RuneScape hi i got told to post this on reddit so i made a reddit today

hi i got told to post this on reddit so i made a reddit today

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 06:11 AM PST

Ironman btw

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 02:58 AM PST

Could we remove this agility shortcut? That is literally 5 cm deep water...

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 02:43 AM PST

Can this stop refreshing every 15 seconds so I can see

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:18 PM PST

RPG Battler will come out within the next few days. So excited even though Jagex never talked about it.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:44 AM PST

Double Pet drop 1 week ago

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 04:52 AM PST

PSA: You Should be Doing These Reqs if Going for Comp/MQC/Trim [List of Time-Locks]

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 06:38 AM PST

TL;DR: For those who may have missed the ProTips post, I wanted to share a list of time locked requirements for the Completionist, Trimmed Completionist, and the Master Quest Cape. Time locked requirments are just as it sounds, requirments that are locked by time and can not be grinded. These can be causation of frustration if you do not get a head start on them during your cape journey. Read ahead for the list of tips and for more information like this and a helpful community to reach your goals with, join our Discord server at Trim Help!

Far too many times I've noticed too late that I had missed a time-locked requirement and had to wait longer than I would've wanted to, so here's hoping this will be useful for those who are going for them!

Time Lock Requirements:

Completionist Cape

  • You need to have a fully completed storyline in the Player-owned port. This requires successfully completing a final Trio Mission for any one of the four Adventurer groups. A full guide to PoP can be found here.

  • Fully unlock all rewards from the Dwarven technology tree and the Cave goblin technology tree.

  • Complete the In Memory of the Myreque miniquest, which can be accessed after completing the River of Blood quest.

  • Unlock Menaphos Tier 10 City Reputation, easily completable by utilizing the daily Soul Obelisks. "Soulobby" Friends Chat is very helpful in finding Soul Obelisks.

  • Unlock all of the combination potion recipes from Clan Meilyr in Prifddinas. While not strictly time-locked, collecting a daily Gorajo card from the Gorajo hoardstalker in the level 95 dungeoneering resource dungeon yields a chance to get a Consistent yak card, which gives a 100% chance to find a Meilyr potion recipe in a dungeoneering floor.

  • Extended daily dungeoneering challenges are an easy way to get to level 120:

    • Forcing dungeoneering challenges becomes available once five or less skills are yet to be maxed.
    • It's possible to stack up to five daily challenges in different skills, and then reroll them into dungeoneering by toggling off the other skills (which have to be maxed) before rerolling. If only dungeoneering and slayer (or some other skill) are the skills left to max, rerolling slayer last will still allow all five challenges to be rerolled into dungeoneering.
  • The Mahjarrat Memories miniquest can be completed while training Divination to 99.

Trimmed Completionist Cape

  • You need to have completed all of the storylines in the Player-owned port. A full guide for PoP can be found here.

  • Unlock Tier 10 Reputation in all Menaphos factions, easily completable over time by utilizing the daily Soul Obelisks using the "Soulobby" Friends Chat.

  • Fully complete the Dahmaroc statue 30 times. It will take 30 weeks at minimum, and it's recommended to build the Statue of Rhiannon alongside the Dahmaroc.

  • If owned, using the Dwarven instinct aura is a good way to complete all Court Cases.

  • Minigame requirements are best done during a spotlight, and the schedule for each spotlight can be seen here. The requirements include:

  • Do the daily Soul Reaper Task to unlock all permanent effects from Death's Store.

  • Purchase the Champion's tackle box from the Fish Flingers fisherman. You can utilize the Friends Chat "2flingish" to assist with this. You can also use the Alt1 Toolkit, at your own "risk", to assist with catch combinations.

  • Obtain the Slayer Codex immediately after level 99 Slayer, and have an ushabti with you on any slayer task where you still need to collect the soul. Capturing all souls is required for the Trimmed Completionist Cape.

  • It is easiest to unlock all rewards from the Artisans' Workshop by completing daily smithing challenges. This turns a gold sink requirement into a money making requirement and breaks up the grind.

  • Use of the Motherlode Maw daily to make some requirements easier.

  • Working towards rank 1 esteem in Runespan is possible while training Runecrafting to 99.

