Avorion News: Combat Update

News: Combat Update

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:07 PM PST

Now that the Economy Update is on the stable branch, we are concentrating our efforts on the Combat Update. We want to make combat more engaging through a combination of reworking and re-balancing some of the existing combat mechanisms and adding some new ones while we're at it. Here are some of the features you can look forward to:

Re-balancing of Weapons
We want weapons to be more specialized so every weapon has its very own purpose with accompanying strengths and weaknesses.

Specialized Enemies
Along with specialized weapons comes the AI's use of those weapons. We're making enemies more interesting by giving them different characteristics in their fighting style. Some will use lots of fighters, others will be strong against shields or on long range, while others are especially good at defending against fighters. You'll have to know your enemy and adjust your fighting style to keep the upper hand!

We're excited to announce that we'll be introducing torpedoes as a new weapon type! Torpedoes will be very strong long range weapons, but they will also be more costly and won't have endless ammunition with these. Oh, and the enemy will have them, too, so better prepare some weaponry to shoot them down.

Defense Weaponry
With fighters and torpedoes threatening your ship, you need viable defense mechanisms. Chainguns will be a possibility but we're with this update we're also adding anti-air weaponry that is specifically made for defense against fighters.

That's all for now, we'll be releasing more details next week!

Have fun!

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