Winter Veil 2017 – Heroes of the Storm

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 10:03 AM PST

Grubby is Awesome

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 02:40 PM PST

Congratulations to the Fastest Teams to Escape from Braxis (Heroic)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 02:34 PM PST

Brightwing teleport bug?????? Teleported onto an enemy and gave them a shield and vision

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:20 PM PST

Explain this performance based MM to me Blizzard.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:53 PM PST


It feels like I did my job to the best of my abilities. Am I missing something here? Do I really deserve -14?

submitted by /u/turkishrambo
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Hanzo can solo boss in 20 seconds with the Scatter Arrow build.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:18 PM PST

I probably could have done it better.

I haven't tested it in actual maps, so there are probably exceptions due to the shape/distance of the walls. Pretty impressive if you ask me, he's one of the few squishy heroes I've seen solo a boss without any kind of sustain.

submitted by /u/exoticwolf
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5v5 is overrated it's all about 6v5

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:19 AM PST

Who needs balanced games anyways. https://imgur.com/a/5snpJ

submitted by /u/BahamutZero902
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This bundling is getting out of control.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 10:16 AM PST

42 dollars just to get a single Valla skin? I just want the standard green/red one. It certainly looks like the only one that was designed with an idea in mind. I don't need malfurion or some crappy re-tints of gingerbread cookies. I guess you want me to spend 2400 shards, huh? Which equates to what... 60/80 dollars of lootboxes worth of shards? Or pray to the gods and hope I get the one thing I want.

Stocking stuffers are usually free. They're gifts you know, I don't want to pay for them. Stop stuffing your bundles with hue-shifted low quality recolors what may as well be dollar store tat and charging a premium fee for it.

submitted by /u/Cottontael
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Heads up: Stealth heroes are still very strong, don't be overconfident just cause you can see them.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:37 AM PST

Now that the patch is going live, and having played the PTR, I can say stealth heroes will still be problematic for most players. That is because even if you can see them they still excel at what they always have: being great gankers and dealing a great ammount of damage. More importantly they punish bad positioning just as always.

I saw other players and even myself get cocky because we could just so clearly see them, with the mindset of the last patch: "if I can see them they can't do anything to me, if I reveal them.theyll retreat". Well..no. and that's because they were rebalanced so even if you know where they are they are still strong. In fact, according to this article they might even be stronger in some situations.

So just...be careful guys. Try to learn how to play against them and don't come rushing to Reddit asking for nerfs the first day. Here are a couple of suggestions:

1.-Dont push past the middle of the lane alone. 2.- if you are a squishy hero try to be close to another.

3.-dont stay in a lane if you have half health or less. 4.-When drafting pick a burst healer like uther.

submitted by /u/MortalPhantom
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Native Arabic speaker here, do you need help with Annas voice lines ��?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:55 AM PST

Hey guys long time fan of the game , the work and passion that goes into your game is clear and appreciated. However the Anna voice lines sound like a direct google translation from English to Arabic and it sounds really funny 😂 for example

"Al adaala tanzl man fook" < literally means "justice is coming down" as in down the stairs or something 😂😂 when I'm pretty sure you meant to say "justice rains from above"

Me and my friends are more than willing to help with these translations if you'd like, we'd consider it paying you back for all the free heroes and skins we've received over the last 2 years! Keep up the good work!

Edit: this is no way supposed to be taken as an insult, its not like your expected to get foreign languages you don't speak perfectly accurately, just a favor me and my friends are willing to do for a game we love!

Edit 2: it might be entirely possible that I'm talking about pharas voice lines instead of anna's, I don't play much overwatch, didn't know there was a difference. I would just hear the lines when anna is on screen so i just assumed it was all her lol

submitted by /u/kenjitaimu
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Sharing an experience I saw last night on Twitch.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:36 AM PST

Last night I was stream hopping on Twitch, and came across someone who had installed HotS earlier that day & was playing his first few hours in the game. He was in Vs AI mode playing as Tyrande, and was accepting of any tips I had for him (I am a low silver, so I'm careful what info I throw out). His final game was on Dragon Knight, so I explained how the shrines work & what to do when both are secured. He was mid lane when both were taken late in the game, and I hear "Can I take this thing? Let's see...OH MY GOD." The amount of joy I heard coming from an adult man as he tore down a fort & keep while setting everything on fire & punting enemies for the first time was amazing.

I know we play this game to win, we get pissed when someone goes off-meta, we critique and criticize every move others make, but dont lose sight of how truly fun this game is. It's why I migrated to this game from LoL: it's fun. Last night reminded me of that. So thank you, random streamer. I played a few games later last night, and had fun doing it.

EDIT: Smuggs is the Twitch channel I was watching.

submitted by /u/nomnomCOOKIEnom
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The 5 inadmissible issues of Heroes of the Storm, after playing for 1 year almost daily

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:44 AM PST

This is such a fantastic and well made game, it is actually hard to find true issues that cannot be positively argued in any way. But these are all seemingly minor issues that largely affect how the game is percieved by new players, and I've been suffering them from day one. If the HOTS Team aims to have a fluid experience like Overwatch, these should be fixed ASAP.

