Learn Dota 2 - 7.07 Skywrath

7.07 Skywrath

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:19 AM PST

I've been playing mid Skywrath Mage again recently, and I'm kind of undecided on a decision with his build.

At level 15, you can choose either +1 arcane bolt, or reduce his 6 second silence cooldown from 14s to 8s.

Further, with an aghanims, you get an extra cast on all of his spells (potentially three arcane bolts(!)).

Currently he has a higher winrate with +1 arcane bolt(+2.7%), but I don't know how much you need a third arcane bolt cast as a mid hero who always gets an aghanims, versus having a potential 75% silence/45% magic amp uptime on two heroes.

As Skywrath Mage is plays primarily as a Support I feel like the Talent winrates are skewed and while I'm going to try this out in a few days after finals, I'm wondering if anyone has input toward it.


submitted by /u/SoupDynasty
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Most efficient way to practice Invoker?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:53 PM PST

What's the most efficient way to practice Invoker if I know my spells

submitted by /u/EllieTheVantas
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Can someone explain how map control works?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 10:15 AM PST

Im a 3.5k player, I ussually kinda get the idea behind map control, basically what areas im safe at, what areas are dangerous, and what places the enemy is safe at.

What can I do as a carry/mid, and as a roamer to give our team, more map control, and how can I abuse map control vs players who have no idea wtf it is?

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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What am i supposed to do when i'm ahead (as meepo)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:02 PM PST


I'm pretty new to DOTA, in fact I probably couldn't name more than a dozen characters without cheating. I'm playing as Meepo when I can, I like him a lot since you get to be in two or three places at once (I'm a big SC2 player so I'm very comfortable with that).

My question is, when I'm ahead, what should I be doing to get us closer to winning? I've had a couple of games where I've been way, way further ahead on kills and probably money than anyone else, and still lost. I even had one game yesterday where i was 18/0/8 and only narrowly won.

The level that I'm playing at is almost certainly super low, but I don't want to blame my team, so what should I (as Meepo, or anyone else really) be doing when I'm ahead to get closer to ending the game?

Sorry if this is a really obvious noob question, and thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/MrPiccolo
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7.07 juggernaut build?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:34 AM PST

Is battle fury good on him now? I've been using it and it feels quite nice, but I'm not sure what others are doing.

Is the manta + diffusal build still good or is it more niche? I feel like with the purge it was an unstoppable solo killing combo because jugg will just purge your defense ability / item and then murder you. Now the active has a long cooldown so you can't blow another charge to secure a kill and stuff like Eul's and ghost scepter can buy them a lot of time and even block an omnislash.

For these reasons, I am finding S&Y to be very valuable. I only go for manta if I see things I need to purge, like silences and slows or a blind effect like tinker's laser. S&Y is cheaper than manta, and it allows me to chase people down by myself without other items or other people helping. I skip diffusal completely as well, unless I fight someone where I want some mana burn (mostly wraith king and maybe medusa). I usually just get the manta if I am building diffusal, but I rarely build diffusal.

If I end up building battle fury and S&Y, I run really fast and can clear creeps quickly. I often just get boots of travel so I have insane move speed and can TP around and split push. I then finish off the build with some combination of butterfly, abyssal blade, satanic, linken's sphere, BKB, assault quirass, and moon shard. Blink or shadow blade get mixed in when I need to get deep into battles to get someone like sniper.

Is there a build that everyone is using like pre-7.07? Or is it more of a "build to fight your opponents" sort of thing. I know that always applies, but I feel like the old juggernaut build was so insanely versatile that you just built it every game with only minor adjustments in the endgame items.


What are people building on juggernaut in 7.07?

submitted by /u/CptnSAUS
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Solo vs. Party MMR Relation

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:50 PM PST

I know that playing solo and party games will both raise your badge rank. However, in stats, you still see two distinct MMR numbers, one for solo and one for party. If I got to 3k MMR for party and had an archon badge but my solo was only 2k, would winning solo games only increase my badge rank if I pass that 3k threshold?

submitted by /u/raiinacorn
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Thanks to you guys!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:47 AM PST

Thanks to this sub-reddit, I'm on my way to 2k (For party, I don't play solo much, don't find it as fun as party). I've learned different farming patterns, how to optimize farm/laning stage. I've expanded my hero pool to match what I like, and what I'm good at (Namely Dazzle, LC Offlane, Undying, Skywrath Mage mid). I've learned new ways to have fun, while also playing better. I'm learning how to position my self during team-fights and during the laning stage. I've found different ways to play the support role (Namely the hard support). I'm communicating better, and I think my entire experience is getting better the more I play. I really just want to give this entire sub-reddit, and everyone that has asked questions, answered them, and those who are giving advice, and those who are making content for those who are new, and old. Thanks a ton, Kename. OpenDotA: https://www.opendota.com/players/106173996/overview Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/106173996 (Sorry for terrible formatting, I don't use it that much, nor do I know how to use it that well. But, how do I get the listing asterisk to work?)

submitted by /u/NotMeTwopointO
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dota2 newbie needs help

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 02:23 PM PST

hey guys, I want to start playing Dota2

My question is, what hero is the best for newbies, and what are the basics I should get?

