True Dota 2 - Turbo Mode Win Rates List (Jan 2018)

Turbo Mode Win Rates List (Jan 2018)

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:20 AM PST

As you probably know if you're a Turbo fan, the major DOTA sites don't publish win rate lists for Turbo Mode.

I was getting a bit annoyed by this, so I did some programming and data analysis, and I've compiled a list of current winrates, per hero, based on analysis of around 100,000 Turbo games.

I've also added some commentary on the win rates and what they mean - what hero types win (spoilers - probably not what you think), the biggest winners and losers in turbo, stuff like that.

Here's the list in full:

I'll be doing more data analysis on DOTA in the coming weeks, so let me know if there's anything you'd like to know about how DOTA works by the numbers! And let me know what you think of this.

submitted by /u/cairmen
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Are skeletons (on WK) really that useless?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 02:53 PM PST

Played WK for the first time since the change recently.

And for the life of me, I can't figure out any real use for those spooky bois.

At first I thought that maybe they could be used by a support wk. But no, you have to last hit to get charge, so that's out of the question.

Even if you play a core WK they seem hard to get by. Say every creep dies in one hit (either because you're last hitting in lane or it's later in the game and you almost OS creeps anyway). Even if you manage 100 last hit / 10 minutes (which is a lot) you'll get 15 charges in 10 minutes. So if you want to use the skill with max charge it's a skill with a cd of about 5 minutes.

After that you have talents. More charges. Like it isn't hard enough to get 7 charges. Against that you have 15 strength, which is amazing (more hp, more dmg). And after that a talent that give a bit more damage to some almost uncontrollable units vs a talent that allow you to use your ult regardless of context. Tough choice...

So in the end the only use that I can seem to find them is very very situational. They can maybe end a camp before going to lane to push. They can tank eclipse. They can remove refraction/treant armor (but wraithfire blast DoT already does it). They can push a tiny bit.

So am I missing something or are they just really that useless?

submitted by /u/_Py_
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Who are the best radiance carriers in the game right now?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:02 AM PST

Radiance is one of my favorite items. I like playing tanky aura carriers in general, even better if they can farm a radiance / octarine type of combo.

What do you think are the best radiance carriers I can safely spam in pubs? Not spectre, as I'm not a big fan of that hero. I like the idea of radiance dark seer, but the hero seems like a dumpster pick right now. Bloodseeker and necro seem weak in the current patch.

For reference, I'm going to be spamming this hero consistent with cookie's guides to focus on learning.

Edit: I'm 1.2k mmr and want to focus on improving.

submitted by /u/ak1247
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Draft Practice

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:08 PM PST

So the the only place to practice drafting that I know of (the cluster) isn't working anymore, and I was wondering if anyone knows of any alternatives. If not I also want to know how many people liked having it available because I am a coder and might be willing to make a replacement.

submitted by /u/HighInquisitor35
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Pick Enchantress against SF

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:35 AM PST

I was kind of sick and tired of seeing SF every game. I am not a good mid player, but I happened to play a game where I went Enchantress mid against SF. I think Enchantress owns SF in lane big time. Even TA doesn't give SF this much trouble. There really isn't much SF can do to win the lane in 1v1 situation.

Start with Null Talisman, Iron Branch, and Faire Fire. Get Untouchable for your level 1 skill. Then, it should be very easy for Enchantress to deny every creep and get every last hit for the first creep wave. SF hits like a noodle. Even if SF gets a babysitter at level 1, u might still achieve a lot since they cannot harass you with right clicks. Right click them back, you'll win. You're already creating a huge space for your team. Your offlaner is now doing 2vs1, your safe laner most likely be free farming.

By the time SF hits level 2-3, he will start using his Raze to last hit/push and harass you. Get Magic Wand and Rain Drop and challenge him with right clicks. You simply cannot lose this battle even if he hits you with raze multiple times. Just heal yourself with Nature's Attendants and keep right clicking him. SF will either back off or die. If you're playing at high level pub games, this is where you should be expecting a rotation from enemy supports. By making them help SF, as mentioned above, you're doing a lot for your team. When SF gets his baby sitter around level 3-5, don't over extend anymore. Notify your team that they have 2 heroes sitting in mid. Other lanes will naturally become much easier. Now, your job is keep pressuring the lane. Try to push the lane so that SF is last hitting under the tower. This is extremely important. SF is now trapped inside his tower. It means you're now left alone with the enemy baby sitter who is level 1, at best level 2, with no items. FUCK him up with your right clicks and send him back to tower/base. He/she has zero chance of contesting level 4-5 Enchantress. Once she hits level 6, SF cannot stand in the mid lane anymore. With 2 shots of Impetus, SF is going back to the fountain. He has to jungle farm. Destroy the mid tier 1 tower. You've now officially won the lane.

