Skyrim - I’m on my 5th playthrough on Skyrim and I obsess over collecting every book, each time. My husband has had enough this Christmas, and bought me all of them. In real life.

I’m on my 5th playthrough on Skyrim and I obsess over collecting every book, each time. My husband has had enough this Christmas, and bought me all of them. In real life.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:02 AM PST

Paused the game to grab a potion, shits crazy in here.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:30 PM PST

Just finished another Skyrim dragon painting.

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:33 AM PST

It's 2017 and I just finished my first playthrough

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 01:31 AM PST

I am so filled with childlike wonder that I want to write up all my favourite moments, but instead I'll leave you with the biggest surprise: I didn't stealth archer. Gods gave me two hands and I used them both for a fucking axe.

submitted by /u/fourierSlamform
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When you die a virgin:

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 04:25 AM PST

Perhaps the coolest secret santa gift I've ever received

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:45 PM PST

Sneak 100 (Actually 34)

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:33 AM PST

My favourite gaming soundtrack

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 07:26 PM PST

Good way to start day by playing skyrim on bed. :)

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 02:20 AM PST

Perfect Xmas gifts.

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:56 AM PST

I was in Whiterun and I found this note on the Notice Board at the Bannered Mare.

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:54 AM PST

Despite what Side you Take in the Civil War Questline in Terms of Who is Correct, Does Anyone Else Feel That Stormcloak is Just a More Appropriate Choice?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:22 PM PST

I mean, the entire game seems to have this theme of the Empire weakening in one way or another. The DB quest line has you kill the Emperor, the Boxart has the empire's emblem crumbling away, the empire lost to the Thalmor in the Great War, and just in general we get hints of the Empire just being weaker than it was before. So it just seems like a lot more natural for you to be getting the empire OUT of Skyrim. Like out with the old and in with the new.

Also, Ulfric is the game's most fleshed out character I'd say, so It seems more fitting for you to follow the quest line where you get more of him, and get to hear his cool speeches and stuff.

And overall, especially for players who came into elder scrolls with Skyrim, the game is about SKYRIM. It's about the Nord culture and dragons and harsh landscape. It just seems more fitting to join the viking rebellion

submitted by /u/The_CollegeDropIn
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Skyrim Dead is Dead Legendary Survival Playthrough/Guide (No Exploits!)

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:09 PM PST

Hi, everyone. I know Skyrim is old news at this point but I started playing again recently and I am excited to talk about my Dead is Dead (no deaths) Legendary, Survival Mode playthrough (all possible quests).

I've been at it a long time but I finally did it. ZERO deaths throughout the game on the hardest difficulty settings. I DID play with crafting and a follower but I didn't use any exploits.

Since exploits are subjective, I define them as: - no resto glitch - no infinite gold treasure chests - no pickpocketing trainers - basically nothing infinite or obviously unintended gameplay

I didn't use the follower training method for any skills and while I think it should probably be considered an exploit, I find it the least game breaking and I've used it a lot in the past.

This does not mean that I couldn't have made my playthrough more challenging. I could have not used a follower, for example, or not worn armor, or made bad decisions. I don't know, those things seem unnecessary to me but we all draw the line somewhere different :)

Anyway, for the playthroughs I've done in the past, I've mostly stuck to Breton, Orc, or High Elf (best races in my opinion). However, Survival Mode adds a twist with new race passives regarding hunger, warmth, etc. so one has to keep those things in mind. I went with an Orc this time and I can honestly say that the survival passives were hardly noticeable at all compared to say a Breton. But I also tended to be prepared (preparation is the #1 thing on Survival Mode). About that, in the past I have died to:

1) Not having hot soups for the cold. 2) Running out of potions/poisons 3) Not wearing cold weather gear

Just to name a few. So preparation is very important. Here is a short list of other things I found to be useful and a description of what I have found to be the top builds.

1) Run a lot. Especially in the beginning. Pick your battles. Low resists are a killer. So are enemies equipped with exploding arrows if you have the Arcane Archer add-on.

