RimWorld The Legendary Bed

The Legendary Bed

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 07:29 PM PST

Medicine of Rimworld #17

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 04:19 AM PST

Chick bites yorkie's tail off. Yorkie rips chick's head off.

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 05:11 PM PST

The Ninth Day of Rimmas (RimWorld Comics' Holiday Special)

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 08:54 AM PST

"Now to release my arrested coloni..."

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 10:22 AM PST

Just realised that I've never seen a young mechanoid before

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 09:30 PM PST

Fibrous Mechanites + Work Frenzy

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 03:13 PM PST

Insects. And also raiders.

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 08:58 PM PST

It was just like any other day in the colony. 3 years in, large hydroponic corn farm that needed to be harvested, etc, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary. My new refrigerator was being dug by Dmitri, a fully bionic man, save for an eye and his left leg. Again, nothing out of the ordinary. Lumi, Dmitri's wife was researching, and also preparing for Dmitri's next surgery to install an adrenaline rib. Lump was cooking, and Peter was making some "sweet lovin" to Alice. Once again, nothing out of the ordinary.

But the ordinary can become extraordinary.

Andrew had just been outside the compound, shouting news of an extreme mega insect infestation to the north of the colony. At least 4 nests and 20 insects were there, beginning to dig closer to the mega base. It was a problem needing to be dealt with immediately. Everyone instantly geared up in power armour and headed out, except for Andrew, who was positioned at a mortar just in case. With everyone in position, Dmitri started opening fire, along with Lumi. Two insects fell, but four more took their place. The colonists continued firing, but the insects kept streaming from the tunnel. A mega spider snuck around the colonists and slashed at Lumi twice, slashing off her arm. Dmitri shot the spider, and ran to his wife. She was in bad shape, and continuous bleeding without treatment would cause her to bleed out within the day. Another insect came and attacked Lump, slashing him until he downed. The colony needed to take drastic measures, so Dmitri ran to Lump to save him, while everyone else fled. An insect slashed his non-bionic eye out, but Dmitri managed to run with Lump back to the colony for Andrew to treat him.

But things got worse.

A raid of 14 pirates was coming from the south. The colony was being ambushed from both sides, and things started looking bleak. The Pirates were attacking immediately, and were already charging the colony. The insects had broke through the feeble slate walls surrounding the complex. Without much other choice, Dmitri, Lumi, and everyone else but Lump (who was resting in a medical bed, wounds festering) went and positioned themselves at the sandbags. Half the colonists shooting at the insects, the others shooting at the Pirates. Thankfully everyone was a good shot, but even that wasn't enough. Two insects ganged up on Peter, and he fell dead, his heart destroyed. Alice went into an extreme rage, attacking everything around her. She slew the two insects that killed her fiancé, then turned to Dmitri. Dreading what he had to do, Dmitri ran over to Alice, and with his bionic strength, punched Alice in the face. Her brain was crushed.

Without 3 of 7 colonists, the Pirates began to gain on the colonists. A raider with a sword managed to get close enough to Andrew to stab him, but Andrew overcame him, shooting the pirate in the head. A pirate with a sniper watched as his comrade fell, and shot Andrew in the chest, ripping apart his organs. Another pirate with a doomsday rocket launcher fired his rocket. Carlton was demolished, and Lumi's left leg was blown off. She was downed. With Lump dead in the hospital, Dmitri was the only one left, besides him downed wife. His bionics gave him a chance, but a slim one. Though he had one eye gone, his bionic one made up for it. Dmitri shot 7 raiders, but four were left. Bullets had penetrated his flesh, and he was close to blacking out. Fires burned around him. The pirate with the sniper took aim down his sights, and shot Dmitri in the chest. He was downed. The colony was doomed. But at least he fell beside his wife. He calmed her into death, unable to save her. She died, and Dmitri's world was crumbling around him. His home for the past three years was gone, his friends were gone, and his wife was gone. Defeated, Dmitri drifted into the abyss.

This has been a true RimWolrd story, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

submitted by /u/Thy_Nomad
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How would a boar's laughter sound?..

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 10:37 PM PST


Posted: 21 Dec 2017 06:16 PM PST

"we must save this downed raider, children aren't bad!"

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 09:59 AM PST

the day tables were invented is celebrated...

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 11:21 AM PST

When a pyromaniac crash lands in your colony

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 07:58 PM PST

When your mod list is bigger than the game itself...

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 06:45 AM PST

Well... I guess that's it

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 10:19 AM PST

Crude sciencing - Room walls and temperature (Beta 18)

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 12:59 AM PST

(Screenshot lost. Damnit! Expect lower quality reporting)

Test setup: five buildings out in the open in ice sheet climate, 10x10 empty interior space in each, no doors, with following wall configurations. All walls were granite.

A) Single layer wall (the simplest)

B) Double layer wall (no space between walls)

C) Double layer wall (1 tile wide space between walls)

D) Hybrid of A and B. North and east walls of the building are double layer (no space), while south and west are single layer.

