Guild Wars 2 - Whales and Content

Whales and Content

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:08 PM PST

To the dev team: please let us disable other people's combat visual effects

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:02 AM PST

This is really annoying and it makes barely enjoyable wonderful events like Palawadan. And this problem has been on the table for years.

What's the point of designing the aspect a boss if it is impossible to see him? I mean, Iberu might be a cube and I wouldn't notice that about the 70% of the time.

Please, this is not about adding things, only about removing (or fixing, because LOD effect checkbox is almost useless). It shouldn't be a major challenge.

Some shiny pics

submitted by /u/GTotem
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Praise THIS!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:58 PM PST

Some mindblowing PoF concept art by Carlyn Lim

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:44 PM PST

PSA: Rose Quartz have been temporarily disabled through vendor

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:14 PM PST

[SC] World First W5 Final Boss Challenge mode

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:56 PM PST

First Thread got removed because of spoiler in title

Hey everyone, after World First in normal mode we went for challenge mode aswell. After a couple of days we finally got it.


The Mad King says:



We will upload the PoVs when few more guilds killed it. We hope that they are not going to nerf Dhuum and neither the CM since it was actually really hard.

We also wiped once at 1.2% and once on 1.8% which is very fun.(

We wish everyone good luck on the CM and no Nightmares.

Thanks to everyone who participated in this for MANY hours:

Muju, Muto, Aeriel, Seka, Nico, Steffen, Hint, Breke, Perry, Cheezy

& Yui, Mela, Jan, Nightmare , Neo

submitted by /u/P3RrYCH
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I found the "That Belongs in a Museum" collection to be a bit ironic

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:34 PM PST

I know it's just because of how the mechanics of collections work, but it just felt a bit silly to go around this ancient city, collecting ancient artifacts, presumably to preserve history, and then once you've gathered then up you have to destroy them to get them out of your inventory. I assume it's just because of the expansion team being different from the living world team. It just felt like the sort of thing that, in the base expansion, would have a "consume" for karma option, and a final step of delivering it to the astralarium or something. It's not a big deal, I just thought it was kind of funny, since the title of the achievement seems to imply you're trying to preserve history.

submitted by /u/Enfero
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Just some quick praise for the metas in Domain of Istan

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:18 AM PST

The metas they added in this new zone are great. The fact that there's even more than one makes me happy, but I just thought I'd point out why I like these ones in particular and why this is my favorite zone since Silverwastes when it comes to metas:

  • The great hall meta is not bound to any timer, only a cooldown and cannot be done at night until Paladawan is done, allowing players to pop in and nab it.

  • The metas don't require a lot of coordination and preparation. Meaning you don't have to get there 20 minutes before the meta pre begins to successfully complete it(looking at you, Tangled Depths)

  • The aesthetics of the meta areas are really cool. I really enjoy taking down the entire city defenses of Paladawan, destroying the statue, fighting off Corsair reinforcements, etc. The great hall is kinda small, but it does feel like you're attacking an outpost.

  • Good loot! This one's important. I was kinda lukewarm on Trade Contracts with PoF as they didn't have any really good dumps outside of keys and recipes. The new volatile magic can be spent on various crafting mats in decent amount. I don't even mind that there aren't any ascended pieces available for volatile magic (yet).

  • Even if the great hall isn't up yet, you can do the Brandstone events or some of the other events around the island which are rewarding.

  • The Supply Chests are slightly abuse-able. I'm not sure if they've been fully fixed yet but I know there is at least a character cap. If we look back on the popular metas like SW chestfarm and AB MM, both of those were abuse-able in their own way. I consider this a plus tbh.

All-in-all I'm excited that anet is still willing to put out these fun, rewarding metas. I was kinda disappointed by the lack or reliable or good metas in core PoF. I'm interested to see if we'll get any more in LS4. Fingers are definitely crossed.

submitted by /u/zellurs
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Drawing: Rosefury the Beserker

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:01 AM PST

The astralarium in Istan... why?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:34 PM PST

Thanks ANet for making wiggle hearts right clickable.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:18 AM PST

It was the final piece of making loot more enjoyable with the previous rightclick wiggle chest changes.

Thanks a lot.

submitted by /u/Alrai_Luxx
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Why do male asura have so many more hair styles and faces than female asura?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:18 AM PST

I've always played female characters but I took a look at the male asura customization options today and holy cow, they have so many more than female asura! Just the starter hair styles are better (I think I counted 9 to female asura's 6) and then the exclusive styles which look really cool - and even more frustrating they all look like they'd just as well for lady asuras as dudes so I don't understand why they're male only??

(This also makes me wonder - are male asura canonically more vain than female asura? Do they spend an hour on their hair before being ready to leave? Are all the Tyria hair conditioner commercials full of male asura whipping their hair in slow-motion? "Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's Exclusive Black Lion Hair-Style Kit"? Discuss!)