2) Don't power level too much. You'll end up underleveled in relation to enemies. I only spammed spells or had extensive crafting sessions when I was going to see immediate benefit. Same goes for perk expenditures, combat perks early on unless you're going to play business mode for hours in the beginning.

3) Know what you need for your build. I am a firm believer that most builds can work, even for a no-deaths, legendary/survival, playthrough, but you'll need to power up asap. Assassins joining the Dark Brotherhood to get backstab bonuses, etc.

4) Plan your progression in a series of steps. The game is much harder if you level in an "organic" way. In other words, if you go straight to Bleak Falls Barrow, you won't have any apprentice level spells. This is fine, BFB is easy, but obviously you're stronger if you have more of the spells you need.

I played an Orc Illusion Tank. I know this sounds weird. But basically I used the Frenzy line for crowd control and then 1 v. 1'ed the remaining enemy. Now Illusion is very powerful because enemies don't suffer the legendary damage deficit you do and you are essentially removing combatants from play to make things more manageable but it requires a pretty big commitment. However, that's ok. You only really need Illusion for the beginning and end game builds. My mid game is defined by doing a lot of questing and crafting so I am not fighting enemies as often during this time.

What I did:

I put perks in 1-H and Light Armor and only Illusion when needed, going up the right side only to get up to Quiet Casting. This allows you to Calm or Fear level 19 people and Frenzy level 16 (until you have the MP for actual Frenzy, when this shoots up to 24). This is plenty in my experience and you can always use potions to boost this further. By 30 you can make a free illusion set and dual cast Frenzy if you want so I feel the investment is less than it appears at first blush.

Most of the 1 v 1 stuff involves paralysis potions, vegetable soups, berserker rage, and shenanigans like that. If you're good with timing blocks and bashes, you'll do fine.

Early Game I define this as level 1-15. During this time, I'm getting my initial business and magic set up. I get to Windhelm for the Necromancer Amulet. With that and Novice Hood, you can cast 180 MP spells, which is plenty for Fury/Frenzy/Muffle etc. I go to Riften for the Shrine of Zenithar and Thieves' Guild items. This gives me +20% better prices (huge). Then I make the run to Solstheim and brave the frozen north for the Blackguard's gear (upgraded Thieves' guild stuff).

I make a bunch of potions and train Speech with Sadri in Windhelm to get the Merchant Perk. Then I go to Riften and train Light Armor with Grelka. This is very important because it's hard to train armor skills on Legendary on account of everything being able to wreck you very rapidly if you get hit.

At this point, I make what I call the Ivarstead run, flagging all nearby quests and hopping on a horse (horses are also very very important for this mode - faster, easier to avoid enemies, easier to climb, etc.) I do the first leg of Book of Love and so on.

Middle Levels These are my crafting levels. I use the Merchant perks and potion making to facilitate buying materials and training for Smithing, grab the Dwarven Smithing perk, scrounge up Dwarven metal in Markarth (doing 2nd part of Book of Love) and save all my iron daggers.

Next part of business mode is taking all the daggers to Winterhold (be careful, a carriage can't take you out and it's very cold, requiring some planning = warm clothing, soups, a horse, etc.). Then I park in the Hall of Countenance and buy all filled soul gems that are profitable (I'll even buy Grand if I have the Banish enchantment). You need lots of food so you don't starve when you sleep 48 hrs repeatedly but you can keep buying soul gems and enchanting/selling your daggers until you run out. (No I do not consider this an exploit but like I said we all draw the line at a different place, waiting/sleeping is an intended game mechanic so I'm personally fine with it).

This will put Smithing, Enchanting, Alchemy all around level 50-70 and then you're free to work on other stuff or grind more (all the way to 100). I personally just made a set and continued questing, figuring I was geared to a reasonable level.

