Smite - [WARRIORS] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of December 04, 2017

[WARRIORS] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of December 04, 2017

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:50 AM PST

Welcome to /r/Smite's weekly God Class Discussion Megathread. This is a place for the community to get together and discuss, theorycraft, and ask for help on playing each class.

This week we are focusing on WARRIORS.

Some ideas to get you started might include:

  • Tips and advice for playing any or all Warriors
  • Good builds, bad builds, and everything in between
  • What roles in each gamemode to play Warriors in
  • Where Warriors fit into the meta
  • Buffs or nerfs you would make and why
  • Questions about the gods or class as a whole

And anything else you can think of!

Please stick to gods that are WARRIORS. This includes:

  • Amaterasu
  • Bellona
  • Chaac
  • Cu Chulainn
  • Erlang Shen
  • Guan Yu
  • Hercules
  • Nike
  • Odin
  • Osiris
  • Ravana
  • Sun Wukong
  • Tyr
  • Vamana

See here for an archive of all the previous Class Discussion Megathreads!

Check back next week when we'll be discussing Assassins!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I miss these graphs

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:02 AM PST

Game Mode Level Requirements Change Coming in Patch 4.23

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:46 PM PST

Chef Vulcan + Badlands concepts by @PTimm, Smite concept artist.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:18 PM PST

Found this old Anubis graffiti.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:33 PM PST

EDIT: Not really sure how to use reddit, lol. Sorry.

submitted by /u/Trivations
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Support Starter Items Flow Chart

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:15 PM PST

Tmoney misses another ra ult LOL

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:24 PM PST

The Fate of Chef Vulcan will rest in our hands.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:36 AM PST

All diamond masteries rewards

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:44 PM PST

Why is this still in rewards? Its been 2 years or so...

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:41 PM PST

Adapting with the usual obnoxious outplay!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:13 AM PST

When tipping FP, can we have an option to give each teammate 25% of our FP?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:36 PM PST

Seriously, ever since I hit 30k I've been tipping 100% almost every match

But often the team will overall be pretty chill or otherwise on point and it sucks only being able to tip one person instead of them all.

I'll gladly take 0% of a reward if it means I can reward an entire team for being generally positive and/or fun to play with.

submitted by /u/Perkinz
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Why can't people just accept a loss and F7 to save time?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:32 PM PST

I mean, I know there are times when a team can come back, and all it takes is one good team fight.

But I'm talking, a definite loss, 4v5 complete slaughter that could end literally 5-10 minutes before they down the titan.

To me, I'd rather F6, get the game over with and move on.. but people insist on seeing it through and in my eyes, it's a waste of my time.

submitted by /u/PristineTier
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Roast a main!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:07 PM PST

Just as the title says!

Roast a person's main. Mine is Ao Kuang. Fire away!

submitted by /u/AquilaTempestas
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When the initial snipe hits no one so you improvise, adapt, and overcome to get the double kill

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:35 PM PST

Magical girl skins

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:57 PM PST

I WANT more of these types of skins , Neith's magical girl skin is amazing and it would be cool if they did more like it. Maybe a god from each class.

submitted by /u/Celestial_Horizon
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My new town has a really good taste

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:37 PM PST

I moved house to study at a technical university. I live on a Zeus street. I take the bus on Apollo street to get to the university. I can do shopping on Ares street or eat out in one of the restaurants at Aphrodite square. Local pizzeria is called Olympus as well.

submitted by /u/Czarooo
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Hardest Class to play in Smite?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:18 AM PST

Amateralice in wonderland

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:44 PM PST


submitted by /u/h8m8
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What would you do? Playing with friends who suck.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:17 AM PST

So I play smite with a large pool of friends, some of them good and some of them not. But it's gotten to the point where if I play with the bad people, we will always lose. and I mean LOSE. like 6, 7 matches in a row.

Would you still play with these people? Or just...avoid them?

Before anyone asks, yes, the good players will give tips, say what to do, etc, but the bad friends just don't listen.


submitted by /u/ottawsimofol
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Looking for a Smite streamer I saw years ago

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:38 PM PST

He was pretty mature and manly, 30ish. I think he liked to drink whisky sometimes, maybe even chocolate but not sure. He played when Smite was pretty new, with some friends on voip. He had rather short hairs.

That's not a lot of infos but if you guys happen to know him it would be awesome!

Edit: ninjosh97 helped me, it was Lassiz

submitted by /u/Dancer_
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Is the console patch confirmed for tomorrow?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:44 PM PST

Console patch? (PS4)

submitted by /u/lakiemjw
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fineokay gets the Bacchus treatment

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:30 PM PST

Really simple Ah Puch Buff

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:52 AM PST

Every time he picks up a corpse, he gets a movement speed buff.( Doesn't stack). This is to make rotations better in conquest, and half the time where he is strong, like in joust, he is strong for being a dominant laner. So the movement speed buff wouldn't impact him too much.

submitted by /u/Xerrostron
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Duel and toxicity?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:54 PM PST

I was bored so I thought hey let me play some Athena duel - should be fun right? I was wrong. The first person I face is a Vulcan who's literally under tower all game, ulting buffs. The second one was against Jing Wei who cleared a wave and then backed...throughout the entire match. When I tried to fight her she would ult away and back. I didn't think much of it, I guess 2 free wins for me then. But when the match ends and I type gg they just start being toxic. Does this happen in duel often? I didn't really have the motivation to play another one after those.

submitted by /u/jegveddetikkeee
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