Diablo - This is my confession.

This is my confession.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:26 PM PST


I didn't... I didn't see it.

It took me half an hour to notice. I had already salvaged all of my others.

submitted by /u/gnoani
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Season 12 HC Barb dead, rerolling same class?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:01 PM PST

I haven't played hard in any season until this one on which I've invested a good 34hrs to level a barb. At 370 paragon level with some good gear/set, I was able to GR58 and farm T10. Sadly, I've triggered my NoS and while running away... stupidly step on a mine that killed me haha

Well pain has passed, I'll probably start a new character. Question is should I roll another Barb as I've plenty of gear in my chest or go with another class? What are people usually doing? Keep the same class for a season?

submitted by /u/Burgergold
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Please provide feedback for alternative 4-man group compositions to the META. Consolidation of feedback will be at the bottom. Play what you want.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:14 AM PST

Good morning Reddit. I'm at that point where I need higher level greater rifts for gem ups. The meta is very well established for high greater rifts (120+ especially). If you go down the list 1000 spaces on the NA leaderboard, it appeared to be all the same exact composition. I'm more interested in compositions that technically work in the 100-115 range. As a zBarb I cleared a 110 in a pug yesterday, but then spent about an hour trying to find any trash clearer for the 100-110 range, and just couldn't find one. So this serves to benefit me in building a group, and hopefully you in bringing your non-meta class into group content with the appropriate modifications.

I don't have enough of an understanding on how all zDPS specs work since we really only see zBarb, zMonk and zNecromancer. How did zCrusader, zDemonHunter and zWizard use to fit into the groups? Was there / is there a zWitchdoctor?

For the trash clearer the Witchdoctor is the go-to. I get it, pain enhancer with firebats is a great combination. (Edit: And who doesn't want a little bit of video lag / server lag every once in a while?) What else works? What else can be specifically altered to fill this role? I know on console a twister wizard filled the trash clearer just fine up to a 116. Folks have questioned if Vyr's Archon Frozen Orb could be modified for trash clearing. Could Tal Rasha's meteor wizards be adapted? How about Firebird and we just cannot do pure trash packs? DMO frozen orb maybe? What else works? Not everyone wants to play a witchdoctor.

For Rift guardian Killer (RGK) I don't mind running with an impale demon hunter. I've met a few good ones and they are fantastic. Necromancer is the go-to, I get it... Things die faster throughout the whole rift because of the curses they bring. I've read that technically there's a crusader RGK build that theoretically works wonders, but the gearing is so insane that it's probably a non-season project. I'd rather play with people who are playing what they actually want to play, instead of what the meta says they should be playing, especially in level ranges that you don't NEED the meta for.

What I want to do today is consolidate feedback and put out a list for each role. If you know of a class that can fill a role that isn't their "meta" then please list it, and list what tweaks are needed to the supports.

  1. ZDPS Roles:

  2. Trash clearers:

M6 Demon hunter spamming cluster arrow. You are limited on how much hatred you can generate. Possibly reapers wraps would solve this.

Condemn Crusader may be able to be adapted. According to the /u/leviathan111, there is a possibility, based on other crusader's testing, that the secondary condemns that are triggered from Blade of Prophecy can proc area damage. There may be a build, then, that can stack more area damage, and fill the trash killer role. Add Hexing pants / swap out esoterics for a swiftness gem and keep moving. More testing needs to be done.

  1. RGK:
submitted by /u/BilunSalaes
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Whimseyshire nerfed?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:59 PM PST

Did Whimseyshire get nerfed? I remember when I was going in last season, Deaths Breaths and Forgotten Souls dropped left and right.

I went in today, and didn't get any to drop. Was this because of the way I went in (Staff as opposed to Goblin) or difficulty level, or did things get nerfed?

submitted by /u/Skythz
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What was the strangest/funniest name for a rare you ever found?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:40 PM PST

I just picked up a weapon called the "Crush Confession". It sounded like a board game played at all-girls sleepover parties in the 1980s. Have you found any treasure that had an especially weird generated name?

submitted by /u/JenYen
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Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:00 AM PST




submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Hoping Elemental Arrow to be viable

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:44 PM PST

It's such a cool skill but with not much of use. Having items buffing it's damage, it would be great to use with Natalya's and Marauder.

Most importantly it could be used with Unhallowed Essence since with Kridershot, it becomes a generator. It would be great if UE had some variety.

submitted by /u/ToBeRuined
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Diablo 2 Remastered Beta Test Live Now - Fan made

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:58 AM PST

Unsure where to go/what to do

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:03 PM PST

I recently popped 70 and have been working on my seasonal set (demon hunter so natalya's) and im getting my final two pieces which require me to kill stuff at torment 4 and solo a 20 greater rift.

