Heroes of the Storm - New Daily Quest: |
- New Daily Quest:
- I don't think it's right that 10 placement games hold more value than one year of grinding.
- Despite the ranked issues, I want to thank dev for the changes in gameplay mechanics.
- Matchmaking is still bugged
- MM still broken. Game is unplayable.
- Payday
- The threads about how "match making is still broken" are never going to go away
- Auto cast BUG revealed
- Completely unmotivated to continue playing ranked
- MM Still Isn't Fixed
- I am a korean hots user
- 2017 and its Character Releases.
- Healer's Handbook: Updates, New Ranked Season and a New Guide in (literally) Forever!
- I just realized what mount I totally want, a surf board but with lava instead of water.
- Nexus Drafthouse w/ GFE Coach CavalierGuest - discussing 2018 Gameplay Changes, PBMMR, and Favorite GCWC Drafts
- Blizzard - For 2018 please prioritize game stability over content.
- I really enjoy this new feature called " Get different rank everyday " Thank you Blizzard
- Blizzard whatever you did with Alarak Please restore it. His W fires in a random direction any time you try to cast it fast. Most of the times it pushes enemy heroes in the opposite direction to what you indicate.
- Clans in HotS
- Blizzard, let’s do away with placements this season
- Looks like HL games are basically stomps right now
- Why do we even need placements? Seasons?
- What if this matchmaking issue is introduction of Sombra?
- The new reset is still broken.
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:44 AM PST | ||
I don't think it's right that 10 placement games hold more value than one year of grinding. Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:11 AM PST This is going to be a bit of rant, but bear with me. A bit more than a year ago I picked up this game from my friends recommendation and around year ago I did my placements in S1 2016 ending up Bronze 4. I used to play a bit of DotA before HotS and I was average, but I didn't expect I'd be placed this low. However, playing with my friends made me notice there was a lot I could improve on. So, I swallowed it up tried to work with my team to grind myself out. With steady rising I ended my first season with Silver 5. In the following two seasons I finished to Gold 3 and in the third season dropped to Silver 1 at placements and decided take a break from ranked for a while. By this time I have clocked around 1100 games in ranked. I did this season's placements at the very start and went 6-4 rose and placed Gold 3. Then the global reset came. Even though I had good placement games (moreso than usual), I thought (and still do) that it was correct choice to fix a bug in the system. However, this time after going 2-8 in the placements, I can't help feeling a bit disheartened. I never liked placements. To me they were almost always the worst 10 games of the season. I would go ~3-7 and place 1-2 ranks below where I ended up last season. Even so, I used to think the matchmaking would be more or less fine and I could deal with the placements somewhat. But now, I'm not feeling sure, if I want to play ranked again anymore. I don't really have any qualms with the gameplay change, nor how many donkeys we get as seasonal rewards. I'm not a huge fan of the stealth rework, and I think some things need a bit tweaking, but I think it's a refreshing change. PBMM is a welcome change, if it works correctly, but I can't deal with the placement games anymore as they are. I believe there's something that can be done about this matter. tl;dr - I think the choice to reset the season was correct, if there really was a bug in the matchmaking system. However, my recent experience leads me to believe the whole placement system is structurally flawed. It can't be right that 10 games at the start of every season hold more value than last ~1100 games in ranked. [link] [comments] | ||
Despite the ranked issues, I want to thank dev for the changes in gameplay mechanics. Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:41 AM PST I feel that Hots is a lot better with these changes. Lane phase is actually something, you can use better globes for quests and sustain and omg the camera is so much better. As a developer, I know that you must be sad because of the ranked issues, but the other changes moved the game to the next level :) [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:36 PM PST Just completed another time placement. Placed in Gold 1 after ending the season in diamond 1. Play at your own risk I guess. [link] [comments] | ||
MM still broken. Game is unplayable. Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:51 PM PST I've always been master (worst case D1 in the last season). [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:30 PM PST
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The threads about how "match making is still broken" are never going to go away Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:39 PM PST Unless everyone get better or equal rankings than before the season reset, everyone who loses ranking is going to make those threads, regardless of whether or not there is still a bug in the match making calculations. With a change in the MMR algorithm, getting a different rank than the end of last season is NOT an unpected thing, in fact, you should probably expect the new rank to be different. And statistically speaking, half of the people who change rank are going to get a lower rank. But that's not going to stop people from blaming the game. Specially now that there was previously a real error. It is always going to be much easier to assume 'the bug is still there' than to think your rank loss was justified. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:29 AM PST Hello everybody. I finally found out what causes the auto cast BUG. If you cast you ability and then auto attack (A+Left click) which I binded to my left mouse button. The ability (when it is an instant Ability) will auto cast as soon as it gets out of cooldown. This will not stop until you cast the ability yourself. You can see it here: https://imgur.com/a/ScCKo This bug has been reported many many times since the last patch on the official Blizzard forum but I didn't see any Blizzard respond. Which may have to do that Blizzard is busy fixing the ranked system. How to avoid the bug: - Do not auto attack (use right click only). - stop playing until a patch is available. [link] [comments] | ||