I really hope Anet adds new hair styles in general but it seems like a fairly simple thing to just make some of the male styles available for everyone? Anet please?

submitted by /u/sqrrlbot
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This was the original concept for the Legendary Plate Armour.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:49 PM PST

The Commander And Deja Vu

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:53 PM PST

Why are Necro slot skills locked during Death Shroud?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:03 AM PST

I've always wondered why do Necros lose 5 of their skills when they enter Death Shroud (healing, ultilities and elite). People have been complaining that Necro DPS benchmarks are low and at least the Scourge doesn't rely on Death Shroud anymore. So what if they gave Reaper Shroud and normal Death Shroud the use of slot skills aswell? That would increase the classes overall DPS, meaning you could as a Power Reaper maintain Signet of Spite and throw down Wells etc while in Shroud.

Just saying, instead of buffing and nerfing the class constantly, they could just make it more diverse and interesting to play with less limited skills.

submitted by /u/tiemann
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So I found a guide to roleplaying on the official forums. How many people actually roleplay on GW2?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:33 AM PST

[Spoiler] Wing 5 Boss 1 Visual Effects

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:29 PM PST

I know people have been pushing for less player skills visual effects and/or a toggle to turn other player's skill effects down or off, and I do think that is something the game would benefit a lot from, but I wanted to bring up something else that has been bothering me about the Soulless Horror fight and the escort event afterwards.

So while player skills making things tough to read is an increasingly big issue, there's one other one I want to make sure gets brought up: The boss's own skill effects overlay on top of the boss's other skill effects. The biggest culprit of this in Soulless Horror is that her pizza slice attack and the green aftereffect afterwards sits on top of the rectangular wall ground aoe, making them almost impossible to see when she starts doing the big 8-slice attack. Sure, you can look for the smokey effect of the wall, but that too is incredibly difficult to see with all the other visual effects clutter at the same time. This is an instant death mechanic, so it needs to be much more visually obvious and clearly visible at all times. At the very least, making the aoe sit on top of ALL other effects, especially the boss's own skill effects, would be a good step.

For the escort afterwards, one thing my group struggled with is noticing when we had the lightning aoe around us. Getting hit by that in the wall section can down you very easily, and by the time you see it (it too has a difficult to notice aoe color on top of the visual effects of the bubble and the ground), if you're trying to also dps down a rift or a bomber or an enervator, it can already be too late to react. I'd love to have an audio cue at the very least, like the ping sound that happens when you have a special action key appear (like for volatile poisons), or something similar to that. Either that, or some text on the screen or in the chatbox can also make it clearer. Keep it requiring quick reactions to move to a safe spot, but I think some sort of cue to notice it more easily could be a good touch without really making it much easier.

submitted by /u/Kamirose
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Legendary Ring collection - Coalescence I: Unbridled

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:56 AM PST

With the recent update, it seems we can now buy the "bugged" Transcendental Parchment directly from Glenna (After defeating Dhuum) meaning we can now craft the Meditation Logbook For the rest of the achievement items, there is currently no info on how to acquire them, and I would like to know if any of you have figured it out yet ?

The five items :

  • Meditation Log: Crystal Oasis - "These bleached bones... A sentinel of Kormir?"

  • Meditation Log: Desert Highlands - Falling water echoes over the stones, set by dwarves long forgotten, recently remembered.

  • Meditation Log: Elon Riverlands - A quiet place for rest in the graveyard of stone, albeit modestly damp.

  • Meditation Log: The Desolation - Beware the danger of secrets kept.

  • Meditation Log: Domain of Vabbi - Despite the Branding, this city is still an architectural marvel.

Edit :

Huge thanks to Simbooty for the locations

The last step of the collection (Meditation Log: Completed Log - Your journey of self has come to an end, for now...) is still not discovered. No idea if it's intentional...

submitted by /u/TeaDna
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Wing 5 Boss 2 Guide

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:54 PM PST

Dhuum Guide By Dean (Oh Snapalope.1378), Jacquie (Riko.1309)

I Preface

In my opinion, Dhuum is the hardest boss fight so far in this game and this is coming from a person who raided since day 1 of Spirit Vale release back in 2015. The amount of coordination required between each player is high and everyone cannot make a single mistake. This will be a tough learning process, but do not give up and try your best. You will succeed after enough practice. Before reading this guide, I recommend that you at least know how the fight works and the basic mechanics of the boss. This is primarily a guide on what each key position must do during key mechanics.