Master Quest Cape

  • You need to have completed all of the storylines in the Player-owned port. A full guide for PoP can be found here.

  • Obtain the Slayer Codex immediately after level 99 Slayer, and have an ushabti with you on any slayer task where you still need to collect the soul. Capturing 110 souls is required for the Master Quest Cape.

  • Using the Dwarven instinct aura is a good way to complete all Court Cases.

  • Complete the In Memory of the Myreque miniquest, which can be accessed after completing the River of Blood quest.

  • Unlock one of the combination potion recipes from Clan Meilyr in Prifddinas. While not strictly time-locked, collecting a daily Gorajo card from the Gorajo hoardstalker in the level 95 dungeoneering resource dungeon yields a chance to get a Consistent yak card, which gives a 100% chance to find a Meilyr potion recipe in a dungeoneering floor.

  • The Mahjarrat Memories miniquest and collecting 100 Elder Chronicles can be completed while training Divination to 99.

Achto equipment

While not related to the capes, Achto is worth mentioning as it's quite prominent end-game armour also with a time-lock to get. Acquiring the tier 90 tank equipment is only possible via the Liberation of Mazcab raids, and looting the bosses is limited to once every two days. On average it takes around 100 raids to gain all 15 pieces of Achto equipment, which takes more than half a year to do. If you're not ready to raid just yet, you can still start working on earning the 5,000 Mazcab Reputation, which will unlock the ability to reroll one loot per raid. Without this unlock it would take way longer to get all three full Achto sets.

submitted by /u/The_Five-O
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allow us to open settings in combat

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 07:16 PM PST

i.e i want to ulter audio in the abbys, or the sorts where your in cb situations that dont allow you to open game settings, if you die in the process its your own fault..

submitted by /u/DevilMakerOG
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Change Senntisten teleport back to its original location

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 02:48 AM PST

The Senntisten teleport used to teleport you close to the exam centre at the digsite. After a ninja fix on July 31st it now teleports you straight to the Senntisten temple. However, the Digsite pendant has an option to teleport to Senntisten as well, which teleports you to the exact same spot. This seems a bit redundant, and the old teleport location was useful for the occasional clue scroll.

submitted by /u/Endeavour_RS
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Definitely swiping right on this guy

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 01:23 PM PST

[Humour] Live. Die. Repeat. [Go Broke]

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:02 AM PST

Did people just shrug off Menaphos because it was mid level content?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 02:01 PM PST

Most threads I've seen view menaphos in a bad light saying it was a bad update because

  • It did not offer end game content

  • Quests were locked behind reputation

On my main I enjoyed Menaphos a lot, it was great graphics wise and the city felt really nice with all the details and examines. The rep was a little inconvenient but I just did like 15 days of obelisks and had no issues. On my ironman I just played normally like a mid level player and got great use out of Menaphos, and just playing normally I got the rep requirements eventually without thinking about it terribly.

Obviously you can't add mid level content without flustering comp capers who want instant access to everything to finish it, but seems like people unfairly hate on Menaphos as an update because it was not tailored directly for them.

submitted by /u/Daxivarga
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PSA: 1.1× XP as of right now!

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 04:10 PM PST

To celebrate the upcoming new year, there is now a .1× XP boost as of midnight 27/12/17 GMT. Not sure why Jagex didn't announce this would be happening beforehand.

A friends chat I'm in is speculating this bonus could go up by .1× each day until New Year's. Has there been any official word on this?

submitted by /u/tenhourguy
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Clue Rework Suggestion

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 06:01 AM PST

While not directly clues but rather the clue box at POH, can we place 1 item at a time rather than having the full set

maybe even multiples of an item?

submitted by /u/Non-Random-User
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When you try to make rs3 first person.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:50 PM PST

Cor blimey mate, what are ye doing in me pockets!?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 02:33 PM PST

Returning vet from 5 year break, so much is new!

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 03:32 AM PST

Hey everyone! I had left shortly after the evolution of combat update. (Nothing to do with the update itself, just timing.) and, after getting the hankering, have returned. Bought myself a month of membership, to see how it goes. I'm an older player, was playing back when 'Classic' was 'current', though I've never been a hardcore player (And it shows, when you look at my stats!) I had quit when I did because I was moving out, and on my own in the world, and the sub fee just wasn't a reasonable drain for something I wouldn't consistently have time to play. I'd also completed the goal I had set for myself as a newb player: To collect all of the Dragon gear! I had just saved up my first 8-ish million when the update hit, and I bought my set of claws about a few days later.

