RuneScape Merry Christmas, from all of us!

Merry Christmas, from all of us!

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 03:22 AM PST

An interesting approach to getting new players

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 04:49 AM PST

Attuned Crystal Teleport Seed is the most underrated update of the year.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 06:24 PM PST

Imo the best single teleport item in the game. Gets you to a bank instantly, fastest summoning method for keeping pouches, 3 teleports to farm patches, fast fairy ring, fast spirit tree, fast to max guild garden portals, and best item for elf thieving. I saw nothing on it for favorite update of the year and I feel it is vastly overlooked.

submitted by /u/incoffins
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When someone decides to bomb the pile at an AOD mass

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 10:12 PM PST

8 years later and I finally found the rare little guy

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 02:52 AM PST

PSA: A guy with a 3-digit number + 1 letter RSN is scamming people in w2 with Brine Sabres. Their real value is way lower (70k) than trade value (517k) and they only alch for 15k. Don't fall for it!

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 02:55 AM PST

Finally got my favorite title of the game!

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 06:05 AM PST

Saw this on tinder today

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 10:17 AM PST


Posted: 22 Dec 2017 08:55 AM PST

Graardor B2B Uniques (Chestplate for collection, 2k kills dry) and then...

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 10:30 PM PST

Confirmed: Dungeoneering is a Minigame!

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 07:51 AM PST

They weren't joking when they said Unstable Rifts

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 10:30 PM PST

2017 has been rough

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 12:54 PM PST

It makes me happy seeing Daemonheim this packed

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 02:53 PM PST

Just what I needed

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 09:00 PM PST

First age cape to act as a prayer 99 cape if owned.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 08:43 PM PST

seems to make sense

submitted by /u/Chrismite
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How to fix the Wilderness to make both sides happy in 2018.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 11:35 AM PST

So I can see where both sides are coming from when it comes to being PKed or PKing in the Wilderness. People don't take good gear into the wildy anymore because everyone's all about risk vs reward at this point and min-maxing. PKers still want to have fun and the thrill of a fight, but perhaps they don't like the lack of convenience services in OSRS or don't want to start a new character.

When you go in the Wilderness for a Lava Strykewyrm task, hunting Revenants, or to train Agility or do Runecrafting, you know that going in you're risking dying in order to get better gold or EXP per hour compared to many other methods. That is the Wilderness compromise.

On the other side of the coin, a lot of people dislike that people PK them when they're not risking shit all. They don't fight back at all because they don't care if they lose what they're carrying, and the fight is completely one sided due to whatever gear the PKer is carrying. The argument from the PvMer or skiller side of things is that PKers are simply griefing in a permitted griefing area.

Both sides are correct to an extent, but in all honesty I have to side that you are entering the Wilderness for a reason and you understand the risks. But I still hate it when someone just griefs me while training Agility with nothing on me, not even a Demonic Skull.

To be honest, Runescape is a much more casual game now, so imo the Wilderness should be slightly more casual, but still risky. Currently it creates a great divide among the community between those that do PK and those that do not.

As such, I'd like to propose a rework to how death is handled in the Wilderness, and how that cash flow is treated.

Dying in the Wilderness

I suggest that when you die in the Wilderness, your reclaim cost is doubled but you do not drop your items on the ground (minus a few mentioned later on).

The half of the doubled cost is dropped on the ground as Dirty Money. We'll touch on how dirty money is handled when addressing skulling and PKing in the Wilderness.

PKing in the Wilderness

So you want to be a dirty slimeball and kill some noobs, huh? Well hopefully without the risk of losing their stuff, people will take much more expensive gear into the wilderness and their reclaim cost will be high. Example, someone carrying a Noxious weapon and Nex armor will have roughly a 1m reclaim, doubled to 2m. You'd get 1m in dirty money when you kill them.

And what's nice is the guy you killed probably doesn't care because he just made 6m in the last hour from Lava Strykewyrms. But you can make 20m an hour killing people who are killing Lava strykes... but there is a caveat, and that is how dirty money is handled.

Dirty money and the Coin Pouch

With not losing your stuff in the Wilderness, all coins can be added to the coin pouch while inside.

This includes Dirty Money, however you cannot add the coins to your pouch while skulled. This adds an element of risk to continually PKing people. Their reclaim cost can't be immediately added to your money pouch.

