Smite - Golden skins would look better if they were white/gold instead of blue/gold

Golden skins would look better if they were white/gold instead of blue/gold

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:48 AM PST

Medusa skins - Unmasked

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 06:48 PM PST

I'm Spiff, Director of 'a Smite Story' - AMA

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:42 AM PST

Hello, I'm Spiff

As you may know, I recently made a documentary with my friend Lewis on Jeffhindla and Barraccudda. We made the film for Hi-Rez and it can be found here, on SMITE's official YouTube channel

I'll be answering as many questions and responding to as many comments as I can...Lewis will probably be around to answer any specific ones you might have for him. AMA!

submitted by /u/SpiffSinister
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1 Ult threw the whole game w/FG

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:59 PM PST

We really need the "I'll..." commands on console

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:00 AM PST

Seriously, it's almost 2018...

submitted by /u/GorgonTears
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The most attractive gods and goddessess

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:46 PM PST

Who do you rate?

I'm female, and I think Susano, Hou Yi, Cu Chulainn and Ullr are the most attractive male characters.

For the females, I think the prettiest ones are Aphrodite and Amaterasu.

submitted by /u/AquilaTempestas
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[Suggestion] Can we get an SPL schedule on the sidebar? Most NFL/NBA subreddits have a daily/weekly schedule

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:08 AM PST

MOTD hasn't changed for the past 3 days

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 02:42 PM PST

It's been Infinite Assault for the motd today, yesterday, and I believe thursday. Can we get this changed, it sorta defeats the purpose of the name "mode of the day". The rotation for motd seems like it repeats the same modes every week, and yea some of them are fan favorites, but variety would be nice

submitted by /u/CelestialOwl
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Ultimate cancelled by back off

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:23 PM PST

sad but real

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:25 PM PST

I'll throw two boulders I guess...

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:48 PM PST

Empress Nu Wa card art (my version)

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:17 AM PST

‘‘Tis the season to spread holiday cheer! A possible harbinger nike code is what I have here!

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:47 PM PST

But Why??

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:27 PM PST

2017 simple skin stats

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:58 AM PST

Because I had nothing better to do.

This year, including the upcoming 4.24 patch, a total of:

  • 10 T3 or higher non-exclusive direct purchase skins

  • 12 non-exclusive T2 skins for a total of 22 non-exclusive skins.

  • 104 exclusive skins

  • 20 Limited skins were released, for a total of 146 skins.

Of the exclusive skins:

  • 33 were direct purchase for a limited time

  • 25 were a part of a bundle / event, but not directly purchasable (Season Ticket rewards go here)

  • 4 were collection bonuses for the Odyssey

  • 35 were chest exclusive

  • 5 were team skins (Excluding NRG Chronos & EGR Rat)

  • 2 were free rewards (Pro League Bellona, Head Over Heels Cupid)


  • Excluding T2 skins, we got twice as many Limited skins as we got non-exclusive skins this year

  • Even including T2 skins, we got less non-exclusive skins than the amount of patches this year. (25 patches including 3.25)

  • I didn't count Eliminator Ravana since it was removed and never brought back in some way.

  • Patch 4.4 brought in 4 chest exclusives at once, the most of any patch this year.

  • A large majority of the non-exclusives were released in the first half of the year, with the last non-exclusive T3 being released on 4.17, and the last T2 on 4.18.

Do what you will with this information.

submitted by /u/BurningFlareX
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The Great God Wishlist (Disclaimer, Personal Wishlist)

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:04 PM PST

List of gods I eventually want in Smite, as well as names for the alternate color palate each god has. Ordered by Pantheon, and within each pantheon they are in descending order by the one I want most. (Greek and Roman can hold off for an entire year honestly, give me something else Hi-Rez :)

Edit: Formatting


Arke, Faded Second Rainbow (Alt. Skin: Fallen Messenger)

Charybdis, The Ocean Vortex (Alt. Skin: Heavy Drinker)

Asterion, The Minotaur (Alt. Skin: Bull of Minos)

Karkinos, The Sea's Might (Alt. Skin: Azure Pincer)

Ladon, Warden of the Garden of the Hesperides (Alt. Skin: Watchful Serpent)

Orion, The Huntsman Giant (Alt. Skin: Waterwalker)

Kampe, Nymph of Tartarus (Alt. Skin: Jailor)

Argus Panoptes, The All-Seeing Giant (Alt. Skin: Peacock)

Scorpius, The Hunter's Bane (Alt. Skin: Crawler)