(Boy, they sure don't cost 8 mil anymore, do they!)

I'm half posting here to see what the community's like. I'm still in my old clan, and it was nice to see the regulars, so I think I'll be sticking there. Two new skills, one miles away from what I can work at, but I've gotted Divination to level 35 (and rising!), with the help of the holiday season!

The other half of why I'm posting is because I'm kinda short of a goal. A reason to play. Some sort of drive. Sure, there's getting all the skills to 99. (Or is it 120 now?) but that never interested me. Just getting all my skills to 60 started to bore me. (admittedly, that was five years ago, Plus several more on that) but the goal of getting all the shiny red gear was appealing that I stuck it through. That, and clan wars, but i don't imagine many people are playing THAT anymore.

As a last note: Two questions about the current meta.

I messed with the new combat system a bit, and it was alright, but I went back to legacy for the time being. It's a comforting, familiar look to everything, and the combat is much simpler for playing while tired from the long Christmas days of drinking. Is Legacy still viable for running around and killing stuff? I imagine some of the bosses might require the new system, but...

And secondly, my belovid dragon claws! Perhaps it's because they're my final acquisition, or maybe I just like the ascetic, but are they any good anymore? I know people absolutely loved them back in the day, but they no-longer command the same hefty price tag they once did....

((P.S. Anyone still doing dungeon runs? I remember them fondly...))

submitted by /u/TheknightofAura
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XP marker comes back after hidding

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 04:04 PM PST

I got a Twitch lootcrate for nothing?

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 06:49 AM PST

I logged in this morning, and I had a twitch lootcrate in my inventory. It seems weird because I haven't watched a lootscape for at least 2 weeks, and I did receive a crate after that stream. Ofc, it is possible my twitch account was compromised and someone watched a lootscape for me (lol), but I don't think that's the case since I still have my account and none of my other accounts have been compromised. Anyone else heard of this happening?

submitted by /u/nadnerb12
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Make the clan vex non-placeable inside the Max Guild.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:34 PM PST

The Max Guild is tiny enough already and most of the players are either a) already in a clan or b) not interested in a clan. It's an eyesore too, just like those ugly achievement spamming flags on SGS.

Any other place where noobs hang around is fine, just not the MG.

EDIT: Also, since I took a break for give or take 2 months, all of the pets seem to dance now when standing very close to the bank booth. Is it the Xmas props causing this?

submitted by /u/Gaben_Newell_Scapist
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To All The Scappers Out There

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:46 AM PST

You guys are fam, real talk. Met so many of my friends through this game, and it's changed my life more then anything til this day.

Here's to many more years ya buncha nooblets <3

submitted by /u/Swarrel
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Does anyone know what time exactly the last stream this year will be, lootscape hasn't worked for me but i might as well still try.

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 03:14 AM PST

If anyone knows i would greatly appreciate knowing too.

Edit: no lootbox Proof i did everything right and watched the stream.

submitted by /u/Drakansoul
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Coal bag still can't be emptied at deposit boxes

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 05:29 AM PST

My average xp/h over my entire gametime is 36,800 xp/hr (Total level 2131). What is yours?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:15 PM PST

I'm terribly inefficient. I realised this when FatNooblet the YouTuber maxed his ironman roughly 2900 hours, which is roughly 129,300 xp/hour. That is so awesome! I know there are people who Max faster, but it's not a race, it's about enjoying the game the way you like it :)

I spend most of my time on discord, bank standing or chatting in game...not even afk skilling. I especially enjoy trying out different money making methods, most of which provide little to no xp gains.

To calculate:

Average xp/hr = (total xp) / ( total game time, in hours).

You can get total game time from rune metrics or from Hans outside Lumbridge Castle. Remember total hours = (days X 24) + (hours).

For interest, what is your total level or xp? I hypothesise that higher xp rates come with higher total level or total xp. What do you do with your time?

Merry Xmas everyone :)

submitted by /u/GuardianP53
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Nice surprise on 200th city quest

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:18 PM PST

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