So let's begin:

  • #1 - The 5 second countdown that leads to a 1-3+ minutes of a static loading screen: This one is really bad for any game. What's the point of having a countdown with such a loud noise if you're going to keep me waiting for several minutes? The worst thing is that it causes AFK behavior for Shuffle Picks in Brawls. My suggestion: Move the 5 second countdown to just before starting the match, so people will actually notice and care.
  • #2 - Don't tell me that a player has left the queue. Don't tell me anything. FIND MY MATCH AUTOMATICALLY: Simply see how Overwatch does it, you press Quick Play, you find a game (eventually), period. There is nothing more infuriating that having to wait 3-5 minutes in a queue (Unranked, Team League) to having it cancelled at the last second because someone disconnected, and then having to manually requeue.
  • #3 - Reconnecting to matches takes a very long time for a MOBA: This is a hard one because I'm sure there are several technical issues, but in the end, one shouldn't have to wait more than 10-15 seconds to reconnect to a match, and right now we have to wait +1 minute which is inadmissible for this type of game.
  • #4 - Party Finder is too limited: I stopped using it because most of the time it finds people that wants to play another mode. Give us the option to select what kind of mode we want to find a party for!!
  • #5 - Let us rebind modifiers to other keys than Ctrl, Alt and Shift: Not everyone is right handed. Some of us play with the numeric keypad and/or arrows. We have a pretty hard time without the ability to queue actions.

Hope this wasn't too long, and also hope this criticism actually reaches the team in some way.

Edit: thanks for the support guys! It seems these issues are annoying for at least 80% of the upvoters :P Hopefully it can reach Blizz and maybe they can do something about them eventually.

submitted by /u/PassingBreeze1987
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McIntyre - Heroes 3.0 Patch Tier List - 12/12/2017

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:44 PM PST

WTF moments 98

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 02:34 PM PST

New "Foundation Bundle" added - includes 8 heroes: Uther, Zagara, ETC, Leoric, Greymane, Li-Ming, Lucio, Kerrigan

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:44 AM PST

Official blog post here: http://us.battle.net/heroes/en/blog/21298291/build-your-collection-with-the-foundation-bundle-12-12-2017

It's a dynamic bundle, seems to give about 55% off the total gem price of whichever heroes you're missing.

For me, it's Kerrigan and Leoric for 500 gems total, with the full price for those two normally 1125.

submitted by /u/Deimorz
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Superstition Bug Fix?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 10:21 AM PST

It's not in the patch notes. Intended feature?

submitted by /u/ToastieNL
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Build Your Collection with the Foundation Bundle

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:05 AM PST

Brawl Fatally crashes game.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:22 PM PST

cant even play now because it wants me to rejoin, keeps crashing....thanks.... Edit: Turns out blizzard knows.....but seems I cant play at all.

submitted by /u/deshfyre
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I ended last season in mid gold, went 7-3 in placements and got put in bronze 5?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:43 PM PST

What the hell is going on? I'm not the only one this has happened to. I even had MVP for about 5 of those games. Is something wrong with the new MMR update?

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It's Winter's Veil! So why can't we gift our friends stuff through Battle.Net in Heroes of the Storm?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:46 AM PST

What confuses me most is why we can't gift things to friends on Battle.net. It's strange because Hearthstone can do it, Overwatch can do it, WoW can do it, Starcraft 2 can do it. But Heroes is the only Blizzard game where you can't buy your friends loot boxes or anything else. Why is this? I want to gift my friends gems and lootboxes but I can't! :(

Blizzard! Take my money jeez. Why do you make it so difficult

submitted by /u/TophsYoutube
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Ranked Reward mounts should not be changed prior to release to a clearly worse set.

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 11:18 PM PST

There's already a couple of threads out there bringing light to the fact Blizzard has changed the ranked rewards for 2017 Season, but I thought I could add some extra insight into what has actually been changed with the rewards

When the rewards were first announced, there were a total of 5 different varieties of rewards for Platinum & Diamond ranked players - the Silver & Gold Cybersteed, the Black & Red Cybersteed, the Black & Gold Master Cybersteed, the Golden Master Cybersteed and the Rainbow Cybersteed. With the update to the rewards, we're no longer getting the Black & Gold Master Cybersteed, The Golden Master Cybersteed or the Rainbow Cybersteed, and in the place of those three mounts we are gaining a Green & Gold Master Cybersteed.

For Master Tier players it's mostly the same - there were 5 with the Epic Black & Gold Cybersteed, the Epic Black & Red Cybersteed, the Epic Black & Rainbow Cybersteed, Epic Black & Gold Master Cybersteed and Epic Golden Master Cybersteed, but there's now 3 with everything except the Epic Black & Red Cybersteed being replaced or removed.

Oh, and this is purely speculation, but I think the reason for the change was because the 2018 HGC Cheer system will need some new rewards, and the old mount rewards were recycled, so why not recycle some more?

EDIT: Blizzard, for future seasons don't list the mount rewards in a gif. List them in text format with a gif for each variation. This way something like this is far less likely to happen. The mounts are by far the thing that drives players the most, make them stand out!

submitted by /u/Spazzo965
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If the Hearthstone Expansion can come out for EU and NA on the same time, then why can't HOTS patches?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:04 AM PST

Seriously .... I'm just sitting here, free evening, nothing to do. Would reaaally love to play on the new patch, but EU has to wait until tomorrow ... bs

submitted by /u/Aspire17
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Does anyone feel like the game is super unresponsive now?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:41 PM PST

Title. I feel like this patch made the game super unresponsive/sluggish. It feels awful.

I don't really know why that would be the case, but characters just seem to respond more slowly to commands (and I know it's not lag).

submitted by /u/TreasureHunterLocke
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