Idunn, Keeper of Youth (Alt. Skin: Applekeeper)

Huldra, The Woodland Seductress (Alt. Skin: False Beauty)

Hrungnir, Stone Brawler (Alt. Skin: Jötnar's Champion)

Mokkurkalfe, The Clay Giant (Alt. Skin: Shamed Creation)

Eikthyrnir, Hart of All Waters (Alt. Skin: Waterfall)

Utgard-Loki, Lord of Illusions (Alt. Skin: Skrymir)

Jormungandr, The Midgard Serpent (Alt. Skin: Ocean Coils)

Halogi, The High Flame (Alt. Skin: Fire Eating)

Sigyn, The Ever Faithful (Alt. Skin: Forlorn)

Hrym, Captain of the Naglfar (Alt. Skin: Decrepit)

Mimir, The Gods' Counselor (Alt. Skin: Wise One)

Hodr, The Blind God (Alt. Skin: Cat's-Paw)

Hraesvelgr, Bringer of Wind (Alt. Skin: World's Edge Roost)

Sif, Golden Goddess of Earth (Alt. Skin: Iron Locks)


Seker, Funerary God of Memphis (Alt. Skin: Lord of Imhet)

Meretseger, Guard of Royal Tombs (Alt. Skin: Lover of Silence)

Ammit, Devourer of Hearts (Alt. Skin: Goddess Feared)

Nefertem, Beautiful Water-Lily of the Sun (Alt. Skin: Graceful)

Medjed, The Smiter (Alt. Skin: Unseen Eye)

Bes, Defender of Households (Alt. Skin: Ghastly)

Nekhbet, White Vulture Goddess (Alt. Skin: Mother of Mothers)

Wadjet, The Green One (Alt. Skin: Eye of Horus)

Babi, Bull of the Baboons (Alt. Skin: Bloodthirst)

Khonsu, The Lunar God (Alt. Skin: Traveller)


Fangfeng, The Floodholding Giant (Alt. Skin: Late Arrival)

Niu Tou, Underworld Watchman (Alt. Skin: Bullock)

Ma Mian, Underworld Sentinel (Alt. Skin: Dun)

Bai Gu Jing, The White Bone Spirit (Alt. Skin: Pale Corpse)

Sha Wujing, The Sand Demon (Alt. Skin: Exile)

Zhu Bajie, The Demon Pig (Alt. Skin: Glutton)

Hong Hai Er, The Red Boy (Alt. Skin: Burnout)

Gonggong, The Disastrous Dragon (Alt. Skin: Imbalance)

Hundun, Faceless Chaos (Alt. Skin: Confusion)


Raktabija, The Sower of Blood (Alt. Skin: Leukocyte)

Garuda, Mount of Vishnu (Alt. Skin: Serpent Swallower)

Bhramari, Goddess of Black Bees (Alt. Skin: Wasp)

Matsya, The First Avatar of Vishnu (Alt. Skin: Oceanic)

Kurma, The Second Avatar of Vishnu (Alt. Skin: Supportive)

Varaha, The Third Avatar of Vishnu (Alt. Skin: Saviour of Earth)


Summanus, Night Thunder (Alt. Skin: Midnight)

Cloacina, Goddess of Sewers (Alt. Skin: The Cleanser)

Deverra, Ruler of Brooms (Alt. Skin: Purifier)

Febris, Goddess of Fever (Alt. Skin: Pallid)

Lua, Acceptor of Captured Weapons (Alt. Skin: Sacrificed Blades)

Pomona, Goddess of Fruit (Alt. Skin: Nymph)

Picus, Woodpecker God of Prophecy (Alt. Skin: Omen)

Laverna, Goddess of Thieves (Alt. Skin: Knave)

Aeternitas, Goddess of Eternity (Alt. Skin: Phoenix Perch)

Dea Tacita, The Silent Goddess (Alt. Skin: Deathly Quiet)

Dis Pater, God of Riches (Alt. Skin: Blood Money)

Fortuna, Goddess of Luck (Alt. Skin: Wheel of Fortune)

Terminus, God of Boundaries (Alt. Skin: Border)

Juno, Queen Goddess of Rome (Alt. Skin: Marriage)

Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth (Alt. Skin: Sacred Flame)

Bubona, Goddess of Cattle (Alt. Skin: Barnyard)

Mellona, Goddess of Beekeeping (Alt. Skin: Royal Honey)

Orcus, Punisher of Oathbreakers (Alt. Skin: Underworld)


The Four Hundred Boys, Patrons of Alcohol (Alt. Skin: Constellation)