E) Triple layer wall (no space between walls)

Outdoor temp on the test map: about -60C

Heaters per room: Two, all set to +51C

My initial observation is that rooms take several hours, if not a full day to reach steady max temperature. I am not sure if snow and ice on the floor absorb heat. I debugged in sandstone floors and waited for the snow to melt. Here are the results:

  1. The winner: B. Technically this was just as effective as the triple layer (E), but of course double takes less resources to build. Max temp got up to around 20C ? I can't remember. But this was the winner. I now wish I had included doors in the test, but I'm speculating a door would've lowered the temp only by 5-10C.

2nd place goes to C. Actually not much worse than the winner, by about 10C if memory serves right.

3rd place goes to D. Again not much behind C. Further 5C drop in temperature. An argument could be made that this is better than C due to taking less resources to build.

4th place goes to A, naturally.

So is it worth it to have double walls? Absolutely. The colder it is, the more important it is. Even partial doublewalling will help. It's important to doublewall the exterior walls, not so much the interior.

The testing wasn't thorough. The effect of mountain overhead should've been tested. Also doors and various wall and door materials could've been tested, but I believe Rimworld materials have equal heat insulating properties. Door spacing effect should've been tested as well, by which I mean two doors with 0 or 1 or more tiles of space between them. Doubledooring does help temperature though, at least in my experience (with 1 tile between them). At any rate, all this is not so much about temperature but energy conservation. A heater consumes either 175W or 10W, and it can flicker rapidly between the two states. It's in your best interest to keep them at the 10W rating for as long as possible, and you can do that by lowering the target temperature or by adding insulation.

submitted by /u/cataveteran
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My favorite thing about Scythers

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 06:44 PM PST

"Hold my beer"

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 08:36 PM PST

When your colonist has 20 strength

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 01:45 PM PST

Colonists vs Hare.

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 02:02 PM PST

I will willingly kill off useless members of my colony without remorse. But I will do anything I can to protect my self tamed female hare that has Alzheimer's. She has frequent mental breaks were she wanders aimlessly. =,(

submitted by /u/Rogue_TitanVI
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Hey Cassie, can I interest you in a warm tall glass of go fuck yourself?

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 08:55 AM PST

Rez serum mission 4 days away:

Send the colony scrubs to secure the cargo - 2 pyros and a staggeringly ugly. 0.6 days away from the AO they get ambushed, and immediately on entering the area the 2 pyros contact the plague. In the fight 2 pawns get downed but they prevail, and spend the remaining map time in triage and resting up. Get kicked from map still in bad shape. Upon entering the serum map, the 2 pyros die from plague. Ugly grabs the serum, leaving behind 2 full sets of power armor and charge rifles and starts the journey back.

1 day later: AI core mission 3 days away

Decide to take this mission a bit more serious, and gear up the newest 5 pawns. They send off, and 2 day into mission get ambushed. The fight goes badly - the muffalo decides he doesn't want to eat the delicious grass up north and just wanders down into the firing range. Downed. 1 pawn gets downed, 3 others are bleeding out. The only guy not hurt won't haul, can't heal, and only mines. Great. You get component mining duty, you worthless fuck.

Spend the next day in triage, fighting off extreme infection. Have to amputate a finger before it kills the medic. Critical failure. Finally patch up, rest up, and 4 hours for map to expire they take stock and start to prepare for the return journey home. Cougar decides now is the time to attack the muffalo. Kill the cougar and patch up the muffalo, but he is in bad shape. get kicked from map as the last bandage applies.

Return home should take 4 days, and they have 5 days of food. They start out ... 9 days to home, due to muffalo injuries. No problem, a re-supply caravan will meet them and escort them the final couple days.

2 days later, ambushed. Terrain is favorable, and only a little bleeding needs to be tended. Lots of food drops, and things are looking up. Decide to take the night to rest up and fully heal before heading out. This journey is finally back on track.

30 manhunting squirrels spawn in the bottom right corner of the map. Right on top of the survivors' camp. The. Fucking. End.

Edit: At some point the second group also contracted malaria.

submitted by /u/govtcheeze
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So...funny story, some traders decided to come during a toxic fallout

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 06:54 PM PST

During a toxic fallout, some traders decided to come and visit the colony. My plan is to build a bunch of beds to heal whoever gets downed and to improve our relationship, and maybe some more prisoner beds for whoever gets downed and I want to keep >:)

EDIT: never mind, they just left

submitted by /u/HueittY
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The Insect War

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 11:14 PM PST

So its been awhile since i have been on this site and played rimworld but in my last play session a infestation got a bit out of control with 28 hives.I ended up with a war against roughly 130 insects split almost evenly between all 3 types. After a full day of gunfire the smoke cleared and my colony managed to kill them off. This was the aftermath of the battle. https://imgur.com/gallery/m1VZK

submitted by /u/Cashdiddy
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Mod request: Replace hit colonist hit sounds with the roblox "oof"

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 04:47 PM PST

My Rimworld colonists are true artists

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 12:48 AM PST

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