Problem is, the 6 piece bonus is the only useful one and as of now I tickle mobs and get 3 shot by any white. I asked the demon hunter reddit and they told me to just play something fun until I get my 6 piece but anything I try doesnt help my pitiful damage, so i cant finish my set..

Im unsure really what to do from here, ive been running regular torment 2 rifts in hopes of SOMETHING but even those take me a while with my damage and i havent gotten anything of use.. any advice?

submitted by /u/ArchaoticDota
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Ess of Johan affix - always either 60% or 80%?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:01 PM PST

I've gotten, I don't know, 20 or 30 Ess of Johans since starting D3? Maybe more? And I don't recall ever getting one that didn't have the slow benefit at either exactly 60% or exactly 80%. I've seen some videos where people show the item and I've noticed it there too... never seen a 74% Ess of Johan, for example.

Is this a thing? Or just a huge coincidence on my part?

submitted by /u/UseBrinkWithDown
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Overlaying videos has made the grind much more enjoyable

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:18 PM PST

https://i.imgur.com/FVvtDZ1.jpg I actually pick very easy to play builds so I can binge watch shows while playing, heh.

For more details, basically I can set the transparency percent for a video player, make it unclickable, hide borders, and always on top. As for how to do it, I used a program called AutoHotKey that allows you to modify programs like that. I have hotkeys to toggle it, increase/decrease transparency, play/pause, go back a few seconds, and go forward. To find hotkeys look at the code comments. The toggle to set it on is alt+ctrl+shift+0

The code to do it can be found here https://jpst.it/18iiA just save a text file as .ahk

I use media player classic and recommend it over VLC if you download a good codec pack like K-Lite. For other video players, it would have to be modified slightly (for VLC just remove semi-colon in the couple spots its used and add it for MPC)

submitted by /u/raseru
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Question about Numbing Traps (DH passive) stacking with itself

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:28 PM PST

Good morning :) I am playing as a Demon Hunter this season and so is my cousin. If we both use the Numbing Traps passive, do we both reduce enemies damage, or is it wasted? I have tried to google for it but I found some people saying yes and some people saying no :D Anyone here knows? Thanks!

submitted by /u/J0k3se
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105+ Znecro gameplay explained

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:21 AM PST

Hi everyone,

On the back of many demands, I finally decided to create a Znec build and explain some tips to improve your xp efficiency.

First of all, I'd like to thank this Russian streamer ( will replace by his name when I will remember who he was :D) to have shown to everyone than this Znec build was viable for ratma speeds, before everyone started to play it.

I want to thank Lumines, Misatoz, Titou and Advol who were patient enough to test some things, especially when we found that strongarm+ pull ring combo. PRETTY PROUD of that ;)

I will list the mandatory things you have to do to be a descent Znecro:

1) make sure to be under land of the dead as close as 100% UPTIME. globes = DPS = everyone is safe and everything is getting killed before it gets nasty ( arcane spawns etc..).

2)Apply the curse as much as u can, on trash if possible, on elite 100% ( especially the juggs). Unless your dps overkill the mobs, you should get the kill.

I will explain later on why EARLY GRAVE is the best option, but if you struggle to refresh land, play with THE AURA. will be easier to refresh.

3) spam your devour button : most of the Znec are using a macro, I'm spamming the button ( and cry at the end of the day).

What you need to do to be a GOOD Znecro :

1) You are the leader of the team : other players, especially the DPS, need you. Hence, you will give the rythm, either to skip, or kill trash/ elites. You need to have a good experience of the mob type, and know when it's worth to stop or not ( easy example : do we stop on this juggernaut? narrow area + arcane ? or do we kill him because my dps have simulacrum up/power pylon etc?).

2) PYLON MANAGEMENT : since YOU will be ahead 90% of the time, DON't BURN stupidly a pylon spawn if you know that your ratmas dps are gonna make the progress you are missing to get this pylon ( aka, 25% first pylon, you are at 22%....)...

3) Refresh land before killing a pack and GET IN GEOM effect : this is a very useful tip : if you have the opportunity, always refresh land before you know u'r gonna have an in geom proc, hence you will have 16-17 sec of CD instead of 30 ish on LOTD.

BEWARE : as a reminder, the best gameplay should be : curse ( pull for strongarm), then pop LOTD to get krysbin effect ( 300% dps).

4) DONT CURSE the mobs/elites if your dps are too far away : cursing = STRONGARM effect = 30% additive dps for 5 secs, and 5 sec only. if you pull them and your dps are coming in 4 sec after, it's RIP. delay the curse if you need to, when your dps are close to you, curse.

reminder : your group should always play together, this is not TXIII...

How to become a GOD Znecro?

only a few players in Europe are able to be REALLY GOOD and keep all the following points in mind while running ( ofc, it's ratma runs, no one wants to THINK, just faceroll).