Then, you can work on your Power Treads, Drum, and Aghs, the Aghanim Sceptor being your core item. It will make you a serial killer. There are still a vareity of items you can get. Anything can work. Eul/Blink/Force/BKB/Hood/Shivas/Hex... etc.

Enchantress power spikes around minute 12-19. Group up with your team, take a fight to objective push outer towers. After that, farm the enemy jungle. You will gain the map control. Get roshan and prepare with your team to siege the high ground push. All depends on what kind of game you're in. I usually finish Aghs around minute 20. Enchantress will start murdering everyone.

submitted by /u/profHam
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Don't Force Your Hero Unnaturally

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:36 AM PST

Something I kind of figured out or clicked in my head is to not play a hero in a way he's not designed to be played (unless you're Sumail or RTZ then go nuts).

What I mean by this is not "Only morons build Blink + Dagon on Antimage." What I mean is that heros have certain power spikes and item timings but its more important to RESPECT those spikes and timings and recognizing what those spikes and timings mean. Trying to override those and force your hero to do something it simply isn't designed or natural for it to do is almost like gambling.

In other words, what does x item or x level on x hero allow you to do in which situations?

If you are a Tinker and you have Boots of Travel, you have the option to farm any lane you want. Its not necessarily a license to TP into a fight and start spamming rockets and missiles for kills (especially if you only have lvl 1 rearm) although you can TP in to clean up a fight and get a free double kill (maybe). Trying to force Tinker into fighting without the proper tools/items is basically not playing the hero.

This seems pretty intuitive but imagine all the times when people said "gg mid didn't gank" or "noob carry didn't join fight could've won fight." Remember all those times when your allies pinged you to TP to help them take a fight at the enemy's t2 at 10 min but you said you didn't want to because the enemy will chain stun you and kill you and your allies took a fight anyway? Yeah, that's pressure that some people buckle under and they join the team to fight anyway.

Personally, I sure as shit am guilty of that and getting tilted by my allies' pings and listening to them. Then I'll get blamed once it goes wrong and I die as I predicted.

Anyway, if you find yourself trying to do everything or being forced into doing something your hero isn't naturally built to do, maybe you're missing out on being more impactful in the area your hero is designed to be impactful in. It could be a bad build where you're trying to farm with fighting items or vice versa.

For instance, going back to the Tinker example, you can probably get away with TPing directly into a enemy Slark's lane at 10 min in and marching in his face. Most people would probably think that you can only farm the enemy camps once you have Blink dagger but if all the people who are a threat to you (stuns, silences) are showing elsewhere, you can farm that side without a Blink. Also, if there is an enemy who cannot kill you, you can go and be aggressive on him. In that example, Slark cannot kill you, even if he has Shadow Blade and even if he does, if you're fast enough with the TP you can probably get away as well. That move maximizes your pushing and farming impact which is what your hero is designed to do at this point in the game because you are keeping the enemy carry down, you are allowing your allies to take the safe farm in your jungle, and you are shrinking the enemy side of the map which translates to greater map control. And its free because it came as a nice bonus with your Boots of Travel power spike, draft, and situation combined.

So if you find yourself doing everything (farming, fighting, pushing, warding, defending towers), you're probably not having enough impact in the area your hero is designed to have impact in. Either you are playing poorly on your hero or you are picking the hero into a really realy bad lineup.

Just some food for thought.

submitted by /u/YC_SP
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I win with Lion but not with Shaman

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:22 AM PST

I feel like they're very similar heroes, probably because they both have hexes and 1 long duration stun... But I can't win with Shaman but I can win with Lion. Do you know what I could be doing wrong? - Shaman Game - Lion Game

submitted by /u/normyp
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Any good updated Sand King guides?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:09 PM PST

The hero seems fun to use so I'm planning to use him once I can play some games. I watched some tournaments using the hero and most play him as a support. I prefer to use him with a bit of gold priority since blink and meteor hammer looks good to use on him. Also his waveclear would be wasted if I play support.

submitted by /u/bot_yea
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When to turn double null into veil

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:01 PM PST

I don't really see a reason not to but I often see people just selling them later into the game for slots. Veil gives armor, stats, and damage. It just seems like the logical choice. Am I missing something?

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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