Zipacna, Forger of Mountains (Alt. Skin: Retributor)

Xaman Ek, God of the North Star (Alt. Skin: Merchant's Guide)

Buluc Chabtan, God of Violence (Alt. Skin: Sudden Death)

Vucub Caquix, The False Illuminator (Alt. Skin: Seven Macaw)

Hunahpu, One-Blowgunner (Alt. Skin: Day Hunter)

Chac Uayab Xoc, The Great Demon Shark (Alt. Skin: Hungry God)

Ixtab, Goddess of Suicide (Alt. Skin: Self-Sacrifice)

Acat, God of Tattoos (Alt. Skin: Blood Honor)

Hun Chowen, God of the Arts (Alt. Skin: Howler Monkey)

Huay Chivo, Sorcerous Beast (Alt. Skin: Wicked Eyes)


Okiku, Spirit with Nine Plates (Alt. Skin: Innocent Scorned)

Bake-Kujira, Omen of Disasters (Alt. Skin: Curse Carrier)

Tesso, The Iron Rat (Alt. Skin: Vermin)

Uzume, Goddess of Dawn (Alt. Skin: Great Persuader)

Fujin, Master of Wind (Alt. Skin: Cyclone)

Kuebiko, The Scarecrow God (Alt. Skin: Wiseman)

Amanozako, Apposer of Heaven (Alt. Skin: Monstrous Figure)

Omukade, The Mountain Centipede (Alt. Skin: Scuttler)

Tsukuyomi, God of the Moon (Alt. Skin: New Moon)

Yamata no Orochi, The Eight-Forked Serpent (Alt. Skin: Vicious)


Fionn mac Cumhaill, Great Defender of Ireland (Alt. Skin: Leader of the Fianna)

Aillen, The Burner (Alt. Skin: Bane of Tara)

Clíodhna, Queen of Banshees (Alt. Skin: Dark Sprite)

Sequana, Goddess of the River Seine (Alt. Skin: Mallard)

Abcán, The Dwarven Poet (Alt. Skin: Honeyed Voice)

Airitech, Father of the Three She-Wolves (Alt. Skin: Shrouded)

Abhartach, The Dwarven Vampire (Alt. Skin: Early Riser)

Epona, Goddess of Horses (Alt. Skin: Silver Mare)

Manannán mac Lir, Son of the Sea (Alt. Skin: Ocean Mist)

Torc Triath, King of Boars (Alt. Skin: Hog Wild)

Cirb, King of Wethers (Alt. Skin: Lord of Rams)

Aengus, Bringer of Love (Alt. Skin: Beloved Youth)

Nuada, The Silver Hand (Alt. Skin: Iron Grip)

Balor, King of the Fomorians (Alt. Skin: Evil Eye)

Cailleach, The Ancient Hag (Alt. Skin: Winter's Breath)

Fear Doirich, The Dark Man (Alt. Skin: Wicked Druid)

submitted by /u/Orions1stDagger
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So why can Loki deal damage with his decoy to the titan if 1 he is not in the titan room and 2 no minions are either. -Duel

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:39 AM PST

I was playing Scylla the game was pretty even I was waiting for late game and all he did was put his decoy in the titan room and that was it. He would go by the phoenix put his decoy and it would deal damage every time. That's literally how I lost. How is this even a thing?

submitted by /u/Hacride96
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Smite new Adventures : Smite Wii Sports Resort

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 06:50 AM PST

Some skin codes I found don't know if the work

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:05 PM PST

xxx = 203

Bellona + recolor BMB1FBB87A1B60xxx
xxx= 317

submitted by /u/sahajjain
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Million dollar skin ideas part 4

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:19 AM PST

You wanted, you got it. From the mind that brought you favorites such as Agni in drag, Janitor Poseidon, and Witch Blade Nemesis, space marine Cu Chu who transforms into power armor, and Skeleton Archer Rama, comes a new batch of brilliant ideas.

She-Bulk Terra- Because Gamma Slam Cabra needs a strong woman in his life

Suns Out, Buns Out Sol-A good summer skin, we need more Sol skins where she isn't on fire and is a person. She could get more tan/sun burned as her passive fills. Show off that booty in a cheeky swimsuit and it would be a best seller.

EDM Kali- Raver Girl with glow sticks, incense, furry boots, fishnets, way too short shorts, etc.

Army Girl Neith-She'd be more like a goofy pinup than serious war try hard... green skirt, camouflage top, an army helmet, a rifle instead of bow.