I know some things already like top-mid-bot lane 1 gold/sec, creeps all 30 sec. how to buy items, secret shop. Should I ignore all flames in the ingamechat ?

community question

Who are the most famous/loved players/legends like in csgo, GeT_RiGhT, f0rest etc. and what are the most "loved" teams and what is the best team atm?

submitted by /u/florianw0w
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Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:47 PM PST


im just a little frustrated, please help me

submitted by /u/jayboosh
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How did I win this game?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:14 AM PST


I really want to understand. I played bad early and ES was ruining my lane. They had super hard carries and I was just a Bs but somehow we ended up pulling back from a 20k deficit. How? Hope its ok to post this

submitted by /u/KonKaizo
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What caries do you recommend for a 'beginner'?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:42 AM PST

i have 60 hours so not new but im still learning.

submitted by /u/matrixcr
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7.07 Shadow Friend

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:15 AM PST

Is Shadow Fiend played as a magic nuker with Eul's blink ult again? l'm always afraid of building magic damage because it can drop off in the late game.

submitted by /u/confuzzle247
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[Hotkeys / Preferences] Using Beastmaster how can I rank the selected creeps in a hotkey group?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:33 AM PST

I have my Hero on hotkey 1, the hawk on 4, courier on 3. And all other summons (boar, neutrals from lvl4, dominated neutrals, necros) on hotkey 2.

When I need to use an ability from my neutral creep, but it is not selected first, I lose valuable time tabbing through all creeps till I get to e.g. the Dark Troll Summoner with his Net. Especially with the Troll, I also have the skeletons in the group, which makes it even harder.

What I would like to have is a setting or control line of input to rank which creep should be the first selected everytime I hit the 2 hotkey. My prefered rank would be:

Dark Troll Summoner > Satyr Tormenter > Hellbear Smasher > Centaur Conqueror > everything else.

And I don't know how it's implemented right now, but when I tab to 3rd unit in my hotkey 2, then back to my hero on hotkey 1, and back to 2, I want it to forget that I selected 3rd unit the last time, and instead highlight the first unit in that group again.

submitted by /u/Seventh_Planet
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Help improving Bounty hunter and roaming aspects

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:04 AM PST

I played this game yesterday and i would really like people to help analyze what i could've done better. i know that we can tell a lot by only dotabuff stats but i would love some replay analyzes.


I'm currently 4.1k mmr - Ancient medal

submitted by /u/BeyondBday
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How to win game as Skywrath mage?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:17 AM PST

I want to do the all hero challenge and I got skywrath mage. I'm currently spamming him and so far it's been 0 out of 7. Some games I'm really bad (Worst game was 0/8/4 on turbo) some games I'm pretty decent (15/7/16 with a 7 kill streak). But at the end I always lose.

The main issues with him is that he can't take objectives, can't push lanes, and can't farm. So in most of my games I half ass last hitting in lanes (really hard to last hit wit him early game), and I just gank (esp after getting lvl 6). I understand I can't carry my team, but how do I play him more effectively so my team can win?

submitted by /u/AwesomeAsian
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So I suck at anti-mage

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 10:19 PM PST

I just played a game where I laned with an omninight against a solo spectre (I'm low MMR so don't be surprised), and I did fairly well in the laning phase and Spectre got completely shut down. I know my cs sucked considering the lane I had, but I still got a 12:18 battlefury (got BoS and skipped treads till after bf), I got a 22:30 manta, 25:04 basher, 32:20 aghs, and 37:24 butterfly. However, with these item timings my team and I couldn't end the match till 70mins (crazy right!!).

It's pretty clear that with an Anti-mage and these timings (especially in my MMR) I should have been able to end sooner, but what could/should I have done to do that?

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3613102013 Match ID: 3613102013


Edit: I'm getting a lot of backlash on the treads (and I may very well be wrong for this) but let me explain. I got the bf at 12:18 and then treads at 14:29, so I didn't skip the treads I just figured that since my lane was so open and I had no one really contesting me, I could get the last hits without the treads so I went bf first so I could kill a triple stacked camp and get my treads really quickly right after. Was this wrong?

submitted by /u/hereforredditjokes
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Why is battlefury mirana a thing...?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:28 AM PST

Title says it all

EDIT: Thank goodness its not

submitted by /u/WhyDoTheyAlwaysWin
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Could someone take a shot at explaining Miracle's thought process between zips and why/when he decides to use each ability? @10m22s

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 08:54 PM PST

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