Completely unmotivated to continue playing ranked Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:24 PM PST Background: I've always been a mid-to-high Plat ranking, and I've never had an issue before the start of this season. My first set of placement games turned out great, went 7-3 with most of my wins coming from my favorite hero: Jaina First reset happened, got pretty bummed out but I kept going. I ended up in Diamond 3 this time. Crazy, right? Never thought a casual player like me would make it into Diamond... and then it reset again. Now I have gone 3-7 in my placements and landed in.. Gold 4. The games were incredibly toxic, unlike anything I've seen before. People constantly yelling and berating each other over the most trivial of things. Sorry if this seemed like me bitching, but I just can't deal with Ranked right now... these resets just have me feeling so unmotivated and unwilling to participate. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:21 PM PST I'm a regular master player that has occasionally fallen to diamond 3 at the lowest. Always been at least master every season (or gm in all but one). I get placed in Platinum 1. Sure, going 3-7 isn't the best score, however I was placed with Platinum players since my first placement game. What gives? Guess it's time to find a new game. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:42 AM PST I am sorry my poor english. but I should say it. today morning hots server in korea was shut down and blizzard korea didnt explain anything for users. and afternoon and now again. Yes hero league have a issue and it should be fixed. but why didnt do anything for understanding users in korea? for three months ago, so much hots and overwatch users are going to battleground. korean game company say something before shut down game. thats why we play korean game. i loved blizzard games i played war2 war3 dia1 dia3 wow burning crusade~legion starcraft 1 2 hots hearthstone overwatch. but now you are disappointed of me. [link] [comments] | ||
2017 and its Character Releases. Posted: 16 Dec 2017 01:06 PM PST 2017 is almost over, and while it's possible that we'll see another hero by the end of the year, I somehow doubt it. What are your thoughts on the heroes released in 2017? Reworks? Zul'jin: Immobile Autoattack-based ranged Assault. Reworked to be god tier then nerfed back in his place. Valeera: Stealth based Melee Assassin. Was very popular at first until people acclimated to her kit. Then they gave her a 2.75 second Silence because no one picked her. Lucio: Hyper-Mobile Ranged Healer. Absurdly overtuned on release, then nerfed to unplayable. Is now back in the meta and fairly decent. Good work imo. Probius: Zone Control Ranged Specialist. Believed to be super strong on release, so he was nerfed, when it was more likely that people weren't quite used to playing against him on his release. Deserves buffs. Cassia: Anti-Autoattack based midrange assassin. Largely unchanged since her release despite her being closet strong. Never turn down a Cassia in draft, personally. Genji: Hyper-Mobile Ranged Assasshole. Marginally overtuned on release, has been, for the most part, the same since his release. We're sort of stockholm syndrome'd to him. Also had an overhyped cinematic. D.va: Multi-health bar Midrange Bruiser. Hard to categorize D.va, honestly. Very slightly overtuned AA and health on release, but has been nerfed to a good stage-dependent pick. My personal favorite hero this year. Malthael: Trait-based tank buster and solo-laner. I find it funny how much they hyped up Last Rites and then no one picked it at all. Since his release, his damage has been almost halved and is still considered among the best characters in the game. Interesting character with a completely terrible release. Stukov: Virus-oriented Solo Healer. Though he's fallen a bit since his release due to continuous reductions to his health, a good niche support and has great ultimates for supplementing peel. Garrosh: Position Punishing Main tank. You know, before Garrosh's release, I didn't imagine him being so... boring. The idea is that you run at your opponent so you can pull them in, and throw them at your team. Meh. Kel'thuzad: Position-influencing Mage. My second favorite this year. A boring ult in the form of Shadow Fissure, but overall a fantastic character. Ana: Skillshot-based Secondary Healer. Stop picking Solo healer Ana. Get a main healer capable of doing some CC or damage and supplement healing with Ana. Then she's fantastic. Junkrat: Sustained damage Ranged Assault. I don't have much to say about Junkrat except that he's a bit underrated. Looked down upon by team in HL when picked. He is what he is. A lot of damage if your aim is decent. Alexstrasza: Max-HP dependent Healer. Alexstrasza's healing is sub-par and relies desperately on the improvements from Dragonform in order to properly function, which I guess is actually fine. If the goal of the character was to have as much value out of Dragonform as possible, then I'd say she was made well. Hanzo: Quest-based Ranged Sniper. What Hanzo does for your team is determined at level 1. Should you decide that your aim is true, you go for Q quest. Think you can do some Simple Geometry? Go for W quest. If you like the combo talents later, consider Redemption. Just know that, no matter what you do, you're just dead if you don't have proper peel. Overall: 15 Characters. 8 Assassins 4 Supports 1 Specialist 2 Warriors 6 OW Characters 2 Diablo Characters 5 Warcraft Characters 2 Starcraft Characters Feel free to pick apart my brief analyses. It's been a long year and I've likely forgotten stuff. [link] [comments] | ||
Healer's Handbook: Updates, New Ranked Season and a New Guide in (literally) Forever! Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:42 PM PST HeyGuys, I am back! And with another long anticipated support guide for the Healer's Handbook! This time be prepared for a deep dive into one of the newer supports introduced to the game. Strap on your heavy space boots and prepare your best yardbrush moustache and Battlecruiser captain accent, because we are talking about Alexei Stukov, our infested Terran healer who never skips arm day. As usual with my guides and writing style, this guide is very in depth so be prepared for a long read, preferably with a warm drink in hand.