II Team Composition

This is the team composition that I have successfully used to kill Dhuum. It is aimed at reducing the amount of running around the arena as well as improving team synergy. On top of that, it is extremely safe as you will be bringing 3 healers in total. Now do not think that 3 healers will mean your group DPS will be very low. When we killed Dhuum, the 99th percentile boss DPS for Dhuum is around 61.5k. Our group managed do 59.5k boss DPS while having 3 healers with the addition of one of our players dying at 15%. This team composition is extremely safe, offers very high damage, and lowers the amount of work the key roles must do.

a. Banner Slave - 1 Very self-explanatory role. Standard banner warrior setup will work here. The only difference is the War Banner. Clutch revives will be very helpful for the group as the fight progresses.

b. Power DPS – 2 The team will require 2 power DPS roles. It can be any viable power DPS class can fulfill this role, we used two Holosmiths. The enforcers will be weak to direct damage, so the 2 power DPS will be required to kill them quickly.

c. Condition Supports – 2 The class that will be filling this role will be 2 Scourges. A lot of groups that cleared Dhuum on launch week used 2 Renegades. After clearing Dhuum with 2 Scourges, I am a firm believer that Scourge is vastly superior to Renegade and there are a lot of reasons for this as well. The first reason is that Scourges can barrier allies during the time bomb mechanic. In addition, Scourges can cleave down spiders that are far away from the group easier, should the golem kiter require, by dropping shades as the spiders are weak to condi. The last benefit is that the Scourge's boon corruption skills are 900 range compared to the 600 range on Mallyx Renegade (Please refer to section III for boon stripping).

d. Druids – 2 Your standard Harrier druid will work. Both druids will be going up the green portals (refer to Section III for a detailed guide on green portals). Including the golem kiter, this brings the total numbers of healers to 3. Do not be alarmed, this has very little impact on DPS and will offer a safer kill as a result as well.

e. Chronomancers – 2 Standard Chronomancer tank and Off-Chrono setup. Nothing to really say here except the Off-Chronomancer will be going up the green portals (refer to Section III and IV for green portals and tanking respectively).

f. Golem Kiter – 1 The last role will be the golem kiter and I believe a healing Renegade is superior to an Auramancer. The Renegade offers larger burst heals at range and can give bonus alacrity to the group when the golems are not present (refer to section III for golem kiting).

III Key Mechanics and Class Interactions

Honestly most of the fight is a standard tank and spank fight with some mechanics that must be done by some key people. I will list them below.

a. Soul Split + Vacuum – 2 Scourges

At 6:25, 5:05, 3:45, 2:25, 1:05 on the timer, Dhumm will teleport to the middle of the arena and do a massive attack, our group called it the "succ". He will knock you back and split your soul and your body. You must run back to your body or you will die. The initial damage he does is proportional to the amount he knocks you back from your initial position. It will kill you one hit if he knocks you back far enough. He will also put torment on you, so you will have some trouble running back to your body as the torment can kill you if you have to run far enough or fail to cleanse it off. After the knock-back attack, he will be a giant vacuum cleaner and suck everyone to him. If you get sucked into the middle, you will die. Counter this by turning your camera around and running forward, or for action camera users, face the camera towards him and run backwards

How to counter: About 5 seconds before each of the times of this attack. Everyone on the team must run close to the wall as possible as a group and face the boss with backs towards the wall. The wall will stop the knockback and you should not take much damage from this. Also since everyone is next to each other, everyone can cleanse each other if needed. Make sure everyone has at least 1 skill that removes conditions just to be safe as well. Now everyone must run like mad towards the outside to not be sucked into the Dhuum Vacuum cleaner. The Scourges must be what our Scourge players call "edging the succ", so instead of running away they must run into Dhuum to 900 range to corrupt all of his boons and run like mad out. The reason we want all his boons corrupted before he finishes sucking is because if he resumes his regular pattern with full boon stack, he will hit super hard with 25 might and very quickly too.

b. Green Soul Portals – 2 Druids + Off-Chronomancer

These portals are very similar to Sabetha's Cannons as they are on a timer and the same people do them throughout the fight. One person must go up to collect 5 orbs and come down. Facing the throne, they spawn directly to the left first at 9:30 on the timer. They will spawn continuously until the 10% phase every 30 seconds in a clockwise direction. There will be 3 people assigned to this role as there is a debuff when you come back from a portal like Sabetha's cannons. Having 3 people will line everything up perfectly and if you miss a portal, it wipes the group automatically. Each of your 3 green portal people must always get 1 big orb. Failure to do so will result in more Enforcers spawning and it will make the fight that much harder.

How to counter: The 2 Druids and Off-Chronomancer will be going up. The reason why is because this leaves all the DPS on the ground and on the boss always to have good DPS upkeep. The 2 Druids going up will not impact healing as only 1 Druid is going up at a time. When the Chronomancer is going up, both Druids will be with the group as well, so that guarantees at least 2 healers will be on the ground always. The last benefit of running 2 Druids is they ensure the DPS groups have optimal boon coverage. Below are the times for the soul splitter + vacuum again and this time I will indicate which number will be going up.