While carrying Dirty Money, you cannot leave the Wilderness either to wait out your skull timer, and dirty money is always dropped on death. However if the amount of dirty money in your inventory exceeds your reclaim cost, you won't have to pay for a reclaim.

What did you expect? You're not risking your PKing gear, but you can't just escape scott free with the cash easily or the method would be broken.


Because there's less risk involved with going in the Wilderness, we'll make the skulling system more dynamic. To start with, you will not be skulled until you kill someone. However! Even if you kill someone in self defense you will be skulled. Why? Because the skulling system will now be determined by how much dirty money you have.

When you kill someone, you will receive a skull based on the value of your kill. This is determined when the coins are dropped, not when you pick them up.

For every 1 million coins in dirty money you collect, your skull timer will increase by 10 minutes up to a max of 40 minutes at 4 million coins. The minimum skull timer is 10 minutes.

Every kill refreshes the skull timer as well.

Wilderness Items

There needs to be risk to going into the Wilderness to do skilling, too. Things like Kalgerion demons and Lava strykewyrms require you to carry combat gear, so we won't adjust their reclaim costs.

However Cursed Energy would become super OP if not addressed by this new system. That's why the reclaim cost for every Cursed Energy will be 400 coins, a commonly used street value for Cursed energy but not 500 gold which is its default value. This leaves the method as profit if you're 95 Divination and transmuting the energy into Incandescent, but it's risky for anyone below that.

Demonic skull would remain as it's currently handled - turning into 500k on death and losing the item.


  • No more risking your items in the Wilderness, instead double reclaim cost and the PKer gets half as dirty money.
  • Can put coins in money pouch while in Wilderness.
  • Dirty money cannot be pouched while skulled and drops on death, but can reduce reclaim costs for the PKer.
  • Skull system changed to skull you upon successfully killing a player instead of on attacking.
  • Skull timer now scales from 10 - 40 minutes depending on how much PKing you've done.
  • Cursed energy reclaim cost now 400gp ea to prevent it from being a broken method with no risk.
  • Demonic skull continues to be handled as is.

Questions to Discuss

  • What about people that grief others by attacking and weakening them but not killing them? Next question addresses weakening players to make a mob last-hit them.
  • Dirty money should only drop on PvP deaths, correct? Should reclaim costs still be double if dirty money isn't dropped?
  • Does having dirty money reduce a PKer's reclaim costs serve as a good gold sink, or should it not reduce their reclaim costs to add to the risk of PKing?

Everything mentioned in the topic is open to discussion as well. Hopefully we can come up with a good system that Jagex can use to make the Wildy great again.

EDITS (in order, some may overlap and override previous statements)

Even if spaced out as a separate topic, everything below this is considered an edit and is a result of community discussion.

  • Dirty money now skulls on pickup or turns to dust when dropped manually (discuss) to prevent PKers from drop trading their cash to mules. Should being skulled allow you to be attacked by anyone regardless of level? This would prevent people using lv3 mules.
  • Cursed energy cannot be transmuted while in the Wilderness to reduce reclaim cost.
  • Perhaps food and potions should be dropped on death so PKers can use the supplies to continue PKing?
  • Should 0 items be protected on death to ensure reclaim cost stays consistent?
  • PvP worlds would remain as they are with the current system to give people the option to use the legacy risk system to PK.
  • Leaving the Wilderness removes your skull, as the skull is now an indicator of someone having dirty money and you can't leave the wildy with it on you.
  • If someone dies to a PvM death in the wilderness, the part of the reclaim cost that would normally go to dirty money would simply be dropped as coins for anyone to pick up and pouch (unless tagged by a PKer beforehand). Either that or only have double reclaim for PvP deaths, but I dunno... Sounds too casual.
  • To clarify, Cursed Energy reclaim would be 400 while in the wilderness. This includes the Wilderness reclaim doubling, so essentially a base reclaim cost of 200gp.
  • To prevent low level Wilderness camping for easy escapes while waiting for the skull timer to go away, perhaps it could tick down at 50% rate while below Wilderness level equal to 15% of your combat level (~Lv20-21 Wilderness for a 138 combat player). (Courtesy of this comment)

Change to how Dirty Money is handled... Courtesy to this comment.