End game End game is about getting your magic defense and cap up. You can take Atronach Stone with Atronach Perk (and Necromage if you want to go there) or you can go the resist route (I went resist because I like having summons as an option and 85% Magic Resist is plenty even without other resists). Lord Stone + Agent of Mara + 3 Alteration perks = 70% and you can get the other 15% from enchantments. Armor Cap is easy. By the time you can make Glass Armor (which weirdly has close to the highest warmth rating) you will be very close to cap. Make an Alchemy gear set, craft a +enchanting potion, then make a Smithing Set (possibly another, better Alchemy set) then make Smithing potions. You can easily get within 100 of cap without exploits (I am using a shield, remember). Just use Stoneflesh for the rest if you need to.

General Thoughts Breton/Orc are the best races. Breton for 25% Magic Resist and Dragonskin, plus Conjure Familiar right out of the gate (not that the latter matters a lot but still). As a Breton you can get Bound Bow risk free. Grab Atronach Stone on the way and then Dragonskin up at Amol Prison. You have plenty of time to get the Bow before your 100% absorb wears.

Orc is tops too. 2nd Fastest run speed. Survival mode bonuses (whatever those are worth, Survival isn't must harder than vanilla legendary, just requires more planning) but Berserker Rage is the best race ability hands down. Trivializes a fight once per day (as long as you know what you're doing).

Best Builds Conjuration or Illusion-based (they both get around difficulty deficits by using others to fight for you). Builds that kill with weapons (i.e. non-Destruction) because of crafting upgrades (note: you can upgrade Destruction through crafting, just takes longer/is more tedious - you need cost reduction enchanted gear and +damage potions). Builds that can soften enemies up at range (because it's so dangerous to fight up close at times). Builds that have a toolbox (utility items/spells they can use depending on the situation).

Toughest fight: Ironically, the Ratway toward the beginning. I have the Arcane Archer pack and one of the bandits always has exploding arrows. I used Fury/Fear and Paralysis poisons but it was a pitched battle.

Funniest moment: When a bear attacked me on a mountain top in Solstheim, almost OHKO'ed me and I used an exploding arrow w/ paralysis poison and blew it off the mountain top.

Anyway, probably no one cares at this point, but I was proud of achieving this personal goal to do Legendary Survival mode with no deaths. I might try a Destruction Mage next time :)

submitted by /u/purrfectstorm
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I’m afraid this mannequin might punish me if I admit to worshipping Thalos

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 12:11 PM PST

Never played before. Got some PSN cards for Christmas and decided to try it out!

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:37 AM PST

Fus Ro Dah Canvas Print

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:07 AM PST

So near yet so far.

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 03:57 AM PST

So I'm in a game shop, and I see a black coffee mug with a Skyrim logo on it, point to it, tell wife "I would like this mug"

What does she buy me? A glass tankard from the FrostFruit Inn. Who the hell goes to Rorikstead to drink? I never drink beer at home...

submitted by /u/praxis22
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Coolest armour combination you’ve made?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:12 PM PST

Mine was dragonbone armour combined with the white frost dragon priest mask from solsthiem, i think it's named dukaan or something like that

submitted by /u/TGCX48
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I need help with my favorite game

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:21 AM PST

Hello and merry Christmas everyone! I'm going to make this brief. Since I restarted playing Skyrim after a 1-year break, I have noticed that, while playing, the game becomes progressively choppier, up to the point where it stutters so much it becomes horrible to play. When I first open a save, it runs at fluid 60 fps for 1-2 minutes, then it starts degrading. Any idea why this might happen?

I've searched everywhere for a solution, but ultimately I arrived here in search of help. Sorry if I was not allowed to post this here.

I have already tackled the issue of micro-stutter (the 58-59-60 fps thing, where they change very rapidly) and it is NOT the issue. My mod list is also not heavy at all.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/parabolterus
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Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:01 AM PST

Every time i load my skyrim on the 360 my settings for brightness, sound levels,dialogue and difficulty are changed.I have to go and change them every time i load my game. is there a way to change this so i don't have to change it every time i play?

submitted by /u/Deathpicklefarts
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Posted: 26 Dec 2017 06:57 PM PST

One last sip

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:17 AM PST

My fiance got me the best Christmas gifts. The Winking Skeever glass is my favorite.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:13 AM PST

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