As an update to my earlier post here, my experiences since the last season ended haven't been the most optimistic. As with the player seeding bug, game qualities in NA Hero League haven't been the best, but the somewhat quick action taken by Blizzard in attempting to remedy this situation shows that they care about the game and the player's experience. As to my limited experience with performance based matchmaking, I like the system rewarding players based on their performance. However, as with any new system there are issues. While performance based matchmaking was disabled for Hanzo due to lack of baseline data, it should've been disabled for many more heroes, namely the stealth heroes and supports. Both categories of heroes were very recently reworked significantly, Stealth heroes receiving buffs and Supports receiving nerfs across the board. This means that old performance data is inaccurate in determining how well a reworked hero plays. Stealth heroes received inflated adjustments while Supports received deflated adjustments. This issue will persist every time there is a significant hero rework. Therefore I think that performance based matchmaking should be disabled for any reworked heroes for a time in order to determine a new baseline of data. Heroes that receive small tweaks will still be affected, but not to the extent that reworked heroes will be affected. As to the double support "problem" I am seeing much fewer double support games, without affecting my experience too much as a support player, and as such games have become much more enjoyable in that regard. Double support compositions still work, but are much more niche.
Moving forward, I will be concentrating on updating the existing handbook for the new year, and as each guide takes a significant time investment to write, I cannot give a definite answer as to when the next guide will be dropped. Anyways, I am open to any questions, suggestions, comments and concerns as to the newest guide and support play in general. You can find me on twitter @ZeroMax_Hots and on Heroeshearth as ZeroMax.
Cheers, and Happy Hollidays, [link] [comments] | ||
I just realized what mount I totally want, a surf board but with lava instead of water. Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:01 AM PST because fuck logic. also, fuck Auto-Moderator, just in case. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:31 PM PST
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Blizzard - For 2018 please prioritize game stability over content. Posted: 16 Dec 2017 02:22 PM PST Over the last few big patch releases there has always been a few bugs. Most are fixed within a week of release however they're getting worse.
These are my primary concerns with this games longevity. The stability of the game client. So far bugs aside, I'm enjoying the new patch gameplay wise. However I cannot bring myself to play another with how unstable the game is. Rant over. [link] [comments] | ||
I really enjoy this new feature called " Get different rank everyday " Thank you Blizzard Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:28 AM PST Two days ago I was placed in Diamond 3 . Yesterday I had Master 1k . Today I have another chance to probably play with platinum or gold . I mean this kind of feature allows me to see difference between all of these ranks . I can enjoy playing game with many many different people and this is very entertaining . Thank you once again Blizzard ! [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:05 AM PST | ||
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:45 PM PST Hi subreddit! Remember when Clans where announced? Well I do! I am a WoW player as well, and a clan feature in HotS seems awesome! Imagine having weekly quests for the whole clan to complete, with special skins as rewards, gold, special mounts or even heroes. What if we could get something extra while completing a brawl with 5 clan mates? Or even a match. What if we get "escape Braxis" again with clan members, for awesome loot? HotS is a mix of many games. Adding an awesome WoW feature would only make the game better imo. Thoughts? [link] [comments] | ||
Blizzard, let’s do away with placements this season Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:42 AM PST It's quite clear that the system is bugged/broken, whatever you'd like to call it. And with another reset imminent, give yourself more time and forget them this season. This community appreciates how you've responded so quickly, consistently giving us updates. However, it's becoming increasingly frustrating, and as a guy who managed to climb his way to diamond 1 from plat 5 last season, it's honestly putting me off playing all together. Let us just start from where we ended last season. Would anyone be in dismay if they couldn't climb that one rank or two through placements? [link] [comments] | ||
Looks like HL games are basically stomps right now Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:03 PM PST At least half of my matches in HL today, after third reset, were hard stomps. Are you guys feeling this too? [link] [comments] | ||
Why do we even need placements? Seasons? Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:10 AM PST Whats the point? For the noob rewards? The more the season goes towards the end, the more people get placed properly as they shift up and down with their results. Put the PBMM back in and ditch the placements, it does nothing. [link] [comments] | ||
What if this matchmaking issue is introduction of Sombra? Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:21 PM PST | ||
The new reset is still broken. Posted: 16 Dec 2017 01:48 AM PST I was Masters 1200+ last season. After the latest reset on Dec. 15th, I am in Platinum 2 with 4 wins and 6 losses. During the whole placements matches, I was always matched with other platinums/golds/masters/gms in the same team. The ridiculous part was that every time one of the platinums got ban/pick rights. My last placement match teammates stat was here imgur. The gold player was in charge of banning with mix of players in all tiers. Notice that our last season gm player is Platinum 3 now :) [link] [comments] |
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