  • Dirty money no longer picked up into the inventory, but rather is stored with Mr. Ex in Edgeville where you can pick it up once your skull wears off.
  • When someone is PKed, their reclaim cost + the amount of dirty money they have is sent to the killer's dirty money storage. The PKer can be PKed as well to have their dirty money + reclaim go to their killer, and so on.
  • Your skull timer is remembered between trips to the Wilderness as long as you still have dirty money to claim.
  • This allows PKers to leave the wildy when they want in case they get bored, etc; but they still must always spend time in the wildy risking their dirty winnings before claiming them. They now just have an option of when they choose to do so.
  • A skull is used to show that the player has dirty money available for the taking and is a currently active PKer. If they have no dirty money then they do not have a skull.

Gear too OP to be commonplace in PvP (Achto, t90 Defenders, etc)

  • Some equipment such as Achto raids armor would be OP if permitted to be used freely in the Wilderness with only reclaim costs to deal with, so overpowered PvP gear would need to be looked into. Either prevent it from being used in the wilderness or possibly use separate reclaim costs for wildy apart from the rest of the world where you can inflate the reclaim cost of OP gear. (Courtesy of this comment.)
submitted by /u/ACanadianNoob
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Pretty accurate lol

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 09:47 AM PST

Does any1 happen to know if the recent changes to legacy interface were intentional

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:46 PM PST

On the 27th November the legacy interface was changed. To describe it simply the clickzones on the tab icons have been severely reduced. This makes switching around tabs quickly or actually at any speed at all more difficult.

Here is a gif of the bug:

I click but it won't change tab unless you click right in the middle of the tile. So I send in bug reports and post on reddit lol, there's been no kind of response on the issue tho

Seems like an unnecessary change to me and surely is a bug considering it was never mentioned in any patch note or news post. It hasn't achieved anything it just reduces the clickzone on the fundamental part of the interface for no reason and makes the game more annoying and feel more buggy.

Almost 10% of the playerbase use the legacy interface so consider fixing it again so it can be like it was before. And by before i mean 2004-2017 thx man

submitted by /u/L2ggs
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Guess he's done.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 02:03 PM PST

Small QoL update, but thanks! It looks much nicer.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 07:56 PM PST

I need to change my flair now...

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 06:42 PM PST

The life of a 'Scaper.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 03:30 PM PST

Today my account turned 10 years old, I never would of imagined this to ever happen but it somehow has happened! Throughout the 12 years of playing Runescape my life has gone through a lot.

I've been playing Runescape since i was 6 (Original account details are lost though but current main is 10 years old.) Being dyslexic and young Runescape taught me how to spell, it taught me grammar and taught me weird science such as what bronze is made of. I still struggle with spelling but Runescape really has helped me. Some of my memories are such as learning how to spell "cape" because i when i became a member for the first time i saw a guy with an obsidian cape. I wanted it so badly and I remember yelling at the guy "how to get cap". he later informed me how to spell "cape" and "same" correctly and I'll never forget it. Runescape helped me develop social skills too, how to interact and hold a conversation. I managed to make friends IRL because of our mutual love of Runescape and I'm still friends with them!

Runescape has also been there for me during my darkest times. During the ages of 13-15 I struggled with terrible depression but there has been people there for me even though i didn't know them IRL they helped me. I know I probably shouldn't mention names but a player called "MurphNut" was a massive help. She Prevented me from suicide multiple times. She helped me when I was in need and I can't ever thank her enough. (sad to say I have not seen her on in a year or two :( ) Now present day there are other players too who have been there to help me such as "YGE". I honestly can't thank these two that I've mention enough. In fact this Christmas I received my first Christmas card from YGE.

When i was younger Runescape influenced me so much, i remember running around as a kid jumping and spinning and pretending i used the AGS special. Ever since I was a kid I've wanted to become a game designer because of Runescape and Runescape even affected my GCSE and A level choices. A goal since i was 6 is to work at Jagex and the ability to work on Runescape. I know this is all very cringey but Runescape has been such a big part of my life and it means a lot to me. So thank you to everyone that is part of the Runescape community and thank you Jagex for making this game. I don't know where I would be without Runescape.

There's probably more stories i could go into but I'm trying to keep it short.

TL;DR: Been playing for 12 years now. Thank you to the Runescape community.

submitted by /u/mazom
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