1) HAVE AN EYE ON THE PROGRESS BAR: how many players I see just focusing an elite while at 99% progress instead of easy trash right next to you? COMMUNICATE, tell them to focus trash. playing ratma dps needs more focus than support since you also want to survive. you are support, this is your job to drive them.

typical example : DONT change map if you can finish where you are( aka, 98%+ progress, just kill trash... open your eyes ;). Changing map is bad for a Znec since you loose bone spear stacks.

2) COMMUNICATION : this is KEY :

  • when to skip or not ( you don't skip much on ratma runs, especially with excellent players and good DPS).

-Pylon management : tell the barb not to burn pylons if not needed yet.

-be sure that your 2 ratma dps have a nice simulacrum rotation, don't let them pop at the same time and have downtime.


this is way harder to play with early grave, but it's totally worth it.

-mobs will die at 18% life, not 15%. free 3%.

-you don't need to position NEXT TO the elite. you can be 'anywhere'. which means, you can select the best spot on the map ( which is most of the time in an open spot, and/or next to your dps that they get globes). on top of that, you wil spawn more globes.

-Avoid being next to mobs can save you from bad affixes, like fire chains, arcanes.... no one needs to be at melee ;)

-you can curse a SPREADED PACK : a blue pack, like trees for example, are impossible to curse with the aura. thanks to Early grave, you will be able to curse the whole map without any problem.

-you can curse 2 PACKS : position yourself in the middle, curse the pack on the left, the one on the right.... easy life

-you will get MORE ingeom proc : after testing, I can tell you that I'm getting WAY MORE in geom procs with early grave since there are more chances to curse minions from yellow elites.

-make your group safer with the curse ( explained below)

4) MAKE YOUR GROUP SAFER : Early Grave allows you to curse the mob in front of you, and it will help a lot to cc mobs, avoiding them to attack your dps ( especially the succubus, spear mobs...). I noticed a big improvement in our speed since our dps stopped proccing from *** like that.

5) POSITIONNING : as I said, always go for open area, you will spawn more globes.

6) last but not least, USING EARLY GRAVE LIKE A BOSS : once you know by heart how much is your pick up radius and how much you are gonna pull, I'm trying to do something VERY difficult but HIGHLY rewarding : pulling stuff AWAY from the yellow, so the dps can easily target him. it takes me sometimes 2 curses, but its VERY VERY GOOD and can make u save some time. this is ofc situationnal, but since you are a bit ahead of everyone, you have sometimes 1-2 sec to play like that. ofc, if power is up, just pack everything on a single pixel, it will disappear anyway ;)

I will update this build if I have other points coming into my mind.

We are atm running 105 speeds in season with an average of 2.10/run. please give me feedbacks, if you can run faster I will be more than happy to change our builds/gameplay to go even faster ;)

if you have any question, do not hesitate to jump in : twitch/hoxango

submitted by /u/Hoxangoqt
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WW barbarian looking for help with gear/build

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:55 PM PST

Have played off and on for a bit, but I dont really know what im doing when it comes to pushing high grifts. I just finished a 73 and been trying to fine tune some gear with things ive read off other builds. Just looking for some info and maybe some insight in what I should be aiming for. I also dont know all the diablo 3 lingo everyone uses. Any help is much appreciated.


submitted by /u/cjohnson1203
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Original Diablo2 CD KEY no longer valid, but still have Diablo2 LOD CD Key. Anyway to recover original key?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:00 AM PST

Used to play Diablo 2, before the days of registering it to your account. I tried to register to my b.net acct so i can download and play again but my Diablo 2 CD key is already claimed? But i was able to add Diablo 2 LOD CD key fine. Before paying $10.00 to purchase diablo 2 again, any way to recover?

submitted by /u/hmkr
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Advice for a new player

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:42 AM PST

So myself and some friends have picked up reaper of souls on Xbox and are playing through together.

Obviously there's a lot we don't yet know or haven't experienced, so could anyone give us advice to help us progress?

submitted by /u/swillis93
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How can Oculus be ethereal? It's a ring!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:53 PM PST


submitted by /u/oicYOU
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Diablo 2 motion sickness

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:42 AM PST

I can not play for 2 hours straight without getting headaches and dizziness. Anyone else had this problem? With D3 I did not have it, just with the D2. I tried window mode, but it got worse.

submitted by /u/RodrigoPetter
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Upgrading Legendary possible?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:58 AM PST

I have a legendary that I really like, but I found it when being level 16, so now that I'm on max the stats are really bad. Is there a way I can get the stats up? Or do I have to hope to find the same one again in better quality?

submitted by /u/erikb85
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Any communities for Non Seasonal EU?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:45 AM PST

As the title says, wanting to progress more on non seasonal, currently at 1440 paragon. Where should I go?

Thanks in advance!!

submitted by /u/Rsballpit
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D2 Remastered

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:11 PM PST

Will it ever happen? I'm sure millions of people want this idea to come true.

submitted by /u/vocalicpie
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