6:25 – 1

5:05 – 1

3:45 – 1

2:25 – 3

1:05 – 3

Now remember I said the portals spawn every 30 seconds starting at 9:30. The timings for the X:05 are extremely tricky. Since Dhuum will do his soul split + vacuum attack 5 seconds before your green portal is up, so you must cleanse your torment, get your body back, and get on the green while being sucked towards the middle all within 5 seconds. However if your tank follows the tank guide, you will have an easier time (still tricky) getting to your green (tank players refer to Section IV for the tanking guide).

Tips on doing orbs: After doing orbs for over 20 hours in over 150 Dhuum attempts, I can say that there is always 1 big orb to your left. My method of doing orbs is simply rushing to that orb and try to grab any small ones on the way to it. Turn outwards and grab the newly spawned orbs and you are done! Do not trust the sound you hear when you collect the orb as it's extremely delayed and this can cause you to fail. If your body passes through an orb, that means you got it and move on towards the next orb. A lot of people say you cannot enter the beam of light at all or you will die, and this is false. You can actually get in pretty far into it, you just cannot touch the point where all the orbs disappear. If you touch that point you will die.

See Gif:

c. Big Bombs – 2 Scourges

The big bomb is like the Matthias bomb except you can detonate it manually and covers the entire arena. The further away from other people, it will do less damage. The person with the bomb will not take any damage. If the Scourges have enough life force to spare (usually they do), they can barrier the bomb damage. Coordination is key and callouts on mic is very handy for this. Remember even with barrier, the bomb carrier must still run away a certain distance. Detonating it point blank on the group will wipe the group. The barrier just softens the blow and lets the carrier run a bit less.

d. Golem Control – Revenant Kiter

The golems spawn with an AoE ring around them. Anyone that steps into that AoE will take massive amount of damage. The golem will chase whoever attacks it first and they will die after a certain time.

How to counter: The kiter must ensure he tags every golem. At times this can't be done with the amount of random damage on the field, and this is fine. Do your best to tag every golem. Run your golem train away from the group and pick up shiny silver orbs on the floor to get super speed. Your job is to also heal any reaper that needs healing. There will be spiders that spawn and we noticed more of them spawn on the reaper by the door. If you can't clear the spiders or heal the reaper on your own, call your Scourges out and let them help you cleave the spiders. When Dhuum does the big soul split + vacuum attack, you can just leave that golem alone because no one will be attack at that point anyways. That golem will just stand there and not do anything. If you get the golem on you during that part, it can be a nightmare running away from the golem while getting sucked in to the middle.

IV Tanking Guide

The tank runs full minstrel to negate the majority of the damage and also for the extra healing power to drop your healing well or mantra heal for your party once tethers come into play. Basically as the tank your job is to keep Dhuum facing the wall to negate as much cleave as possible. At 8:00 on the timer, Dhuum will descend from his throne and after a brief delay will be targetable. Use shield 4 and start moving to your left while your party stands behind him following him the whole time, bring him close to the wall to cleave down the last Skeleton and tank him there until the first dip where you move to the right, in between the two reapers. Tank him there until the first soul succ. Retrieve your soul and skirt around the vacuum going to the far right corner (to the right of the throne) and hold him there until the party rejoins you. As before, tank and spank until the first dip and begin moving clockwise around the room, keeping him facing the wall and stopping in between each set of reapers.

See visual:

Depending on DPS, by the time you move him to the spot you started at (immediately left of the throne) you should phase into the last 10%, if you do not you need to wait for the last soul suck and skirt the edges of the vacuum again going to the immediate right of the throne, rinse and repeat as needed. If you follow this rotation greens will be very easy as you will always be right next to one making the orb collector job that much easier.

Of course the necessary 1% wipe:

We hope you guys get your clears as well

submitted by /u/jacquie-chan
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[Guide] Daybreak Achievement Guide

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:56 AM PST

Shing Palawa, jewel of Cantha!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:19 AM PST

I warn you anet, if there will be a cantha expansion, do not mess with the monestary like you did to our beloved Kamadan!

I cant stand more destoryed nostalgic memories.


submitted by /u/N4pfkuchen
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Is there no replay mote for the last instance of Daybreak?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:29 PM PST

I cannot seem to see one, Do I need to re-do the whole instance to attempt the achievements?

Anet started getting pretty good with the replay motes so I am surprised I cannot find one.

submitted by /u/Zastarx
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If you were to choose one GW1 mission to be remade in the GW2 engine, what would it be?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:02 PM PST

Well, as the title says! What mission would you have recreated? Personally, I'd have the Kunnavang fight in Factions or the Abaddon fight in Nightfall remade. both have ht potential to be awesome.

submitted by /u/Delos-X
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