Beach Bella- A plastic shovel instead of a hammer, An umbrella instead of a sword, she whips you with a towel. A folded beach chair as a shield. She plants a giant beach umbrella with her ult. Make her personality not so try hard serious and more about having fun at the beach.

Dojo Bro Ravana- Someone just got their black belt and wants the world to see his sweet punches and kicks.

Candyland Discordia-A whimsical skin. Her apple would be a candy apple. Her clear would throw a big gum drop that explodes into little him drops. Her root would put you in chocolate sludge. A cool peppermint frost for her dash.

Santa Zhong-he has a giant fancy pen and his nice/naughty list which he throws on you. His ult involves presents fying at everyone. His floaty thing could be a little elf with a toy bow and arrow riding a tiny flying reindeer.

Don't worry Chuk, I got you.

Death Dragon Kukulkan- undead black dragon with bones showing and small ravens picking at his remaining decaying flesh. He conjures a deadly apolocalyptic deadly colored tornado that has bones and skulls flinging out. He spits deadly acid that slows you, and his ult is a magical wind outline of giant demonic magic skull.

I can't draw worth a damn, but I create art with my mind instead.

submitted by /u/Go4theEyesBoo
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A question to Hunter players/mains

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 06:07 PM PST

With the recent nerf to titans bane is there any reason to buy it over executioner at all anymore or just on specific hunters? I know titans bane used to be better on the first 1-3 shots because exe needed the stacks to compete but after your 4th shot you were doing significantly more damage on top of the 25% attack speed. But just out of curiosity in what situations would you still buy titans bane?

Edit: question been answered. Thanks Reddit.

submitted by /u/MercuryLiuKangMinato
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Since this year's T5 is pretty much out, what should the kext T5 be?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:45 PM PST

Either Warrior or Guardian? But which one? I'd want a Choo Choo T5, it'd be pretty cool, everytime he transforms he could just get nastier and more grotesque

submitted by /u/ThothsBook
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PogChamp play (not mine)

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:31 PM PST

Smitemon v2.3A - Terror of the Night - with images and videos

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:31 PM PST

Game info

Current version: v2.3 ALPHA

Patch name: "Terror of the Night"

Next patch: January 2018

Download link: HERE

Developer sign up: HERE

Donate: HERE

Screenshots: HERE

Nox Reveal: HERE

Lead developer's note:

As promised by the poll, first Roman Goddess, Nox, came to Smitemon! You can watch the fight above too. Don't forget to redeem your code to get Nox and shiny Nox in wildlands!

Also, "Chirstmas 2017" is available to play (with double shiny chance!)! Collect the item and start the major holiday story that will have events through multiple years!

Happy Holidays,



What is Smitemon?

  • Smitemon is a Smite game that has all the elements of a Pokémon Game

Is there anything special in alpha?

  • Yes, there is "8-Bit" Ra skin which you can claim in Rewards center only while the game is in alpha.

When will updates release?

  • There is no certain schedule, but we try to post new versions monthly at least

Will there be purchasable content for real money in game?

  • Nope, you won't have to purchase anything for real money, ever.

Will there be limited and exclusive skins?

  • Yes, for example, Ra's "8-bit" skin is limited which is given away by red square with L in it.

WIll you ever be able to play on your mobile phone?

  • There are no plans to port the game to mobile phones, and it is highly unlikely.

In which program was this game built?

  • We are using RPG Maker XP and Pokemon Essentials. We used a lot of free things found online so be sure to check out our website's credits page for more detail.

Can I record playing the game?

  • Sure, but please contact us first to avoid some legal issues for our project.

I recieved an error while playing the game

  • We have a discord chat in which you can report all bugs. Alternatively, you can post here and it will get looked at.

I would like to donate and support the project.

  • Thank you for that. If you really want to do this, you can take the link [HERE]( or go to our webpage for additional details!

Isn't HiRez able to take this down?

  • They can shut down this project anytime they want, and we will respect that.

I am unable to unpack this rar file.

  • We use WinRar to pack it so you can try to unpack it with it.

What are gems?

  • Gems are Smitemon's special currency that are currently only avialable through quests. They have no connection to Smite's gems currency.

How do quests work?

  • Each 5 patches, you will get a quest that gives you 100 gems and may give bonus rewards depending of events.

Most assets used in Smitemon game belong to Hi-Rez Studios alone, and we take no credit for material used and respect their rights to shut this project down at any time. This is a non-profit project purely intended to provide entertainment.

Hope you have fun!


Best of all,

Smitemon Development Team

submitted by /u/Smitemon
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